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Author Topic: Some "New" Observations  (Read 313350 times)

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1593
Frequency equals matter...

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I submit this as one of a kind as a configurable ring. Don Smith's PVC was a tunable tube.
I labeled the document as such because of the global and galactic model that we sit in. Things are lining up on an unprecended scale.

I feel the pain of 'So many' configuration previously built that 'Have to work'. Well my advice is 'Expand your horizons'. Spend your time experiencing and not arguing. The JT is sooooo easy to set up. The small size leads one to believe that it does or doesn't work. Examples abound.

I'll post here because most if not all of you have the respect not to promote in the personal benches.

If I don't have the language correct to appease the highest of highs then I apologize. My quest has been to present ideas to solutional models and not the finality. I built the curent setup based on everything thing I could put into a build. And guess what? It does not escape into anything we don't know or haven't seen or experienced.

So I present an insight with this current build as a 'New observation'. Simply put: 'I think I have done my homework'.
« Last Edit: 2011-03-04, 21:34:39 by giantkiller »

Group: Guest
What kind of core GK?

Are they all Air Core, Ferrite Core, Powdered Iron Core, or ???

Thank you for sharing.


Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1593
Frequency equals matter...

Buy me a drink
Stranded silver coated copper of two horizontal layers. Go to my thread to see the build steps.  
Why copper? Because I want to affect the magnetic field for my purpose and the storage has no losses in the core. There is no latency or dimunation like ferrous type materials. My current build in the diagram is 2 tesla coils side by side. The multipactor is 2 multipactors side by side.
In other words instead of manipulating a force or a set of parameters in a ferrous material I can affect with a different set of parameters by sliding the yellow primaries to different postions. Why? This has not been in the OU camp that I have seen and I see this as another tool to try to pry the logic from the mystery. It can be done and this will then hopefully get me or us past the extraction point to play with the next or higher set of parameters. To actually affect physical parameters of objects in this physical reality. Not too big of a request I hope. I want to reproduce the Hutchison effect with exacting processes.

Wattsup has been kind enough to add configurations to this build. I welcome any suggestions to further this cause.

Group: Guest

Nice setup GK.  I remember several years ago you were always on the cutting edge of this research.   Are you still using tubes for amplification?   I'll have to check out your build thread and get back to you, so I don't ask redundant questions.   Interesting diagram.... have you tried three or four control coils instead of two?   Or is the idea to simplify and search for anomalies?

Maybe the PureDate heterodyning program I wrote the other night can help you...

I got the idea for square wave heterodyning off you from a few years ago, y'know...

Remember that SM complained a lot that his TPUs would only work for about 20 minutes, due to EXCESSIVE HEAT.

Exactly. I re-read the full documents again the other night, which I have uploaded here:

Therefore, I would "surmise" that was due to HIGH CURRENT FLIP FLOPPING back & forth between his Ferrite Core & the Outer TPU.

Where forms the basis for your evidence of a ferrite core?   Or is this an operating assumption?  Anyway I'm not sure what you mean by 'flip-flopping'  , but I think the heating could have been caused by induction of large amounts of current into the collector coils.  See Appendix A

Since Electrical Heat requires High Current, Can we further "surmise" that PUNY LITTLE Circuit Chips operating in Milliamps are NOT THE SOLUTION.
The heat was likely generated by the collector coils, not the control coils.  "Puny chips" are not a problem if we protect them with optoisolators and shielding.  I agree in the sense that we should consider doing amplifications with tube (12AX7, 6L6, etc) circuits and RLCs rather than MOSFETs and semiconductors, but both technologies have their merits.  I would not exclude or discard either one.

We are seeking an anomolous electromagnetic phenomenon -- somehow related to magnetic and/or scalar energy -- an undeniably a phenomenon with a rotational component . I am sure there are multiple paths to the same result.

In hindsight, the field is littered with NON WORKING TPUs that have been tried over the past 4 or 5 years.
This is true, besides Bob Boyce's TPU -- if you believe his claims which have leaked, and I have posted earlier.  

Before the Wright brothers flew at Kitty Hawk, the man-attempting-flight field was littered with NON WORKING PLANES that had been tried over the past 4000 years prior.  It doesn't mean it's impossible or that we should give up.

Notice the Ferrite Core on SM's 8 inch TPU.  The ARROW points right to it.

This video is really grainy.  For me, it could go either way.  Do we even know what the beige thing is?  Furthermore,  this reminds me:  Does anyone have the high-quality copies of the SM TPU videos?  I will host them on my server http://feynmanslab.com if someone gives me a copy.  I want the original ones that Mannix posted that were over a GB.

Here's the deal.  If we cannot figure out the wiring configuration between the Ferrite Core & main TPU, we don't have a chance folks.  Sorry.

This is a really defeatist attitude.   First of all, we can't even be sure there is a ferrite core until we examine the video more closely.  Second, we don't need to try to 'copy' the TPU exactly... there are plenty of ways to experiment with rotating scalar and/or rotating electromagnetic energy.  

There is more than one way to skin a Tesla.   If we got the wiring correct, we could easily just investigate the connections via brute force, or with the assistence of a computer, relays, and a microcontroller.


[without coil polarity]

-*-C1---  -*-C2---  -*-C3---
-*-C1---  -*-C3---  -*-C2---

-*-C2---  -*-C3---  -*-C1---
-*-C2---  -*-C1---  -*-C3---

-*-C3---  -*-C1---  -*-C2---
-*-C3---  -*-C2---  -*-C1---

C = number of coils
n = C !  (C Factorial)   , for 3 coils in series with no polarity
n = 6 coil wiring paths

Now I'm going to attempt to calculate how many 3 coils in series with polarity we could have, I know this is wrong, but I think it's an upper bound on the number of possibilities,

[with coil polarity]

n_p = 3 * 2 * 1

n_p = (3*2) * (2*2) * (1*2)
n_p = 6 * 4 * 2
n_p = 24 * 2
n_p = 48 wiring max, for 3 coils in series with polarity

Anyway, we can probably automate the wiring possibilities if we need to.   No doubt we could automate the testing of frequencies, harmonics, phase, and so forth.

Heating Appendix A:

 Anyway Consider this:  IF the heating was due to conventional physics, it might have been because of current induction in the collector coils.   From Wikipedia :
"The total amount of heat energy released over a period of time can be determined from the integral of the power over that period of time:

Okay , simple enough.  I think this means the any power induced into the collector coils which is not consumed by the load ends up as heat.    This probably happens regardless of the 'source' of the energy (quantum effects, earth magnetic field, higgs boson, gravitrons, whatever), and probably just depends on the energy type.

Consider 1 meter of 6AWG wire.  If i remember, some of the collector coils in SM video look pretty thick, so I'm going to go with 6AWG as a ball-park guess, since 6AWG is about 4.75mm in diameter.   One meter of 6AWG wire has a resistance of 0.0013 Ohms  (R).

Wire Resistance Calculator

Example of 6AWG wire , black on the right

Let's pretend for a minute that the TPU collector coil is in a closed loop , with only itself as a load (R = 0.0013 in collector coil).  Yes I know that means the wires are connected end to end.   Who knows maybe , this is how it was configured.

We know one of Steven Mark's TPU puts out 62V of potential on the collectors, which often was used to run a load.    


We know:
V= 62V
R = 0.0013 Ohms on copper wire in closed loop configuration

Scenario #1: TPU collector R=0.0013

I = V / R , so
I = 62V / 0.0013Ohms
I = 47,692 Amps!

Using P = VI  , then we find:
P = 62V * 47,692 Amps
P = 2.9 million watts

Lol.  Okay so I just want to make a point here about theoretical maximum in closed-loop TPU collector coils, assuming we are tapping a nearly infinite supply of energy, whatever the underlying phenomenon.  This is probably why both Bob Boyce and Steven Mark talk about burning up their devices, exploding wires, etc.   If you are talking about generating a reasonable potential voltage (62V) through a small resistance (0.0013 Ohms), the circuit will 'suck up' huge amounts of energy.  

This is the same reason a battery heats up burning hot to the touch if you short the leads, or lamp wires spark and melt if you short-circuit the 120VAC through copper wire.   The 'source' tries to keep up with Ohms Law , and in the process, generates lots and lots of heat.

Now that was just considering the collector coil is a closed loop of 6AWG copper wire. Let's pretend we did the same thing, but with a 1 Ohm power resistor.

Scenario #2: TPU collector R=1.0013 Ohms
TPU Collector , with 1 Ohm power resistor in series:
I = V / R , so
I = 62V / 1.0013 Ohms
I = 61.9 Amps

This well exceeds the number of amps for power transmission for 6 AWG wire  (37 Amps max according to this link):

So it's possible , depending on the required wiring, for a TPU to generate lots of heat using conventional physics assuming we are tapping a nearly infinite source of current.

Of course, it's always possible the heat was being produced by a new physics effect, since the TPU is not known to conventional physics.


Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1593
Frequency equals matter...

Buy me a drink
I had to absorb alot more information in order to output.

The heterodyning square waves showed the fast transition and the high speed harmonics. Basically a virtual spark gap as far as coils are concerned. The coils become the actual spark gap emission point. I saw the speed could drive the fet gates at max speed.
Take notice of my thread for the build. The current coil is quad sectional.
Never used tubes. My sound system is the Bose L1 acoustic radiator.
I did see your PureDate system. Interesting. I was thinking of downloading it.
Each side of the build is a Tesla coil with movable primaries. The next addition is to place the secondary windings neater and varnish them so the primaries will move without restriction and not alter the secondary spacings.

The mechanical core is thin wall 4" diameter PVC.


Nice setup GK.  I remember several years ago you were always on the cutting edge of this research.   Are you still using tubes for amplification?   I'll have to check out your build thread and get back to you, so I don't ask redundant questions.   Interesting diagram.... have you tried three or four control coils instead of two?   Or is the idea to simplify and search for anomalies?

Maybe the PureDate heterodyning program I wrote the other night can help you...

I got the idea for square wave heterodyning off you from a few years ago, y'know...

Hero Member

Posts: 805
Come on guys don't give up!

The TPUs are so close to our reach!

I was watching the SM videos again the other day,  and i couldn't help but notice how closely the FTPU and STPU are to each other.  They seem to be in the same category, distinct somewhat from the other TPU designs.

Both are activated with magnets.
Both turn off when inverted.
Both have the ferrite torroid cores and the magnet activation upon them.

The difference seems to be the size of the outer loops which capture the external magnetic flux.  The STPU has these coils collapsed onto the torroid itself, perhaps only one instead of two. It can be seen on top of the ferrite.  

This just blows me away.  

These early devices are so freeking simple !  


P.S.  The only other component that has to be included would be a capacitor, for tunning,  and obviously we also have to figure out how the coils are wound and connected to each other.  That's how simple this device seems to me.  Of course, SM talked about a magnetic frequency that he was tunning into, and if you don't have that at your LOCATION you might be out of luck.  I know he said he took it up into an airplane so if you live in a big city with lots of "magnetic frequencies" around in the 5 kHz range you might be in luck, it all depends.   What good is a radio receiver without a radio station !
Group: Guest

For the life of me I still don't see the possibility of a core containing iron.

Certainly, none are visible.
Hero Member

Posts: 805

I'm with you, I don't see that as a solid iron ring,  it's a ferrite toroid, clearly visible in the LTPU, FTPU, and the STPU.    If it were solid iron the hysterisis losses and eddy current loses would be too great, at those current levels and 5kHz frequency he talks about, that thing should be glowing red hot!  The only thing that might be iron would be the collector wire,  I just can't get over his statements that he put it together with some "baling wire".   However, the material of the wire might not be the critical element here because I think he said "bailing wire" just to get us to relize that he just used some scap wire laying around the house, making it sound easy and simple, something you can put together with ordinary wires laying around the house.


P.S.  the LTPU, has those vertical toroidal coils in the main loop of wire, but it also has the ferrite torroids in the center of the device (the two we see) so the organization of the coils is still something that supports the "squizing of the house" sort of mechanism that he expounded.  I'm just focused on the FTPU and the STPU here, I think these are the first devices and they hold the clues.  Once we replicate these and study the phenomena, we can engineer larger more exotic devices like his LTPU which I think culminates his design series.
Group: Guest

Ah.  I see your point of view.

However, I'll keep mine. I have not seen any evidence there are any iron-containing cores, ferrite or otherwise. Especially not in the two small toroids inside the larger TPUs or the TPU designated as 'first'.

I like the ideas relating to saturation. Hopefully, you are correct. When trying to work with magnetic force saturation of anything non-ferrous or just an area of space, it really becomes difficult..

Folks relate saturation to things containing iron. It is best to just not discuss it. If you do, you're asking for it when it is already very difficult to conceive.

Surely, without ferrous cores or wires velocity and heat would be much less of a problem. Perhaps the first tries contained some form of iron wire. If so, I can imagine heating problems. It could also explain the wind-up and wind-down actions.

Group: Elite
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Posts: 3537
It's turtles all the way down
From Wikipedia:

Baling wire, otherwise known as "farm wire" or "soft wire," is used in an agricultural setting and industrial setting for everything from mending fences to manually binding square bales of hay, straw, or cut grass. It is also used to band together condensed Cardboard, Textiles, Aluminum and other materials that are processed in the Recycling Industry. See the How to Link Below.

Baling wire is commonly used in many non-agricultural applications, usually in an informal, make-do manner. It is frequently referred to as one of the basic repair materials. Typical uses range from supporting loose mufflers to patching chain-link fences. Common phrases often include baling wire as an ad hoc, fix-anything material, alongside chewing gum, duct tape, and the cable tie. It is also known as "Haywire".

Its closest industrial (proper name) is Mechanic's Wire (Soft Annealed Mechanic's Wire, 18 AWG)

It is an old saying..."I threw it together with some baling wire" and not to be taken literally. It just means it was thrown together with whatever was lying around.

"Secrecy, secret societies and secret groups have always been repugnant to a free and open society"......John F Kennedy
Group: Guest
I think he also mentioned the rusty wire seemed to work better  :)

A little specific for a general phrase.
Hero Member

Posts: 805
thanks for that confirmation, Ion, very interresting.

WW,  are you saying the two small toroidal looking "objects" located at the center of the large TPU (LTPU)  are not ferrite toroids?    I find that hard to believe, they look very obviously to me to be ferrite toroids.    If they are not, what do you think they are, just currious.

Group: Guest
thanks for that confirmation, Ion, very interresting.

WW,  are you saying the two small toroidal looking "objects" inside the ring of the large TPU, (LTPU)  are not ferrite toroids?    I find that hard to believe, they look very obviously to me to be ferrite toroids.    If they are not, what do you think they are, just currious.


Have a look under my bench on this forum. I can say I am very familiar with common (and quite a few odd) toroidal cores. These are not ferrite cores or common-mode-chokes. I'm certain of it.
Hero Member

Posts: 805
ok WW, I'll look there then.

Here's some calculations for the FTPU.

Main outer loop inductance:
(for one of the large loops , assume 4 turns, R=0.1 m, a=1.5mm,  u = 1and this calculator:  http://www.technick.net/public/code/cp_dpage.php?aiocp_dp=util_inductance_circle)

L_outer = 4.0e-6  H

Center toroid Inductor Inductance:
(assume: N30 core material with dimensions R63x38x25, which has Al = 10800, and assume N=40 turns  (20 on each side)  from here:  http://www.epcos.com/web/generator/Web/Sections/Publications/PDF/Ferrite_20Toroids_20for_20LAN_20and_20EMI_20Applications,property=Data__en.pdf;/Ferrite_Toroids_for_LAN_and_EMI_Applications.pdf   page 6)

L = 1.7e-2  H

So if these coils are connected in series the inductance of the ferrite toroid is the the main contributor, and rightly so as we will need to tune to around 5kHz, and the outer two loops by themselves just don't have enought inductance, and we would need huge capacitors to compensate.

So what capacitance do we need to tune to 5kHz:

C = 1 / [ (2*pi*f)^2 L ] = 1 / [ (2*pi*5000)^2 * 1.7e-2 ] = 60 pF

If we assume 20 turns for the ferrite torroid,  giving L = 4e-3 H,   then   C = 240 pF as an example,
so we can see that we don't need so much capacitance for such a low frequency of operation by having the large inductance given by the ferrite toroid.

So the ferrite toroids are required to get the inductance values that make the TPU capable of tuning to around 5 kHz, without overly large capacitors.

The loops, at least in the FTPU have the large loop areas to pick up the AC magnetic flux that he is tuning to, but he got wise with the STPU design and realized the loops can actualy be made small and placed right on the ferrite torroid.


Group: Administrator
Hero Member

Posts: 3216
It's not as complicated as it may seem...
I think he also mentioned the rusty wire seemed to work better  :)

A little specific for a general phrase.

Can you pinpoint a reference for that?

My research into this indicates mention of "rusty material" and "something that rusts", both by Lindsay, not SM.

Also, on 2006-02-11, Lindsay asks SM directly if iron wire is required for the collector coil. 2006-02-13, SM responds but mentions nothing regarding iron wire, nor what type of wire is required in any of the coils.


"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe." Frank Zappa
Group: Guest
I don't know if this is related being that SM stated the tpu was tested from an airplane.

Below show  magnetic anomaly at the mansion which was located at:
7435 Hummingbird Lane. Anaheim Hills, CA
(dark blue area)


Group: Elite
Hero Member

Posts: 3537
It's turtles all the way down
Here is the beginning portion of the exact quote from SM to Lindsay regarding wire:

Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2007 07:03:10 EST
Subject: Re: Great new year deals!
    Thank you my friend. Thank you so much.
By the way, something strange is that, once I made a unit with some old corroded wire for the collector and it worked very well for it's size. I made another identical collector with shiny new wire and it did not work quite as well. I never found out why, but there was a difference. I did not spend too much time on the curiosity because I had unlimited funding and a whole room full of every kind of wire there was.
From Wikipedia:

Corrosion is the disintegration of an engineered material into its constituent atoms due to chemical reactions with its surroundings. In the most common use of the word, this means electrochemical oxidation of metals in reaction with an oxidant such as oxygen. Formation of an oxide of iron due to oxidation of the iron atoms in solid solution is a well-known example of electrochemical corrosion, commonly known as rusting. This type of damage typically produces oxide(s) and/or salt(s) of the original metal. Corrosion can also refer to other materials than metals, such as ceramics or polymers, although in this context, the term degradation is more common.

While one could argue that rust is a form of corrosion, in the common language and the trades, iron oxidation is generally referred to as rust, and corrosion is generally used to describe oxides of copper, aluminum, brass, silver etc.

Consider also "Tarnish"

Tarnish is a thin layer of corrosion that forms over copper, brass, silver, aluminum, and other similar metals as their outermost layer undergoes a chemical reaction. Tarnish does not always result from the sole effects of oxygen in the air. For example, silver needs hydrogen sulfide to tarnish; it does not tarnish with only oxygen. It often appears as a dull, gray or black film or coating over metal. Tarnish is a surface phenomenon, that is self-limiting unlike rust. Only the top few layers of the metal react, and the layer of tarnish seals and protects the underlying layers from reacting.

Tarnish actually preserves the underlying metal in outdoor use and is called patina. The formation of patina is necessary in applications such as copper roofing, and outdoor copper, bronze, and brass statues and fittings.

Now take another look at the Barbat patent and consider the action that surface tarnish or corrosion could have.
« Last Edit: 2011-04-01, 14:44:14 by ION »

"Secrecy, secret societies and secret groups have always been repugnant to a free and open society"......John F Kennedy
Group: Guest
Thanks ION.

Another fine example of why we must constantly re-check the facts and available evidence. Memories tend to muddle. Mine, very much so  :)

So the best analysis from this is the coils were made of a wire which may corrode - copper, aluminum, silver, etc.

I still think some of those experiments contained annealed iron wire. On one of the 6" TPU's the load connection points were very dark and stiff heavy wire. This wire appeared to be the *vertically wound section. Both ends exiting from the same side (inside or outside.....indicates to me that these wire ends must be from coils wound with opposite handedness), like the closeups of the fused connecting points for the larger TPUs.

*Just for clarity's sake...  I call these poloidially-wound meaning the wrapping action was toward one pole of the toroid axis then to the other and repeated -or- wrapped around the toroidal axis.

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
cuprous oxide is photovoltaic

Corroded copper and a particle source = a generator.


Output is DC
Group: Guest
From Wikipedia:

It is an old saying..."I threw it together with some baling wire" and not to be taken literally. It just means it was thrown together with whatever was lying around.

hi folks..
i was just catching up on some reading .. saw this about bailing wire and got to thinking..
i know by definition this doesn't sound right but i grew up on a farm and we called the bailing wire the soft aluminum wire that you repair electric fences with..
we rig stuff all the time with this wire..
and the soft iron wire .. we called .. tie wire.. we used it for tying rebar and repairing wooding fence posts with and even rig a few rear fenders on tractors..
i doubt this will help you any but i thought i throw it out there.. cause not all folks define things the same..

Group: Guest
cause not all folks define things the same..

Yea. Sometimes definition depends upon your age. I don't recall seeing aluminum wire on the farm. Of course, that was around 40 years ago.

The only 'bailing wire' we had was the black annealed iron wire. It was fairly soft and was the wire used in the bailer.

I took that lesson well and kept a coil of it, along with plenty of PBR cans, in my car for emergency fixes and leaking mufflers  ^-^
Group: Guest
Yea. Sometimes definition depends upon your age. I don't recall seeing aluminum wire on the farm. Of course, that was around 40 years ago.

The only 'bailing wire' we had was the black annealed iron wire. It was fairly soft and was the wire used in the bailer.

I took that lesson well and kept a coil of it, along with plenty of PBR cans, in my car for emergency fixes and leaking mufflers  ^-^
omg, how old are you.. annealed iron for balers went out on the turn of the 19th century ..
when my family took over the farm in the 30's they used baling twine.. so you might want to add 20 yrs to your so called 40 year ago.. but maybe things got done different back in the caveman era..
and who the hell drinks pbr.. i could starve my pigs for a week and they wouldn't drink that crap.. but they will sure drink my home made white.. you ever seen a drunk pig.. that some funny shit right there..
well i tired of posting to old ppl so i might never be back..
later..  no bad feelings i hope...lol

Group: Guest
well i tired of posting to old ppl so i might never be back..

Better than just being tired  ;D
Group: Guest
I hope he doesn't come back he *EDITED FOR POLITENESS' SAKE* sounds a bit rude.

i was just joking with wavewatcher.. i like to mess with ppl sometimes..
i thought he might come back with some sarcasm ..
but he is to nice of a person for that..

you guys can ban me if you want.. i don't care.. i won't take in a bad way..


Group: Guest
When I posted "Better than just being tired" I was talking about myself being tired.

I have no bad feelings for either of you.


I know you were joking  :)

I only become upset when I see people bashing others for no good reason or they are trying to take the fun out of my hobbies. Every possible insult has been applied to me, so nothing new there.

As far as being old.... my grandchildren accuse me of farting dust  ;D

What you said about wire is very true. While researching an old patent I found the many references to 'magnet wire' meant something completely different than today. The patent was issued about 20 years before 'magnet wire' was invented. It turned out that the inventor was referring to soft-drawn copper wire with a coating of silk and shellac.

As far as bailing wire... I have a bale of straw in the shed. I just checked and it was bailed with black iron wire. Since it was from last season I don't think age has anything to do with it.

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