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Author Topic: Momentum Conservation Anomalies based on Field propagation at finite speeds  (Read 25596 times)
Group: Elite
Hero Member

Posts: 3537
It's turtles all the way down
Willie Johnson unified gravity and magnetism in his gyroscopic force theory, but it awaits to be proven with experiments.

His books are not censored or classified at this time, and are available on LULU.com

Can he devise a simple physical test of his hypothesis?

"Secrecy, secret societies and secret groups have always been repugnant to a free and open society"......John F Kennedy

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 1961
IMO the thing that unites everything is the aether.  Or more accurately the active aether full of massless particles whizzing along at light speed.  Although massless, these particles have energy and momentum.  Also spin.  When they come into contact with a particle of matter that is not traveling at light speed the matter particle get a force impulse.  What we measure as a continuous force is really an enormous number of these impulses merging together.  It is that background of aether generated impulses that is responsible for the Heisenberg uncertainty.  The random nature of that background gets modified somewhat by the presence of a nearby matter particle, that modification taking on different forms depending upon the type of nearby particle and its velocity.  We see the result of such modification as different forces which we have labelled as electric, magnetic, gravitational etc.  But the common link is those aether particles.  EM waves are not smooth waves, they come in chunks that are part of the background of aether particles.  That background is also responsible for inertia, if there were no aether particles there would be no inertia.  Inertia is not an internal property of a body.  Acceleration through the aether generates the restraining force from contact with the aether particles, so it is external in nature.  Newton was not aware of the impulsive or corpuscular nature of inertia, so he can be forgiven for getting it wrong.


Jr. Member

Posts: 69
IMO the thing that unites everything is the aether.  Or more accurately the active aether full of massless particles whizzing along at light speed.  Although massless, these particles have energy and momentum.  Also spin.  When they come into contact with a particle of matter that is not traveling at light speed the matter particle get a force impulse.  What we measure as a continuous force is really an enormous number of these impulses merging together.  It is that background of aether generated impulses that is responsible for the Heisenberg uncertainty.  The random nature of that background gets modified somewhat by the presence of a nearby matter particle, that modification taking on different forms depending upon the type of nearby particle and its velocity.  We see the result of such modification as different forces which we have labelled as electric, magnetic, gravitational etc.  But the common link is those aether particles.  EM waves are not smooth waves, they come in chunks that are part of the background of aether particles.  That background is also responsible for inertia, if there were no aether particles there would be no inertia.  Inertia is not an internal property of a body.  Acceleration through the aether generates the restraining force from contact with the aether particles, so it is external in nature.  Newton was not aware of the impulsive or corpuscular nature of inertia, so he can be forgiven for getting it wrong.


Thank You for posting your work here, I really enjoy your posts.

What if the elementary particles, which are supposedly building the atom's , just a part of a cycle of the Atom. Electron's proton's neutron's are only definite positions in the atom's wavelength arc. Each atom is alive, and breathing like we do in an extremely high frequency, which we have no instrument yet to observe, but we observe several effect, which could support this theory. Gravity may just a result of the atom's identity. The collapsing atomic field (after the electron wavelength tangent out till it reaches the atom energy boundary)  having the difference between the local and the atom identity wavelength. This could be compatible with your theory i guess!

I believe the binding forces between atom's are flowing wavelengths which phasing the atoms together. This phasing wavelength is different in each location of the universe, depending on what focus point we are., It could be possible,if our space probes reaching the interstellar space, after several thousand year somebody may will wonder, how this cloud of different atoms came together, because each atom's would be separated from each other, because of the missing phasing wavelength. Only their own identity will survive, the binding force (overload on the atomic cycle) slowly will disappear.

What do you think?
« Last Edit: 2016-02-25, 22:18:55 by Chef »

"A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away." Antoine de Saint-Exupery
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