Brad Well thinking about you Dad and his lifes work... this comment from Mike N is quite intuitive [I'm a bit slow] and very suspect for other reasons...
quote Possible ELF submarine carrier if you are on the coast "at sea level", Mwatts of power end quote
might be a solution to your long standing puzzle? But maybe Not
Nope-no submarines of the coast here-->well none that I'm aware of anyway lol. OK,well another disappointing find-along with the cap charger effect. While the cap charging circuit was doing it's thing(or not doing it's thing),i was able to find out what was running the neon on that silly coil i made. Turns out that what i was seeing on the scope in the first video was just random noise,and nothing to do with what was really going on. After some more scoping,i found across the collector/emitter junction a nice AC wave form-although slightly square-and exactly matched mains frequency of 50 HZ. So off to the meter box,and switch off the power to the workshop. Upon entering the workshop,i see no more glowing neon. So i turn the power back on to the workshop,and the neon was glowing again. The next thing i did was to start unplugging things to see where the strong signal was coming from,and turns out that my UPS is the source of the strong signal that is running the neon. So this is another lesson learned,and i now know to turn of the UPS when making any power measurements on small devices. This presents a problem,as my scope runs from the UPS to isolate the scope grounds from mains ground/neutral. So in the last two day's,i have managed to kill two free energy devices lol  . But not all is lost,as the new coil design is a kickass inductive kickback charger-as will be seen soon.
Never let your schooling get in the way of your education.