While for Coler's device, we can still make the assumption that energy of unknown origin has appeared, for Bearden, there is no experimental evidence that the MEG would have worked. If it did, the device would be easy to reproduce, given its simplicity and the information we have on it. JL Naudin said he had seen OU in his MEG, but this was unconvincing given the margin of uncertainty in his measurements, and since he didn't insist, it's clear that he screwed up (without saying it, as usual, we had the same case with the “Kapagen”). Not only does nobody have a working MEG, but Bearden's alleged principle makes no sense and is expressed without any scientific method. Coler, on the other hand, has never claimed to give a scientific explanation, nor has he produced the tons of gibberish we've seen from Bearden. You can't put the two devices on an equal footing in terms of credibility, nor link them in terms of operation just because they have some similarities in appearance, taken from a cherry picking. They have no more similarities to each other than any magnetic device has to any other. In fact, the MEG looks much more like an ordinary transformer, which it really is, with the permanent magnets serving no other purpose than to change the permeability, which is of no interest.
"Open your mind, but not like a trash bin"