Approximately half of the World's Population is in a fear induced, Media Fed, hypnotic trance. Essentially a Covid Cult. Not having a clue as to how their minds were so skillfully manipulated to turn off curiosity. High Intelligence of an individual offers no protection from the attack upon their thinking skills. The Fear has been very effective at keeping the Cult in line with the Narrative; making believers very much afraid to look where they've been instructed not to look for answers. Abandoning the Scientific Method for fear of being ostracized by their peers. No matter. People are "waking up" never-the-less. I though my post was pretty straightforward, the pandemic is not over and new variants are coming out.
Is this Truth? As Partzman suggested, look at the Amish. Or look at Japan where Covid and all "Variants" have essentially come to an end. Do you believe what you've said to be Truth simply because it was reported via the MainStream Media? Do you still believe that the Scientific Method has merit? On the question of Data Analysis for Statistical Purposes: Institutional provided data has been proved to be unreliable and misleading with severe under-reporting of adverse reactions and deaths. Conclusive data is available, however, from the Undertakers who actually process the dead. The reports provided by Undertakers is shocking to say the least. Undertaker Data is not too difficult to locate.
For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.