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Author Topic: Partnered Output Coils  (Read 405014 times)

Group: Administrator
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Posts: 3216
It's not as complicated as it may seem...
Hey Poynt99,

The same Poynt99 from ou.com I am guessing?

Kind Regards

   Chris Sykes - hyiq.org
   To Reach New Horizons!

Same one, yes. Since we're on a fresh page, I'll repeat the question:

Do you have any coils presently built up that exhibit COP >1?

If so, is there a video link where you show this?


"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe." Frank Zappa
Group: Guest
Hey Poynt99,


Same one, yes. Since we're on a fresh page, I'll repeat the question:

After seeing the Excellent Work that Itsu has done, and knowing his background, do you now see why I don't want to get the hopes up of others not so advanced? Do you see why its important to first of all, Just Build and Learn?


Do you have any coils presently built up that exhibit COP >1?



If so, is there a video link where you show this?

I am not yet prepared to show my current results as it will confuse and shadow the existing configuration and no one will learn the basics first. I am sorry, I understand your anxiousness to get to the end of the line, but one must Start at the Start to get to the Finish Line!

If you have Lab Gear, I suggest to follow along with Itsu, I have seen his work before and he is excellent at doing these sorts of Experiments.

I should say, or Quote:

"If the directions of the two signals are such that opposite H-fields cancel and E-fields add, an apparently steady E-field will be created. The energy density of the fields remain as calculated above, but the value of the E-field will double from E/2 to E."

There is a certain Criteria to be met for Output to be Usable. No or Little Output means something is not right yet! Changes, or adjustments need to be made!
« Last Edit: 2015-02-02, 02:02:29 by EMJunkie »
Group: Guest
Hi Chris

A long time ago I was going to research the Floyd Sweet device,it seemed to be too little information
to research.I saw the movie on Floyd Sweet on youtube today,my question to you is,you stated that
 you thought that the magnets and conditioning of the magnets was a trick by Floyd Sweet what made you think that.

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4236
Hey Itsu,

Excellent work! Very Nice!

A few things to try,

First, lower the resistance on the Output:

As you will likely already know, the Magnetic Field of a coil is calculated: Magnetic Field (B) = Permeability (µ) x Turns Density (n) x Current (I)

This is really important to get the Fields Up! We need Large Magnetic Fields to interact with each other in the building in the Coils! So a Good number of turns, reasonable Current and reasonable Magnetic Fields will follow!

Second, if this does not improve, try to gap the cores slightly more. Maybe a 1mm spacer or so. Or even removing the existing spacer? This seems to depend on the direction of the turns from one Coil to the next. I explain more in my pdf, but basically, the Windings on the Partnered Output Coils will determine the Gap, E.G: if there is one or not and how big it needs to be.

Third, can you please send me a close up pic of the Partnered Output Coils?

(How does the YouTube Tags work?) Ah got it: Just add the very last part of the video URL : "ZhQgch4L5XY"

Very nice, I recommend for everyone closely watch the video, it shows a lot of what I have already said!

Aim for, at low frequencies, the Partnered Output Coils should Chatter! You should hear and also feel the noise and vibrations!

Just like in a Electric Generator, higher the Magnetic Field, and all other parameters, the more Separation of Charge Carriers.

Beautiful Work Itsu! Thank You!

Kind Regards

   Chris Sykes - hyiq.org
   To Reach New Horizons!

Hi Chris,

thanks for the comments.

I did swap over one of the partner coils leads (put the both in adding mode) and the output (unloaded) went up to 76Vpp
So i am pretty sure in the video they were working in bucking mode.

I will lower the output resistor and/or use an audio amplifier to boost up the input, lets see what happens.

Regards Itsu
Group: Guest
Hi cheappower2012,


A long time ago I was going to research the Floyd Sweet device, it seemed to be too little information to research.

Yes, seems there always is too little information on all of these devices!  :)


I saw the movie on Floyd Sweet on youtube today

Which Movie, can you please provide the Link?


my question to you is, you stated that you thought that the magnets and conditioning of the magnets was a trick by Floyd Sweet what made you think that.

For so many reasons!
1: Process of elimination and very detailed research!
2: Speaking to the very early guys that Floyd worked with! Magnet Conditioning only came about after Tom Bearden was on the scene!
3: John ###### said it was a hoax several times!
4: the list goes on....

I spent many years trying to replicate the so called Magnet "Conditioning" process! Many thousands of dollars!

I destroyed Hundreds of Magnets!

Floyd Sweet Magnet Conditioning is a Fake, a Hoax, a Red Haring, its utterly impossible for the so called "Condition" to induce currents in a Coil! See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3Enr6_d3yU

If the Magnets were "Conditioned" the VTA would have Always been On and it was not! Only a Switch on the Output power could have turned off the Load and this was not the case!

Please, I cant stress enough, many thousands of other devices all throughout History worked without "Conditioning" Why would Floyd Sweet be the first!

Don't Believe what you've been told, experiment proves the only truth that one should listen to!

« Last Edit: 2015-02-02, 02:02:49 by EMJunkie »
Group: Guest
Hi Itsu,

I sent you a PM to try not to clog this thread with back and forward Comms  ;)

Electric Field must Add! Magnetic Field Must Cancel!

Remember each Coil has its own Magnetic Field that is a Lenz's Law effect from Current Flow!
« Last Edit: 2015-02-02, 02:03:09 by EMJunkie »
Group: Guest

On this, to try to help understand how this works:

Imagine two coils, these coils are our Bucking, or Partnered Output Coils!

If we were to have the two coils sitting on the bench in front of us, we power the two coils with an external Power Source, we have two things happen:
1: We have an Electric Circuit that is un-impeded from one terminal to the other, the Electric Circuit is not Cancelling if you like.
2: We have two Coils (Partnered Output Coils) Repel each other at the same time!

Once the Coils are introduced to a Closed Core material, the Core Material restricts what can be done with the Coils. A Gap in the Core is one way to get around the issue but not the best way!

A Winding configuration can be employed to get the result needed! It only works one way. I have shown this in my pdf Document: http://www.hyiq.org/Downloads/Guidelines%20to%20Bucking%20Coils.pdf - P.34, second set of Coils.

Its important to think in terms of a Flow of Current in the Wire creating it's own Magnetic Field! Lenz's law is still present in Each Coil! A Flowing Current, constitutes a Magnetic Field! A Changing Magnetic Field in the presence of another Conductor induces an EMF (EMF = -dPhi/dt)

All standard principals.
« Last Edit: 2015-02-02, 02:03:26 by EMJunkie »
Group: Guest
Good to see you here Jeg!

Kind Regards

   Chris Sykes - hyiq.org
   To Reach New Horizons!

Thanks EmJunkie! How could i miss this party?! ;)

Well, i don't know your experience in Leedskalnin and Don Smith terminology but i like watching things from their perspective as i am a big fun of them.

With few words, there are two particles + and -
You can call them as Current and Voltage. Those particles have some characteristics which determine their behavior inside a circuit. In reality, Current which is the + particle, is not positive but it is negative also. It is just that voltage is more negative than current. But lets call them + and -.

Those particles CAN NOT exist in nature as individuals. Where ever a plus exist the same time a minus is there also. Their motion is one against the other in a helical like motion. If we manage through a coil to separate them, then their movement is such as the one to find the other again. If we arrange our circuit in a way as to drive them to meet again through a load then we have power.

So, we have two kinds of particles always moving in an opposite direction and this is a principal.

In your bucking coils arrangement what we do is to make sudden collisions between same kind of particles. At the attached image, when magnet from a rotor is approaching the bucking coils configuration, current streams move in an opposite direction as the arrows show. But, the same time voltage is coming out at both the output terminals.

When the magnet is moving away from the coil system, we have a collision in the center of voltage particles, and current particles go out at both the output terminals.

So in each case a same kind of particles run out of the system. If we place a load there, there will be no real power to drive a load. To create power we have to drive different kinds of particles the one against the other.

Now, we have a diode. Diodes act as one way valves. According to this theory, Current can flow only from Anode to Cathode, and voltage can move only from Cathode to Anode. Look now the second attachment which is of a Carlos Benitez patent. At first glance what someone can see is an unconventional usage of diodes. But if his secondaries are in bucking mode like yours, then there is a meaning here.

So what i'd like to point out is that perhaps your output needs a different treatment than the one we currently use. If we drive both of your output connections to the same side of a capacitor through two diodes, then the other kind of particles can entrance our system from ground.

This is just a normal hypothesis which come out by itself from this theory. It is something that bothers me the last few days and i intent to experiment with.

Group: Guest
Here is the video I think it was made by Bearden in 1987


I don't trust either Bearden or Bedini in my book there both full of hot air.
I agree with you experimental is the only way.
Sr. Member

Posts: 375
With bucking coils there is one thing you can try - bring it close to operating Tesla coil and see how low frequency alternating magnetic field in coils is being affected by strong high frequency electric field...
Would be nice to see feedback on it ;)


Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4236

I wonder if these bucking coils abnormalities possible could be linked to NMR like presented by verpies in this thread:


Regards Itsu

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3670
A first shot at this bucking coil configuration from EMJunkie; low output compared to the input, as expected with bucking coils
The screenshot is a sweep from 50Hz (left) to 5KHz (right); blue input from SG (20Vpp), yellow output across a 100 Ohm carbon resistor (900mV).
Video here:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWdPYxvEDIA&feature=youtu.be
Wow Itsu!
I missed you and your videos

I will not comment on it if EMJunkie does not request it.
« Last Edit: 2015-01-27, 17:51:43 by verpies »

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3670
I wonder if these bucking coils abnormalities possible could be linked to NMR like presented by verpies in this thread:
Without an orthogonal polarizing field?

Also, don't forget about the Meyer devices mentioned here.

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4236
Wow Itsu!
I missed you and your videos

I will not comment on it if EMJunkie does not request it.

Hi verpies, 

glad you like it, and i am glad you are active again.

I cannot imagine that EMJunkie would object to your comments, i for sure won't.
We can use some down to earth analysis of the processes going on in this bucking coil setup.

But i will let EMJunkie speak for him self as it is his thread.

Regards itsu

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4236
Without an orthogonal polarizing field?

Also, don't forget about the Meyer devices mentioned here.

well,  we have one (an orthogonal polarizing field), in my C-core perhaps too far away, but in EMJunkies smaller C-core setup its close to the bucking coils, or does this field needs to be external?

Regards Itsu
Group: Guest
Hey Jeg,

Yes, we are on the same Page!  ;)

For now, I think its really important to keep the most simplest form for those experimenting so that the learning curve is the easiest!

Then once the experimenters can then make small improvements after they have got the Coils working together as they should.

No diodes are needed to make it work, later then can be added is necessary though! Floyd Sweet's early VTA and Stan Meyer did use diodes, but they are not needed.
« Last Edit: 2015-02-02, 02:03:55 by EMJunkie »
Group: Guest

Yes Sir it is!

Believe Nothing, trust what Experiment shows you! Look for the most simple things! Over Look nothing!
« Last Edit: 2015-02-02, 02:04:07 by EMJunkie »
Group: Guest
Hey T-1000,

Yes, many effects can be seen at all ranges of frequencies.

High Frequency is not so good to see working watts on the output as Time is needed for the fields to Build. But many other things can be seen at High Freq!

Thanks T-1000 good suggestion!
« Last Edit: 2015-02-02, 02:04:46 by EMJunkie »
Group: Guest
Hi Itsu,

I wonder if these bucking coils abnormalities possible could be linked to NMR like presented by verpies in this thread:


Regards Itsu

If I may ask, for others reading and for simplicity, would you mind if we just show the normal Induction principals that the everyday "Electrical Generator" exhibits?

I am sorry to ask this of you, but I have so many reasons to ask it and I would be doing a dis-service to not ask  ;)

This Technology does work with exactly the same principals as an "Electrical Generator" with all the same Laws, and Theories applied, except that it takes those Theories and Laws and uses them in a slightly different way!

At a base level, yes more is going on however, but for all, I really would like to show its simplicity's.

I really, with all my heart, want to stay away from unnecessary complexities   ;)
« Last Edit: 2015-02-02, 02:05:01 by EMJunkie »
Group: Guest
Hi Verpies,

Wow Itsu!
I missed you and your videos

I will not comment on it if EMJunkie does not request it.

Please feel free to post  ;)

If you don't mind, and I am sorry to ask, but I really want to leave complexities out from the thread for the meantime. The Technology works on all the same principals as a standard "Electrical Generator"! It just uses the principals slightly different  O0

I am more than happy to go into the fundamental underlying principals later on  ;) Not that I know all of it but I can put a good bit of it together  :)

I explain a little more why, here: http://www.overunityresearch.com/index.php?topic=2760.msg44812#msg44812

Many Thanks and Kind Regards

« Last Edit: 2015-02-02, 02:05:29 by EMJunkie »
Group: Guest

I have researched this topic for Many Years, so I should not take it for granted. I need to share and stress it's importance!

Please make sure you know this stuff:

See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAftcXm45ho

See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4texz0Gn7cw - Very Important!

See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcGWO_x8tpM - By far the most important of All!

These three Videos can change the entire understanding of How and Where Electrical Energy comes from! Very Important!

Additional Reading also See: http://www.hyiq.org/Downloads/George%20I.%20Cohn%20-%20Electromagnetic%20Induction.pdf

If its Electrical Energy you want, Start at the Start! One does not go to the Desert to get a Cup of Water!
« Last Edit: 2015-02-02, 02:05:50 by EMJunkie »

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4236

A close up of the both partner coils,
10 Ohm load instead of 100 Ohm, measuring the voltage across this load with the
yellow probe and current through it with my current probe (24mA pp).

Varying the gap inbetween the C-cores, but the output stays fairly low.

Video here:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2z77u0ANfCI&feature=youtu.be

What kind of current should we expect through the partner coils?

Regards Itsu
Group: Guest
Hi Itsu,

Nice Work again!

from what I can see it looks right! But the output is low so something is wrong!

Two things to try:

1: Try the output connected like so in the attached Circuit.
2: Please try the second configuration in the next Picture. Two Coils identical, one flipped over to the other, wired so E-Field add's.

You should be getting much higher Output. I cant say on output Amps as it depends on the device, V/R = I but this depends on the Output Impedance!
« Last Edit: 2015-02-02, 02:06:26 by EMJunkie »

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3670
If you don't mind, and I am sorry to ask, but I really want to leave complexities out from the thread for the meantime.
I don't understand what you mean, so ask me a question if you have one and this way I will not bring up any complexities that you do not want.

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3670
A close up of the both partner coils,
What is the distance (D) between these bucking coils?

If these coils really are in opposing mode then a Hall sensor placed between them will sense the flux coming out perpendicularly out of the core as depicted on the diagram above.  However if these coils are in aiding mode then most of the flux will stay inside the core and will not come out.
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