Here's the riglol keygen zipfile, "for reference only"
It contains 4 versions: Windows executable, OSX executable, generic HTML that will open in your default browser, and Linux sourcecode. (The versions are in the "bin" directory in the zipfile, the Linux source is in the "src" directory.)
The Windows exe version and the HTML version, and probably the OSX version, work as supplied. The Linux version needs to be compiled for your own flavor of Linux, but do it in a separate directory so that the compile doesn't affect the other three versions (just copy-paste the whole "src" folder to a new separate folder before compiling.)
The "DSER" option code isn't listed in the keygen instructions but will work anyhow. You don't need a "private key" just the SN of the scope and the "DSER" option. DSER gives all the trigger and decode options plus the 100MHz bandwidth. Don't even try the high-sensitivity vertical option, it doesn't work with the 1054z.
If you screw up the data entry to the scope three times, you'll get "locked out" for 12 hours of runtime before you can try again. Once the scope is upgraded it will report itself as a DS1104z in the system info screens. The latest firmware _does_ still allow the upgrading, as of now; we are expecting a new firmware later in October but it probably will still allow upgrading too, I hope.
The easiest way to enter and remove the upgrade is to use Telnet over the LAN connection, using the commands below (without quotes, and with caps and lowercase exactly as written):
Use ":SYSTem:OPTion:UNINSTall" to go back to DS1054Z
Use ":SYSTem:OPTion:INSTall XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" to enter a key, where XXX is your key (without hyphens or quotes...)
Or you can enter the key in the Utility menu using the knob-button-virtual keyboard thing, but be careful to get all the characters right. It's easy to mix up the "S" and the "5" in the tiny font they use.
I'm not responsible for this, I'm just the messenger... My advice is to _not do it_ until your scope is burned in enough so you know you aren't going to have to return it under the vendor's warranty, but it is easy enough to remove it and restore the scope to original using the "UNINSTall" command above, as long as the scope is still working ...