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Author Topic: OUR, window on the world.  (Read 338743 times)
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A quote from a great man! We never get old it just our toys get more expensive.  :)

Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 1783
Heh... Zaaap! Been there done that caught my Tshirt on fire.......   >:-)

(If it doesn't have any current running through it, why does it need a battery?)

LOL alt.snakeoil you are indeed an old codger! Yeah at first I thought it was one of those motors but with the battery revealed it looked like the magnet was in series like a simple homopolar where you hang the screw off the magnet & battery. I'll find out what the hell he was talking about. At the time.. lets just say I was not a reliable witness.  >:-)

Group: Elite Experimentalist
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i just received a phone call from Groundloop.

He is still in the hospital, but doing reasonable well and will have a laptop computer any time soon.
He will be able to post himself on this forum then, so this is very good news.

Regards Itsu

Group: Ambassador
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Posts: 4052
That puts a very big smile on my face...

Thank you so much for that news !!

Group: Moderator
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Posts: 2782

Buy me a cigar
Dear Itsu.

Many thanks for sharing the news about dear Groundloop. Great to hear he's in a stable condition.  O0

Cheers Grum.

Nanny state ? Left at the gate !! :)

Group: Administrator
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Posts: 3975

Buy me some coffee
Great news, Thanks Itsu  O0

Group: Administrator
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Posts: 3216
It's not as complicated as it may seem...

"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe." Frank Zappa

Group: Experimentalist
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Posts: 3024

Buy me a beer
That's very good to hear O0 and yes the portable will be good company for him I think.


Mike 8)

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident."
Arthur Schopenhauer, Philosopher, 1788-1860

As a general rule, the most successful person in life is the person that has the best information.
Group: Guest
Good to hear, indeed! Get well soon GL!  :)
Group: Elite
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Posts: 3537
It's turtles all the way down
My laptop was invaluable in whiling away the empty hours while I was recently hospitalized. Typing at a weird angle was a bit rough on the stitches, tho.

Get well, best wishes GL.

"Secrecy, secret societies and secret groups have always been repugnant to a free and open society"......John F Kennedy
Group: Guest
Good to hear folks are on the mend best wishes to them for a good recovery.

My own situation is going to change, I must leave the farm. The (black sheep) being myself cannot continue to reside with ignoramuses suffering from cognitive dissonance. Hopefully within a week or two I will be set up in another residence, then it will take me about a month to recover due to all my degenerated discs and failed cervical (neck) fusion (ACDF). By recovered I mean able to function without experiencing torturous pain after just driving my car for 30 minutes. Heavy pain will accompany me to my end as I will not take all the heavy drugs the doctors say I need, if I would take all the pills I am supposed to I would be like a zombie, or to better explain it I would be completely off my face 24/7. It's bad enough that after certain activities the pain becomes so bad it causes me to go into shock, then I have no real choice but to take the opioids and tranquilizers (muscle relaxants).

I had ross river fever and it went undiagnosed as my existing spinal problems cause such pain that the medico's blame everything on that. I also had a serious stomach issue (infection) that only resolved when I demanded a course of antibiotics for an apparent ear infection, they were blaming my stomach pain on the medications they gave me for the spine pain, but the medications were not to blame, the problem resolved after the antibiotic course but they still have no explanation about it and do care to give one or find one.

Sad thing is that many others are being abused by the medical system here as well. Many people call it the (Health Care system) I call it the (Health Don't Care system). Most of the people who call themselves health care professionals lack empathy and caring and some are simply cruel and careless as well as lazy and immune to any discipline following incidents of harming patients and/or simply failing to diagnose and treat serious medical problems.

Then they wonder why patients get frustrated and cause problems, on top of that the health "don't" care workers then blame the patients for their frustrations and label them as aggressive so as not to have to deal with them as well as impede any treatment that is needed. I have never been aggressive or violent with any health don't care worker ever, they are finding it difficult to continue with the problem patient line because I am now recording all interactions with them. Just the mention that I have recordings of past visits where problems have been caused by them is enough to shut their mouths about it. They deny that one of them would say a certain thing to me or any patient but I have proof that they have and do. The evidence is accumulating. I will soon be demanding to videotape via a bodycam all doctors visits and hospital visits so that i have evidence of what happens.

I am so disappointed with the lack of understanding and help from my own family that I intend to change my family name and disown all but one of them. My given name is who I am and who I am known as, so I will change my family name to the Swedish equivalent of my first given name. My oldest brother also has neck problems as he actually got his neck broken playing Rugby League, he understands in some way my issues but he got fixed up and even though his neck was fractured he got better, although he does have a degenerated disc. I have at least two additional ruptured discs in my neck as well as two discs removed and a fusion done to repair two discs that were completely "gone" from between the bones and squished toward and impinging on my spinal cord, I also have degenerated discs in my upper back as well as two very badly ruptured discs in my lower back. I can only describe the pain involved in all these problems acting up at the same time as Hell on Earth, My fingers and hands go numb, sometimes my legs stop working and I just have to go down and assume the fetal position for a time, luckily for me when my legs go it begins with a weird feeling in my pelvis which gives me warning that I must decompress my lower back immediately or I will end up on the ground involuntarily. Just recently even the right side of my face goes numb similar to after having a dental injection, kinda feels like just before the effect of the dental injection wears off, from the corner of my mouth to my ear. A bit disconcerting by not painful, it does cause me to bite the inside of my mouth though. grrrr

Such is Life. It's the only life I've got so I'm keeping it no matter what may come. If I am careful there can be some periods of relative productivity. However no more production here from me. They can do their own work now. From now on all my work will be for my own gains as the price fro me to do 8 hour work is high in both suffering and time incapacitated afterwards.

Stay healthy and look after your neck and back.

I rationalize my situation and condition by thanking the heavens that I am not in Iraq or Syria. At least I won't see my family/friends blown all over the place by some cowards bomb.

« Last Edit: 2015-11-01, 16:12:47 by Farmhand »

Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 2782

Buy me a cigar
Dear Farmhand.

I can only convey my sympathies to you. I have watched, from the other side of the fence, my wife's constant battle with pain. Like you, opiates make her so ill that the pain is a better option !!

Keep your chin up...... My wife is forever saying that there are far more people with worse situations...... But it's a bummer non the less.

My best wishes to you, Grum.

Nanny state ? Left at the gate !! :)

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
Aye, I "second" and ditto what Grum has written.

The World Condition is deteriorating rapidly in
response to the activities and provocations of
the U.S. and The West.  We may all find ourselves
in situations similar to FarmHand's sooner than
we may believe possible.  It will be challenging to
maintain one's sense of dignity and aplomb after
the dung hits the fan...

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
Group: Guest
Spine problems and and significant chronic severe pain is difficult thing to manage, for a long time I hid most of my pain and nerve numbness from most people and for different reasons. By hiding my symptoms I kind of precluded myself from treatment as well. I like to work and do manual labour. Then when things go real bad it is difficult to explain why all of a sudden I am unable to do work, and then when animals need to be tended it just has to be done. I takes a certain amount of resolve to pick up the chainsaw and cut down a tree to feed the goats when it feels like I've had my ribs kicked in and my head twisted backwards. When I use the chainsaw I can feel the vibration amplified in the bad area's of my neck and if I move the wrong way my neck makes a clunk similar to the feeling of bending a finger too far backwards and I get some pain immediately but I know that when that happens I suffer for weeks with mind bending neck issues that also involves numbness and reduced function in my hands.

But if I have been careful for a while I can a lot of stuff but not anything that vibrates too much, I like to dig holes with crowbars ( Dumped has seen a video of me and my goat making some holes to put in a gate on a 40 degree day) I love doing that stuff but now I feel as though If I walk outside I get frustrated because all I can see is stuff that needs to be done or fixed but I can't really do it. There are others here that could do it but they just try to wait for me to do it.

eg. the hay feeding area for the goats ( for when it gets bone dry like now ) was getting a layer of waste hay and goat manure about 1 or 2 inches deep which if it gets rained on turns into a real mess that must be seething with worms and parasites. I see the sky, I know it will rain that night so I just go and rake it all up and burn it,the next day the ground is all wet but it is clean with three flat patches of black and white ash from all the shite, Job done, not rocket science but it's just the kind of activity that really makes me hurt in all places at once. Using a brushcutter to clear fence lines and stuff is like paying for 3 days of torture a day before it starts with full knowledge of what is in store for me.

In a way I am fortunate that I can handle the opiods and valium without becoming dependent or addicted I'm always stopping taking them whenever I can, If I didn't I would need higher and higher doses due to tolerance. If I take too much valium I get severe hiccups which is not good for my neck because the valium relax the muscles then the hiccups jerk my head around and crunch my neck. If I take too much opiates I feel as though if I lay down I will expire due to slow down to a stop kind of thing, that causes me to force myself to stand up half the night and keep myself awake. I simply cannot follow a "take these pills at this time kind of prescription" my scripts must say "take as needed up to x amount per day max" or similar.

Then the problem arises that people say if you go for so long not needing any pills then why do you need them now. I genuinely try to explain why but usually only people who get severe pain for many years on end understand it.

Sometimes I try to hide bad pain just so I get along with others in a normal way without being on pills.

I think just before I had my neck operation I had a kind of premonition. I said to the sister in pre op prep clinic that if the operation worked I would miss the pain in a strange way as it had been my constant companion for so long.

As it turned out the pain only left me for about two and a half weeks after the operation, In those two weeks I felt better than i could ever remember feeling, then I yawned raised my arms and had a powerful stretch and pop pop crunch' something else gave way at the base of my neck and in my upper back between my shoulder blades, they say I damaged the disc above and below the fusion but no explanation for the upper back crunching and popping, I look at the MRi's and I can see the same signs in my upper back as I seen in the MRi's of my neck with the ruptured discs.

Which brings me to my point and the point your good wife makes Grum, many people have it worse than me, some get no pills or anything even here in Australia, and in the U.S. as well the medico's like to try to ignore neck disc issues and just label them as "soft tissue injuries". In other words no broken bones so your ok there is nothing wrong with you, then 10 years later an operation is needed to fix the problem that didn't exist. They know but they deny it.

Many people in my boat and many jump overboard because they cannot take it and deal with the medical peoples BS at the same time.

I'll keep my chin up for sure and they can try but they won't drug me out of my senses.

I like to have a rant every now and then about it, it stiffens my resolve.

It is conceivable to me that people with serious untreated pain could go nuts and hurt other people. or turn to illegal drugs for pain relief which is so expensive if the person does not work then some kind of crime is inevitable I guess.

I know it is selfish to think but I often envy people who get sick get treated and get better. I know that will never happen for me now, I'm a realist but I'm also an optimist. It's my fate I'll accept it and make the best of it. I have plans to make money in the city "legally of course" I think I can make enough to keep myself in toys anyway. I need $4500.00 to buy a 1983 Yamaha IT 490 2 stroke scrambler/enduro bike, with that i can get all the adrenaline I want, it's a bike that can be registered for the road, but a very capable scrambler. MY AG 100 farm bike just doesn't get the adrenaline flowing, especially with the dog on the tank. hahaha.

When I get my chooks and garden set up in town I'll get pics to show. At least in the city I'll be able to pay people to do things for me. And sack them if they don't work. lol.

A new experience is about to begin. I'm looking forward to it. I have a lot of diverse skills to draw upon.

Group: Guest
Maybe some piccies to lighten the mood. I had to take my dog to the vet to get micro chipped so he is no longer an outlaw dog he's registered and legal for the city. Before and after shearing pics.  ;D

There's some pics of the growth progress of my nerve medicine.  >:-) It's growing like crazy. Virginia..... I mean Iceberg lettuce. ;)

And a pic of some of my home made high quality Rheumatiz Medsin out of the little barrel at 150 proof and aged for only 1 month, smaller barrel should take only 1 year to age the contents well enough :D It's already smooth and tastes great.


P.S. Tip for transplanting seedlings of pretty much any crop type plants for those interested, transplant in the afternoon in hot climates, transplant on or near to the full moon, raise the seedlings in destroyable potlets (little pots) so that the potlets can be cut carefully away from the dirt and roots, (I used thick paper disposable coffee cups with drainage holes punched in the bottom) when I transplanted them I just carefully cut the bottom off of the potlets with small robust scissors then cut from top to bottom down one side, then just place the plant in the hole fill in around the cut potlet lightly with soil then just pull the potlet out by the top rim even up the soil but don't push down very hard and the soil and delicate roots remain undisturbed pretty much. No transplant shock. Water with a very weak liquid fertilizer mix if the soil may be lacking in nutrients. Play early Rock music to the plants like Pink Floyd, Cake, Queen ect. and Boom nutso growth.  Haha kidding about the music but that's what they got.

I might try an experiment by running a feeble current through three pots in series, my concern is if they already have very good growing conditions there might not be much difference for the trouble. I would use a battery and solar panel, regulated to some mA of current.
« Last Edit: 2015-11-02, 10:46:59 by Farmhand »
Group: Guest
Ahh, Farmhand... take care of yourself and don't push it. It's probably for the best that you do retire from the strenuous farm work. The farm chores have to be done, the animals can't be neglected, but it's better now that someone else takes over the duty.
You sound like you are in pretty good spirits nevertheless, and I'm sure your little Jack appreciates your love and returns it. Hang in there mate, you do good work and we are all pulling for you in spirit anyway, fwiw.

(And hoist a glass of that rheumatism remedy for me, I have aches and pains too!)
Group: Guest
I'm fine TK, thanks for the kind words. It's funny how life goes. Some months ago my Father died, I just recently got my inheritance, it consists of a $1.00 coin wrapped in a plastic bag stapled to a legal letter, I carry it around in my car with me, haha. I never wanted any of anyone else's money, and I think everything should go to his wife since he is long divorced from my mother and estranged from myself. I intend to legally give the $1.00 dollar back to the other beneficiaries of the will as the way I see it they cannot force me to keep it. Would be funny to see them all try to split up a $1.00 coin.  O0 I see it as an insult, although I understand the legal purpose of it, I reject it.

All good. It's a shame that just changing my name cannot completely divorce me of my family except for my son of course, he is a good lad, I don't foresee him ever being in my current position.

Only days from securing my new residence. A week to move all my stuff a couple of weeks to recover, then I give in to the almighty dollar myself and will probably develop an obsession with gathering cash money. It's a tendency I usually try to ignore. But I think I will begin to feed it.  >:-) I hope to keep my empathy in tune but very selective.


P.S. I have an ingenious way to undermine a few peoples silliness at one time. My Son carries his mothers "maiden" Surname. Which is Anderson, my First given name is Andrew, the Swedish Surname "Anders" is more or less the English version of "Andrews". And the surname "Anderson" more or less means the son of "Ander", so If I change my Surname to "Anders" I'll be "Andrew Anders" and my Son will be "xxxxx Anderson" Perfect. He will be the Son of Andrew by Name Anyway no matter, even if I do nothing, but if I change my name as mentioned then it will make a lot more sense.  O0 I'll have to OK it with him as he is an independent man himself and he may wish to change his name himself.
We are both a pair of "black sheep of the families" because we are normal non programmed humans.

I don't want to change my handle from Farmhand to Cityboy or anything though.
« Last Edit: 2015-11-07, 22:35:43 by Farmhand »

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
Quote from: FarmHand
I don't want to change my handle from Farmhand to Cityboy or anything though.

I know the feeling!  My Navy years were exciting and extremely
rewarding for a certainty; but the best years by far were on the
farm as a lad growing up with the environment and the animals.
I've been a city dweller for all of my adult life (when not living aboard
ship) and still miss the farm life most of all.

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
Group: Guest
I know the feeling!  My Navy years were exciting and extremely
rewarding for a certainty; ...

It's funny when I look back.  I had no idea what I was doing.
Wearing a Dixie cup, protecting and defending my country.
All the while the real enemy had already opened the gates
with a golden key all of us gave them.  Boy was I dumb
back then.

"I ain't like that anymore."
         --  Will Munny, The Unforgiven
Group: Guest
Good Movie Matt, may I ask. What is a Dixie cup ? Please forgive my ignorance.  ??? ???

muDped, I'll miss the animals I leave behind and worry about them for a while, but I'll come back to check on them,
I do think that once I'm gone other people might do the chores sooner, rather than wait for me to do them.

Hopefully due to all the arguments they may have picked up enough information to keep and raise healthy animals.
At one stage after some learning and a bit of work I was raising goats that could be mistaken for ponies if it were not for the horns,
the wethers which should be for eating at 12 to 18 months grow huge if good practices are followed.
And layer hens so quiet they would stand on your hand or shoulder or whatever. I sold one batch of 12 because I had too many
and then the same people would ring up regularly wanting to buy more of them or order them pre hatching because everyone
that seen them wanted some as well. but it isn't that simple, I couldn't raise them like that purposely for sale,
only for productive and easy to handle animals for myself, the goats don't trust strangers anyway some chooks can be like that as well.

« Last Edit: 2015-11-08, 19:00:46 by Farmhand »
Group: Guest
Good Movie Matt, may I ask. What is a Dixie cup ? Please forgive my ignorance.  ??? ???

Quite all right.  I didn't know what it was either until I was issued one.

Yes, I would like to be on a farm, but I have a feeling these days I would be a vegetarian.  If I had animals, it would be my goal to protect them and care for them, as well as the earth from which all life comes.
Group: Guest
OK now I get it, being Australian I pictured him wearing a (bucket of chicken) type fast food container on his head, or some kind of "jewel" protector. hehe

Just for the sake of mentioning it I have a second you tube channel mainly for showing some things I've learned using android devices that could be useful to other "older" people who have until recently resisted smartphones and such.
I've tried Windows phones and Android phones but won't touch an Apple phone unless in an emergency, only four video's so far, all Android tips nothing spectacular, and there will never be adds if I can help it. I've had very little time but as I show real live people things I'll probably make clips about those things. Because the channel carries my Google plus Name which is my actual name I will not give any links to the channel here, anyone interested in a look, just pm me and if I'll link the channel for them in pm or work something out. I might parallel the video's on one of my google drives or something. Giving oneself "root access" on an Android phone makes them fun even more useful and interesting.

I'm in the process of trying to make my motorola's play an automated message to the caller "this conversation will be recorded, if you do NOT consent hang up now" and then begin recording, at which time I can talk if the person didn't hang up and legally record the phone call both ways. I want to do this so I can record the garbage some people speak over the phone at me then lie about what they said. My preference would be if troublemakers or scammers would just hang up.
Having some trouble with creating variables. No time to learn just now.

Also Google has a viable alternative to Skype called Hangouts, it can work from Chrome browser, Gmail or an app on a regular computer and also on android and Apple phones.

« Last Edit: 2015-11-10, 12:58:30 by Farmhand »

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
Quote from: Matt Watts
It's funny when I look back.  I had no idea what I was doing.
Wearing a Dixie cup, protecting and defending my country.
All the while the real enemy had already opened the gates
with a golden key all of us gave them.  Boy was I dumb
back then.

"I ain't like that anymore."
         --  Will Munny, The Unforgiven

Aye, as was I.  It wasn't until I finally got to Viet Nam in
'72 that it was possible to see how the world was being
massively deceived by a corrupted America.  I was beginning
to understand how warped The District was after having
lived inside the beltway for nearly a year while attending
language school.  D.C. was looney tunes then too.

The Republic and The Constitution have been dead for a
long time...

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
Group: Guest
muDped, you would have had one of those "Dixie Cups" wouldn't you ? Would they be only Navy Issue ?
They look Navy.


Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
Aye, I wore the "Dixie Cup" (officially identified as the
White Hat) for the first nine years of my Naval service.
I was also issued the "Flat Hat" with my first seabag
Feb. 1960

The Flat Hat was never worn for duty or liberty since some
time prior to 1960 but was still issued with the seabag.

My avatar photo is with my Flat Hat.  It was taken at a
photo shop in Koza City, Okinawa in early 1964.  After the
photo shoot that day I gave the hat away to an Okinawan
who wanted it as a souvenir.

The hats were Navy issue but were also available in clothing
stores in Navy port cities.  An outfit called Seafarer made
uniforms and accessories as alternatives to the Navy
issue.  Seafarers were very popular with many career
sailors as they conveyed that "salty" look.

Seafarer also made Navy working uniforms (dungarees)
which were incredibly popular.  The bell bottom dungaree
was much saltier looking than the standard Navy issue.
The Seafarer dungaree is getting very hard to find

« Last Edit: 2015-11-11, 20:54:34 by muDped »

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
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