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Author Topic: Energy from the Ground - Self powered generator by Barbosa and Leal - Clarence  (Read 208548 times)

Group: Elite Experimentalist
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Posts: 4727

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Below i have removed(what i call)the captor usless loop transformer. As you can see,there is nothing more than a looped system here,where as the ground rods are acting like resistors on the neutral side of the circuit. Clarence thinks he has something wonderful going on when he add's ground rods to each side of the neutral leg-as he is able to get more power to the load,when in fact,he is only reducing the resistance in the neutral leg of the circuit by adding more ground rods.

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Group: Elite Experimentalist
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Posts: 4727

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Now lets have a look at the captor usless loop transformer O0
I really dont think this even needs a description of what you have here,but if you think it is something fantastic,then post your comments on it.

Never let your schooling get in the way of your education.
Group: Elite
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Posts: 3537
It's turtles all the way down
Nice analysis Tinman, your circuit simplification has removed all obfuscation.  O0

If Clarence actually thought he had some power coming from the ground, why not just start with a small lamp bulb hooked between the center rods and the outer banks without all the looping stuff. That should be measurable by brightness alone since he dislikes precision  measurement.

If there is nothing to be noted with a small lamp bulb, then of course it must be the magic of the "Captor Coil" circulating and capturing all those elusive earth captons.  C.C

With his present setup he has unwittingly created  the world largest earthworm shocker. Or is it also the largest resistor in history.
With all those worms reluctantly forced to the surface, might be time to go fishing.

"Secrecy, secret societies and secret groups have always been repugnant to a free and open society"......John F Kennedy

Group: Elite Experimentalist
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Posts: 4727

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What i see on the OU thread,i see happening here. Now there are those that are(once again)trying to put Tesla's name on this system >:(. It is always the same when systems like this come out-->it's related to tesla's work. NO IT'S NOT.
Tesla never had or made claim to any OU system-->the term OU is only used in situations where the extra energy coming into a system is from a yet !unknown! source. Once that source is known,you have two outcome's.
1-the unknown source turns out to be man made(eg,radio waves)which = no free lunch.
Or 2- the source turns out to be provided by nature(eg,sun light,temperature changes) which means a !free! energy source.

The only load Clarence has driven so far is a light bulb-->and that is when his system was grid tied.
He has (so far) only run the system in loop mode separate from the grid for 2 1/2 hours with no load and recorded that the battery voltage remained fairly steady-->this is the extent of his testing so far. His statement about running loads of household appliances is only what he thinks he will be able to do once more ground rods are in place-->he has NOT run any loads on his system since it has been disconnected from the grid.

Seeing battery voltages remain at a steady or slightly increased voltage when driving very lite loads is nothing out of the ordinary-->even more so with LA or SLA batteries. Even a small temperature rise will see a voltage climb in a SLA battery.\
For those that think this is rubbish,here is a small and simple test for you to try. Take a SLA,place your volt meter on it,and warm it up by either hitting it with a hair dryer for a while,or simply place it in the sun-->you will see the voltage rise.
Seeing a voltage rise in a battery has nothing to do with it's energy capacity.

Here is what you need to see in order to determined wether or not power is being drained from your battery-->and it hasn't failed me yet.
If you disconnect the device from your battery,and the battery voltage rises,then more power was being drawn from your battery than was being returned.If you disconnect the device from your battery,and the battery voltage fall's,then more power was being delivered to your battery than was being consumed. If i see this happen,then i look further into what may be happening within the system.

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Group: Guest
Since you'll get sick anyway doing that, would you please eat Russ Gries' hat instead.   ;D

I see one and only one possible mechanism for operation.  Consider this patent:

We've all seen it a thousand times.  Now add to it the fact that Mr. Tesla exclaimed repeatedly his system did not use Hertzian electromagnetic waves.

If we take Mr. Tesla's system; tie the antennas together, we mostly have what Clarence describes.  So suppose propagation between the antennas (which are tied together) happens at a different velocity than the two ground connections.  Could you possibly transmit energy to load from source with half the energy packet delayed from it's partner?  If you can, then all that is needed is to have the proper phase adjustment.  You have two polarities, a resonant frequency, a delay on one polarity and no delay on the other.  So the energy packet arrives with positive polarity at time X and the negative polarity at time X - (N cycles).  The receiver side can't tell the difference, it sees the two polarities completely normal.  On the transmitter side, it can't feel the load because one polarity is always offset by one or more cycles.  Basically, once the filament in the light bulb has lit up, you can't go back and say, hey you cheated, that's an old positive paired with a new negative.

I will add, if you tie grounds together and keep the antennas separate, then you have a similar explanation for the Akula devices.

Anyway, if I was to make a science fiction movie and try to describe a plausible explanation for some far-out phenomena, this is how I would do it.

For all those stuck on the Tesla comment, I was commenting on the bold part of Matt's post. He mentions "antenna's", "two of them", obviously he is referring to the transmission systems.

I stated quite rightly that Tesla has never claimed any extra energy out than what he caused to be input for any of his transmission systems.

The "Radiant energy receiver" is a free energy collection device. Call that OU if you want. But the transmissions systems were not energy making devices, they were energy transmission devices/power transmission devices, he input all the power that was transmitted and the losses, as the system was stated by Tesla to be under unity.

Please get over that, and do some reading and research of Tesla's own words and don't make claims on his behalf that he did not ever make. It's not difficult to do.

Group: Guest
Farmhand: Tesla's radiant energy patent  is technically an ou device.
It delivers more energy out than in.


Prove me wrong.

Stop knocking Tesla and making wrong statements.

So A.King stop misreading and misunderstanding and misrepresenting my posts. It's not me knocking Tesla it's all the people making claims on his behalf that he did not make. It makes the ignorant think everything Tesla made was OU. It does no worldly good to do that and it misrepresents Tesla's legacy.

A radiant energy collector is not much different to a solar panel and was likely the genesis of the thinking that led to the PV cell. If a Radiant energy receiver is OU then so is a solar panel.

Thank you.

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4727

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So A.King stop misreading and misunderstanding and misrepresenting my posts. It's not me knocking Tesla it's all the people making claims on his behalf that he did not make. It makes the ignorant think everything Tesla made was OU. It does no worldly good to do that and it misrepresents Tesla's legacy.

A radiant energy collector is not much different to a solar panel and was likely the genesis of the thinking that led to the PV cell. If a Radiant energy receiver is OU then so is a solar panel.

Thank you.
Indeed Farmhand.
Dose the word radiant energy not compute with some people?.
Radiant energy is energy radiated from a source-->just like radio waves,sound waves,heat-->all originate from a source.

There is no OU period. OU is a word used by those that do not understand or know of the source.
How many times have we seen Tesla's name plasted all over these so called radiant energy recievers. This system being looked at here has NOTHING to do with tesla at all-->NOTHING,and how his name was even placed apon this system is beyond me.

The ground rods are nothing more than resistors,and the earth is the conductive path. Why is it so hard to understand that the more ground rods Clarence places within the neutral side of the circuit,the lower the resistance becomes in that path,and the more power is delivered to the load. And what is with that wacked out captop loop transformer palava ???

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Hero Member

Posts: 704
I will try to answer your questions evolvingape as best I may if only for the benefit of others who do read the links and information! it is however easier for me to reverse the order a little as one question  easily answers another, incidentally I really don't mind pub talk, or heated exchange ,much has been learnt in convivial surroundings and sometimes in a squabble, I do know which I prefer.
It is clear to me you have not read or digested the information contained in the links. To remind you your diatribe runs so ..

No real Power In ? Listen to yourself.. Just because you cannot identify what the Power In is does not mean it is not there, or that it is not definable.

This is not my definition it is from standard text from simple school books as is clearly pointed out if you had bothered to actually read the information ergo .. you missed the point neither did I suggest it was not 'definable' I did suggest it was not directly measurable.

Power factor = True power/apparent power . The very definition of 'apparent power' to wit from the dictionary ...

1. The power flow has two components - one component flows steadily from source to load and can perform work at the load, the other portion, known as "reactive power", is due to the delay between voltage and current and cannot do useful work at the load.
…..It can't directly operate a meter then .. for instance. ergo  Cannot be measured at all unless by comparison  in  an accepted mathematical dimension.. however there is a very strong suggestion that this current can and does charge batteries which is of course another point you opted to miss.
That telluric current is circulating in KAr in the ground is well documented there are magnetic current maps available
that utilities of every description also make free use of the ground as part of their return path is usual however they have no jurisdiction over natural magnetic current .. as far as I know.

Regardless if you guys are in doubt and I think here of Chet and 'measurement' ask  Clarence (nicely) to throw the main switch for a while  and so isolate any possibility of 'parallel paths' .
As for the present debate 'Its reading hundreds of amps but the cable doesn't  blow being observed … amps do not blow cables or fuses for that matter (regardless of what it says on the fuse), nor does power! energy does , That energy must consist of Real power x time, That real power must be made up of AMPS in phase not AMPS reactive. There may be hundreds of reactive amps circulating but no real power transfer so no energy, no heat , no way to blow a fuse (or a cable)   just for the record gents I don't mind this merry banter that Grumage calls 'burn and flame' but some attempt to get even the gist of what's being written even if you can't get the point would be much appreciated
before measurists start wanting to measure things that we have no instruments for (yet).
Also a point you elected to miss !

Kind regards Duncan

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus

Group: Elite Experimentalist
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Posts: 4727

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 before measurists start wanting to measure things that we have no instruments for (yet).
Also a point you elected to miss !

Kind regards Duncan

Anything can be measured-->there is no fairy dust power here.
No power exist within any device man has that cannot be measured,be it reactive,active,pasive or what ever. If you know of some sort of power that we cant measure,then please do tell.

Never let your schooling get in the way of your education.
Hero Member

Posts: 704
Tinman .. even in the first post I asked the question where is the energy that DJ lights LEDs (for instance) measured ? The electrical professor the doctor or his student could not do it . Its my guess you wouldn't have much hope either! (no dis-respect intended) further - at no stage do I mention fairy dust - why do you? ... I do mention reactive power .. which has been recorded charging batteries - that's also in the links, which I doubt you read, if you have a method of directly measuring KvAr doing this 'useful work' do put it in print .. It certainly  wasn't available last time I looked! and certainly Houdini and Bearden haven't found a method to measure it (directly) although of course he does define  what it is, and its mathematical construct and does not babble about 'fairy dust'  kind regards Duncan

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus
Group: Ambassador
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Posts: 4052
we do have an option here , To actually see if it can be measured,   "the Dini" thing.

I will see if this can be experimented with here or measured ,I know we have a volunteer to assist
in a proper measurement of "The Dini "claim.and I know we have a successful replication of "the Dini" effect ..

we shall see if the twain can meet....



Hero Member

Posts: 704
Hi Chet the centre section of this circuit has been nagging something at the back of my mind , similar to ... not quite the same, (if you know the feeling) and although I have never tried the thing and so make no claims ..(in fact I guess I shouldn't really post it here as its a different machine but that accepted) Its those transformers ...
It came to me that this is what was nagging so I put it here because (I at least) see resemblance

If its ringing bells .. Its supposed to be Hendershot

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus

Group: Moderator
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Posts: 2782

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Dear All.

So, we have moved from Clarence to Tesla and then to " He who shall remain nameless " !!  Who's next on the list ?  Well Duncan beat me to it !!   ;D  Hendershot !!  NEXT PLEASE ??

What has become rather apparent is the term " OU " It is our forum's Logo. For me, unity means 100 %, a whole, the full Monty !! It can't be added to. Perhaps a good thing would be to have a dedicated thread to discuss this issue? What do you members think ?

With regard to the origin of this thread, we shall just have to wait and see what Clarence get's around to posting on OU.com.

Cheers Grum.

Nanny state ? Left at the gate !! :)
Group: Guest
You are really promulgating a lot of misconceptions in this post.

I will try to answer your questions evolvingape as best I may if only for the benefit of others who do read the links and information! it is however easier for me to reverse the order a little as one question  easily answers another, incidentally I really don't mind pub talk, or heated exchange ,much has been learnt in convivial surroundings and sometimes in a squabble, I do know which I prefer.
It is clear to me you have not read or digested the information contained in the links. To remind you your diatribe runs so ..

No real Power In ? Listen to yourself.. Just because you cannot identify what the Power In is does not mean it is not there, or that it is not definable.

This is not my definition it is from standard text from simple school books as is clearly pointed out if you had bothered to actually read the information ergo .. you missed the point neither did I suggest it was not 'definable' I did suggest it was not directly measurable.

Power factor = True power/apparent power . The very definition of 'apparent power' to wit from the dictionary ...

1. The power flow has two components - one component flows steadily from source to load and can perform work at the load, the other portion, known as "reactive power", is due to the delay between voltage and current and cannot do useful work at the load.
…..It can't directly operate a meter then .. for instance. ergo  Cannot be measured at all unless by comparison  in  an accepted mathematical dimension.. however there is a very strong suggestion that this current can and does charge batteries which is of course another point you opted to miss.
Wrong, and wrong. It's easy to generate and measure reactive power. "Cannot do useful work at the load" and "Can and does charge batteries" ... these two statements are contradictory. Reactive power cannot charge batteries... however it's easy to "siphon off" real power from a reactive power store, and charge batteries with that, and it can look like you aren't drawing your power from the reactive store (because it is being replaced as fast as you are drawing it off). But if you try to draw off real power faster than it is being replaced... you will see your reactive power collapse.
That telluric current is circulating in KAr in the ground is well documented there are magnetic current maps available
And this has nothing to do with the single-wire ground return power system in use in Brazil.
that utilities of every description also make free use of the ground as part of their return path is usual however they have no jurisdiction over natural magnetic current .. as far as I know.

Regardless if you guys are in doubt and I think here of Chet and 'measurement' ask  Clarence (nicely) to throw the main switch for a while  and so isolate any possibility of 'parallel paths' .
As for the present debate 'Its reading hundreds of amps but the cable doesn't  blow being observed … amps do not blow cables or fuses for that matter (regardless of what it says on the fuse), nor does power! energy does ,
Wrong again. What blows fuses or melts wires is _dissipating power_ . You can take a given number of Joules of energy and send it slowly through a conductor (low power level) or send it very rapidly (high power level). In the first case not much happens, in the second case you get heating and melting and blowing fuses. It is not the amount of energy, but how fast it is applied to the conductor: that is, the Power level that determines heating, blowing fuses, melting, etc.  Watts = Joules per second. Joules don't blow fuses, high currents through resistances produce heat (watts of dissipated power) which result in melting or blown fuses. Fewer Joules per second (Watts) = less heating. 
That energy must consist of Real power x time, That real power must be made up of AMPS in phase not AMPS reactive. There may be hundreds of reactive amps circulating but no real power transfer so no energy, no heat , no way to blow a fuse (or a cable) 
That much is approximately correct, except that power is not made up just of AMPS and the key word is "transfer". The current of AMPS still has electromagnetic effects even in a reactive power system and that's what makes it measurable and extractable.
 just for the record gents I don't mind this merry banter that Grumage calls 'burn and flame' but some attempt to get even the gist of what's being written even if you can't get the point would be much appreciated
before measurists start wanting to measure things that we have no instruments for (yet).
Also a point you elected to miss !

Kind regards Duncan

You may want to review my demonstrations of high levels of Reactive Power that I did in the MicroQEG playlist on YT. I demonstrate how a high level of reactive power can occur in the primary of an air-core transformer and be siphoned off by the secondary to perform useful work without collapsing the resonating reactive power. The current of many amperes in the reactive power has profound electromagnetic effects that are easily directly detected and in fact provide the means for power transfer and conversion to real power. The "power" of reactive power may not be "real" but the electromagnetic effect of the _current_ certainly is real and provides the means for extracting and converting the reactive power into real, usable, dissipatable power.
Hero Member

Posts: 704
had to write Voldemort Grum   Bedini   is Taboo on this hallowed turf! as for Tesla its hard to name anything at all from the outset of poly phase to wireless,  magnetics and all things betwixt and between that isn't touched by that mans hand !

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus
Group: Guest
we do have an option here , To actually see if it can be measured,   "the Dini" thing.

I will see if this can be experimented with here or measured ,I know we have a volunteer to assist
in a proper measurement of "The Dini "claim.and I know we have a successful replication of "the Dini" effect ..

we shall see if the twain can meet....



What are you talking about, exactly? What is "the Dini" effect or claim?

Hero Member

Posts: 704
A joule is a unite of energy (not power) it is made up of two components power and time ! I couldn't really care less that you have opted to use joules, a joule by its very definition = 1 watt/second just as energy at you electric meter is KW/Hours .. you split hairs
dissipated power is also energy what exactly do you think an electric meter is measuring ?
I wrote “it takes energy to blow a fuse I made no mention of how much , or for how long if you don't believe it requires the expenditure of power in a  period of time WHICH IS ENERGY it is quite pointless you trying to understand anything much electrical. I wonder have you considered origami?
As for generating magnetic current I at no stage indicated that was difficult ! Regarding you high lighting this .. with wrong (in your opinion)

1. The power flow has two components - one component flows steadily from source to load and can perform work at the load, the other portion, known as "reactive power", is due to the delay between voltage and current and cannot do useful work at the load.

As I pointed out its a dictionary description (also repeated in Hughes classical electrical engineering) and I'm sure he well knows it takes energy to blow a fuse (and usually quite a lot pdq) and so until you sort your basic units out and produce a better guru I think I'll stick with Prof Hughes.
Next you decide to demonstrate that not only have you not bothered to read the thread properly before comment you certainly haven't bothered with the link that this pertains to and the strong suggestion

…..It can't directly operate a meter then .. for instance. ergo  Cannot be measured at all unless by comparison  in  an accepted mathematical dimension.. however there is a very strong suggestion that this current can and does charge batteries which is of course another point you opted to miss

Of course its a bloody contradiction its supposed to be very loud and clear !!a blind man on a galloping horse shouldn't be able to miss it ... guess what you managed to! perhaps I should have wrote it large and under scored it  please go back and open the Lord Voldemore link and it should become obvious even to one being as wilfully obtuse as you .
« Last Edit: 2015-04-05, 17:55:18 by Duncan »

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4727

Buy me some coffee
Tinman .. even in the first post I asked the question where is the energy that DJ lights LEDs (for instance) measured ? The electrical professor the doctor or his student could not do it . Its my guess you wouldn't have much hope either! (no dis-respect intended) further - at no stage do I mention fairy dust - why do you? ... I do mention reactive power .. which has been recorded charging batteries - that's also in the links, which I doubt you read, if you have a method of directly measuring KvAr doing this 'useful work' do put it in print .. It certainly  wasn't available last time I looked! and certainly  kind regards Duncan

Ah man,i spent a sh*t load of time replying to this post,and it didnt go through-->some one must have been posting at the same time. Anyway,i looked at your first post Duncan,and dont see what you are refering to in regards to-->even in the first post I asked the question where is the energy that DJ lights LEDs (for instance) measured ?
Who is DJ,and whats so hard about measureing power to LED's?. Can you point me in the direction of this !cant be measured! power consumption of LED's?,and let me have a crack at it.
Houdini and Bearden haven't found a method to measure it (directly) although of course he does define  what it is, and its mathematical construct and does not babble about 'fairy dust'
Hudini and bearden cant even measure there own pulse systems,little lone anything else. They are salesmen,just like Arron the rookie,and that Linderman peanut.Lots of books full of secret's,but not one device to back up there bullsh*t.

Anyway-about that DJ LED's thing-->post a link to this subject you speak of if you could please.


Never let your schooling get in the way of your education.
Hero Member

Posts: 704
Hi Tinman. It was an off the cuff remark. really because I'm getting a bit hissy with measurist's who can't read , don't know basic units and don't need books or links because they of course know it all!. The link was there because a measurist stated anything could be measured ... if the guy himself has any chi (which I strongly doubt) I think I know where one (if not both) of the probes should go. anyway  the clip relates to Dynamo Jack


Kind regards Duncan

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus

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Posts: 2782

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What are you talking about, exactly? What is "the Dini" effect or claim?

Dear TinselKoala.

Chet phoned me and asked if I would provide a reply to your question.

"the Dini" refers to " He who shall remain nameless " on this forum !!  He has the same initials as that favourite American beverage Jim Beam !!  ;)

Many years ago before I got involved with forums I built a B****I Cole window motor based on a claim that a self running motor had been built by a man named Mike. I have attached a screen shot of the saved page from OU.com.

My motor ran continuously on the same single battery for over 3 months. This 7 AH Gel Cell was not a good one to start with, I could never get it to take a full charge, It always read 8.6 V never ever deviated until finally I pulled the plug on the device. I never got a self runner despite hours of tinkering with it. I unfortunately totally scrapped this device for other projects and never took a photograph either, wish I had now !!

Perhaps the strangest thing was that my middle Son's bedroom was above my " playroom " he complained daily about not being able to sleep, it was only after pulling the plug that he was able to sleep properly again !! I also remember on another occasion, this time with an SSG replication. I went into the room with my daughters new fangled Kodak Digital camera to take some stills, photos taken and back to the PC to unload them. Only to find that the memory card had been completely wiped, alas with my daughters recent holiday snaps as well. I was not in good books for a long time after that incident !!  :D

Some food for thought there !!

Cheers Grum.

Nanny state ? Left at the gate !! :)
Hero Member

Posts: 704
why thank you Grumage that's also enlightened me .. In that case its lord Voldemore .. he who must not be named .. Dini, JB writing here long ago http://merlib.org/ and stating quite clearly reactive current is the key, which he also says in his video cant be measured  sorry about that tin man ... also sorry your long post was all to no avail

kind regards Duncan

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus
Hero Member

Posts: 704
There is far more to this that is quickly fitting into place grummage but of course its conjecture, still if you'd like to consider just from your own stance and don't mind a bit 'of drift on your thread' here is some food for you
… please note I write here to you Grumage I've had enough of noisy know it all's who think they are school teachers and actually seem to know the square root of F'all
for the moment .. .
Remember the battery and the work top ? ...Reactive current AKA magnetic current, does it still carry the mark of zorro ?
Battery duff ?... Read crystallised .. a fractal antenna
There is then an element of chance involved in a lord Voldemort machine ! I doubt that is a surprise!  
Remember Clarence and what he used ? Quartz … a fractal construct , (I advised you to enquire) also please regard the work of Thomas Trawoeger with regard to quartz and crystals generally.
Crystals can be cut or conditioned to follow overtones .. also the domain of magnetic current         3 5   6  7 9
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3yE4d7O17wE  But of course I try to skip and run before walking , The object I guess is to replicate what  Clarance has done .. I simply point out the bits all seem to fit together well.

kind regards Duncan

« Last Edit: 2015-04-05, 20:44:41 by Duncan »

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus

Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 2782

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Battery duff ?... Read crystallised .. a fractal antenna
There is then an element of chance involved in a lord Voldemort machine ! I doubt that is a surprise!  
Remember Clarence and what he used ? Quartz … a fractal construct , (I advised you to enquire) also please regard the work of Thomas Trawoeger with regard to quartz and crystals generally.
Crystals can be cut or conditioned to follow overtones .. also the domain of magnetic current           3 5 6 7 9
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3yE4d7O17wE  But of course I try to skip and run before walking , The object I guess is to replicate what  Clarance has done .. I simply point out the bits all seem to fit together well.

Dear Duncan.

For a moment I had to think about your question !! " Remember the battery and the work top ? ...Reactive current AKA magnetic current, does it still carry the mark of zorro ? "

As we are all aware.... Time is a great healer.... The only mark left in the Granite is now my poor attempt at polishing out the plate matrix of the battery that stood there. It seems the structure has realigned itself ?? This link might help clarify your reference.


All I know is that where there has stood an electromagnetic item, Microwave oven and my Wife's electric toothbrush there are distinct changes in the Granites crystal structure  !! See attached... toothbrush footprint.

Cheers Grum.

Nanny state ? Left at the gate !! :)

Group: Elite Experimentalist
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Posts: 4727

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In that case its lord Voldemore .. he who must not be named .. Dini, JB writing here long ago http://merlib.org/ and stating quite clearly reactive current is the key, which he also says in his video cant be measured  sorry about that tin man ... also sorry your long post was all to no avail

kind regards Duncan
A great example of hudini and his BS. Reactive power can quite easily be measured,and i am at a loss as to why you would think otherwise :o
Further more,that video of electroman you gave me the link to-->are you kidding me C.C. So these so called physicist turn up with nothing more than a $2 wallmart DMM,and there going to measure Mr electro's output lol-->you have got to be kidding me.

This is why so many of these so called free energy devices keep popping up,and run on for month's-->no correct measurements taken,and these people avoid correct measurements like the plague,because they know that there wonder device would soon be debunked.

I have asked you before,and i'll ask again-->show me a device that has a power output that cannot be measured-->you will not.

Never let your schooling get in the way of your education.

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
Well Duncan I have to hand it to you, you have achieved a quite remarkable feat.. You have managed to clearly define those who are sane (the measurist's) and those who are clearly delusional (the OU cultist's). Well done!

I have not encountered such levels of delusion that we find with you since Rosemary Ainslie, a clear case of the Dunning-Kruger effect:


The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias wherein unskilled individuals suffer from illusory superiority, mistakenly assessing their ability to be much higher than is accurate. This bias is attributed to a metacognitive inability of the unskilled to recognize their ineptitude. Conversely, highly skilled individuals tend to underestimate their relative competence, erroneously assuming that tasks which are easy for them are also easy for others.

This reminds me of the current level of schooling for the majority of our children in the West. Standards are continually lowered year on year so more and more children leave school with amazing grades, believing they are all genius's while in reality their skill sets are poor in comparison to their parents. If the kids of today sat the exams from 40 years ago they would be in for a shock and a rapid return to reality. This might upset them and cause them distress and they must be protected from that at all costs, of course.

I believe you yourself Duncan may be suffering from the Dunning-Kruger effect, scoring imaginary "points that you missed" in your mind that have no relation to practical reality. In short your a bullshit merchant, a peddler of crap.

Now, whatever you may think of me personally, I use the scientific method to design new devices. I am quite successful in this regard and have achieved a fully working prototype with off the shelf components that operates precisely in accordance with the known laws of nature. The proof is that the device can be independently replicated and operates the same as the original in accordance with the known laws of physics. I strive to pass on this sound knowledge to the kids so that they may excel by following correct procedure and applying the knowledge they have gained.. in short they will gain wisdom from studying hard and applying that knowledge practically.

So Duncan, I challenge you, please show me a working OU device that produces more work done output than can be accounted for by the user energy input. You cannot!

My challenge should also satisfy Tinman's challenge:

I have asked you before,and i'll ask again-->show me a device that has a power output that cannot be measured-->you will not.

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.
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