AC I'm delighted your running a thread on the subject for whatever reason. As you know I was well aware of the rejuvinating qualities of this approach and I have arlready posted information that will run homes for free using this set up I posted this particular circuit as a demonstration of a tiny part of a 'whole picture' but regardless the truth will out ! Research tells me that better than 80% of LA batteries end up in the waste system because of suphation and even if that is reversed its surly a worthy and worthwhile acheivment Regardless of COP>1 claims I have made . It is very toxic waste I guess. Batteries are complex and their charging curves are not linear over that curve when rejuvinating batteries like this there is a period of COP>1 that is outstanding The maths and science say it should be so (as Ive written) and it is! So please watch out for it. It is when the crystal formation is resonant. AC the resonant point of the LA battery is extreamly sharp and very hard to hold . It also alters very quickly w.r.t internal resistance and load resistance (resonant Q factor) to give you some idea here is a video of me enjoying a glass of shiraz a few years ago , whilst trying to demonstrate the battery resonant curve to the 3BGS group. I assure you its extreamly difficult to hold and maintain! I did a lot more work,reading and thinking after that hamfisted bit of filming. I do have circuits and loops which I was considering I also have an equivelent for Ni-cads but that really is high voltage I won't be posting that! My arrow is obviously pointed at the theory of why it works with regard to the big COP>1 part of the rejuvination curve and not reclaiming batteries.(else I would have joined a battery forum) The crystal research bit of the equasion occupies me now. We have common ground regarding 'resonace' and I'll add circuits and Idea's as your thread unfolds AC if you have no objection. Believe it or not farmhand being a Tesla coil fundi could help a great deal here if he would but change you'll see. Kind Regards Duncan
How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ? we know little .. friends remember, In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. D. Erasmus