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Author Topic: Predictions for 2015; and the Mars/Mayan? artifact  (Read 16261 times)
Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3028
     I posted some of this on another thread, but thought it would be fun to start a fresh thread.  
Just before the new year begins, I'll stick my neck out a little and prognisticate that 2015 will be a banner year for breakthrough experiments, and that at least one of these areas will "breakthrough" with repeatable experiments (note that I did not say "non-controversial"):

1.  Transmutation/geofusion (along with anomalous heat production in some cases) in experiments involving hydrogen isotopes (p, d, t) and various elements, such as Ni, Cs, B, and lithium.
See talks given here (including one of mine): http://iccf18.research.missouri.edu/
Talks and papers on the subject are anticipated at ICCF-19 to be held in Padua, Italy, April 2015.

2.  EmDrive - thrust produced by microwaves in a shaped resonant cavity; apparently violating conservation of momentum (according to conventional physics).  See:

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EmDrive#cite_note-newscientist-3  which references recent and planned experiments by NASA.

Note intriguing comments on the New Scientist publication regarding the EmDrive and the apparent violation of conservation of momentum:

3.  And/or anomalous heat/energy production demonstrated in devices employing changing magnetic flux or other electro-magnetic means; the devices most often discussed here.  One example:


« Last Edit: 2014-12-29, 14:32:38 by PhysicsProf »
Group: Professor
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Posts: 3028
 4.  Also predicted for 2015, a sharp economic downturn for Japan, that may affect Europe and other economies:

Game Over Japan: Real Wages Crash Most In 21st Century, Savings Rate Turns Negative
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 12/26/2014 22:09 -0500

When about a month ago it was revealed that Japan's shadow economic advisor is none other than Paul Krugman, we said it was only a matter of time before the Japanese economy implodes. Terminally. We didn't have long to wait and last night the barrage of Japanese economic data pretty much assured Japan's transition into failed Keynesian state status.

In fact, after last night's abysmal Japanese eco data, we doubt even the most lobotomized Keynesian voodoo priests have anything favorable left to say about Abenomics: not only did core inflation miss expectations and is now clearly in slowdown mode despite Japan openly monetizing all gross Treasury issuance, not only did industrial production decline 0.6% missing expectations of an increase and record its first decline in 3 months with durable goods shipments crashing, not only did consumer spending plunge for the 8th straight month dropping 2.5% in November (with real spending on housing in 20% freefall), but - the punchline - both nominal and real wages imploded, when total cash wages and overtime pay declined for the first time in 9 months and 20 months, respectively.

And the reason why any poll that shows a recently "re-elected" Abe has even a 1% approval rating has clearly been Diebolded beyond recognition, is that real wages cratered 4.3% compared to a year ago. This was the largest decline since the 4.8% recorded in December 1998. In other words, Abenomics has now resulted in the worst economy, if only for consumers, in the 21st century.

But that's not all: as Bloomberg reported, for the first time ever since records were collected in 1955, Japan's savings rate turned negative. To wit:

Japanese drew down savings for the first time on record while wages adjusted for inflation dropped the most in almost five years, highlighting challenges for Prime Minister Shinzo Abe as he tries to revive the world’s third-largest economy.
The savings rate in the year through March was minus 1.3 percent, the first negative reading in data back to 1955, the Cabinet Office said.
A higher sales tax combined with the central bank’s record easing are driving up living costs, squeezing household budgets and damping consumption. Abe’s task is to convince companies to agree to higher wages in next spring’s labor talks to sustain a recovery.
“Households are suffering from a decline in real income,” said Hiromichi Shirakawa, an economist at Credit Suisse Group AG who used to work at the Bank of Japan.
Actually, if you ask Krugman, they are suffering from not enough inflation, and a lack of willingness to spend their savings. Oh wait... Never mind.

The savings rate, which the Cabinet Office calculates by dividing savings by the sum of disposable income and pension payments, peaked at 23.1 percent in fiscal 1975.
As Japan’s population ages, its growing ranks of elderly are tapping their savings, according to the Cabinet Office. Consumers also ran down savings to make purchases ahead of a sales tax-increase in April, the first since 1997.
The report offers perspective on a debate of decades ago over Japan’s trade surplus with the U.S., which caused periodic bouts of tension between the military allies. While respective savings rates have moved in opposite directions, the U.S. still had a $56 billion deficit with Japan in the first 10 months of 2014, U.S. government data show.
As for that imminent surge in wages: Today’s data showed there were 1.12 jobs available for every person seeking a position, the most since 1992. Said otherwise, Japan now has the most labor slack in over two decades!

The preliminary wage data released today lack a large enough sample and include some biases, so the final figures may be revised upward, according to Hiroaki Muto, an economist at Sumitomo Mitsui Asset Management Co. “Looking ahead, wages will probably rise but not accelerate,” said Muto.
Actually, it is far more likely that they will keep falling as Japanese corporations build up cash for what is now shaping up as the inevitable collapse of Abenomics which will send the economy, and the Nikkei, into a tailspin, one from which, however, there will be no recovery this time.

Read more, with graphs, here:  http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-12-26/game-over-japan-real-wages-crash-most-21st-century-savings-rate-turns-negative

Russia is also facing severe economic struggles, due to the low price of oil in particular.
« Last Edit: 2014-12-28, 14:20:21 by PhysicsProf »
Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3028
  OK - one more "wild" prognostication, then I'll turn it over to you all for comments for a while.

  5.  It is possible that a discovery on Mars (or on Earth) in 2015 may revolutinize scientific thinking about extra-terrestrial life and planetary visits.

Consider the photos below.  At the tops, you can see the links to the original NASA photo and a discussion page.
Here's the link to the JPL/NASA photo; look in the NE quadrant for the "rock" in question.

The round "eye" is clearly seen in the raw NASA photo.  Weird.  The teeth... require image processing I think - and no tricks I hope!

I wonder if JPL or NASA could be persuaded to have the Mars ROVER go back and take close-up photos of this "rock"?  that may be the only way to really resolve this question; and achieve a possible break-through in 2015.  Could we petition them?
Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4051
Mars Rover Huh ?
well we do have some friends that have supplied bits and pieces and technology to this one.

I'll be visiting one in a few weeks,
what the heck ,I'll ask him for advice on " another drive by"  petition...


Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 571
 OK - one more "wild" prognostication, then I'll turn it over to you all for comments for a while.

  5.  It is possible that a discovery on Mars (or on Earth) in 2015 may revolutinize scientific thinking about extra-terrestrial life and planetary visits.

Consider the photos below.  At the tops, you can see the links to the original NASA photo and a discussion page.
Here's the link to the JPL/NASA photo; look in the NE quadrant for the "rock" in question.

The round "eye" is clearly seen in the raw NASA photo.  Weird.  The teeth... require image processing I think - and no tricks I hope!

I wonder if JPL or NASA could be persuaded to have the Mars ROVER go back and take close-up photos of this "rock"?  that may be the only way to really resolve this question; and achieve a possible break-through in 2015.  Could we petition them?

Good predictions Professor, I have been following the rovers on Mars for awhile now and I have to say Gale crater is looking like a junk yard to me with many other interesting things as well. I find this mechanical or ? who knows what, under a rock outcrop, to be very interesting, like the rock you pointed out.


Search Mars anomalies at youtube for much more.

"Whatever our resources of primary energy may be in the future, we must, to be rational, obtain it without consumption of any material"  Nicola Tesla

"When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle."  Edmund Burke
Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3028
Mars Rover Huh ?
well we do have some friends that have supplied bits and pieces and technology to this one.

I'll be visiting one in a few weeks,
what the heck ,I'll ask him for advice on " another drive by"  petition...


Thanks, Room and Chet.
I've looked at several of the Mars "anomalies," and this one looks more compelling than others I've seen (IMO). 
Group: Professor
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Posts: 3028
  Is the experiment repeatable?  that is a basic test for good science.

  So my question to you is - do you have sufficient image processing skills (I don't) to start with the JPL raw image, here

and process it in a legitimate way to bring out/enhance features that are ALREADY THERE in the raw photo?

IOW, can the image-processing procedure be repeated, to show TEETH as in an intelligently-carved artifact? that should be a first question.
Group: Professor
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Posts: 3028
Jim Stone is the person who did the original image processing, and his continued discussion on the "Mars/Mayan artifact" is here:


Scroll down till you see the "Mars artifact."

He also cites, from his forum, this rather funny dialogue:

Paul lost his girlfriend over the above report, (no kidding!) read the following:

Paul short posted the following to the forum:
I was reading Jim's main site earlier and saw his analysis of the NASA photo of what appears to be a stone artifact on Mars. I have been seeing someone for a short while who is an afficianado of ancient civilizations and stone artifacts in particular. She was on her way over to my place so I downloaded the photo from the source and when she got here, I showed it to her, without telling her it was taken by a Mars rover. The ensuing conversation, paraphrased, went something like this:

Me: Have you seen the new discovery scientists made in a desert recently? They think it's a new ancient civilization they discovered. They found this... and I pointed at the screen and zoomed in on the head.

Her: Ooh, nice, yeah it's definitely man made. Looks a bit like Mayan or those stone heads on the Galapagos Islands. Yeah definitely, nature can't make a perfectly round eyeball and teeth like that since erosion is so random and unpredictable.

She talked for about 10 minutes, tossing around an impressive array of facts, then cocked her head and asked:

Why is the pic so brown? What dessert did they find it in?

Me: The pic was taken by the Mars rover and I downloaded it from NASA's site.

She flipped, said that I tricked her and insulted her intelligence and that I was a donkey kicking crackpot who 'believed' in aliens.

I protested: But you just spent almost 15 minutes using your own knowledge to swoon over the new finding! What changed? How can you flipflop like that and now be trashing me. It was taken on another planet by f'ing NASA!

She grabbed her coat, called me a string of derogatory names and left.

Thanks for that, NASA.

Edit: I posted this earlier and deleted it so I could repost and pin, and add this.

The moral of the story is twofold:

1) The purpose for tricking her like that, is I wanted to see if someone with an above average knowledge of ancient civilizations and artifacts would recognize the artifact in the NASA photo as being man made, or in this case, made by something with intelligence. It sucks for me right now, but I do feel somewhat vindicated because until she found out the source of the photo, there was no question in her mind whatsoever as to whether that stone thing was man made or not.

2) If you don't enjoy being alone, don't trick your girlfriend.

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4727

Buy me some coffee
So our little martian should look something like the pic below. I just used windows paint to flip half the imagne,as it looks to me(even the original pic)that there has been some brushing/adjusting to the imagne.just to the left of what looks like the eye,there seems to be some pixel squares there that dont belong to the image.

Never let your schooling get in the way of your education.
Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3028
Scary looking thing...
The original analyst, Jim Stone, noted that there were some minor glitches in the raw NASA image - as you also noted tinman.

Say - PESN.com and PESWIKI seem to be down. Is anyone else having that problem?
Group: Ambassador
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Posts: 4051
 Peswiki is working in the Northeast USA

and yes If thats what Martians look like ,maybe we should leave them alone.... :o

Group: Guest
Peswiki is working in the Northeast USA

I'm on the other side of you here in COS and it's working fine for me too.

and yes If thats what Martians look like ,maybe we should leave them alone.... :o

My shepard would agree.  She slept in the furnace room the other night, scared out of her wits.  Not confident these creatures are friendly.
Group: Professor
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Posts: 3028
OK, thanks.  PESWIKI working, but Sterling has announced he's OUT... he has some moral and legal-type problems evidently.

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4727

Buy me some coffee
Scary looking thing...
The original analyst, Jim Stone, noted that there were some minor glitches in the raw NASA image - as you also noted tinman.

Say - PESN.com and PESWIKI seem to be down. Is anyone else having that problem?
If there were beings like that that onced lived on mar's,you have to ask your self-what the hell happened to that planet?. Dose that pic i posted represent the look of horror of the end of day's for martians. It is kind of spooky/eerie when you think about it. Did some of them make it here,and here we stand today-the descendants of martians. Was it them that built the pyramids,and then removed all there tech from our lives?. Lol,the mind dose wonder some times,and unrealistic thoughts start seeming quite possable.
You really have to wonder what is being hidden from us.


Never let your schooling get in the way of your education.
Group: Professor
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Posts: 3028
  Big "if", tinman...  although very intriguing.

  I would suggest a scientific approach, including asking JPL to take Rover back to this interesting rock and take close-up photos, from all sides.

  Now they might not want to do that, so we need some leverage - perhaps a Petition signed by thousands of people might do it?  or a request from a Senator or Congressman?  what do you think about such an approach? and what do you all think might "work" to persuade JPL to go back and take more data?

Group: Experimentalist
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Posts: 571
This rock on Mars is just a rock, except for the round feature, which could be a drill mark the rover made trying to sample the composition.   

Are these all just rocks as well?


Especially #9, is that also just a rock? :o

"Whatever our resources of primary energy may be in the future, we must, to be rational, obtain it without consumption of any material"  Nicola Tesla

"When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle."  Edmund Burke

Group: Elite Experimentalist
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Posts: 4727

Buy me some coffee
  Big "if", tinman...  although very intriguing.

  I would suggest a scientific approach, including asking JPL to take Rover back to this interesting rock and take close-up photos, from all sides.

  Now they might not want to do that, so we need some leverage - perhaps a Petition signed by thousands of people might do it?  or a request from a Senator or Congressman?  what do you think about such an approach? and what do you all think might "work" to persuade JPL to go back and take more data?
The one thing you can be sure of PhysicsProf,is if they did find something interesting on mar's,they sure as hell would hide it from us.I often wonder what the implications would be if we(the world) were told that aliens do exist,and we are not alone in the universe. Im really not sure why they continue the lie,as there has been far to many witnesses who have seen craft flying around in our skies that exceed the known capabilities of the machines we have today.

It is odd that there are so many clear(very clear) pictures being sent back from mar's,and yet the one posted above is all blury and has been altered. There is only one reason for that i would think,and they have done the same with pictures of the moon. As far as getting them(JPL) to go back and have a second look at that rock,well i see nothing but a barrage of excuses comeing our way. But im wondering if it possable to tune into and collect our own pictures that are being sent back to JPL from the mars rover-how exactly do they recieve them?. Could we not just use something like a radio scanner to tune into the data being sent back?,and would this be illegal?.

My biggest hope is that im still alive when all is revealed,but i fear im 100 years to early.

If mars was once a thriving planet like earth,then i fear earth is heading for the same fate.

Never let your schooling get in the way of your education.
Group: Guest
If mars was once a thriving planet like earth,then i fear earth is heading for the same fate.

I think I'll go with this 2016 prediction:

I'll see you all on the back side.   ;)

Now, lets get some energy systems in order around here.  We are going to need them.
« Last Edit: 2015-01-03, 04:52:25 by Matt Watts »

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4727

Buy me some coffee
I think I'll go with this 2016 prediction:

I'll see you all on the back side.   ;)

Now, lets get some energy systems in order around here.  We are going to need them.
And here i was thinking that we were discusing reality C.C

Never let your schooling get in the way of your education.
Group: Guest
And here i was thinking that we were discusing reality C.C


I forgot, cattle prods don't work on old people.  hehe.

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4727

Buy me some coffee

I forgot, cattle prods don't work on old people.  hehe.
Planet X Matt :o--really C.C
Please show a clear picture of this planet X ^-^

Never let your schooling get in the way of your education.
Group: Guest
Planet X Matt :o--really C.C
Please show a clear picture of this planet X ^-^

The problem is TinMan, I can't.

If there is any truth to what Marshall says, you'll know it the same time I do.

What I am hopeful for is that we all get a sense of urgency and find a way to become energy self-sufficient soon.  I'd like see this be done in a way where the average guy with a workbench can do it, instead of waiting for some multi-million dollar corporation to build it and make it for sale.  Many of the so-called breakthroughs still seem way out of reach for the average household.  Unfortunately, this is where I see the bulk of the effort going.  I don't see extraterrestrial life coming to our aid either.  We're going to have to do this on our own, with the knowledge shared by this community.  How much time do we have to be successful?  Probably less than we think.  Seems no one has enough time and resources any more.  If we can just get over the hump and find a phenomena that we understand enough to engineer, we may have a fighting chance of making it through whatever might be coming our way.

So really I do not have a prediction to make, instead more of an optimistic plan.  Only if we go another year without any significant progress can I predict things won't be so swell.

Group: Administrator
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Posts: 3968

Buy me some coffee
I think we all know that so far there are no known working devices that we have full information and/or proof of, in the UK our energy supplies are starting to run short and the only fuel that could cut the mustard is Nuclear Fission right now, but they take years of planning and i think we don't have the time to get any new reactors on line.

It makes me wonder why the forward energy planning appears not to be in place, is it a matter of time before the lights start going out or is there a secret plan we don't yet know.

A few things come to mind, makes me wonder if there's a reason we wont need new sources of energy, but also i wonder if the solution is already worked out, maybe time will tell for sure.

We know there have been devices in the past and once built you would think they are somewhere in the hands of the few that really are allowed to know about them, and if so you can bet they also understand the tech.

If i was one of them few and i was not allowed to make the tech mainstream because of the threat of such an advanced energy generating tech becoming widely available, i would at least be ready to secretly switch them in line with the power grid camouflaged by old fossil fuel equipment.

It seems strange to me that right now Oil has become so cheap, we are led to believe that it's because of falling demand with over supply, but with the ever demand for ships, planes, cars and current energy generation along with the IC Engine i find this story hard to understand.

What if some of this new tech generating system is already being put on line in secure areas and being connected to the grid, maybe this could explain the down turn in the demand for oil.

In the UK we have a bunch of energy generating stations on standby waiting for a spike in energy consumption for which they get turned on and off on demand, wouldn't it be ironic if we are paying fossil fuel prices and carbon tax on our fuel consumption if really there's a high tech Aetherial energy generator purring away in the background somewhere LOL.

Group: Professor
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Posts: 3028
Good points, Peter.  I think 2015 is a "do or die" (as they say) year also, agreeing with Matt:

How much time do we have to be successful?  Probably less than we think.  Seems no one has enough time and resources any more.  If we can just get over the hump and find a phenomena that we understand enough to engineer, we may have a fighting chance of making it through whatever might be coming our way.

So really I do not have a prediction to make, instead more of an optimistic plan.  Only if we go another year without any significant progress can I predict things won't be so swell.
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