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Author Topic: LENR aka Geo-fusion aka Transmutation aka Cold Fusion  (Read 20301 times)
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Posts: 3028
I'm continuing on with research in this area.  Comments are welcomed.  O0

Perhaps these letters will be informative:

1. 19 Dec 2014

Dear Dr. Vanfleet,

  Hope you are doing well.  As I'm living now in Missouri most of the time, and serving in our branch, I just don't get to BYU very often anymore.  But I may be spending more time out in Utah next year.

  You may recall the restriction placed on me regarding the use of the SEM/XEDS system for 9/11 research (by Ross back in 2009).  I wonder - I'm asking - if this restriction also applies to use of equipment for geo-fusion-related studies.

For some time, I have been doing research again in the geo-fusion field pretty much pioneered at BYU - and specifically recently in the study of elemental transmutation by Dr. Iwamura in Japan.  He has published peer-reviewed papers on the subject, showing the transmutation of cesium into praesodymium in a near-room-temperature environment involving deuterium diffusion through the cesium.  His discovery has been independently verified by another scientific team in Japan (which however achieved lesser quantities than finally demonstrated by Iwamura).

I met with Dr. Iwamura at the ICCF-18 meeting held at the University of Missouri in July 2013, where we both spoke on geo-fusion related issues.

The quantities are sufficient (the data suggests) for XEDS methods to be used to see the growth of Pr, which I'm confident can be readily distinguished from Cs.

Furthermore, other elements are also seen to transmute in small lab experiments, such as Sr into Mo and W into Os.  These products are quite distinctive and susceptible to XEDS analysis I believe. Please see attached summary.

I am engaged in like experiments, but lack an effective means to see the final products such as Pr, Mo and Os.  That is why I'm asking if I could use the SEM/XEDS system for this analysis (I would need a brief refresher course) or if I'm restricted from doing so.  

Please let me know.

Thanks! and Merry Christmas to you and your family.

Steven Jones

2.  31 Dec 2014
Hello, Dr. Vanfleet,

Any response yet on my request?
I should add that this work follows logically from the geofusion research that Paul Palmer and I (and team) did there years ago -- perhaps the fruition of that work, if indeed such transmutation exists and can be replicated.

We are sometimes taught that any element above iron requires a supernova to produce; I've heard this.  However, if we look at the mass of the proton and the mass of, say, a nickel-62 nucleus, and somehow fuse them to form copper-63, we can do the math and see a different story:

p  1.007825 amu
Ni-62 61.928 amu
adding, we have an initial mass of:  62.93585

If we can fuse the p to the Ni-62, we would get Cu-62 with a mass of
Cu-62  62.929 amu.

The difference is energy released, 0.00685 = 6.38 MeV.

Going even higher in Z and mass, p+W-184 => Re-185,
mass difference = 184.958725 (initial) - 184.952955 (final),
so the energy released in this reaction is 0.00577 amu = 5.37 MeV.
Again, the fusion reaction is exoergic even for tungsten.

Thus, one cannot argue that such fusion processes are impossible (in the earth or the lab) based on conservation of energy considerations.  Now the Coulomb barrier is formidable; but that is what we are testing in this research (including such phenomena as tunneling through the barrier).

Please let me know.  If I need to call, would you let me know?

Thanks and have a great new year!

Steven Jones
« Last Edit: 2015-03-08, 21:40:47 by PhysicsProf »
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  A brief review of observations by Dr Iwamura of Japan follows.

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Permission was granted to use the SEM at BYU for LENR research!  actually, surprised me...   O0

Parkhomov has published a paper on his LENR experiments; provides further information;



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It's turtles all the way down
Permission was granted to use the SEM at BYU for LENR research!  actually, surprised me...   O0

Parkhomov has published a paper on his LENR experiments; provides further information;



I'm on my second pass of the document. He gives the mix ratio and a few other neat details.


"Secrecy, secret societies and secret groups have always been repugnant to a free and open society"......John F Kennedy
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Posts: 3028
  Glad that you're studying this document also, ION. 
  Note his simple method for sealing the specified (!) chemicals inside, he's using high-temp cement:
Alumina ceramic tubes of 120 mm length with the outer
diameter of 10 mm and the inner diameter of 5 mm have
been used (Fig. 1). Nichrome wire was winded on the tube
as an electric heater. 1 g of Ni powder with 0.1 g Li[AlH4]
was placed inside the tube. The thermocouple contacted
the outer surface of the tube. Both tube ends were sealed
with the heat-resisting cement. The entire reactor’s surface
was also coated by this cement.

And this conclusion:

It indicates
generating the heat by the reactor additionally to the
applied electrical heating. The interval with a maximal
temperature undergoes some oscillations and ends up
with a drop of temperature because the electrical heater
was burned out. After that the temperature remained
at 1200◦C during 8 min, and only then decreased to
initial level. It needs to point out that the reactor at
this time produced the heat on a kilowatt level without
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Nichrome is good to 1400C but if you don't prepare the windings correctly it is possible to get shorts in the adjacent turns leading to overheating. Typically the heaters need to be burned in without the ceramic coating until an oxiide layer forms (chromium oxide). The oxide layer prevents adjacent shorts by acting as an insulator. Then, they can be ceramic coated. There are other methods such as insuring spacing in the turns, but that is not easy as the wire is very springy until it is annealed. I spent some time playing with this until I got it right.
« Last Edit: 2015-03-24, 16:48:28 by ION »

"Secrecy, secret societies and secret groups have always been repugnant to a free and open society"......John F Kennedy
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Niichrome is good to 1400C but if you don't prepare the windings correctly it is possible to get shorts in the adjacent turns leading to overheating. Typically the heaters need to be burned in without the ceramic coating until an oxiide layer forms (chromium oxide). The oxide layer prevents adjacent shorts by acting as an insulator. Then, they can be ceramic coated. There are other methods such as insuring spacing in the turns, but that is not easy as the wire is very springy until it is annealed. I spent some time playing with this until I got it right.

Are you suggesting that such shorting could have caused false reading(s) in this experiment?

Note that the experimenters to their credit ran controls also at high temps, and observed no "excess heat" events in the control runs.

experiments with reactors loaded with N i + Li[AlH4]
mixture, we also performed control experiments with the
’mock-up reactor’ without fuel. In cases of the ’mock-up
reactor’, as well as in experiments with the fuel below
1000◦C, the ratio of produced to consumed energy was
near to 1.
The significant excess heat was observed only when the
reactor was loaded with the N i + Li[AlH4] fuel by the
temperature about 1100◦C and more.
Sr. Member

Posts: 375
Finally the most secretive organization in the US is unearthing something - http://sploid.gizmodo.com/lockheed-martins-new-fusion-reactor-might-change-humani-1646578094
That technology was supposed to be out 50 years ago...

P.S> It is quite not recent news but I've seen only today.
« Last Edit: 2015-03-09, 10:03:16 by T-1000 »
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It's turtles all the way down
Are you suggesting that such shorting could have caused false reading(s) in this experiment?

No not at all. We clearly see the power input on the graph go to zero, yet the device puts out heat at a high level for 8 more minutes. The temperature should have dropped like a rock when the heater burned out. This is proof of anomalous heat.

I was suggesting that with more careful preparation of the Nichrome coil, hot spots and burnout could be minimized

"Secrecy, secret societies and secret groups have always been repugnant to a free and open society"......John F Kennedy
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Posts: 520

I have also always followed your works with great interest since the standard construct insists that atomic transformation can only occur in stars, which has puzzled my own SC theory for a long time now and your works and others are showing this to not be the case making effects of nature a little more easier to digest.

I have a side question.

In Parkhomovs' pdf showing the general diagram of the actual power switching done by a relay as seen in the photo of his instruments, he is switching from one high power level to one lower power level in order to keep the internal temperature of the reactor within a given range.

I recently made a youtube video showing a wire under a microscope that was moving as I changed the square wave pulse frequency. We could never feel or see this physical movement under normal vision. This wire movement will also be expected in the reactor when 500 watts is knocking at the door.

Under SC, I am thinking right away that if the switching was the same but the two reactor wires were alternated as well, this would send the switching point from one end to the other end of the reactor coil and maybe keep the reactor wires from blowing.

Let's say if a regular experiment was repeated 5 times and 5 times the reactor wire burned out and each time the burn out point was on the half of the coil on the side that was being switched and not on the side that is constantly connected.

I know as @Smudge kindly indicated in the Partnered Coil thread that under the standard model AC will have current being the same throughout the coil, but my indication is that the voltage would not be the same so total applied power across the coil should not be the same, but if in 5 times you saw it burn always on the same side, would this not increase curiosity as to why that may be and what the ramifications would be if by alternating the reactor physical connections, burning out would be eliminated. Of course this does not require such a system to test out the theory since it could be done with 5 regular single layer coils as a side test that anyone can do.

I am saying this because while one experiment is being run to answer one question, maybe some side experiments could answer two or three other potentially implicated questions. Always looking to wean out more info then the creator may have envisioned but my stance is always trying to see what else is going on.

The other option is to change how the relay switches, from one power level P1 to the other P2. Instead of going P1 on - P1 off - P2 on - P2 off - P1 on........ you make it so that only P1 is on, then P2 is on at the same time, then P1 is off and only P2 is on, then P1 is on at the same time as P2, then P2 is off while P1 is still on. This way the switching can occur but there will never be an off condition to create the wire movement while still permitting you to control the reactor temperature. You see that relay has to "travel" from one contact to the other and for an instance it is open or off and that's what the reactor coil does not like while it is so hot. Call it soft switching that could also be implemented with or without alternating the coil connections.

If you require further clarification, please advise.


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  Very interesting, Wattsup.  I sure like the idea you're pursuing of doing experiments to FIND OUT things.  O0

  I'm pursuing a couple of other paths right now, always guided by experimental results...  and sometimes we have to sort out measurement quirks also.  That's part of the fun, I guess.  

Here's a recent video showing one path I'm pursuing at the moment:

An older video is particularly relevant to this thread - contains a question I posed to a Defkalion scientist via internet, and his response.  Defkalion is a "competitor" to Rossi, both claiming xs heat by means of p-Nickel LENR reactions.

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If I may, I'd like to add some comments to this from Wattsup:

In Parkhomovs' pdf showing the general diagram of the actual power switching done by a relay as seen in the photo of his instruments, he is switching from one high power level to one lower power level in order to keep the internal temperature of the reactor within a given range.

In the document, Parkhomov says he originally used thyristors to modulate power (probably using phase angle control ). Chances are the chopped waveform from phase firing played havoc with his power measuring equipment so he switched to the tapped transformer method. The tapped transformer allows nice clean sine waves of current and voltage to be measured accurately. By using time proportioning between steps, very fine resolution control can be had.

In my experiments, I used phase control with a manually set base load that brings the temperature just under setpoint, and control from the computer to modulate via time proportioning to go the rest of the way to the target setpoint. I did not need to measure power input as my test setup was strictly a proof of concept setup, I was not looking to make accurate power input readings, however I can do that in future tests.

The method I used was comparing temperatures against a "dummy" control operated at identical input. Some of my results were posted on OU.com and here in the private thread.

"Secrecy, secret societies and secret groups have always been repugnant to a free and open society"......John F Kennedy
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Two follow up points:

1.  The theory regarding cold fusion is in disarray, needs help -> another possible PhD thesis.  This disarray of theory persists now for decades and was apparent as I attended ICCF-18 at the Univ of Missouri July 2013 and heard the theory talks, often disagreeing with each other.

   For an unusual theory for xs heat featuring 3-body fusion, see
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qfpdvwaQSnA    Ed Storms.

He also claims that the xs heat seen in p-Ni studies is due not to transmutation, but rather to deuterium formation (from light hydrogen = protium).

2.  Defkalion is a company also claiming p-Ni xs heat production.  They showed their test reactor via internet at ICCF-18 and invited questions.  My question to Defkalion (and their answer) appears at the 3m45s mark here:


Note in the first part of this Q&A the scientist says that Defkalion observed NO xs heat for nickel isotope 61 - a rather strange result that requires checking and theoretical explanation if verified.

« Last Edit: 2015-03-17, 21:35:39 by PhysicsProf »

Group: Professor
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Posts: 3602
...in this video he also says something about magnetic anomalies.
This is possible when beta decay products become directionalized and form a unidirectional beta current. 
Such current will generate strong magnetic pulses.
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Posts: 3028
  Thanks, Verpies.

  On another note, the speakers for the upcoming ICCF-19 conference in Padua, Italy, have been selected, as follows:

Accepted Abstract

Oral Presentation

01 Davidson Off-Mass-Shell Particles and LENR
02 Dmitriyeva Machine Learning to analyze deuterium loading patterns during electrochemical
03 Dubinko Quantum Tunneling in Breather "Nano-colliders"
04 Filippov Increase in the Probability of Electron Beta Decays in a Superstrong Magnetic Field
05 Goryachev Technology of Environmentally Clean Remediating Radioactive Waste Based on Low Energy Transumation of Radioactive Nuclides
06 Grimshaw Integrated Policymaking for Realizing LENR Benefits and Mitigating Its Impacts of LENR
07 Gromov LENR by low-voltage cathode plasma electrolysis
08 Hagelstein Charge Emission from a Copper foil driven @ MHz frequencies
09 Hioki Hydrogen absorption property of Pd-doped mesoporous silica
10 Huang A Study on the Excess Heat Generation in Ni-H Gas Discharge Systems
11 Huble On a Possible Cosmological Explanation for the Anomalous Heat Effect
12 Iwamura The Launch of a New Scheme on CMNS at Tohoku University
13 Kasagi Screening Energy of the D+D Reaction in an Electron Plasma deduced from cooperative colliding reaction
14 Katinsky Industrial Association for LENR
15 Kidwell Observations of RF Emissions and heat in electrochemical loading experiments
16 Kitamura Effect of Minority Atoms of Binary Ni-Based Nano-Composites on Anomalous Heat Evolution under Hydrogen Absorption
17 Klimov Energy Release and Transmutation of Chemical Elements in Cold Heterogeneus Plasmoid
18 Knies A Method to Control Palladium Crystallographic Texture and Surface Morphology
19 Li  Lithium-An Important Additive in CMNS
20 Mastromatteo  LENR Anomalies in Pd-H2 systems submitted to LASER stimulation
21 McKubre   Cold Fusion-CMNS; present and projected future status
22 Meulenberg  Basis for Femto-molecules and -ions created from femto-atoms
23 Miles Excerpts from the Martin Fleischmann Letters
24 Nagel High Power Density Effects in Lattice-Enabled LENR Experiments and Generators
25 Orchideh Azizi  Effect of cathode pretreatment and chemical additives on H/D absorption into palladium via electrochemical permeation
26 Rusetskiy  Investigation of Enhancement and Stimulation of DD-Reaction yields In Crystalline Deuterated Heterostructures at Low Energies using the HELIS setup
27 Sarto  Morphology and electrochemical properties of Pd-based nanostructures deposited by different thin-film techniques
28 Swartz  Impact of Electrical Avalanche through ZrO2-NiD Nanostructured CF/LANR Component on its Incremental Excess Power Gain
29 Szumski The Atom's Temperature
30 Takahashi Fundamental of Rate Theory for CMNS
31 Vandenberghe Society and New LENR Technologies
32 Violante  Heat Production and RF detection during cathodic polarization of Palladium in O.1 MLiOD
33 Vysotskii  Transmutation of Cs133 Isotope to Ba Nucleus During Growth of Methanogenic Bacteria of Sea Sludge

And next the poster sessions, of interest especially because Dr Celani of Italy has been placed in the Poster area, for the first time in at least a dozen years I think,
and he sent out an email asking that people PROTEST this decision, and ask that he be allowed to give an oral presentation:

Poster Presentation

01 Amoroso Future of Particle Physics: Unified Field Alternative to 100 TeV, PeV Colliders?
02 Baranov The observation of the strange radiation and new ideas for CMNS explanation
03 Bazhutov Plasma Electrolysis as Foundation for Russian E-Cat Heat Generator
04 Bazhutov Erzion Interpretation of Cold Nuclear Transmutation in Our Experimental Results
05 Bazhutov Elaboration of Optimal Installation for Demonstration of Excess Heat in Plasma Electrolysis Experiment
06 Biberian Pressurized Plasma Electrolysis…
07 Biberian Experimental Evidence of Excess Heat by Mass Flow Calorimetry with Ni-LiAlH4 Powder
08 Biberian Excess Heat Observed with Capacitor having one Palladium Electrode

09 Calaon Yet Another LENR Theory: Magnetic Electron Mediated Nuclear Reactions
10 Castagna The Significance of a Properly Conceived and Instrumented Calorimetry\

11 Celani Observation of Macroscopic Current and Thermal Anomalies, at HT,by Hetero-structures on thin and long Constantan wires under H2 gas.
12 Cook On the Importance of Nuclear Structure Theory for Understanding the E-CAT
13 Couannier  Dark Gravity and LENR
14 Dallacasa In Phase Magnetic Force in LENR
15 Davtyan  Theoretical Prerequisites for Creating Cold Fusion Reactor
16 Dmitriyeva Role of dopants in deuterium loading during electrochemical experiment
17 Dubinko Atomistic Simulations of Discrete Breathers in Crystals and Clusters: A bridge to understanding LENR
18 El-Boher Search for low-energy x-ray and particle emissions from an electrochemical cell
19 El-Boher Final Report on calorimetry-based excess heat trials using Celani treated NiCuMn Constanan Wires
20 El-Boher Search for excess heat in electrolysis using single-walled carbon nanotubes SWCNT and graphene-coated palladium cathodes
21 El-Boher Effect of Pd nanoparticles co-deposition on excess heat generation and H/D loading in electrochemical and permeation cells
22 Evstigneev On the Kinetic Calculations of Elements Transmutations in the Presence of Cold Neutron Flux
23 Frisone Nuclear exothermic reactions in lattices: a theoretical study of d-d reaction
24 Godes Brillouin Energy Test Results of CECR Hypothesis
25 Goryachev  "Road Map" for Developing Engineering Applications of LENR Technologies
26 Goryachev  Implementing Innovative Technologies for Cleaning Sea Areas from Solid Pollution
27 Goryachev Technology of Wasteless Low Cost Desalinating Sea Water Based on Low Energy Transumation Of Chemical Elements
28 Gromov Ca Formation by Kervran-Bolotov transmutation reaction in "Al-N" systems
29 Hagelstein Current Status of the Theory and Modelling Effort Based on Fractionation
30 Hamm Electrochemical Analysis of Palladium Cathodes toward the Advancement of Reproducibility High H/D Loading Ratios
31 Hatt An Essay on the Unifying Theory of Natural Forces/Atomic nuclei binding energy
32 Hatt Atomic nuclei binding energy to be presented under transmutation or isotope composition study
33 Houwelingen LENR Market: Update and Opportunities
34 Kidwell  Is the excess heat from gas loading consistent with D-H exchange rates as measured by NMR?
35 Klimov High-Energetic Nano-Cluster Plasmoid and its Soft X-radiation
36 Koretskiy Investigation of Radiation & Excess Heat Effects in Water Solutions During Irradiation by Laser or LEDs Light
37 Kurilenkov On Specifics of DD neutron generation along low energy nanosecond vacuum discharge Deuterium-loaded Pd Anode
38 Lecci Methods for F&P Experiments Electrodes Materials Key Features Investigation
39 Marano Synthesis and Characterization of Pd-Ni-ZrO2 composite materials for LENR investigations
40 Meulenberg Nature of the Deep Dirac Levels
41 Miles Thermodynamic and Kinetic Factors Concerning the D+D Fusion Reaction for the Pd/D
42 Mondaini Transmutations of Elements by electrolysis, with light water and Copper
43 Paillet The Basis for Electron Deep Orbits of the Hydrogen Atom
44 Pak Studies of Neutron Emission from Deuterium Abs. C60(Pd)Li Electrode
45 Parchamazad Optimization of Zeolites in Cold Fusion Systems
46 Parkhomov Research on High-Temperature Rossi Heat Source Analogue
47 Petrucci Asymmetric and Anisotropic Neutron Bursts from Sonicated Steel
48 Ridolfi Products and Thresholds of DST-reactions in Iron
49 Ruer Lifetime of Hot Spots
50 Santoro Neutron Emission from Sonicated Steel
51 Sawada An Example of the nuclear active environment of the Cold Fusion
52 Scarborough The Center to study Anomalous Heat Effects at Texas Tech University
53 Scholkmann Electromagnetic and Electronic Frequencies Associated with Heat Production during Electrochemical Loading of Deuterium into Palladium
54 Stringham Single DD Fusion Event
55 Szumski Least Action Nuclear Process (LANP) Theory of Cold Fusion-An Overview
56 Tarasenko Tarasenko Generator on the basis of the model of the planet…
57 Terentyev Hardening and Embrittlement in Fe-based Alloys for Nuclear Applications understanding gained by atomistics simulations
58 Tetsuo An Example of the Nuclear Active Environment of Cold Fusion
59 Toimela Theoretical Study on the Transmutation Reactions
60 Tsyganov Cold DD Fusion in Conducting Crystals
61 Umarov The Description of the Cold Fusion Process Based on the Many-Body Problem Solution
62 Vysotskii Spontaneous Formation of Coherent Correlated States in…
63 Vysotskii Spontaneous Formation of Coherent Correlated States in Changing Nanowells and Nanocracks- the Universal Way for LENR Realization
64 Wettin Unknown matter in Cold Fusion
65 Zatelepin The Concept of Propulsion with LENR heat source for aircraft and ground application

Note the presentation by El-Boher that I predict counters Celani's claims...  hmmm.... the plot thickens.

Note that Parkhomov will be there!!  but relegated to a poster session... why?
Parkhomov Research on High-Temperature Rossi Heat Source Analogue

Hopefully the abstract will be out soon, and we can learn more.
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  Here's the link: 

And here's the link for the home page:

Note that the conference will be held in Italy, 13-19 April - about 3.5 weeks from now.  I will be traveling at the time, but will try to keep up with announcements and outstanding talks.

I noted at the last meeting, ICCF-18, that there is a bias with the organizer of this meeting AGAINST proton-metal approaches; he favors deuteron-metal approaches.  He said that he had seen nothing with p-metal reactions; that's his control IIRC. 

This matter appears to be causing a big division in the ranks of cold-fusion researchers.  Note also that Parkhomov's talk on p-Nickel reactions (ala Rossi) was placed in the poster section.  Likewise Dr. Celani, who is very upset about his p-metal experimental results being relegated to poster.

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I noted at the last meeting, ICCF-18, that there is a bias with the organizer of this meeting AGAINST proton-metal approaches; he favors deuteron-metal approaches. 
This might be because proton-metal approaches can generate radioactive tritium while deuteron-metal approaches cannot.
This does not mean that proton-metal approaches do not work, it might just mean that the organizer is afraid of IAEA stomping him down and giving LENR a bad rap because of this radioactive tritium.
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This might be because proton-metal approaches can generate radioactive tritium while deuteron-metal approaches cannot.
This does not mean that proton-metal approaches do not work, it might just mean that the organizer is afraid of IAEA stomping him down and giving LENR a bad rap because of this radioactive tritium.

  Included in the d-metal approaches is of course the Pons-F approach, d-palladium, which is claimed to produce tritium (from d-d cold fusion occurring in palladium, which produces tritium some of the time). 
Note the famous claims of Prof Bockris of Texas A&M of producing tritium in P-F cells, for example.

  OTOH, included in the p-metal approach is the Rossi p-nickel reaction which is said to NOT produce tritium.
Which p-metal approach produces tritium?

   So I ask you to explain your claim "This might be because proton-metal approaches can generate radioactive tritium while deuteron-metal approaches cannot."
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  Today I stumbled on a paper by F. Scaramuzzi discussing a DECADE of cold-fusion research, starting March 1989.  (I remember that month very well!)

   Quite a decent paper:  http://lenr-canr.org/acrobat/Scaramuzzitenyearsof.pdf
Note ref. # 10.


There are a number of experiments that seem to show that it is possible to have excess heat
production in a different experimental system: nickel and hydrogen rather than palladium and
deuterium. In this case the only reasonable explanation for nuclear fusion reactions is the fusion of
hydrogen with one of the few deuterons that are always present in hydrogen as impurities.

That view has certainly changed - with p+metal nuclear reactions now viewed as the likely explanation; yet the reaction has not been completely verified even now, over 15 years later...

Much could be said about theories: many and extremely various ideas have been presented.

That's for sure.  Cold fusion theory is up in the air - up for grabs as it were.

Let me just make a couple of general observations. The
traditional recurrent mechanism that governs the development of science, alternating theory and
experiment, so that they can check each other, is hardly possible if you are still struggling with the
lack of reproducibility: this problem has seriously hampered the development of theories.

The "lack of reproducibility" continues for the "excess heat" claims, 26 years since the March 1989 announcements.  And lack of reproducibility remains THE central problem, IMO.

Not so the low-level d+d fusion (in metals) to neutrons + helium-3 which the BYU team reported (Ref 10 and subsequent).  In those experiments, the reproducibility is 100% and has been since about 1998, as I've reported elsewhere.
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  I wrote to Prof Jean-Paul Biberian who is a friend, and he responded favorably to my request for his abstract for a poster-paper to be presented at the ICCF-19 conf which begins April 13, 2015.

  Here is his abstract regarding his effort to replicate the Parkhomov p-Nickel experiment; note the tantalizing title:

Experimental Evidence of Excess Heat by Mass Flow Calorimetry with Ni-LiAlH4 Powder

J.-P. Biberian,
Aix-Marseilles University, France, jpbiberian@yahoo.fr

Following the work of Alexander Parkhomov [1] showing large excess heat with a mixture of nickel and LiAlH4 powders, an experiment was designed using a mass flow calorimeter to replicate this work. Experiments have been conducted using a mixture of 0.5g of nickel powder and 0.05g of LiAlH4 placed inside stainless steel and alumina tubes, 10cm long, 0.6mm OD and 0.4mm ID. The stainless steel tube is closed at one end and sealed with a Swagelok plug at the other end. The alumina tube is sealed with two alumina bars sealed with an insulated paste. The tubes are heated by a 1.5m long 1.0mm diameter Khantal wire and 1.30m long 0.3mm in diameter tungsten wire wrapped around the tubes There are no direct temperature and pressure measurements. The temperatures are deduced from previous calibrations. The maximum temperature reachable by the electrical heating is 1200°C.

The tubes are placed inside a 15cm long and 3.5cm diameter vacuum chamber. Which is itself located inside the calorimeter, a vacuum chamber of 7.5cm in diameter and 50cm in length. The heat is measured by flowing water at a flow rate of 100ml/min, and the input and output temperatures are measured with RTDs.

We will report the excess heat as a function of the input electrical heating power and temperature, as well as analysis of the remaining powder after the experiment by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS)

[1] http://www.lenrnews.eu/parkhomov-paper-2015-01-29-english-pdf/.

Many thanks to Prof. Biberian.
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It's turtles all the way down
Good paper from Scaramuzzi.

I will be interested to learn more of Biberian's work and his actual COP.

What puzzles me is in the age of very accurate power measuring equipment and computers folk are still using water calorimetry. I agree it can be accurate, but in most cases it has been replaced by DSC or DTA for this type of measurement.

If not carefully exercised, water calorimetry can include many errors and obfuscate results.

Real time, accurate "excess energy" measurement can be made very simply by using a temperature control loop including a heated tube furnace and an accurate power meter.

"Secrecy, secret societies and secret groups have always been repugnant to a free and open society"......John F Kennedy
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Posts: 3028
Good points, ION.

Based on reading numerous papers in this arena and hearing many talks also, I suggest the following rather distinct categories under the LENR/CF umbrella that may be helpful:

1.  d-d fusion in various metals loaded with deuterium (by various means), resulting in energetic neutrons and protons - claimed only at low levels, the so-called "BYU level" because the effect was first observed and reported by a team at BYU.  First paper written in 1985; first experiments in 1986 - long before  we even heard of P&F work.  100% reproducible beginning in 1998 experiments in Japan.

2.  d-d cold fusion in Pd electrolytic cells, as claimed by P&F and others -- and challenged by many.  Fusion of deuterons (heavy water is used) is claimed as the basis by P&F.  Not reproducible still, after 26 years since their press conference.

3.  d-metal transmutation, as claimed by Iwamura (and challenged by David Kidwell in particular).

4.  p+metal LENR (producing anomalous heat) as claimed by Rossi, Defkalion, Parkhomov, Celani, Biberian and others; challenged by many.  Much detail is "proprietary".

5.  Biological cold fusion; challenged by many.

If you can think of other categories, pls let me know.  All the above categories are represented at the ICCF-19 conference which begins 13 April 2015 in Padua, Italy.
Group: Elite
Hero Member

Posts: 3537
It's turtles all the way down
I like that you have provided the categories for LENR work.

Biberian seems to be using a 10 to 1 mix of Ni to LiAlH.

Rather than trying to encapsulate the sample material with the heater, I prefer the approach of providing a small sealed capsule with the sample mix that fits snugly into a tube heater of small dimensions. In this way the tube heater assembly can be characterized with a reference material first, the data recorded, then the reference material is removed and the test is run again with the active sample, again logging the data. It also allows greater flexibility in testing various mixes without having to disturb the tube furnace or it's reference characterization.

Under a temperature controlled regime and also monitoring power input, excess energy is easily identified by comparing the graphed data of power input vs. temperature of each run. Any excess heat in the active sample will cause the temperature controller to cut back input power, and this amount of cutback is proportional to the excess heat generated, and easily noted  as a drop of input power on the Watt meter.

Using the same temperature controlled, input power monitoring regime, for elapsed kWHr's, the test of the reference is run for a fixed period, its cumulative kWHr's tallied, then the active sample is run for the same time period and also tallied. The tallies are subtracted, and the remainder is the excess power .

I am presently writing up the instructional  procedure for a low cost, single tube furnace ECAT test method and hope to post it shortly.

"Secrecy, secret societies and secret groups have always been repugnant to a free and open society"......John F Kennedy
Group: Moderator
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Posts: 3028
  ION, I look forward to that! 

  ICCF-19 is underway in Padua, Italy.  Here is a good website for those interested in LENR developments:

Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 3028
  I've been trying to think of a "simple, easily replicable" experiment to show the principle of LENR/geo-fusion with 100% repeatability - and worry about "scaling it up" later.  First show that it works in the simplest design possible.

1.  I was thinking about a simple capacitor with nickel cylinder around a nickel axial wire, in a hydrogen environment, driven by an AC source through low-resistance wires (short and fat)...  essentially zero power consumption with the cap charging and discharging.  Then put this in an insulated box with thermocouples next to the glass tube holding the nickel plates (or next to the outer nickel, etc), and simply watch the temperature rise.  Easy enough... if it works...

2.  Then I read this evening about an interview with Dr Parkhomov, the Russian who has replicated the Rossi device.  Read this -- using ION's method of simultaneous temp-control and input-measurement, at say 800C (easy to reach), we might have it in hand fellas:

The following article was written by Alan Smith who is reporting for E-Cat World at the ICCF Conference in Padua

Yesterday — Wednesday, April 15, during the course of a little light sight-seeing and a pleasant private lunch I had the chance to ask Dr. Alexander Parkhomov some technical questions about his replication of the Rossi E-Cat.

There has been quite a bit of discussion in various replication groups about the key ingredients required to operate an E-Cat successfully. The answer is simple: nickel in powder form, lithium aluminium hydride, and a “dirty” chopped AC waveform of the type obtained by using a thyristor controlled power supply. That is all. Regarding the use of iron in the reactor, AP said that it was not necessary to get a reaction; he has never used iron as an ingredient.

A thyristor power supply gives an oscilloscope trace similar to an interrupted sine wive. Even though the base frequency is only 50 or 60 c.p.s, such a system produces a broad range of harmonics. It is these multi-frequency harmonics which trigger the reactions.

So Nickel, LithiumAH and a noisy power supply is the trick. Parkhomov also uses ‘super kanthal’ wire for the heater coil. This may be just a Russianism for ‘heavy duty wire’ though. I also asked if there was any need to purge air from the reactor vessel – which of course is mostly oxygen and nitrogen etc. The answer was comforting. Purging makes no dfference that he knows of, and is not required. There may even be some water vapour present but this is not detrimental.

The inner reactor can be steel or alumina, though you need to get a high melting point non-magnetic steel. Alumina is simpler in many ways. The temperature needs to build up slowly – I heard this from other scientists at the conference too – to allow time for the hydrogen to be adsorbed into the nickel. Look at the timeline in AP’s data for information on this.

The system begins to produce anomalous heat at around 4-500C (as far as can be determined) but starts to ‘go critical’ and produce a more rapid thermal output at around 600/700C. then the thermal output takes off until you reach around 1000C. At this point the reaction may go ‘supercritical’ with a very rapid temperature rise until the fuel melts at around 1450+ . Even this is not guaranteed to stop the LENR process and there is a possibility of containment meltdown. Best to keep the temperature in the lower zone, perhaps 800-900 C

As for pressure, the breakdown of LAH with the thermal expansion of the gas and ‘ambient’ air inside the reactor causes the pressure increase. Absorption of these gases by various parts of the system cause the pressure drop. The negative pressure data that he has reported is a mystery but might be caused by poor calibration of his pressure gauge.

We might speculate that slow application of heat at the beginning of the test allows time for the Nickel powder to adsorb the hydrogen fully. This also seems to be a theme of other experimenters’ work. If you heat the newly-fuelled reactor too fast, you perhaps get a thin ‘skin layer’ of highly saturated nickel/LAH that may then inhibit the adsorption of hydrogen into the nickel matrix. This may then be the trigger for a ‘flash bang’ event. We might compare this runaway event to the effect of pouring Kerosene over a pile of logs and immediately throwing on a match. The slow heating is analogous to allowing the gasoline to soak into the logs for a while – you get a more controlled but still very hot burn.

A final comment. AP seems to me to be a quiet, gentlest and most genuine and kindly kind of chap. Not at all bombastic, he has stamina – as I found out yesterday – that belies his 70 years. A good and useful day here in Padua all round.

Alan Smith

If our device is in a well-insulated environment, once we reach the critical conditions, the device might just continue to heat up due to LENR processes, without further input of electrical power...

(After the run, using any method actually, one would use SEM-XEDS methods or the like to look for transmutation of some of the nickel into copper or X ...)

Note: these experiments in addition to ones I'm already working on....

« Last Edit: 2015-04-17, 05:19:28 by PhysicsProf »
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