@minde4000 I love parts from the motherland You have a 1000pf, 250pf, 100pf ? am i close? Well if the primary was around 3uh and had a 0.2uf cap on it the frequency would be around 205.468 kHz If you added the 1000pf unit at +5pf the frequency would be 205.466 kHz and at +1000pf the frequency would be 204.956 kHz So your tune range would be about 510hz The lower the primary inductance the more effect it will have on tuning Some tuning is better than no tuning! Tuning.. If you get a stack of 1000pf (.001uf) caps, every time you run out of range on your variable cap just add one of the 1000pf caps and turn your variable back to zero and start again till you get to where you want to be
« Last Edit: 2010-02-11, 04:34:46 by darkspeed »