Hi Matt your video clip has been nagging a little and your reflection on musical connection rings true . I have a reason to pursue that line , In fact quite a lot of tentative reasons that I have knitted together and forced to fit. In peoples greed for COP>1 they seem to fail to observe the obvious. For instance most here have built an SSG in fact I wouldn’t mind betting its most peoples faltering steps into 'free energy' most found they could rejuvenate batteries and a few after hours and hours of variation got to a self runner, like grummage for months and months. Is it possible to rejuvenate with DC? no ! Only pulsing DC . If you take take one of these batteries apart that has been 'reconditioned'
you'll find the plates are a very different colour to a traditionally charged LA battery.
John himself knows its reactive power he writes that it is so! I have already pointed out that there are two resonances series and parallel . parallel resonance either receives or transmits the electromagnetic wave the radio wave to you and me ! You could measure and calculate back from the radio wave . Back to watts , and volts and amps and be on solid ground and quite happy.
We are not interested much in that , Its in the books, sure it gets complex but its there you can learn it. You expect the radio wave to travel by air It does ! What’s the got to do with electricity?
Its simple you have only been shown half of it ! You have been shown what tptb want you to see!
If there are two resonances there are two entirely different sorts of energy. One is taught and you know something of it , The other for the moment is the exclusive domain of the so called elite, tptb and some of their drones.
As with electrical energy the transformation into and from a different dimension is by one thing and one thing only resonance.
There is one thing you can know for certain it is not going to resemble electricity as you know it at all, Its different stuff ! No volts for you to measure ! No amps , No ohms ,nothing for a measurist his equipment wont work this stuff!
There is however energy . We know next to nothing about it its been closed to us ! Tptb have had exclusive rights for well over a hundred years.
As a Radio Ham I was vaguely aware of this other wave .. The electrostatic wave but it was .. at the other end , The other resonance the one we were not allowed to use. SWR infinity a system not used for a hundred years or more . It doesn’t use the air … it uses the ground hence Clarence earth rods !
So what do we know of this very different energy ? We know after transformation its back in this dimension with us ! We know it is also sent and summoned by resonance! Like the electromagnetic wave.
Ergo Its part and parcel of the power system that is our grid. Our grid runs at as near unity as the robbing power companies can take it. If it were 90 deg lagging the grid would be a resonant radio antenna and all the energy would be transformed and disappear from your perceived dimension into the sky as a radio wave.... (The electromagnetic wave) .. The one we know of
If it were 90deg leading the grid would be a resonant wireless antenna and all the energy would still disappear from your perceived dimension this time into the ground as a wireless wave (The electrostatic wave) … The one that’s suppressed that we know nothing of ! ( Re - the longitudinal wave)
In the dimention of electricity it also isn't taught at all but like all the other things it had to be there !
Its in the very fabric of the electricity we use running right alongside … invisible and very nearly undetectable. No known units (not to us anyway) certainly not amps volts watts and all that phiss !
Here then matt is the musical connection as relates to the present grid system. the unit of the electro-magnetic wave is the wavelenghth the grid uses the electromagmetic system and the electrostatic system how can It do otherwise? At unity power factor Its piggy in the middle between two resonances.
It might be helpful here to imagine a row of houses down the street odd numbered houses on one side of the road and even on the other … we are facing the even numbered houses it is all we can see ! We are oblivious to the odd numbered houses behind us. They there of course but you have to move your perspective 180 deg to see them.
Consider the sine wave the grid carries the sine wave itself is not energy, however it has shape in common with music like musical notes it is also made up of a fundimental and many harmonics all are contained within the area under the curve … The envolope and all the predictable even harmonics make up the side of the street we are forced to look at.
To get a flavour of what the odd numbered houses look like we'll see by what order the sine wave degrades. It isn't by harmonics rather by 'odds' known as overtones to electricians but having little relationship to how a musician might view overtones in that electrically both overtones and harmonics go on ad infinitum. As we consider a LA battery and more particularly the crystal content I invite you to inspect the frequency progression of another crystal . Both its overtone (series resonant ) progression and its harmonic (parellel resonant) progression
http://www.northcountryradio.com/PDFs/070302007.pdf It is of course a complex suject in its own right but all you really need to take on board right now is that it is possible to split electricity in half that is harmonics (even numbered houses) and overtones (odd numbered houses) The grid exibits the same progression see triplins