Yes, it sounds to me like the scope is just waiting for a triggering event. Brad, can you post a screenshot or a short video of the scope when this happens?
In the Trigger section on the front panel, the "Mode" button switches between the three Sweep Modes: Auto, Normal, and Single. When the Mode is Auto, the scope free-runs and shows a trace even if it is not triggered. When the mode is Normal, the scope waits for a trigger event before it will update the trace on screen. When the mode is Single, it waits for a trigger event then does one full sweep and Stops.
If the scope is in Auto sweep mode and you are getting that "Wait", then there might be something wrong. But if it is in Normal sweep mode, it is just telling you that your Trigger parameters aren't satisfied.
(This is different from the "Auto" setup button in the very top row of buttons! I am talking about the Auto Sweep Mode selected in the Trigger section of the panel, not what happens when you push that "Auto" setup button!)
By "Trigger Event" we mean something that satisfies what you have set in your Trigger menu and the vertical position of the Trigger Level indicator. So for example say you are looking at a Sine Wave of varying amplitude, and you are in Normal sweep mode, and your Trigger Type is set to "rising edge" and your Trigger Level is set to + 1 volt. The scope will Wait until the signal amplitude is over 1 Volt and will only trigger when it is over. When the signal level drops below 1 volt the scope will stop sweeping and will be "Wait"ing for the next time the signal exceeds the 1 volt setting. And it will continue to show a "frozen picture" of the last triggered sweep, unless you push the "Clear" button in the top row.
This should not be any different than how the old Atten or any other DSO behaves though.
Brad we should try to get this issue sorted right away, so that IF there actually IS something wrong with the scope, you can return it under the Vendor's warranty and get a replacement immediately.