The purpose of the looping post is to show that a fake device can be looped the same as a real device,electronic tests alone can not determine a real device from a fake device,only a physical examination can.Tinman's reaction to poynt99's,"funny business", statement is a bad sign".There are two circuits the first relies on voltage generated by field coil L2,when the voltage reaches a certain point it causes the scr to conduct causing the relay to close the contacts, applying current to the lamp and L1 thru resistor R the current in the field coil causes a magnetic field to form this causes the rotor to turn faster,reducing its current draw,the scr unlatches when the switch is turned off.The second circuit is more cut and dry,you simply apply current to both the field coil L1 and the lamp at the same time thru a switch.There are many ways to do this illusion.
Any electric motor no matter what it is relies on magnetic forces of attract and repulsion.The universal motor is no different it relies on a magnetic field created in the housing,by two electromagnets(field coils),the housing is a laminated core that is resistant to magnetization.The rotor has 2 electromagnets on opposite sides that repel and attract the magnetic fields from the field electromagnets.This causes a rotation of the rotor,the rotor must overcome friction,caused by the brushes in contact with the commutator(coil rotor switch).In a motor like this when you disconnect the field coils,and apply a current to only the rotor,the rotor will not turn,the electromagnets of the rotor will apply force on the housing but will not turn.In tinmans schematic it shows no power applied to either field coils,one is used as a generator,the other in a shorting unknown circuit,without a magnetic field present at start up it can not turn,no shorting of anything will make it turn.Until you address why a rotor will turn in the absence of any counter magnetic field you guys are simply going in circles.If you were to get a motor to run without the field coils needed,applying current to a field winding will increase the rotors speed and decrease the current drawn by the rotor,a fact not a theory.If a person could get a universal motor to run with no current in the field coil,he could create an illusion where a hidden source of energy is applied to not only,the lamp but the field coil causing the lamp to light and causing a current in the field winding,causing an increase in the magnetic field in the field coil ,causing an increase in the speed of the rotor,causing a decrease in current drawn by the rotor.
Heres a little more investigating of tinmans device,With any investigation, you set your limits,and conditions.1 a universal motor is used,the field windings must be separate.2 One winding is used as a generator,the other to help create a rotation.3 A special type of shorting of one field winding occurs.You have only one winding free to use to rotate the rotor,what happens if a current is applied to the rotor with both windings disconnected?picture (zero rotation) answers this,the rotors electromagnets create force on the core the result is the rotor becomes very hard to turn by hand,no rotation happens.In order for the special shorting to occur the rotor must rotate,in the videos the rotor instantly rotates when current is applied.Next the core is removed,picture,(magnet-rotor-effect) shows whats needed for the rotor to rotate.The setup picture,(setup,one magnet),a single magnet, south pole facing rotor is used,picture,(magnet-rotor-turning),a video of this,(one magnet to run motor).I tried placing very powerful magnets on the core to make the motor run no luck,I found that cutting the core in half allowed magnets to be used to rotate the motor.The amount of current fed the field coil controls the current dawn by the motor,picture (setup,field current effects rotor current),video,(current of field coil effects rotor current),keep in mind that the closer the field winding is to the rotor the greater the reaction,in this demo the distance is not too close.I investigated why a solid core can't be used with magnets to create rotation of the rotor.Picture, (set magnetic field ),shows a very powerful magnet used to test polarity and field strength,I'm using a polarity magnetic probe,in picture,(half core magnetic field),the center is south pole,as expected as well as the outer part.Now I joined the core pieces to form a complete core,the magnetic field is south pole thru out the outer core,picture,(magnetic field of complete outer core).I used the probe to test the inside of the complete core,the probe showed no magnetic field or so little that the probe didn't react to it,picture,(magnetic field in side complete core).I used first a screw driver,which showed that there was a magnetic field in the center of the core,then a magnet probing, using magnetic repulsion to test the core,it indicated that the center of the core was completely a south pole,this creates conditions that prevents rotation.I believe that the probe uses a hall device which is effected by this making it seem there's no magnetic field at the center of the core.In building my version for the demo,I found if the split cores get too close to each other the motor stops turning,there has to be a gap between the split cores.Is tinmans device a prank I believe it is,you guys make up your own minds.