I think that one is missing about a hundred pages. The one I have in my attic is about an inch thick. The photos of the German documents, in German, of course, aren't in the unedited edited one. The only text I found interesting was the method of controlling the V2 guidance. '51? I thought it was '47. I don't think the magnetic bridge rectifier is in the latest, EMDevices found a document from the 1880's describing that and shared it. Magnetic switching, not spoke of commonly but used in inductive reactive load banks (added to resistive load so test can be ran somewhere beside unity P.F.). Nothing in the book will make OU. I want the one from the Army that details the same functions using dielectric amplifiers. It had the same big red letters ink stamped on the cover - back in the '70's. Never got to read it. Didn't have the 'Need to Know'