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Author Topic: A gentleman sharing a magnet motor build .[NDA issues??]  (Read 15936 times)
Group: Ambassador
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Posts: 4050

Seems intriguing ??

thanks for looking and commenting

Chet K
adding Macks comments here


I have thought long and hard about revealing the results of my magnet motor experiments but time is my enemy and time is growing short. I want to get this information out before it's too late so I wish to present to you a simple concept for a successful magnet motor. It is a basic rule of nature and that rule is balance. Yin and yang. There is symmetry in nature wherever you look.

This is a pure magnet motor without electrical coils. It seems that everyone claims you can not have a pure magnet motor because you can not get past the sticky point. Well, you can, and it is relatively easy to do. All you have to do is set up your magnets for a net 0 magnetic pull. That means for every set of magnets that are in attraction you simply provide a set that is in repulsion. Think about that, as one rotor / stator magnet set is attracting each other, there is another set that are repelling each other. The two forces cancel each other. How simple.

Now the dubunkers are probably already typing their reply calling me an idiot because no magnet motor could possibly run without magnetic attraction! Well, you must have magnetic attraction so where does it come from? It comes from iron ramps between the stator magnets. You have all seen ######s picture that shows the 4 magnets on the rotor and a repelling magnet at the end of a curved ramp on the stator. There is the basic concept in all its simplicity. What isn't shown is an opposing ramp with it's attracting magnets for balance. Other than that, the principles are all there including a useful magnetic shunt on the stator magnet. See? It's not even my idea, I just applied symmetry to it. The only tricky part is maintaining the magnetic symmetry at the end of the ramps next to the magnets.

The next thing is to build one of these that has significant torque. Torque can be improved by altering the vector of the magnetic pull. You do this by placing the rotor magnet so its magnetic axis is not through the center line of the rotor shaft. The torque given by the magnet as the rotor turns is also related to the rate of change in distance between the rotor magnet and the ramp. Short ramps will provide more torque than long ramps. Shaft torque can also be multiplied with gear or pulley reduction, obviously.

One set of magnets every 45 degrees works well. Magnets at 0, 90, 180, and 270 degrees in attraction. Magnets at 45, 135, 225, and 315 degrees in repulsion. This balances the side forces to the rotor shaft and stator housing. Magnet pairs every 60 degrees will also work.

Other details:
The magnets on the rotor all have the same polarity facing out to the stator.
There must be an equal number of magnet sets in attraction and repulsion at the same time.
The ramps pivot at their center lines. This provides a means to throttle, stop, or reverse the motor rotation.
The ramps are steel with little or no magnetic retention.
I used square or rectangular magnets, not round.
The rotor and stator are nonmagnetic material. Do not use aluminum or any material that will develop eddy currents.

One thing I have not tried is a second set of ramps on the rotor that could possibly double the torque.

It is easy to build one of these motors that will not work. With a little experimentation and careful attention to detail you can build one that does work.

There it is. All of it. Now I can rest with a clear conscience. You can take it at face value or not, your choice.

Best regards to all of you,
  #13   Old 08-25-2015, 04:21 PM  
MadMack MadMack is offline
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Posts: 27  
Everyone, thank you for your interest. I'm glad to see I have the attention of some of the real builders here. If anyone can get this, it's you guys.

Charly2, yes that is what I described. Think bigger diameter & more side spacing between magnets.

Ewizard, round magnets might not make a difference but I can't say. I always used square or rectangular magnets, much easier to work with.

Everyone, I have to be very careful here because I'm bound by an NDA. I can not post the design drawings or any images and I can't reveal privileged construction details. However, anything else is fair game. I'm sure you guys can read between the lines and see my situation, and understand what I am trying to prevent.

BTW, when I write about things like this I tend to sound like I'm instructing a class of high school sophomores. Sorry, I can't seem to write any other way, so please overlook my condescending tone.

That being said.... If you are serious about looking into this be forewarned, you must be meticulous in the construction or you will fail. This has nothing to do with magnetic shielding but there may be some flux redirection involved. Later, maybe.

As Dave pointed out, it's hard to find two magnets with the exact same strength. Generally, the field varies inversely by the square of distance, at close spacing anyway, so a simple mechanical test rig can be made to determine which magnets are closest in strength. Alternately it can be used to find the weakest magnet, then to determine the distance at which the other magnets exhibit the same strength. Then you can know the clearance to use with the individual magnets. Do this with both the rotor and stator magnets before construction begins.

The closer the gap between the rotor and stator magnets the more critical the individual magnet clearances become. There is a huge difference in pull between 0.030” and 0.090” gaps. Don't forget to consider any clearance in the rotor shaft and bearings. Shoot for a tight slip fit between the bearing and shaft. Roller bearings would be a good idea I think.

If you decide to pursue this, may I suggest a two pole rig to start with? A 1” thick x 12” long flat with rectangular cross section and a shaft at dead center might make a good rotor to experiment with. One cube magnet each end on the center line, same polarity out. Now might be a good time to review the part in my first post about the rotor magnets and torque. Balance the rotor like you would a lawn mower blade. Then you could mount this parallel to another flat stock, say about 20” square, with two long stator magnets attached to it, 180 degrees and 12+” apart, N-S facing each other. With a rig like that you could try different clearances and magnet positions, etc. The first goal to achieve would be a symmetrical cancellation of magnetic drag. Balance the push and pull and get the rotor to spin past the stator magnets without magnetic drag, and without using any iron ramps.

On a side note, K&J Magnetics carries N52 neos, 1/2” cubes as well as 1/2” x 1/2” x 1” long ones, magnetized through their length. They even have the cubes with a mounting hole through their center that will accept a long machine screw if you dress the threads a little bit. Also you might be interested in looking at McMaster-Carr part number 5913K61 bearings and 1346K17 shaft.

Old Yesterday, 02:10 PM  
MadMack MadMack is offline
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Posts: 27  
Originally Posted by Turion View Post
Are the ramps between the magnets on the stator? If so, I would say you need a large rotor so that there will be space for ramps between magnets on the stator.

That would be correct up to a point. Too large and the rake of the ramp becomes too little, unless additional magnets are used. The design is a balance of diameter, number of magnets, strength and size of the magnets, ramp length arc spacing and thickness.

Did you use the same number of magnets as in the ###### picture on the rotor?  

No. The least was 6. The rotors diameter has a direct bearing on the output torque.

Do you have magnets on your ramps like ###### did?  

Not exactly like his. The picture you posted shows a ramp and repelling magnet, not the attracting magnet and ramp. You do not want to shunt the magnetic field like his picture shows, on the attracting stator magnets.

In the ###### version the stator has to remain fixed in order for the thing to work properly. You said your ramps pivoted in the middle? Trying to imagine how that would contribute to the movement of the rotor or what advantage a ramp that pivots in the middle gives to the design.  

The pivot in my ramps do not contribute any additional force or movement to the rotor. The power developed is provided by the rake of the ramp in relation to the rotor magnet (rate of change over distance or time). If the ramp can pivot in either direction the rake can be altered, thus decreasing the rate of change and throttling down the output. The ramp pivoting is a mechanically operated mechanism, the gas pedal. If the rake of the ramp is reversed it acts as a brake. If the rake is neutral, the motor stops.

We're getting ahead of where we should be focusing our attention right now.
Let's take it slow and focus on the basic 2 pole test rig instead of the complete motor, ok? Everything you need to know in order to build bigger more powerful motors can be learned with this, for a lot less expense. After we get the magnetic balance, or very close to it, then we can move on to the ramp details.

For now, picture this. We have a 2 pole rotor and the attraction is balanced to the repulsion. You can rotate the rotor by hand and feel very little or no cogging. You stick a ramp at one side of the attracting stator magnet. As the attracted rotor magnet comes under the influence of the ramp it accelerates. As it accelerates toward the stator magnet, it also gains inertia. The stator magnet also attracts, but the stator magnets attraction is being neutralized by the repelling magnets at the opposite side of the motor. The rotor inertia carries the rotor magnet fully under and slightly past the attracting stator magnets center line. At this same instant, the rotor magnet at the opposite side, 180 degrees away has traveled slightly past the center line of the repelling stator magnet, which is now doing its job and preventing the attracted rotor magnet from being dragged back under its attracting stator magnet. The rotor is free wheeling at this point. Inertia continues the rotation until the rotor magnets come under the influence of the next set of ramps and the cycle repeats.

« Last Edit: 2015-08-27, 15:04:43 by Chet K »

Group: Administrator
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Posts: 3216
It's not as complicated as it may seem...

You should ask Mack what this NDA is all about. It would be interesting to know.


"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe." Frank Zappa
Group: Guest
Well, since the descriptions of the design so far don't have anything in them that would actually work in real life.... maybe "NDA" is a typo.... should be NDP = No Damn Prototype.

Note that he is asked directly in Post # 22 whether he has a working prototype... and he doesn't answer. Because, of course, he does not, but wants to keep the excitement going anyway.

Sorry, fellows. This one's a non-starter, and to describe this "gentleman" as "sincere" is quite a stretch. An NDA is a "non disclosure agreement"... but if there is one in place concerning this device, then the "sincere gentleman" has violated it already by the detailed descriptions and the attempts to get other people to build something from the descriptions.

And once again, it would be ridiculously easy to PROVE ME WRONG. Just publish a video of the working prototype actually working, even inside a "black box" with only an output shaft showing, and have someone we trust actually verify that it works in an in-person demonstration. But you'll never see that happening, because the convenient NDA won't allow that, will it.


Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
The under-experienced "builders" will clamor for more
information, more details, more drawings, more video,
more proof, etc...

The few capable experimenters who are pursuing such
a device will know how to properly digest and apply the
"gems" which have been offered.  They may also wish to
maintain silence regarding their efforts as well.

There is much more being done to find answers than
the various forums with their memberships  and
discussions reflect.  Not all are sincere.

It is wise though to remain skeptical.  The mass of
disinformation and misdirection to be found on the
web is staggering.

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
Group: Guest
Are these just words, or do we take them seriously?

“As a Free Energy Researcher, I dedicate my knowledge and skill to the advancement
and betterment of human welfare. I strive for integrity, accuracy, and completeness in
my work and my releases to the public.
I pledge in conducting my FE research:
To give the utmost of performance;
To make no assumptions, no matter how “obvious” things may appear to me;
To never jump to conclusions when apparent anomalies are observed;
To investigate and strive to eliminate ALL possible sources of error BEFORE
making conclusions about any observed anomalies;
To exercise due diligence in regards to fully understanding what I am doing,
and how I am doing it;
To conduct my experiments, tests, and measurements in a scientific manner
and with the correct and most appropriate equipment;
To strive for and take steps towards making COP measurements that are
flawless and accurate, while understanding and accounting for the
limitations and idiosyncrasies of my test equipment;
To place integrity before ego;
To post claims of overunity only when backed up with solid proof and
evidence in the form of fully documented, and accurate measurements and
test setup diagrams;

To do my best in explaining and illustrating my disclosures, and be well-
prepared to answer any questions on things I may have overlooked;
To seek advice, guidance, and review from my un-biased peers and those
with more technical know-how BEFORE I post any extraordinary claims of
To do my homework (all of the above).
In humility and with need for Collective/Higher Guidance, I make this pledge.”

For anyone planning on disclosing something or making a claim, please use the
following as a guide to do so:
1) Decide and state what exactly you are about to claim:
Options here include:
a) 100% certainty you have achieved overunity.
b) You are not 100% sure and asking for help to determine if it is so.
c) You are only observing strange effects and you would like other users to
provide helpful feedback.
2) Regardless of which option fits your case, please provide in your post the
following minimum parts:
a) A complete drawing or schematic of your prototype or test setup.
b) A clear description of what the device or circuit is, what you think the
circuit is doing, or what you wanted it to do.
c) A list of references to any other devices or documentation you based your
device on.
d) A list of proper power measurements (see Power Measurements at OUR).
e) A photo of your setup is optional, but may be helpful.
3) For those with limited Free Energy Research experience, and/or electronics
experience, please post a request for someone to review your steps 1) and 2)
above BEFORE making your post and claim.
4) Refine all the above listed elements with the feedback received from the
more technically-experienced forum users.
5) Make your claims / disclosure post.


I think these terms should not only apply to claimants posting here themselves, but also to other people who may be telling us about a claimant posting on some other forum.

Of course if these words are only words, which don't _really_ apply here... then what's the point of this forum? Is it simply another EF or OU or PESN?

Group: Administrator
Hero Member

Posts: 3216
It's not as complicated as it may seem...
I take the words seriously.

Have we a breach somewhere?

"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe." Frank Zappa
Group: Guest
Well, the way I read the posts at EF is that this Mack person is claiming to have a self running permanent magnet motor. Our attention is being directed to this claim... but it doesn't meet our standards as set forth in the "Creed" here.

I don't believe he has an actual self running prototype, and I've carefully gone over those descriptions that have been presented, and they lead me to believe that either his NDA has been violated or that there is no real NDA in force concerning the system he is describing. Further, considering the description of the design "idea" on its own merits, there is nothing to indicate that it might work as a self runner at all. In fact I don't even see anything new in the description of the design.  There could, however, be a heavy flywheel that can turn for some time on good bearings but will clearly run down in an ordinary fashion, and I do see many energy loss mechanisms like eddy current generation in the "ramps".

So I rate the claim as untrustworthy and I rather resent the description of the claimant as "sincere" (in the thread title) since a sincere claimant who had what he claims to have would have no problem proving it unequivocally.

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
Mad Mack has described how he is able to minimize or
perhaps even eliminate the "sticky" point or "cogging"
effect.  He mentions balancing attraction with repulsion
and it seems that the forces are slightly offset at that
critical point of "stickiness" to render it neutral there.

Prior to the rotational location of "stickiness" and beyond,
it seems that the attraction and repulsion may be effectively
aiding in order to sustain rotation.

His hints may have merit.   Give them some thought.

If so, there should be progress fairly soon.  Whether
any successful efforts are reported time will tell.

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.

Group: Administrator
Hero Member

Posts: 3968

Buy me some coffee
Point taken i have removed the word sincere from the heading  O0

I am intrigued though, someone posted a drawing over at energetic that mac confirmed to be what his design is like, well i have no member ship so any chance someone could pm me a copy or post it.


Group: Renaissance Man
Hero Member

Posts: 2780

Buy me a cigar
Point taken i have removed the word sincere from the heading  O0

I am intrigued though, someone posted a drawing over at energetic that mac confirmed to be what his design is like, well i have no member ship so any chance someone could pm me a copy or post it.


Dear Peter.

AC ?....... A senior moment perhaps?  :)

Here's the picture.

Edit. I looked again, the second picture is the one Mad Mack agreed with, however there is no ramp drawn.

If I understood correctly the magnets need to be placed at an angle, not head on, this will create a rotational torque. Perhaps a suitably edited drawing of " he who shall remain nameless " original design ought to be posted?  ;)

Cheers Grum.

Nanny state ? Left at the gate !! :)
Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4050
How do we know he's a gentlemen ? Or a he ? Or .... :P

The top design is from dream think build at ou.com , there has been no comment from Mack on that  yet
The other one is from charly2 at energetic and is the one which peter asked about

You should get membership ,on that note I am not certain tinsel could see those either ??
Group: Guest
How do we know he's a gentlemen ?

Benefit of the doubt... I haven't seen him resort to the pottymouth insults (yet...)  :-*
Or a he ? Or .... :P
Females are very rare in our line of inquiry, and of the two I can think of, only one has any credibility.
Aliens.... well that's a different kettle of cabbage altogether.

The top design is from dream think build at ou.com , there has been no comment from Mack on that  yet
The other one is from charly2 at energetic and is the one which peter asked about

You should get membership ,on that note I am not certain tinsel could see those either ??
That's right, I can't see images or attachments on EF. But I can see that he still hasn't answered the question that it took 22 posts to make at EF...

Tell me... in that second design, which way is it supposed to rotate?    ;)

And I do believe it will cog, when the rotor magnets are halfway between the stator magnets. Add "ramps" between the stator magnets and _every_ rotor magnet will be attracted to the "ramps" and the thing will lock into one position. It may take a slight push to advance it out of one potential-energy valley over to the next one, but there is nothing that will produce rotation except a push from outside the system.

No, angling the magnets in this kind of system is the basis of the Minato patents and does not result in selfrunning at all.
Remember the first Steorn Orbo.

Group: Administrator
Hero Member

Posts: 3216
It's not as complicated as it may seem...
You should get membership ,on that note I am not certain tinsel could see those either ??


I used to have membership there, but I didn't log in for quite some time. Next time I tried to go in, my membership must have been deleted. I guess Erron didn't like me all that much,  :-[ LOL.

I have sent them messages a couple of times with no response.

"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe." Frank Zappa

Group: Administrator
Hero Member

Posts: 3216
It's not as complicated as it may seem...
From "Turion" at EF:

It is NOT.
He already said there are a minimum of six magnets on his rotor.
He already said the ramps are between the magnets on the stator. (only two on the simple device)
He already said the magnets are not in a straight line with the rotor center.
He already said the ramp pivots in the middle to be able to change the speed of rotation, in other words adjustable.
He already said there are magnets on the ramp like in the Bhoudini picture I posted but they are not shunted (in other words, no iron between them and the rotor.

The drawing violates all of these statements and/or is missing parts.

We have to start somewhere though. And that is as good a place as any!


Anyone have the Bhoudini picture?

"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe." Frank Zappa
Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4050
the above comments are in regard to DreamThinkBuilds rendering Not Charly2.

This > :P< is Not an alien ...its somebody sticking out their tongue ...Not sure who that somebody is or their gender But I believe they are sincere in their intent .
I felt inclined to share that when you took the tweasers and magnifying glass to the thread title ....

Group: Renaissance Man
Hero Member

Posts: 2780

Buy me a cigar
From "Turion" at EF:

Anyone have the Bhoudini picture?

Dear Poynt99.

Here is " you know who's " original concept drawing.

Cheers Grum.

Nanny state ? Left at the gate !! :)
Group: Elite
Hero Member

Posts: 3537
It's turtles all the way down
Mad Mack has described how he is able to minimize or
perhaps even eliminate the "sticky" point or "cogging"
effect.  He mentions balancing attraction with repulsion
and it seems that the forces are slightly offset at that
critical point of "stickiness" to render it neutral there.

Prior to the rotational location of "stickiness" and beyond,
it seems that the attraction and repulsion may be effectively
aiding in order to sustain rotation.

His hints may have merit.   Give them some thought.

If so, there should be progress fairly soon.  Whether
any successful efforts are reported time will tell.

Hi muDped

These ideas keep popping up as new , usually by newcomers to the PM prime mover field that have not done their "due diligence" of wide patent  or patent application searches.

Actually, this is not a new idea in the PM motor patent base. I have in the past run across a few that used that premise, and a long time ago saw and read a patent application for a PM motor from a friend of a friend that used the same basic principle. I don't know what became of it, for it was 25 years ago.

If any have lots of time on their hands, they should search the patent data base on PM prime movers and will find some very similar ideas. I never bothered to collect most of those, but did do some due diligence in that field when I was researching PM prime movers in the mid 80's. You will be reading through hundreds of patents, takes a lot of patience.

Not to say that he could not have stumbled on a new twist to the old idea, just hoping he did his research.

Regarding the bhoudini "concept " drawing, it is a bit premature to place "it really works" on a concept drawing. Of course it really works in their minds, as these things usually do until the flaw is discovered. This was published a good while back. If it really works, the search is over, Bhoudini et all are famous (and wealthy to boot), the great work is finished, the holy grail found.........not!  C.C

Regards, ION
« Last Edit: 2015-08-27, 15:16:10 by ION »

"Secrecy, secret societies and secret groups have always been repugnant to a free and open society"......John F Kennedy

Group: Administrator
Hero Member

Posts: 3216
It's not as complicated as it may seem...
Thanks Grum.

I've never seen him demo a motor that looks like that, so as ION says, did he really have it running or was it conceptual only?

So Mack's idea is similar (probably based on it), but he uses two stators to balance things out, and the magnets alternate in polarity. Correct?

"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe." Frank Zappa
Sr. Member

Posts: 375

Just my 5 cents:
The all current magnetic motor builds are having "sticky point" problem. Also when forces are equal the same problem is still there.
Without imbalance of magnetic attraction and repulsion on right time the outcome won't be making much sense.
Unless it comes with clever switching of magnetic fields the "sticky point" problem will still be there. Also the information provided by MadMack in EE forum is not enough to solve problem and it would be another wild goose chase at this point.

On solution side, I already mentioned in different forum threads about how some people are overcoming problem and generally it comes to the switching of magnetic field on the stator when the magnet from rotor is passing it. So it becomes alternating magnet and the net magnetic force can be changed to one way force causing movement / rotation...


Group: Administrator
Hero Member

Posts: 3968

Buy me some coffee
Thanks for putting the picture up Chaps  O0

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
Hi muDped

These ideas keep popping up as new , usually by newcomers to the PM prime mover field that have not done their "due diligence" of wide patent  or patent application searches.

Actually, this is not a new idea in the PM motor patent base. I have in the past run across a few that used that premise, and a long time ago saw and read a patent application for a PM motor from a friend of a friend that used the same basic principle. I don't know what became of it, for it was 25 years ago.

If any have lots of time on their hands, they should search the patent data base on PM prime movers and will find some very similar ideas. I never bothered to collect most of those, but did do some due diligence in that field when I was researching PM prime movers in the mid 80's. You will be reading through hundreds of patents, takes a lot of patience.


Regards, ION

Granted, the ideas being discussed are not new.  The
work of discovering how the elusive permanent magnet
self-running motor might be perfected is a several
centuries old project.

Which is one reason I don't give much mind to patents
on this topic.  It would seem that most experimenters
have gotten stuck in a rut with their methodologies
and may be approaching the problem with "excessive
noise" in their thinking.

In most cases of success in rotating machinery
keeping it simple (or at least as simple as possible)
has been key.  Entertaining new thoughts on how
to establish the magnetic gradient and balance out
the "sticky point" with the requisite "simplicity" has
always been tantalizing food for thought.

It will be very interesting indeed to observe how this
latest chapter in the quest develops.  Are we getting
closer to revelation of the essential "Secrets?"

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055

I used to have membership there, but I didn't log in for quite some time. Next time I tried to go in, my membership must have been deleted. I guess Erron didn't like me all that much,  :-[ LOL.

I have sent them messages a couple of times with no response.

That does seem to be Erron's modus operandi.  Once he's
decided to "ban" a member or render the login inaccessible
to them, that "member" is apparently exiled to some other
dimension in his data base never to be heard from again.

Although, the banished member is retained as a statistic
to boost the numbers of membership.

Some have re-registered with a new identity in order to get
back in and there has been at least one case of "resurrection"
from the land of banishment.  It seems Erron's judgments can
be trumped by other members of the admin team on certain

While I do follow the discussions there with some regularity,
I personally have no desire to get back "in."

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
Group: Elite
Hero Member

Posts: 3537
It's turtles all the way down
Granted, the ideas being discussed are not new.  The
work of discovering how the elusive permanent magnet
self-running motor might be perfected is a several
centuries old project.

Which is one reason I don't give much mind to patents
on this topic.  It would seem that most experimenters
have gotten stuck in a rut with their methodologies
and may be approaching the problem with "excessive
noise" in their thinking.

In most cases of success in rotating machinery
keeping it simple (or at least as simple as possible)
has been key.  Entertaining new thoughts on how
to establish the magnetic gradient and balance out
the "sticky point" with the requisite "simplicity" has
always been tantalizing food for thought.

It will be very interesting indeed to observe how this
latest chapter in the quest develops.  Are we getting
closer to revelation of the essential "Secrets?"

Amen, also to the part in bold

"Secrecy, secret societies and secret groups have always been repugnant to a free and open society"......John F Kennedy

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
There may be some positive progress with the
permanent magnet self runner.

Given a push start it seems to continue going.

It seems "seems" is the key word there as from 40 secs onwards you can see slow rotations which clearly show a loss of momentum around the sticky spot and the rotor behaviour changes, he never lets it stop.

This device can only be unity at best, and in reality will always be COP<1, you cannot extract power from it ever or it will stop quicker.

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.
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