That was until 2008, now in Oklahoma

One thing we liked when we first made a trip to this area, was the amount of forestry. We're not too fond of concrete.
The reasons to move to here perhaps make a bizarre quick story - I saw a nice enough 1987 GMC Sierra truck for sale here for $400. I drove it back to Minnesota, 900 miles, having never driven a column shifting anything, or on the wrong side of the road with what any European would call a big vehicle. Then came all the way back down here in it to meet up with an online friend to buy arcade machines, returning with 3 arcade cabinets for $100 on the back LOL. We then decided that with seeing house prices down here, to sell the house, pay off the mortgage, come down here and buy a house for we did.
All in all, not so daft days, because after all, look what happened that year. We sold ours by beginning of 2008, the market tanked and we then bought the fixer upper in the summer

The weather is warming back up again. 61F today, 70F tomorrow and, time to get going on coils and building etc.
Am still waiting for some rotor magnets that were supposed to be here today.
A build is on test at the moment, that may use any of the driving coils talked about so far.
At the moment, it's using the auto starting solar powered circuit from a 'dancing' toy. The solar panel is delivering 1.4V at 0.5mA.
I've fitted a 2nd set of 4 coils to the first of the remote rotors and 2 others are similarly arranged, ready for their coils.
'All' I need to do is pick up 1.4V and 0.5mA to be able to start it on solar and then remove the solar.
How hard can it be ?