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2025-03-31, 22:48:57
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Author Topic: Energy from the Ground - Self powered generator by Barbosa and Leal - Clarence  (Read 208547 times)

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4727

Buy me some coffee
a.king & tinman permit me to remind you of this old chestnut by Chris Carson RIP see circa 6 mins https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lqMiZPO9TM It does make sense to me but I have been trying for hours to write something  that might get it across, re this thing not sure I'll manage
Oh,i watched the first 5 seconds-->Eric Dollard. I'll give that a miss.
Eric Dollard
Associates with Arron the rookie,Peter Linerman and hudini.
Still flat broke.
No house
No car
And still no OU device despite all he knows about energy.This go's for the rest of the crowd and there many books of secrets-->they must be secrets from even them self's.

Never let your schooling get in the way of your education.
Hero Member

Posts: 704
Hi evolvingape liked the video's of course I haven't phoned or spoken to anyone on them so I don’t know how authentic they are.
Many things we don't know about the human body ?  There are many things we don't know period !
There are none so blind as those who cannot see .. John haywood
I am discovering he was not quite right
There are none so blind as those who will not look.
It isn't difficult either batteries charge on reactive power or they don't . If they do the text books are going to have to be re-written if they don't Dini and I are telling you porkies . Video's or scribble wont hack it.
that doesn't mean I have all the answers , my house is still on the grid, but I have iced a battery delivering a load .. (you can believe that or not I couldn't care less), I know I  couldn't do it on demand anyway .still I have a pretty good idea of 'how and why' and it fits in here. as for what you call 'The cult of blind belief' I would think thats what Wilbur Wright had when he climed abord Kitty hawk in 1903 when all the measurists and other assorted arse holes and scientists said it couldn't be done . Yeah he certainly put his neck on the line
Yeah call it a cult of blind belief if you like, proud to be in that number, These things work if you don't want to belive that its no skin off my nose ! Metal boats float too … amazing
have a look at that toroid and ponder where the phasor that represents the longitudinal wave (which also isn't supposed to exist) might be! This shorted turn is no answer as tinman Chris Carson and I have pointed out no flux should leave the core to engage with the winding
Kind Regards Duncan

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus
Group: Guest

those are some of my favorites too. The "woo" of Martial Arts.  They show that gullible people can indeed be influenced by psychological factors. And that there are many fake martial artist "gurus" sifus, senseis, whatever, who have gulled their students and essentially hypnotized them (and sometimes themselves) into believing in "special powers".

That last clip is painfully shameful.

(Be careful trying this at home, Nikkyo is an extremely painful and dangerous joint lock. Done at full speed against someone who doesn't know how to fall, it can easily break the wrist.)

Meanwhile there are still some genuine martial arts teachers and systems that actually work. Krav Maga, Realni Aikido, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu are some examples. And they don't depend on "special powers"... just hard training and understanding of body dynamics and movement.


John Chang?? GMAFB. I thought this was supposed to be a scientific forum.

ETA: Here's a nice clip of a couple of guys having fun:

« Last Edit: 2015-04-08, 16:51:11 by TinselKoala »
Group: Guest
Oh,i watched the first 5 seconds-->Eric Dollard. I'll give that a miss.
Eric Dollard
Associates with Arron the rookie,Peter Linerman and hudini.
Still flat broke.
No house
No car
And still no OU device despite all he knows about energy.This go's for the rest of the crowd and there many books of secrets-->they must be secrets from even them self's.

100 percent right on.
Hero Member

Posts: 704
Scientific forum ? Its a forum dedicated to the research of over unity as far as I understand it .
Science is adamant over unity doesn't exist so it is certainly not a scientific forum per se !
It is however a forum dedicated to Over unity research which happens to have quite a number of scientists represented. If you wish to join a scientific forum I'll be happy to direct you to one !
This forum however seems to be well represented by engineers ,scientists , workers, retired people, teenagers builders and free thinkers of all sorts with many ambitions . The only thing in common is an interest in 'free energy' .. unless you know different ? I suppose if you can re-write basic energy calculations any things possible .. yeah its a bicyclists forum  whatever you want.

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus
Group: Guest
Scientific forum ? Its a forum dedicated to the research of over unity as far as I understand it .
Science is adamant over unity doesn't exist so it is certainly not a scientific forum per se !
It is however a forum dedicated to Over unity research which happens to have quite a number of scientists represented. If you wish to join a scientific forum I'll be happy to direct you to one !
This forum however seems to be well represented by engineers ,scientists , workers, retired people, teenagers builders and free thinkers of all sorts with many ambitions . The only thing in common is an interest in 'free energy' .. unless you know different ? I suppose if you can re-write basic energy calculations any things possible .. yeah its a bicyclists forum  whatever you want.

No, you are wrong. Science is a method, not an opinion. If you don't think this is supposed to be a scientific forum, well... that does make sense considering the content of your posts. I suggest you read up on what exactly the Scientific Method is, and how it's carried out: by theorizing, hypothesizing, performing experiments that actually test hypotheses, and revising hypotheses and theories based on the results of properly performed experimentation. Without science and the Scientific Method, you will wind up chasing after clowns like Eric Dollard and John Chang in search of something you will never find. because it doesn't really exist.

According to the "creed" of this forum, it's supposed to be scientific in its approach to research. And for the most part it is, as you can tell from the work of people like Tinman, grumage, ION, poynt99, Dr. Jones,  and many others. Some people, unfortunately, don't seem to conform to this standard.

I don't think you'll find a better statement of how a scientific forum is supposed to operate, than that.
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
Is the martial arts Master the equivalent of someone who preaches OU devices exist everywhere and can instruct you in how to build one (for a price or for free) ? Note they never show their completed OU machine so that the student can have total faith the Master's teachings are sound as evidenced by their OU device!

Are the students gullible ? Are they the equivalent of the OU sycophants who hang on the Master's every word and instruction in the hope that they one day will be able to build an OU machine (just like their Master's non-existent OU device) ?

You know I have come to understand so many things in a short period of time that many have spent a lifetime searching for but I do not feel all that smart or strong, I feel like a student who has just scratched the surface of things to come. Me... I will always be a student.


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
No, you are wrong. Science is a method, not an opinion. If you don't think this is supposed to be a scientific forum, well... that does make sense considering the content of your posts. I suggest you read up on what exactly the Scientific Method is, and how it's carried out: by theorizing, hypothesizing, performing experiments that actually test hypotheses, and revising hypotheses and theories based on the results of properly performed experimentation. Without science and the Scientific Method, you will wind up chasing after clowns like Eric Dollard and John Chang in search of something you will never find. because it doesn't really exist.

According to the "creed" of this forum, it's supposed to be scientific in its approach to research. And for the most part it is, as you can tell from the work of people like Tinman, grumage, ION, poynt99, Dr. Jones,  and many others. Some people, unfortunately, don't seem to conform to this standard.

I don't think you'll find a better statement of how a scientific forum is supposed to operate, than that.

Is that link working TK ? Sends me to a login page even when logged in.

You know I have come to understand so many things in a short period of time that many have spent a lifetime searching for but I do not feel all that smart or strong, I feel like a student who has just scratched the surface of things to come. Me... I will always be a student.


The more you learn the greater appreciation you have for how little you actually know, it can be a very humbling experience. I read an article a while back from a study done on "successful" people and the main theme running through was that they had adopted the mindset of a beginner, open to learning.. as opposed to a large percentage of people who believe they are masters of their craft while not demonstrating so in real life.

It's good you have that attitude AC, I believe it is the correct approach and the one I have always followed. If you like the martial arts philosophy it is akin to Bruce Lee in Enter the Dragon showing the student that the glass must be emptied before it can be filled.

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality

those are some of my favorites too. The "woo" of Martial Arts.  They show that gullible people can indeed be influenced by psychological factors. And that there are many fake martial artist "gurus" sifus, senseis, whatever, who have gulled their students and essentially hypnotized them (and sometimes themselves) into believing in "special powers".

That last clip is painfully shameful.

(Be careful trying this at home, Nikkyo is an extremely painful and dangerous joint lock. Done at full speed against someone who doesn't know how to fall, it can easily break the wrist.)

Meanwhile there are still some genuine martial arts teachers and systems that actually work. Krav Maga, Realni Aikido, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu are some examples. And they don't depend on "special powers"... just hard training and understanding of body dynamics and movement.


John Chang?? GMAFB. I thought this was supposed to be a scientific forum.

ETA: Here's a nice clip of a couple of guys having fun:

Hi TK, yeah I agree there are some very worthwhile martial arts but finding a good Master to study under is key. Most real street fights are over in literally seconds and a lot of these fancy guys would be in real trouble.. serious trouble. Those 2 fella's you linked to having fun would probably be alright ;). Wish I had kept up the studies but you know what teenagers are like.. other interests catch your eye and can be very persuasive!

That last clip is painfully shameful but shows what happens when a snakeoil salesman comes up against reality..

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
Scientific forum ? Its a forum dedicated to the research of over unity as far as I understand it .
Science is adamant over unity doesn't exist so it is certainly not a scientific forum per se !
It is however a forum dedicated to Over unity research which happens to have quite a number of scientists represented. If you wish to join a scientific forum I'll be happy to direct you to one !
This forum however seems to be well represented by engineers ,scientists , workers, retired people, teenagers builders and free thinkers of all sorts with many ambitions . The only thing in common is an interest in 'free energy' .. unless you know different ? I suppose if you can re-write basic energy calculations any things possible .. yeah its a bicyclists forum  whatever you want.

That post was brilliant in my opinion and begs the question why would I conform to rigid standards and beliefs when none of the people conforming have ever even come remotely close to succeeding?.

No, you are wrong. Science is a method, not an opinion.

I would disagree, when we buy into the method we also buy into the belief that the method will generally always give us the right answers and we have laid the whole of our foundation on this fact. Consider this, what if you already had all the pieces to the puzzzle, I mean they are literally staring you right in the face, however you always lay them out in exactly the same order which is why you never see the correct picture. You see the pieces are what they are however it is the method of how we put the pieces together which determines the result.

In any case some of my best results were when I did something I literally knew could never work but I had to try it anyways. Obviously I was wrong about many things and I continue to be wrong to this day which means I'm moving in the right direction in my opinion. Which is a strange construct in itself, if we think we understand everything and could never be wrong then we have nothing to learn and were not going anywhere in which case right may be wrong, lol.

I should note I'm not saying anyone is right or wrong and I'm an engineer who believes in science, method and accurate measurement. However there is evidence to suggest people with none of these qualities have succeeded moreso than others and there is no rhyme nor reason to it. So I'm just keeping my bases covered by going with the flow...both ways.


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
That post was brilliant in my opinion and begs the question why would I conform to rigid standards and beliefs when none of the people conforming have ever even come remotely close to succeeding?.

Brilliant ? Not in my opinion!

I would disagree, when we buy into the method we also buy into the belief that the method will generally always give us the right answers and we have laid the whole of our foundation on this fact. Consider this, what if you already had all the pieces to the puzzzle, I mean they are literally staring you right in the face, however you always lay them out in exactly the same order which is why you never see the correct picture. You see the pieces are what they are however it is the method of how we put the pieces together which determines the result.

In any case some of my best results were when I did something I literally knew could never work but I had to try it anyways. Obviously I was wrong about many things and I continue to be wrong to this day which means I'm moving in the right direction in my opinion. Which is a strange construct in itself, if we think we understand everything and could never be wrong then we have nothing to learn and were not going anywhere in which case right is wrong, lol.


You are not describing the Scientific Method.


Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.
Hero Member

Posts: 704
I don’t require lessons the definition of science thank you  

1. noun: science
1. the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.

Still I did read the creed again which is more than you have done with information I have asked you to consider.
I guess were this a specifically scientific forum then of all the above 'observation and systematic' you certainly couldn't be accused of !
As regards this thread as yet There is nothing to measure, no experiments done, there is conjecture on how it might be approached and how it might work. I have an idea I would like you to look at it
I drew your attention to Chris Carson you decided not to observe ! Science is defined above its language is usually (by enlarge) mathematics,
where the boundaries of mathematics fail the observed criteria then other means are required !
I really don't know if Eric Dollard , John Dini , Peter Lindermann or anyone else you like (or don't) for that matter powers their house off line I doubt you do either,they are not going to rush to tell you anyway are they? Its dangerous! anyway Its a career as far as they are all concerned now.. For all that to ignor the work particularly the early stuff seems to serve no purpous.
What Carson had to say has been reiterated by many others I see little point hunting about for someone who's odour you prefer.  
your view of what science should be luckily does not prevail and most folks broadly follow the outline above . No ones taken the $ 1,000,000 1 watt challenge money yet  from this forum or any other (as far as I know) despite all the good people and the works you mention (which I whole hartedly agree with by the way)  .
That doesnt mean many or at least some haven't buit machines COP>1, I know some have but the information isn't out there where it should be is it ? For various reasons

Somethings wrong  kind regards Duncan

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4727

Buy me some coffee

That doesnt mean many or at least some haven't buit machines COP>1, I know some have but the information isn't out there where it should be is it ? For various reasons
Somethings wrong  kind regards Duncan
You keep on and on about these COP>1 devices. Time and time again i have asked that you present just one,and time after time you fail to produce just that one device that is COP>1.
It is becoming boaring C.C

Never let your schooling get in the way of your education.
Hero Member

Posts: 704
Oh no its you that keeps on tinman how might I present someone else’s machine , be it yours, MJNs  A Cs Boyce or anyone else’s for that matter? its not my place to disclose, which doesn't mean I haven't met and seen folks who have running machines after all I haven't seen your machine but if you say it dances I have no reason to doubt it. Its just another. COP machine
I don’t ask you constantly to show the thing because its meaningless anyway ! Video's can be faked writing can be lies, pages and endless pages of who measured what where would follow and I agree its bloody tedious
so stop asking the bloody stupid  questions. If the folks I do know that have built COP>1 machines wanted to Advertise the fact and be Named they would do so .It seems to be just a tad dangerous to kith and kin so they opt not to .
If I managed to make a powerful ,reliable, easily replicable machine I would want to get it out there in the world, I don't know quite  how I'd go about that but so far forums haven't achieved it have they ?
They have got folks threatened and hurt though … and don’t be daft enough to ask who and what’s his machine :D
suffice to say If I did have a working machine I reserve the right to declare it or not .( At the moment that would be a not). So to put that in a nutshell .. 1/ COP >1 machines exist and I will talk about them and mention the fact now and again 2/ I know one or two people who have built COP>1 machines . I have met them and they have been kind enough to give me information , I will not name them , by enlarge they don't want to be named I would need their permission . I am not going to ask for your amusement
3/ I have built and run a COP>1 machine. It isn't running now and it was temperamental anyway .
If it was running and did anything much more than lit an LED I would think seriously before broadcasting it . Broadcasting an idea thats a different thing again
I hope you understand all that and stop and cease highlighting COP>1 every time you see it
there is such a thing and it has to be written now and again without you going wobbly at the knees

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus
Group: Guest
Oh, really?

I pledge in conducting my FE research:

To give the utmost of performance;
To make no assumptions, no matter how “obvious” things may appear to me;
To never jump to conclusions when apparent anomalies are observed;
To investigate and strive to eliminate ALL possible sources of error BEFORE
making conclusions about any observed anomalies;
To exercise due diligence in regards to fully understanding what I am doing,
and how I am doing it;
To conduct my experiments, tests, and measurements in a scientific manner
and with the correct and most appropriate equipment;
To strive for and take steps towards making COP measurements that are
flawless and accurate, while understanding and accounting for the
limitations and idiosyncrasies of my test equipment;
To place integrity before ego;
To post claims of overunity only when backed up with solid proof and
evidence in the form of fully documented, and accurate measurements and
test setup diagrams;

To do my best in explaining and illustrating my disclosures, and be well-
prepared to answer any questions on things I may have overlooked;
To seek advice, guidance, and review from my un-biased peers and those
with more technical know-how BEFORE I post any extraordinary claims of
To do my homework (all of the above).
In humility and with need for Collective/Higher Guidance, I make this pledge.”

@evolvingape: the link loads the .pdf file of the Creed, for me.

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
Oh, really?
@evolvingape: the link loads the .pdf file of the Creed, for me.

Something weird going on then my end.. I can access the creed directly from the forum menu but not via your link i just get the log in screen (even when logged in).

Oh well.. no biggy.. thanks for letting me know.

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.
Hero Member

Posts: 704
Then by this definition
 The Question   1/ how can this machine possibly work

Do back ground research  2/ watched the original footage , read through all Clarence thread pictures video  

construct a hypothesis 3/ have done some of  that but  … its proving impossible to relay it . People are pretending not to know ohms law or basic energy calcs, refusing to  acknowledge or  watch/read information,

In the terms of the definition, for the word World it is necessary to insert 'their little world'

So what’s your hypothesis? Have you got one? Plant an earth rod It might demonstrate something I guess but its hardly a hypothesis  is it ? A hypothesis , how it may work
 Or  just miss that bit out and 'she'll be right jack'?

perhaps lecture on it and then assiduously avoid doing it ? 

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus
Hero Member

Posts: 704
TK your breathtaking! stitch up the basic laws of energy like a kipper and then Quote scientific rigour to me , if you were pinocco you couldn't drive with that big snout hitting the windscreen all the time !
Next you highlight measurement and COP >1 …what’s that got to do with any bloody thing ? If you hadn't noticed nothings built yet. there's nothing to measure , what is it with you guys you want to measure an empty work bench? I wrote it out earlier remember  it starts idea > implementation (hypotheses if you like !...) we haven't got past the hypotheses stage .. have we ? Or did it whiz past whilst I wasn't looking?
Even Clarence says he isn't ready for measurists yet , get a grip man never mind idle COP>1 chatter  where's your contribution to the hypothesis ?

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
TK your breathtaking! stitch up the basic laws of energy like a kipper and then Quote scientific rigour to me , if you were pinocco you couldn't drive with that big snout hitting the windscreen all the time !
Next you highlight measurement and COP >1 …what’s that got to do with any bloody thing ? If you hadn't noticed nothings built yet. there's nothing to measure , what is it with you guys you want to measure an empty work bench? I wrote it out earlier remember  it starts idea > implementation (hypotheses if you like !...) we haven't got past the hypotheses stage .. have we ? Or did it whiz past whilst I wasn't looking?
Even Clarence says he isn't ready for measurists yet , get a grip man never mind idle COP>1 chatter  where's your contribution to the hypothesis ?

Once again you have brought a great deal of clarity to the table in your last posts and many seem eager to dismantle the technology before it is even built. I have to wonder why that is because the only thing on my mind is how I can make this work.


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
Group: Guest
From Duncan:
1/ COP >1 machines exist and I will talk about them and mention the fact now and again 2/ I know one or two people who have built COP>1 machines . I have met them and they have been kind enough to give me information , I will not name them , by enlarge they don't want to be named I would need their permission . I am not going to ask for your amusement
3/ I have built and run a COP>1 machine. It isn't running now and it was temperamental anyway .

From the Creed of this forum:
To post claims of overunity only when backed up with solid proof and
evidence in the form of fully documented, and accurate measurements and
test setup diagrams;

From Duncan:
TK your breathtaking! stitch up the basic laws of energy like a kipper and then Quote scientific rigour to me , if you were pinocco you couldn't drive with that big snout hitting the windscreen all the time !


No "stitch up" on my part, Sir. There's nothing I've said that's wrong and, unlike you, I can and do provide checkable and credible outside references, and demonstrations of my own in support of everything I've said.  I find your attitude and many of your statements offensive and ridiculous and as I've shown, you are making statements without support and going against the founding philosophy of this forum... which is, or was until you came along, a _scientific_ forum searching for overunity performance in various systems.

(And it's "you're", not "your". Speak English much, do you?)


Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
Quote from: Duncan
Scientific forum ? Its a forum dedicated to the research of over unity as far as I understand it .
Science is adamant over unity doesn't exist so it is certainly not a scientific forum per se !
It is however a forum dedicated to Over unity research which happens to have quite a number of scientists represented. If you wish to join a scientific forum I'll be happy to direct you to one !

As most of us are painfully aware, Science does have
limitations.  Within the realm of "Overunity" its methods
have borne no fruit.

Most manifestations of anomalous energy have no
Scientific explanation and in fact come from a source
which Science is unable to deal with.  Scientific
instruments are unable to measure it even though its
effects are plainly visible and often felt.

The vast majority are not ready to admit that the source
of this mysterious energy is from outside our physical realm.
In due time even the most stubborn will acquiesce to this
Truth.  We are living in the age of Signs and Wonders which
will increase over the coming months and years.  We will
witness events thought impossible.

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
As most of us are painfully aware, Science does have
limitations.  Within the realm of "Overunity" its methods
have borne no fruit.

I would agree, we live in an age where politicians act like dictators not moderators, teachers do not teach kids how to learn or understand but to memorize what their told, where doctors do not heal but medicate and scientists prefer to study patterns in numbers and methodology over patterns in nature. It would seem to me most people are simply pretending to be something they are not by implying their title or beliefs might make them something they never were in reality. It is pathetic, it really is and it's hard to believe people who cannot even be truthful with themselves. We live in a world where most everyone is an expert in practically nothing because most can barely manage to do what they were supposed to know let alone improve upon it in any way. We live in a world of hype where everything is changing very fast but nothing important ever changes, it's all the same old shit in a different wrapper.

I'm glad there are still some here who are willing to stir the pot otherwise the same old shit just keeps floating to the top.


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4727

Buy me some coffee

Oh no its you that keeps on tinman how might I present someone else’s machine , be it yours, MJNs  A Cs Boyce or anyone else’s for that matter? its not my place to disclose, which doesn't mean I haven't met and seen folks who have running machines
Same old same old-->it's not my place to say. How many times has this one been used.

after all I haven't seen your machine but if you say it dances I have no reason to doubt it. Its just another. COP machine
I don’t ask you constantly to show the thing because its meaningless anyway
I am not sure how you know about said device,but you wouldnt have been my first choice to include in the discussion.ATM it is nothing out of the ordinary,as my wife's swinging dolphin toy has been running 13 years longer on one battery,so said device only has another 13 years to run,and then we can start asking questions.

so stop asking the bloody stupid  questions. If the folks I do know that have built COP>1 machines wanted to Advertise the fact and be Named they would do so .It seems to be just a tad dangerous to kith and kin so they opt not to
Let me guess-the men in black will come and shoot all the family member's?.
I ask no question's,i ask only that you back up your claim-->which you always manage to weasel your way around from doing with the!! it's not mine!! excuse.

So to put that in a nutshell .. 1/ COP >1 machines exist and I will talk about them and mention the fact now and again 2/ I know one or two people who have built COP>1 machines . I have met them and they have been kind enough to give me information , I will not name them , by enlarge they don't want to be named I would need their permission . I am not going to ask for your amusement
Lol-no,of course not.

3/ I have built and run a COP>1 machine. It isn't running now and it was temperamental anyway .
Lol,of course it's not running now-->the free energy must have went flat.

If it was running and did anything much more than lit an LED I would think seriously before broadcasting it . Broadcasting an idea thats a different thing again
I hope you understand all that and stop and cease highlighting COP>1 every time you see it
there is such a thing and it has to be written now and again without you going wobbly at the knees
Lol-nothing you say Duncan will make my knee's wobble,as i know that your all talk and no action.

So to summarize.
All we need to do(according to you Duncan)to have a COP>1 device(highlighted for your entertainment),we just need a device run from a battery,where the battery voltage remains or starts to climb while the device is running and powering a load. This would be in a looped system of course,and no measurements are required because it's in a loop,and the voltage is climbing O0

Never let your schooling get in the way of your education.

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4727

Buy me some coffee

Even Clarence says he isn't ready for measurists yet , get a grip man never mind idle COP>1 chatter  where's your contribution to the hypothesis ?

Please explain Duncan how Clarence can claim a self runner(COP>1 device)if no measurements have been taken??.
So TK has to put forth his contribution(which he has done on countless occasions on other devices) on an unworkable device,but here you are with your countless claims of COP>1 devices(even one you claim to have made),and you don't need to show or disclose one-just one said device.

Here is a simple fact-like it or lump it.
No claim of COP>1 can be confirmed without accurate measurements-period.
If you want me to show you a system running a load from a battery,and watch the battery voltage rising as it's running that load,i will be more than happy to throw such a device together-->I'll even throw in some ground rod's. Then i will give you first opportunity to purchase the worlds first COP>1 device.

Never let your schooling get in the way of your education.

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4727

Buy me some coffee
As most of us are painfully aware, Science does have
limitations.  Within the realm of "Overunity" its methods
have borne no fruit.

Most manifestations of anomalous energy have no
Scientific explanation and in fact come from a source
which Science is unable to deal with.  Scientific
instruments are unable to measure it even though its
effects are plainly visible and often felt.

The vast majority are not ready to admit that the source
of this mysterious energy is from outside our physical realm.
In due time even the most stubborn will acquiesce to this
Truth.  We are living in the age of Signs and Wonders which
will increase over the coming months and years.  We will
witness events thought impossible.
With all due respect,could you point me in the direction of an example of this anomalous energy,as Duncan has failed on many occasions now to do so-->he keeps hiding behind glass windows.

Never let your schooling get in the way of your education.
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