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Author Topic: Energy from the Ground - Self powered generator by Barbosa and Leal - Clarence  (Read 208546 times)
Hero Member

Posts: 704
The Dunning–Kruger things very amusing ;D I particularly liked the bank robber with the lemon juice!
Only in America I would think!
I dont really know what you have built or who's reproduced it but I have just been over and had a quick read of some of your projects and I am quite impressed .
Had I have done that before hand I probably would not have lashed out so , my apologies.
On the other hand your description of fuses and cables blowing was at best ham fisted  :-[
You ask if I have ever made a machine that shows cop>1 yes I have had the good fortune to do so. alas so far there's always an element of chance involved which is frustrating still if you have a system, and you know it works and other people can replicate with ease well you are indeed blessed. I hope you broadcast it far and wide.
In the mean time it is this thread of Grummages I have an interest in,  what I have built in the past , or what I may build in the future does not pertain, or at least only in so much as it could explain how this system may be working and if you read my first post it does say MAY In short I have come onto this thread because I wish to engage in the investigation, design, improvement and eventual implementation of this design.
I am aware Clarence .. at this stage, has opted to keep away from measurements, perhaps for his own safety, perhaps to avoid the tirade of accusation that follows a claim of COP>1 and yes it is possible the thing doesn't work as advertised. I think it does work and respect and understand the mans right to finish his machine before being subjected to a barrage of tests !
That is the general run of things after all Idea > debate > principles of operation > build > test > measurements and performance data .
As far as this thread goes (and many others) well there's nothing built yet .. Is there ??
what the hell is there to measure ? Yet we've already got a flock of measurist's oh joy!
That's quickly followed with a load of 'what I've built is better than what you've built' Is it ? So what ? Go bask in Lemon juice!
just so we might understand one another .. I have not joined this thread to discuss measurements (at least not until something's ready to be measured) I have not joined the thread to play 'I'll show you mine if you'll show me yours' ... I did not join the thread to exhibit anything I've built in the past, nor did I join the thread to become involved in any challenge nor this flame and burn business which has already been pointed out is starting to become inevitable.
The thread is specific to this set up of Clarence's and a replication is being considered. before a replication can be attempted some idea of how and why it operates is required . There are things here in common with other systems that I have built and experimented with, hence my interest in joining a group who also would like to investigate it .
On the other hand I don't particularly wish to start explaining that a watt/sec is a joule and it requires energy to blow a fuse to people who should know better. alas
I did have an email from another member suggesting its quite pointless posting on this forum anymore, It might be right and that would be a shame.

Kind regards Duncan

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4727

Buy me some coffee

Kind regards Duncan
You talk the talk Duncan,but you cant walk the walk.E.G
You ask if I have ever made a machine that shows cop>1 yes I have had the good fortune to do so.
We have been down this path before with you,and you failed to deliver. This would seem to be the case again-->is there any point in asking if we could see this cop>1 machine?. C.C

I received an email from another member suggesting its quite pointless posting on this forum anymore, It might be right and that would be a shame.
Only those that refuse to accept accurate measuring on devices would say a thing like that. There use to be a guy called exnihiloest,and he runs rings around most of us when it comes to straight talk about measurements-->you would have loved him,he was a hoot. We had our differences,but now i fully understand what he was about,and i have a new found respect for him. In fact,i often wish he would return. O0

This forum has more(you could say) brains than any other forum around. The combined knowledge here is second to none.Some of the guys here even leave MarkE over at OU behind,and i had the fortune to be one of them not so long ago in regards to how my cool joule circuit was able to run without inductive coupling between the primary and secondary coil. Now how was it that a mechanic could get one up on one of the top guys on OU?,well i have good teachers here,and in this case it was ION that nailed it. Im now full bottles on the miller effect capacitance in transistors.

So you see,your so called measurementalist's are the guys you learn from-->the guys that separate rubbish from gold.There was(some time ago) a guy that went by the name UFOpolotics over at energetic forum,that not oncebut twice claimed he had an overunity motor. His first claim of OU was based around how many 500 watt light bulbs he could light with X amount of power in. He assumed that if a 500 watt lightbulb lit,then it was using 500 watts of power-->mistake number one. Then he carried out a prony brake test on his motor,and through his incorrect calculations,told everyone once again that his motor was definitely OU. The next thing that happened was he started putting kits together,and a lot of members started buying these kit's.At this point in time i stated on his thread that he carried out the prony brake test incorrectly,and his motor was infact only 62% efficient. He then asked me to leave his thread :o,and said i was full of sh*t,and didn't know what i was talking about. So i spent the $160.00 odd,and bought all the gear i needed to carry out a prony brake test on a stock 1HP PM motor i had lying around. The first test i did i carried out the same way that UFOpolotics did,and i ended up with a cop of >1.35,or a stock motor that was 135% efficient O0. I then carried out the test the correct way,and had a motor that was 76.5% efficient,and this was within .2% of the manufactures specks.

So you see Duncan,accurate measurements are vital in situations like this,and anyone who says they are not needed is no better than UFOpolotic's-->or any other shankster.

Never let your schooling get in the way of your education.
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
The Dunning–Kruger things very amusing I particularly liked the bank robber with the lemon juice!
Only in America I would think!

I would agree and I have found that most people who speak of the Dunning–Kruger effect are simply trying to justify their own skewed opinion without actually proving anything. As if to say-- I do not believe it can work therefore the other person must be inferior to me in some way and suffering from delusions of grandeur because they could never be as smart nor as grand as I am. This relates to narcissistic personality disorder in my opinion whereby a person applies one set of rules to others but never to themselves as a way of empowering themselves. It is a poor and often misguided arguement in my opinion.

That is the general run of things after all Idea > debate > principles of operation > build > test > measurements and performance data .
As far as this thread goes (and many others) well there's nothing built yet .. Is there ??
what the hell is there to measure ? Yet we've already got a flock of measurist's oh joy!

Another good point and I have decided that when I do build a working device to demonstrate there will be no need to measure anything to avoid these kinds of circlular and quite pointless debates. I think we all understand that it starts with a simple request for measurements then the measures are called into question followed by more protocols and more measurements and this continues until all debate concerning whether it might actually work have ceased. It is obvious to me from experience that they will never be satisfied by any measurements until they have proven their point whatever that may be. I believe T.H.Moray had it right -- You cannot prove anything to anyone who cannot prove the matter for themselves.

I did have an email from another member suggesting its quite pointless posting on this forum anymore, It might be right and that would be a shame.

I wouldn't say pointless however we should understand the motivations of some of the people we might debate with. In many cases I have found it has nothing to do with learning or debating or proving anything of substance moreso the critic winning the argument through attrition. They simply hammer away endlessly until all constructive debate of the real issues has ceased so they can feel good about themselves. I understand it can be very frustrating for many however once we understand the psychology here it can be quite comical. I see the critic roll in and make one comment and I know all hell is going to break loose and any real debate about anything of substance it about to end, lol. I mean it is so damn obvious and predictable a person just has to laugh about it in my opinion.

Whenever the critics and measurists start in I get this funny picture in my head of them flogging a horse. They say how long is the stick, what is the velocity, how hard did it hit, what was your technique?. No no no that measurement was wrong, the whip is 1.354mm too long you fool. However they are flogging a dead horse and all their debate is absolutely pointless... just bury the damn thing and move on.


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4727

Buy me some coffee

I would agree and I have found that most people who speak of the Dunning–Kruger effect are simply trying to justify their own skewed opinion without actually proving anything. As if to say-- I do not believe it can work therefore the other person must be inferior to me in some way and suffering from delusions of grandeur because they could never be as smart nor as grand as I am. This relates to narcissistic personality disorder in my opinion whereby a person applies one set of rules to others but never to themselves as a way of empowering themselves. It is a poor and often misguided arguement in my opinion.

Another good point and I have decided that when I do build a working device to demonstrate there will be no need to measure anything to avoid these kinds of circlular and quite pointless debates. I think we all understand that it starts with a simple request for measurements then the measures are called into question followed by more protocols and more measurements and this continues until all debate concerning whether it might actually work have ceased. It is obvious to me from experience that they will never be satisfied by any measurements until they have proven their point whatever that may be. I believe T.H.Moray had it right -- You cannot prove anything to anyone who cannot prove the matter for themselves.

I wouldn't say pointless however we should understand the motivations of some of the people we might debate with. In many cases I have found it has nothing to do with learning or debating or proving anything of substance moreso the critic winning the argument through attrition. They simply hammer away endlessly until all constructive debate of the real issues has ceased so they can feel good about themselves. I understand it can be very frustrating for many however once we understand the psychology here it can be quite comical. I see the critic roll in and make one comment and I know all hell is going to break loose and any real debate about anything of substance it about to end, lol. I mean it is so damn obvious and predictable a person just has to laugh about it in my opinion.

Whenever the critics and measurists start in I get this funny picture in my head of them flogging a horse. They say how long is the stick, what is the velocity, how hard did it hit, what was your technique?. No no no that measurement was wrong, the whip is 1.354mm too long you fool. However they are flogging a dead horse and all their debate is absolutely pointless... just bury the damn thing and move on.


Your all over the show. One day you pop up in a thread drunk,and start a dribble fest on some one's post,and the next day you seem to flip the reality switch,and agree that accurate measurements are a must. Now here you are saying there not needed-quote: I have decided that when I do build a working device to demonstrate there will be no need to measure anything to avoid these kinds of circlular and quite pointless debates.
pointless debate's?. You are on Overunityreserch,and one of the most vital parts of success is accurate measurements,and know what you are looking at when it comes to power and energies. But here you are saying--It's not required :o
Have you been drinking again?

Never let your schooling get in the way of your education.
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
Hey Matt
Correct me if I am wrong AC.

No as usual you are correct and a looper is a peculiar concept in itself I think. Now if we have a device with no apperent input and connected to it is a 500w light where is the input and how do you measure it?. It is like saying here we have a circle with no beginning and no end and yet from this circle we have an output, where is the beginning if the beginning is everywhere?.

I mean no offense to anyone but I see so many who claim to be open minded but their just not because being open minded means we must be willing to change our minds and few are. So yes I routinely flip the reality switch and change my mind and follow through on things which seem pointless... why wouldn't we?. I mean if what were doing isn't working then why in the hell do we keep doing it, lol.

I like your posts Matt, not that were in agreement all the time but moreso because unlike most here your willing to put a little different spin on the broken record playing here, thank you.


« Last Edit: 2015-04-06, 22:09:17 by Allcanadian »

Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4727

Buy me some coffee
Hey Matt
No as usual you are correct and a looper is a peculiar concept in itself I think. Now if we have a device with no apperent input and connected to it is a 500w light where is the input and how do you measure it?. It is like saying here we have a circle with no beginning and no end and yet from this circle we have an output, where is the beginning if the beginning is everywhere?.

I mean no offense to anyone but I see so many who claim to be open minded but their just not because being open minded means we must be willing to change our minds and few are. So yes I routinely flip the reality switch and change my mind and follow through on things which seem pointless... why wouldn't we?. I mean if what were doing isn't working then why in the hell do we keep doing it, lol.

I like your posts Matt, not that were in agreement all the time but moreso because unlike most here your willing to put a little different spin on the broken record playing here, thank you.


A self running looped system with an output(Q) would have to be where measurements are of the up most importance. How else would you expect to find out what the energy input is?-->or do we just leave it at that-->an unknown. Measurements arnt just to determine wether or not a device is cop>1,they are to determine as to where the energy is coming from,or what that energy is.Once this is known,then devices of far more efficient design can be made to harness that energy.

Never let your schooling get in the way of your education.
Group: Guest
The trick is I think that, "You gotta know when to hold em" and "you gotta know when to fold em", kind of thing.

I'll replicate a self runner as a matter of utmost priority, when one is shown that is. Until then I'll keep thinking of how to improve my situation, and if I build a self runner or over 1.0 C.O.P. device I'll post details and demonstrate it so others can do it.

Otherwise I'll encourage others not to be so gullible when it comes to replicating unproven "idea's", claiming to be OU with no proof.

If I observe something interesting or that which makes no sense to me I might post about that as well.

What I won't do is claim a self runner with a big battery in the system, or more out than in without getting a replication from a competent builder and tester first.

From what I've seen there is no shortage of crazy idea's already.

Call me ignorant. But what exactly has this Russ person achieved in the way of free energy collection of a "novel form" ? Does he have "Guru" status ? (as in has he claimed OU but never proved it, yet many people believe he has or something ? )


Maybe we should all compare our houshold power bills. To see who is paying who and how much.


Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055

You make very wise observations.  For every possible case of
potential "overunity" or "free energy" there should be a
plausible explanation.

Every instance of strange anomalous energy which I've witnessed
has no explanation.  It manifests in such a way that its presence
is visible yet it defies all reasonable possibilities.

The only "controlled" evidence of such anomalous energy I've
witnessed have been several strange airborne craft of the UFO

I've come to believe, therefore, that the elusive "overunity" is
sourced from the realm of the supernatural.  Certain entities
are capable of making it manifest and use that ability to both
tantalize us as well as to teasingly deceive us.

Daniel Pomerleau is one who is able to summon it forth in
a controlled fashion but has no idea how it is possible or
who/what he is in communion with.

Pursuing it electronically can have its rewards in that one learns
a great deal in the process.  And, in due course, wisdom does
implant itself in our minds and we realize that "overunity"  is a very
strange animal indeed.

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
Hero Member

Posts: 704
I had seriously thought not to write another word but of course that might well be the intention, I now know evolvingape has a super developed machine that’s COP > ,stable and replicable . Lucky man The trouble is the 'ape-gen' isn't powering houses up and down down my road so regardless I am still going to take an interest in COP>1 machines Its a hobby I enjoy and I believe its very important.
Whilst making no claim regarding myself I would ask you reading this to consider that if the original concept worked (and you must be the judge of that ) and if what Clarence has built works (likewise) then tptb will and must do everything and anything to shut the technology down … I hope you understand that. It could put Clarence in a lot of danger if he continues, Clarence knows the score!
As for myself it is clear that I have been 'flamed' as Grummage predicted It has thrown the thread and the particular point into disarray --- most of you reading this are not stupid, don’t you think that was the intention ?
 Could I possibly have stumbled  on a key point ? I would ask you to focus on the point I was making and the reason I was making it and not allow personalities or flaming sessions to divert your concentration . I don’t mind being wrong, and I don’t mind being mistaken and I don't mind it being questioned … In a correct and decent manner .  Wrong Wrong Wrong It doesn't take energy to blow a fuse – In my opinion is not a decent manner !  Added to that the man is wrong himself and that distinction could be very very important. Here's why .. Very large currents are being measured in that loop , Its obvious that has a part to play. You  are being diverted from it by .. well really any bloody thing that can be thought of , Circulating current from the grid , The meter must be wrong
current that large would blow the cable Its this last sentence and my focus on it that started the fire
and the evovingapes piffle about energy not being required to blow a cable.
Let me then simplify by example so you can understand and judge .. lets take electrocution as the study.  If any part of this doesn't make sense feel free to question . It takes energy to electrocute you  that energy is made up of volts (the pressure) Amps (the flow) (the product of these two components make up power) and of course time is required for energy , despite evolvingape's peculiar theory read it yourself you will find it takes energy to electrocute you blow a fuse or anything else for that matter!
Now lets take the case of a car ignition coil, I'm sure most have had a snap off one of those at some time or another … It isn't nice but you are not dead, That’s because there are thousands of volts but very little current available. The product of VI is  not sufficient to kill . For the moment I would like you to imagine a coil wound such that the voltage was  .. well its imaginary so infinite and so the current of course would be infinitely small, you could now grab the cable and detect nothing at all
I hope you can see this even if you perhaps don't fully agree .. yet
With this machine on that loop It seems to me there is the same situation but of course totally reversed The current is huge but V is infinitely small.
I believe like Lord Voldemort that it is what you know as VA r I also believe like his Lordship that it can rejuvenate batteries.
I also said its difficult to measure reactive power, why ? Because it isn’t supposed to be able to do anything still here's a shot at it for your inspection


It may also sound as if I am at war with measurists , as you probe a little into reactive current and power you'll quickly find units which are not common and certainly in the electrostatic domain not available most text books.
So I have seen things happen and I suspect I know why but scopes. And flukes don't answer and neither does ohms law and its ilk

Perhaps now you may start to see the importance of the two points I was pressing

1/ The make up of energy and particularly
2/ can reactive power charge batteries

As for a burning or .. please stay on subject and that is this at this time this system and what might  make it tick we all seek answers. anyway The phoenix has been known to rise from the ashes.  
« Last Edit: 2015-04-07, 09:14:00 by Duncan »

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus
Hero Member

Posts: 704
muDped A little more of John Chang for your Interest


I suspect (in fact I know) Gregory V. Simpson, PhD used more than a DVM on John but its not really the issue here. I was simply asked for examples that can't be easily measured as preparation for a flame and picked on DJ
kind regards Duncan
« Last Edit: 2015-04-07, 09:12:40 by Duncan »

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
I am suffering from this condition am I AC ? lol you are getting desperate are you not!


Farmhand hit it spot on, an accurate and sensible account of the situation and from a "measurist" not an OU proponent.. imagine that..

The trick is I think that, "You gotta know when to hold em" and "you gotta know when to fold em", kind of thing.

I'll replicate a self runner as a matter of utmost priority, when one is shown that is. Until then I'll keep thinking of how to improve my situation, and if I build a self runner or over 1.0 C.O.P. device I'll post details and demonstrate it so others can do it.

Otherwise I'll encourage others not to be so gullible when it comes to replicating unproven "idea's", claiming to be OU with no proof.

If I observe something interesting or that which makes no sense to me I might post about that as well.

What I won't do is claim a self runner with a big battery in the system, or more out than in without getting a replication from a competent builder and tester first.

From what I've seen there is no shortage of crazy idea's already.

Call me ignorant. But what exactly has this Russ person achieved in the way of free energy collection of a "novel form" ? Does he have "Guru" status ? (as in has he claimed OU but never proved it, yet many people believe he has or something ? )


Maybe we should all compare our houshold power bills. To see who is paying who and how much.


evovingapes piffle about energy not being required to blow a cable.

What the hell are you on about man ? I never mentioned anything about energy not being required to blow a cable! Quote me fool, quote me!

If you cannot even keep your mind straight on what's going on within a few short posts it would appear the "piffle" is coming from you Duncan..

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.
Sr. Member

Posts: 479
Excess energy is everywhere but when for example transformer is tapping extra energy it goes bad and smoke is the result..  O0
Hero Member

Posts: 704
oops tin man ... I just went back to find to quote you asked for that got me bent out of shape .. I'm afraid I got your rant confused with tinselcola who was also busy having a slap  sooo sorry o'l chap ... not as good as the lemon juice guy though!

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4727

Buy me some coffee
oops tin man ... I just went back to find to quote you asked for that got me bent out of shape .. I'm afraid I got your rant confused with tinselcola who was also busy having a slap  sooo sorry o'l chap ... not as good as the lemon juice guy though!
I think your completely mixed up Ducan lol. It was TK i believe that was talking about blowing fuses,and you thought is was EA,and now your appologising to me for something i had nothing to do with lol.

Now,it seems that once again,my post didnt get through :'(.
Anyway,some one(cant remember who now) said a few post back to get crazy with idea's,and just slap something together lol. So i did just that. Here is the Tesla Reactor. It started out as a junk good for nothing project,but turns out it has some interesting things going on.


Never let your schooling get in the way of your education.
Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052
This was like the Old Bar room Brawl.....
Oh the good old days  :D

Sigh.... But I slept through the whole Thing  :-\

Hero Member

Posts: 704
If you'd really like to have a mess around with things that could pertain tinman and particularly reactive current, as I pointed out Voldemort Say's reactive current charges batteries … capacitors are also a DC blocker as I'm sure you know but here its being taken close to resonance by switching in and out caps . Perhaps then you might then like to alter your lovely Tesla reactor slightly and use those nice big caps and test the veracity of this
I already have but I'd very much like a second opinion . And any idea's on why . As the man says it can get a tad scary still its only an o'l battery and a cap away

kind regards Duncan

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4727

Buy me some coffee
If you'd really like to have a mess around with things that could pertain tinman and particularly reactive current, as I pointed out Voldemort Say's reactive current charges batteries … capacitors are also a DC blocker as I'm sure you know . Perhaps then you might then like to alter your lovely Tesla reactor slightly and use those nice big caps and test the veracity of this
I already have but I'd very much like a second opinion . And any idea's on why . As the man says it can get a tad scary still its only an o'l battery and a cap away

kind regards Duncan

Looks as boaring as bat sh*t. I'll leave that one with you duncan.
I am actually getting a bit serous now with the Tesla/Hudini hybryd,and have started a new build with a much neater setup. I am actually going to try ground rods on the next one,just to see if any difference is noticed.

Never let your schooling get in the way of your education.
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
If you'd really like to have a mess around with things that could pertain tinman and particularly reactive current, as I pointed out Voldemort Say's reactive current charges batteries … capacitors are also a DC blocker as I'm sure you know but here its being taken close to resonance by switching in and out caps . Perhaps then you might then like to alter your lovely Tesla reactor slightly and use those nice big caps and test the veracity of this
I already have but I'd very much like a second opinion . And any idea's on why . As the man says it can get a tad scary still its only an o'l battery and a cap away

I have built that battery charger circuit and it works fine, the capacitor simply limits the amount of charge which may pass through on each positive and negative cycle within the alternating current. It is no different than placing a flexible membrane in a alternating water hose and performs the same function.

The thing to remember here is that reactive power is defined as energy which is stored within the system and returned to it performing no work in the process. Consider a pendulum which swings back and forth performing no external work as reactive power however if it did perform work then this loss of motion would need to be made up somewhere which is real power which must be provided from a source. In the battery charger some energy is dissipated on each positive and negative half cycle in the battery and the process is pretty straight forward. A capacitor may block a constant DC current however it does not block energy dissipated within the AC cycle because each AC half cycle is a DC current and each time the current reverses the source will see the energy lost on the last half cycle. As such the AC series capacitor circuit is always losing energy which is being dissipated and the source is making up for this lost energy in a seamless process. Remember we are speaking of the flow of Energy in the system...Energy.

To be honest I prefer series caps to limit current and it is really no more dangerous than a parallel capacitor which would represent a dead short in the system if it ever failed closing the circuit. As well a ridiculously simple high current cut-out can be built with a $3 hall effect current sensor and a couple $2 mosfets wired back to back to shut down the circuit at any preset current level. At which point it would be very simple to add a $1 voltage divider/opto isolator to monitor the battery voltage and turn the mosfets off on any high voltage condition... too easy.


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
Hero Member

Posts: 704
thanks  for that AC  kind of you to comment   into the context of what I tried ( I'd like to run it again but my workshop is full of kitchen units right now) I had three totally sulphated batteries .. (an ebike that had been left for 2 years) ... pretty much as described in that web page  with switched caps I got to the snap crackle pop bit and the battery amazingly did a very quick recovery. as you say
I then decided to try a variable frequency supply as well (a motor speed controller) I had the idea at the back of my mind to hove as close to series resonance as I could ... that is if you like treating the battery and the bridge simply as any circuit that could be run resonant ... I know of course there's power factor involved and I really didn't have the equipment to measure what was going on but it seemed very impressive. George Wiseman uses something very similar to turn his electric meter backwards

of course he's charging a bank  (110v) of batteries) or in my case 240v that way with the benefit of off peak he's running his home off batteries and feeding excess back to the grid . I have noticed charging like this is very fast and the utility meter hardly moves . regardless of if its 1 or 10 batteries The legality of all that I don't know ... if it would loop or even if the batteries could be kept at resonance or alternated with another set I don't know either , I guess really the utility should also pay you for putting capacitive load on their grid .. don't think that's going to happen  ;D kind regards Duncan
« Last Edit: 2015-04-07, 17:46:37 by Duncan »

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
muDped A little more of John Chang for your Interest

John Chang Video

I suspect (in fact I know) Gregory V. Simpson, PhD used more than a DVM on John but its not really the issue here. I was simply asked for examples that can't be easily measured as preparation for a flame and picked on DJ
kind regards Duncan

Thanks for your link Duncan.  There is truth in the video
which points to the true source of anomalous energy.
Where do you believe the energy comes from?
« Last Edit: 2015-04-07, 22:28:20 by muDped »

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.

Sr. Member

Posts: 489

Buy me some coffee
One of the guys on OU posted this link

It shows a captor like effect with a closed loop.

Any ideas?
It seems to be acting like a current amplifier although no input measurements are provided.
Anyone seen this effect before?


Electrostatic induction: Put a 1KV charge on 1 plate of a capacitor. What does the environment do to the 2nd  plate?

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4727

Buy me some coffee
One of the guys on OU posted this link

It shows a captor like effect with a closed loop.

Any ideas?
It seems to be acting like a current amplifier although no input measurements are provided.
Anyone seen this effect before?

It is interesting,as the magnetic field is suppose to be contained within the toroid,so one would think(other than the PM he stuck on the toroid)that nothing around the outside should influence the magnetic field within that toroid. I would think that the magnetic field is being altered due to the single loop turn,which sets up it's own magnetic field.,and changing the oscillating frequency required to obtain maximum gain/amplitude through the LED's. That was an interesting idea using the small cap-->i wonder if that would make some sort of tank?.

Never let your schooling get in the way of your education.
Hero Member

Posts: 704
a.king & tinman permit me to remind you of this old chestnut by Chris Carson RIP see circa 6 mins https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lqMiZPO9TM It does make sense to me but I have been trying for hours to write something  that might get it across, re this thing not sure I'll manage

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus

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Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
Mind, Body & Kick Ass Moves - Dim Mak


The dimmak touch of death master - Downloaded from bullshido. This fat, sloppy martial arts instructor claims he can drop his opponent with with one touch.Whats your take on this?


Kiai Master vs MMA - a Kiai Master offers a 5000 dollar challenge that he can beat any MMA fighter. Too bad for him because his techniques doesn't affect the MMA fighter


My personal favourite that one  O0

Karate Instructor Smacks Student In Face and Fight Breaks Out


The last video is what happens when a con artist is confronted by someone with a strong mind!

So.. what have we learned from these video's ?

Is the martial arts Master the equivalent of someone who preaches OU devices exist everywhere and can instruct you in how to build one (for a price or for free) ? Note they never show their completed OU machine so that the student can have total faith the Master's teachings are sound as evidenced by their OU device!

Are the students gullible ? Are they the equivalent of the OU sycophants who hang on the Master's every word and instruction in the hope that they one day will be able to build an OU machine (just like their Master's non-existent OU device) ?

What happens when they come across a strong mind who needs evidence and not merely blind belief ?

There are many things we do not understand about the human body and the nature of existence itself, mysteries which are slowly being solved by the application of the scientific method, and not the cult of blind belief.

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.
Group: Guest
One of the guys on OU posted this link

It shows a captor like effect with a closed loop.

Any ideas?
It seems to be acting like a current amplifier although no input measurements are provided.
Anyone seen this effect before?


The shorted one-turn "secondary" changes the impedance of the wound toroid, thus changing the operating frequency of the JT. The magnets applied to the toroid drive the core material into, or closer to, full saturation, also changing its operating frequency. There is nothing special happening here, no "captor" effect and no current amplifier as we might ordinarily term it. Just pushing the JT circuit around its operating parameter range.
An oscilloscope would show very clearly what is happening: duty cycle and frequency are varying, which affects the visible brightness of the LEDs, power draw, from the source, etc.
Bill (Pirate) at OU knows this stuff very well, and there have been some really good JT threads over there, look for "Jeanna" who did a lot of mighty fine work and between them, Bill and Jeanna know how to make the very best JTs, optimized for brightness and low power draw. Bill uses them around his home for regular illumination and collects "empty" batteries from his neighbors to run them.

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