Hi Smudge
Have you seen this video and the two before?
I think maybe you are both looking at the MVP !
Thanks for your insites, I find this facinating
I am have been away from home relying on mobile wifi, but with zero 4G signal and almost zero 3G signal I couldn't get internet connection. So I whiled away the time putting my thoughts on paper (or should that be virtual paper?). Having looked at the video link Mike gave here is my take. The A field around magnets is circular and that applies to the case of a magnet pole abutting a thin conductive sheet. The A field in that sheet forms concentric circles. Eddy currents also form circles, so if there are eddy currents induced into that sheet we can have the situation where the currents always flow along the A field. That is exactly the condition for the moving electrons to inherit an electro-kinetic potential from the A field. If that conductive sheet happens to be one plate of a parallel plate capacitor then there is the possibility of that capacitor obtaining charge related to that induced potential. Of course to get the eddy current flowing we need an alternating field in addition to the DC field of the magnet, but that AC field can be quite small. And the induced charge on the capacitor will be alternating. The only thing wrong with this supposition is the very small drift velocity of electrons against the practical values of magnet A field, that yields only tiny voltages, like microvolts. That slow drift velocity applies to electrons travelling within the plate material where interactions with atoms comes into play. Perhaps surface electrons on a charged capacitor would travel much faster, and that suggests some sort of cumulative action whereby surface charge appears, allowing faster velocity, creating more surface charge and so on. If the capacitor plates are made of different materials having different conductivity, then there is the possibility of a differential effect even though both plates are within the same DC A field and AC B field. The only thing wrong with this explanation for the effect as seen in the videos is the absence of any coils producing the AC field. Perhaps an in depth look at the work of Dr. Stiffler is needed to further this line of enquiry, but without internet connection that is not possible at the moment. Another thought concerns the actual electron velocities, they are jittering about at fermi velocity that is many orders of magnitude greater than the drift velocity. How does the electro-kinetic potential derived from the A field effect them? Could it be that this effects their average position relative to the lattice? In other words does that jittery motion component along the A vector induce potentials on each electron that causes it to change its position relative to the lattice ions, is there an induced pumping effect at the jitter frequency? This eliminates the need for eddy currents, the simple presence of the magnet's A field creates the anomalous surface charge pumped by that jitter. In a way this is thermal noise amplified by the electro-kinetic effect. One would expect surface charge to appear on both sides of the plate, but again the use of two different plate materials could create the differential charge that is observed across the copper and aluminum plates. Perhaps the observed rectified DC was being pumped by that amplified thermal noise. It would be interesting to know whether the same feature occurs if the plates are horizontal and not vertical, and whether the observed effect is dependent on the compass orientation, i.e. N-S as opposed to E-W orientation of the plates. Smudge