The Lee-Tseung nonsense?
Since Lee Cheung Kin passed away, I include his name here so that I would not be accused of stealing his credit. The Lee-Tseung nonsense include:
1. We are immersed in a sea of energy. These energies include gravitational, electromagnetic and bombardment by air molecules on Earth. 2. These forces and energies will still be surrounding an object even if we manage to cool the object to absolute zero degrees. Some people call such energy zero point energy. 3. If we can lead-out or bring-in such energies into a system, the system does not need conventional fuel. Such a system is NOT the impossible perpetual motion machine. 4. The water rocket can bring-in kinetic energy of air molecules as it is cooler after firing. The apparent Input energy is the pumping energy. The Real Input Energy is the sum of the pumping energy plus the kinetic energy of air molecules. 5. The Milkovic 2SO can bring-in gravitational energy as can be seen in the RHEAD video 5. 6. The pendulum can be replaced by an unbalanced wheel as in the Chan Wheel with much increased efficiency. 7. If gravitational energy can be brought-in in such a technique, magnetic or electromagnetic energy must be able to be brought-in. All we need to do is to replace the pendulum with a magnet and place other permanent magnets to provide the appropriate magnetic field. 8. In FLEET (Forever Lead-out Electromagnetic Energy Transformer), we can bring-in electromagnetic energy via LCR type circuit resonance. Apache Ong learned and improved it. He now works for Tesla Motors. The Powerwall product is a result. 9. Lead-out electrical energy can be seen from the waveforms of an oscilloscope. The Input can be 5V DC. The BEMF spike can be over -580V across the coil. The current (voltage across a one ohm resistor) can still be positive. The product gives negative power. During the spike of around 2ms, negative energy is clearly seen and measureable. 10. The Fung wheel placed horizontally will not lead-out gravitational energy. This can be confirmed by experiment. The Fung Wheel is an unbalanced Wheel. 11. The ninth design of the lead-out energy flying saucer will provide a net thrust as a result of the difference in centrifugal forces. 12. The 225 HP Pulse motor developed in USA and funded by Hong Kong is real. It can use both lead-out gravitational and electromagnetic energies. 13. The Tsinghua University Energy Multiplier is also real and uses both lead-out gravitational and electromagnetic energies. 14. USA and Chinese Governments (and may be others) developed man-made UFOs. 15. The UFO technology can wipe out all existing war planes, missiles and star war defenses. Thus the free energy and UFO technologies are not allowed to be developed commercially. 16. The inventors or supporters are being silenced in many ways. However, the patent offices allowed some "impossible" perpetual motion machine patents. 17. The Oil Cartel have seen working prototypes and allowed the price of oil to drop. 18. The rise of the lead-out energy flying saucer or UFO technology is inevitable. The World Leaders must rethink their strategies. 19. Our "nonsense" strategy is Love Thy Enemies and turn them into Brothers and Sisters. 20. The Goal of Tseung is to ensure that the knowledge is passed on. There is no point to carry it into the grave.
« Last Edit: 2016-07-05, 17:47:47 by ltseung888 »