like A king I too have wrestled for hours with the 3BGS and the Houdini SSG
.. I think its part of OU adolescence … the difficult years !
The brash approach is seen above … do they self sustain well the answer my rash friend is .. yes oh yes
however frustratingly , (very very frustratingly) only sometimes.
There is an x factor involved and with a few links I'm going to try and point in the direction I think it lies. There are hundreds of pulse charging circuits , here is just one of many for your inspection it is not the pulse charger that concerns but rather what that pulse is doing to the battery. I also beg you to keep in mind this is Bemf very different stuff in every respect to the electric you are familiar with … It is perhaps better regarded as Chi .. It zapps like electric .. it charges things .. it does stuff but you can't measure it (not with present day instruments anyway) watch what happens when someone tries is the area the nay sayers and power in power out numpties trip bluster and break things !
In very basic electrical terms assuming 'perfect' the condition where a component (in this case a lead acid battery) is called resonant ,uses no energy. there are two commonly taught
AC resonant states , series resonance and parallel resonance. I tell you now from experience it is series resonance you need to focus on.
Why so? This is what it seems series resonance and its overtones can do even be it at a molecular level But first things .. first, can what is effectively a square wave or pulse and really DC actually achieve resonance? Then ...
Is it possible that a LA battery (or any battery for that matter) could be charged ' at resonance' using no 'real power' lets see what 'gotoluc'
says on the subject of resonance .. then … all (symmetric at least) waveforms turn to a beautiful sine wave AT RESONANCE, consider (for your own sake) would asymmetric waves and what you call radiant energy join the party too ?after all it is what is under that curve which is all important.
can a lead acid battery be resonant ? Well this is 'I' enjoying an evening Shiraz some years ago whilst injecting a square wave into a LA battery to demonstrate that it is so and so could be done who have spent many years studying and enjoying free energy and its attendant circus know very well that anything really useful that directly leads to massive COP>1 is quickly hoovered up and removed from the www. Indeed once you get the knack of it this removal and/or besmirching done by tptb (the powers that be for you new guys)It tells you better than any sign post or x marks the spot exactly where to dig. This is particularly the case not so much with 'pulse chargers' (because they are pretty hit and miss) but certainly RESONANT pulse chargers. they are jumped on PDQ … do you think they might be hugely COP>1 ?
clue ..It doesn't take Sherlock!
If you would care to view a LA battery as a huge capacitor with the dielectric being the electrolyte a little thought should tell you that this capacitor has a constantly changing dielectric and also constantly changing plates …. holding resonance or anything like it then becomes extremely difficult particularly as you no doubt want to introduce the battery to a load R
you recall I wrote pretty much anything to do with 'resonant charging' or sweep frequency charging is hoovered up, here is one such that I have kept I have converted it to PDF and loaded on my own cloud thingy because I would like you to see it ,I think Its close you see … very close, as the man says “food for thought" I would also like you to consider that a sulphated battery is nothing more than a box of crystals and so there is also something of the crystal about a healthy battery.
Chrystal is a fractal construction and you might recall in that video I made some years ago I referred to the battery as an antenna … Its true , but of course I see a little more through the fog now. wiseman some time ago used capacitor charging (pulse charging) to run his house in such a way that the utility company was forced to pay him for the privilege of heating his home. George does good work so I wont go into detail of what he sells, Its his bread and butter after all At the same time should it have piqued you interest this might be enough to tell you what George is doing … especially the 'cracking and popping' bit remember folks batteries are measured in AMP/ HOURS they do not DO NOT require POWER!! at SERIES RESONANCE since P=VI cos Φ and cos Φ=0 at resonance = no power so also of course = No energy ,(not from an acknowledged dimension anyway) So feast your battery on lots of amps whilst expending minuscule 'real power'
to put this another way and say it loud and clear for you ' The lead acid battery is more than happy .. delighted in fact .. to charge from VARs … get in that zone and the battery starts showing its pleasure by freezing a little bit for you .
Lord Voldemort .. tells us this
'After my 35 years of experiments with the term "free energy" and "over unity machines". This is what it turns out to be "Reactive power" and that's it.' on this web page its not quite 'that's it ... it goes on forever and so do you.
kind regards Duncan