Hi all! First,I am realy glad to be here with you. It seem to be a place where people can share with respect. @Hanon dont worry your not the only one!  Until now i am testing with some multimeter and a ac/cd clamp meter for the amp... For shure it will not be full proof equipement (more hazardous at high frequency) but it can give a prety good idea if a modification improve the result!  I am testing the output of the partnered coil via a bridge rectifier and a 12v 1w incandescent bulb.... Chris does it is ok to rectify the output before the resistive load??? What i find until now is max volt and amp output on load is obtain when: 1-the right frequency is apply to the primary (or trigger coil) First small ferrite yoke from tv, primary: 100t/21awg each partnered coil: 400t/30awg-------- is best output frequency: 223hz. The second bigger ferrite yoke, primary: 200t/21awg each partnered coil: 600t/21awg----is best output frequency: 63hz. 2-paper and tape gap the 2 part of the yoke (around 3mm both end) it give to me near 15% more output. 3- the partnered coil connection. I dont know exactly why but for me the big difference is there... The first way Chris show (partnered connect in the middle and the output at the begining and end) did not give me a remarquable output. But the last one he show (yes i have try it before) give me a better output and some strange thing. Until now i cant not say i have more out than in but i can say that at the right frequency the amps draw on the primary when the load is connected.  I have to find a way to lower my primary consuption... ps: sorry for the mistake in my phrasing... ...as you can see English is not my mother tong!  Ciao!