Oh no its you that keeps on tinman how might I present someone else’s machine , be it yours, MJNs A Cs Boyce or anyone else’s for that matter? its not my place to disclose, which doesn't mean I haven't met and seen folks who have running machines after all I haven't seen your machine but if you say it dances I have no reason to doubt it. Its just another. COP machine I don’t ask you constantly to show the thing because its meaningless anyway ! Video's can be faked writing can be lies, pages and endless pages of who measured what where would follow and I agree its bloody tedious so stop asking the bloody stupid questions. If the folks I do know that have built COP>1 machines wanted to Advertise the fact and be Named they would do so .It seems to be just a tad dangerous to kith and kin so they opt not to . If I managed to make a powerful ,reliable, easily replicable machine I would want to get it out there in the world, I don't know quite how I'd go about that but so far forums haven't achieved it have they ? They have got folks threatened and hurt though … and don’t be daft enough to ask who and what’s his machine  suffice to say If I did have a working machine I reserve the right to declare it or not .( At the moment that would be a not). So to put that in a nutshell .. 1/ COP >1 machines exist and I will talk about them and mention the fact now and again 2/ I know one or two people who have built COP>1 machines . I have met them and they have been kind enough to give me information , I will not name them , by enlarge they don't want to be named I would need their permission . I am not going to ask for your amusement 3/ I have built and run a COP>1 machine. It isn't running now and it was temperamental anyway . If it was running and did anything much more than lit an LED I would think seriously before broadcasting it . Broadcasting an idea thats a different thing again I hope you understand all that and stop and cease highlighting COP>1 every time you see it there is such a thing and it has to be written now and again without you going wobbly at the knees
How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ? http://dnp.s3.amazonaws.com/b/b9/suppressed.pdfwhilst we know little .. friends remember, In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. D. Erasmus