Quote post 23-->Do you have any coils presently built up that exhibit COP >1?
Answer EMJ post 26-->Yes, I am not yet prepared to show my current results as it will confuse and shadow the existing configuration and no one will learn the basics first.

Are we any closer to seeing this COP> EMJ?
You believe those here do not know the basics of inductor operations?
Do you know how many times we have been lead up the garden path with this cry-->OU
Do you know how much combined time(and cash) has been wasted by members here,only to have the claimant disappear when it came time to show the good's?.
One would think if you had an OU device,you would be happy to share and show it-->just so as you could put the guru's in there place.
I believe I'm looking at another such thread 
I am sorry you feel this way. In my time, I have seen many hundreds of Videos, many people come forward with good data, to show what?
A Device that runs itself and lights a load...
The first thing that the Critics say is: "Hoax", then "Measurement Error", then after that if they still need to, they claim its already known principals and its borrowing energy from the Power Lines or Local Radio Station.... I am not going down this path! I have seen Akula so many times get slammed against the brick wall of stupidity! No one listens and so many claim they know better!
Now, can you build this device and make it work? Can anyone except the builder?
Do you know the underlying principals?
Do you have someone helping you build such devices?
Oh wait, you do!Why would you think and expect to finish at the starting line when you're not prepared to Start at the Start? I don't understand this!
Yes, I agree, many times people have been led down what may be seen as the Garden Path, but because of frustration, the view that one is not getting anywhere, through being hounded to the point of out right insanity, and also simply because of time issues, as I have seen, I have a family and a Business I am trying to look after and run at the same time as trying to post information, create graphics, documents and all the other stuff I have done.... Videos... I believe many good people, with legitimate devices, have shared information and then given up in frustration!
So maybe an open mind, if you learn a few things from what I am sharing, is it not worth a few dollars? I am not asking you to spend ridiculous amounts of money! Most all here will already have the materials! For example, Itsu, how much have you spent? $10?
The Information I have shared with everyone works! Period! If its not working, then someone has either got it wrong, or their understanding of what the goal is has not been realised by that individual yet. Thus, why I am trying to help!
IMPORTANT: I try not to use the Term "Bucking Coils" because technically this is not the only configuration that works!
Although, this is what the coils do actually do in all modes of configuration!
Now, its my daughters Birthday today, I am going to spend some time with her and the rest of the family. I am sorry to others that have posted and that I have not responded to yet, I will get to them tomorrow.