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Author Topic: Controller No5 With Protection - Looking for Explosions  (Read 253944 times)

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That other scope was not lying about large dc offset pulses
I disconnected the scope across the resistor and layed the probe near the coil, it can clearly be seen every now and then a definate long period in excess of 10uS a dc offset exists.

I just dont know what to make of it  ???

Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3948
If you have a neon bulb and a variable power supply that can light it, connect the bulb to the power supply and turn the votlage up to a level where the bulb will almost light.  Then place the bulb near your coil.  Does it light?

The xplosions I had occured where there was nothing to slap mechanically.

Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3948
Something like this will give an indication of charged particles:

Simple Geiger Detector uses neon Glow Lamp
Peter Lay
March 18, 2002

In these times of increased terrorist threats, the possibility of some type of nuclear incident exists. By using a few simple components, it's possible to build a low-cost Geiger detector. Detecting α radiation requires a special Geiger tube. But for detecting only β and γ radiation, a neon glow lamp can be used.

Operation is as follows (see the figure): The alternating current is rectified by diode D1. A simple Zener-diode stabilization network circuit using D2 supplies a voltage of 100 V dc. The value of R1 depends on the source voltage and must be calculated with the equation, R1 = (V ac −s 100 V)/5 mA. Potentiometer R2 is used to set the detector voltage very close to, but slightly below, the neon lamp's ignition voltage. The lamp must not ignite. If a radioactive particle then ionizes the gas in the lamp, it ignites.

At that point, resistor R3 drops most of the voltage, so the lamp voltage is lower than the holding voltage. No additional current flows through the lamp until the next radioactive particle ignites it. During the small moments of current flow, a short and quiet clock noise comes out of the loudspeaker.

More circuits like this one can be found in my book about experiments with radiation sources (written in German), Experimente mit Strahlenquellen im Haushalt (www.peterlay.de).

Note: As with all circuits that can be connected directly to an ac power source, suitable insulation, grounding, and polarization precautions should be taken to avoid the risk of potentially lethal electric shock.


Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3948
here is another circuit that uses an 85A2 votlage reference tube (neon).  These tubes are a few pounds/dollars in surplus stores/Ebay.


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Nothing magic here G, no electrostatic discharges or glow in the dark skin tan ray's.

I'm only using 25Volts right now and the psu is averaging out at 2-5mA, but the magic is in the DC gradient and what ever is creating it, i seem to be expanding a field without collapsing it, just wish i could work out how.

I can produce them by phase delaying 2 pulses (gives small gradients)
I can produce them using white noise  combined with random phase firing(Gives much larger random pulses), it's as if i need to ripple space around the coil in just the right way, get near once in a while and the final pulse does the job.

At the moment i am puzzled by the coil's current waveform and why it has 2 different current drive levels, the higher is only there when the crackles are present, although i believe the high current is the cause of the crackles, but then what's the relationship with the expanding field.

Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3948
Nothing magic here G, no electrostatic discharges or glow in the dark skin tan ray's.

I'm only using 25Volts right now and the psu is averaging out at 2-5mA, but the magic is in the DC gradient and what ever is creating it, i seem to be expanding a field without collapsing it, just wish i could work out how.

I can produce them by phase delaying 2 pulses (gives small gradients)
I can produce them using white noise  combined with random phase firing(Gives much larger random pulses), it's as if i need to ripple space around the coil in just the right way, get near once in a while and the final pulse does the job.

At the moment i am puzzled by the coil's current waveform and why it has 2 different current drive levels, the higher is only there when the crackles are present, although i believe the high current is the cause of the crackles, but then what's the relationship with the expanding field.

I have figured a few things out and it would take a long time to explain why I have suggested the detectors.

A dc gradient is good reason that you should try a detector.  Expanding a field without collapsing it is also an indication.  Don't guess and make assumptions or you will lose several years following the wrong directions like everyone else.

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What on earth is going on with that last video

here's 2 shots, it looks to me that there is some screen persistence, but what is that large long negative line connecting the bursts, and how on earth can i trigger on it if it's not a pulse that's larger than anything else.
these shots were verified using 2 seperate scopes, the probe was just laying next to the driven coil.

Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3948
care to venture a guess?

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I have no idea G, the DC offset can be longer than 40uS sometimes and once it appears does not diminish that much even though my driving electronics should be still pulsing like mad, so once it's there, it's there no matter what until the conditions are met by a pulse or noise sequence to close it down, It's like I've found a way of turning on a dc gradient tap, i don't believe the energy is coming from my system because it would vary in intensity, so in that case where can the energy be coming from, if i could work out how to trigger on it i might be able to see it more clearly.

What ever is happening i believe it is the reason why i have been getting Dc offset pulses all along, just now i have stumbled on a way of it lasting much longer.


Having thought on this some more, There must be a capacitor that's charged, maybe the insulation around the wire conductor, so in that case an event happens that charges the dielectric, holds the charge for a while until the conditions are met to uncharge it.
So then the question would be, can the tip of the probe touching the insulation of a wire be enough to form a capacitor of enough capacity to cause the effect seen.To be honest i am not sure if the tip was touching or just laid by, but i can confirm this.
« Last Edit: 2011-02-20, 08:56:30 by Peterae »

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OK just found this frame so there is definitely screen persistence or the camera is not in sync with the laptop, so now i don't really know whats happening until i can find a way of triggering on it, although it's definitely there though.

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here's a clearer shot

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here's one that shows i am still pulsing when it's present and is unaffected by the pulses.

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So far i have demonstrated the ability to create separately positive and negative gradients.

Now if i had 2 systems running at the same time, one with positive and the other with negative, and phase these gradients correctly i think i should be able to create more larger gradients, i think this could possibly produce a self powering ever growing event as long as the conditions are maintained by the initial pulse pattern, offcourse this is only speculation and until i know exactly how to control this i have no chance.
Group: Guest

Your displays of DC gradients appear to me as possible digital processing artifacts. Under the influence of very high transients I have found even the best DSO with an 'analog mode' can't be trusted.

A couple of things to try to help identify what is going on....

1. Terminate that open transmission line ( put a high value resistance between the scope probe body shield and tip. Mount a resistor at the tip in a similar way as the signal ground whisker - from the probe tip to the probe shield).
2. Fire up the old CRT scope for comparison. (An option for me  :)  I still have some toys older than my children  :-[ )

My preferences.... When it comes to anything with transients - take the pseudo equipment out of the equation.
Pseudo = anything with a switch mode power supply, not isolated with a transformer or anything that converts a signal to numbers then back again.

If your scope isn't screwing up the internal math due to the transients, you may be dealing with compression of charge area.

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Cheers WW
I've wound a 100K res across the tip and earth of the probe

Unfortunately i don't have an old scope.

Here's the results having tried to find the best trigger.

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I Thought i would try a radiant collector on it  ;D


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It looks to me to be a simple reverse case of extracting harmonics from a square wave, you inject harmonics into free space and get a square wave out  :)

Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3948
can you post a still shot of the scope shots?

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Sure here's a few random ones

Note there's a 100K termination resistor and those are over 100V pulses
It's also interesting to note the decay rate of the dc offset has increased with the 100K Res fitted  ;)

Also something rather strange, after there's been a decay of the initial dc offset, it stabilizes and no longer decays at all but is still DC offset.

Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3948
It "appears" that "effects" can be produced at just about any voltage if the change is very fast.  however the distance to energy is inverse squared so it takes a lot more to get the "effects" out into space where they can be manipulated.

The dc offset that stays sounds like trapepd charges in the dielectric.

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I have a strip of aluminium foil insulated and sealed both sides using cut polypropylene sheet, i do have a connection at one end i can connect to.

The foil is taped around 1 half of the outer diameter of the coil, i have clipped a microphone to one side to monitor the crackling noises, bearing in mind the crackling is a mixture of white noise and false triggering from em bursts into my drive system, it can be seen that i can increase the false triggering by holding a metal object to the foil connection at one end or by pressing my fingers against the polypropylene, more interesting is that when i place a magnet anywhere around the circumference of the coil, i get notable crackling from the foil and the magnets position.

Edit dam it looks like the sound didn't sync properly

« Last Edit: 2011-03-06, 13:59:05 by Peterae »

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Seems i am starting to see mains supply regularity

Both traces are connected to an Avramenko plug.
Green trace is connected to the insulated aluminium foil that's tapes around half of the outer circumference of the coil.
Yellow trace AV plug is connected to a wire coiled up and placed near the aluminium foil.

Green trace is 20V/Div there is a 47 Ohm resistor across the AV plug
There's a 306 Watt pulse towards the end of the trace, the average size of the pulses equates to about 34 Watts per pulse.
Yellow trace is 2V/Div no resistor across the AV Plug

The period between the larger pulse grouping is 50Hz with one intermediate size of group pulses, so including the intermediate group of pulses i would have 100Hz

It appears to me that the energy from the crackles appears to behave like and electrostatic impulse, the larger the surface area of the plate the more energy it picks up, if the plate is flat the AV plug gives DC very sharp bursts of pulses and if i use a coiled wire to pick it up the AV plug has trouble producing any noticeable DC.

« Last Edit: 2011-03-06, 20:01:06 by Peterae »

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
Put a platic cutting borad between the "plate" and source of crackels and see if the plate still recieves anything.

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yep good idea G i will try tomorrow  O0

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I tried taping the alu foil to the back of a 6mm sheet of perspex, then placed this against the coil, i still had pick up, i then inserted another 6mm making a total 12mm and it still picks up the pulses, slight reduction in amplitude each time.

On another note i connected a flat pancake coil up in the Tesla configuration and can spin a neo magnet high speed, sometimes it would fly off the coil onto the bench and continue spinning for 5 seconds or so.

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