I thought the BLF528 is a power fet, not driver
It is, but it has a sensitive gate (V GS(th)=1.7V) with high transconductance, that makes it drivable directly. how do you drive this board, directly from the cmos output of the LTC6905.
You apply 46MHz 2Watts sine wave to the input (which is normalized at 50Ω) and get 800W output (also normalized at 50Ω). Can the LTC6905 output 2Watts ? If "not", then a preamp is needed, e.g. like this or a plain vanilla 2W MOSFET driver followed by an LC filter, to convert its square wave to a sine wave. I need to explore other cheaper ways to do this, with vat & import duty it's going to be approaching £240
Of course, whatever works and costs the least ...but I am afraid that achieving 500W @ 45.5MHz might be more expensive any other way. Let's observe how Itsu fares with non-RF components at 13.6MHz, which is a frequency much easier to rein-in. I cannot use the BLF528 as that is £248 from Farnell alone.
Yup, apparently Farnell is ripping us off, if that Russian seller can offer the BLF578 and the pretuned PCB with associated components for $280. Maybe we could soup this up a bit. http://www.qsl.net/va3iul/Homebrew_RF_Circuit_Design_Ideas/50MHz_40W_MOSFET_PA_DJ9FG.gif
Hmm, for 500W you'd need to have 13 of these amps and add phase coherent power combiners to combine their output. The input power requirement would go up 13x too - I don't think the LTC could handle thirteen of them without a preamp. How expensive would that be? ...and don't forget the 50V power supply capable of delivering at least 20A of ripple free DC that is needed to power any of these RF amplifiers
« Last Edit: 2015-07-07, 15:46:42 by verpies »