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Author Topic: Controller No5 With Protection - Looking for Explosions  (Read 253947 times)

Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3948
SM may have discovered the effect with the grey noise and determined that it has extra energy, then went on to figure out how to utilize it.  If you are ever in close proximity to these "explosive sounds" you will definitely agree that they have a lot of energy.

555 is supposed to go to 500khz...

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thats right G 500kHz although i am sure in the past there was a variant that went to 1MHz but i would need to check that

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Motorola MC4024P goes up pretty high.

Got some 555's a few minutes ago at the Shack.  (Hey! It was next to the Grocery Store and I needed beer.)

OK - got to wire one up

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I've just realized i have an area of time the mono's cannot sweep due to propagation delay, but with random and noise feedback it would be covered maybe, just maybe this is where there is some energy.

What happens at the moment is one mono output feeds the other mono's input, which is OK but there maybe a very short time before the 2nd mono responds to the output of the 1st.

Not sure where to find the info, but Spheric said exactly what the timing was in the bifilar experiment, if anyone has it to hand could they post it.

Mean while i need to re study the delay chip datasheet and then have a browse through Spherics stuff.


OK had a study between the phase shift and pwm mode delay chip i could potentially have a delay of up to 40nS dead phase built into the current setup, this actually allows me to extend the sweep period to 255+40 which has been needed in the past, but it does mean i have had a blind spot from 0-40nS.

Now to find Spherics info.

--OK found it very interesting

Trouble is i am not sure i am meant to post it in the open.Still i need to get rid of the propagation delay for sure  ;D

Christ even Jitter could be causing the kick to be random.

Priority for me now is to make a 1200v pulser based on Grumpys Avalanche technique.
« Last Edit: 2010-06-13, 08:55:32 by Peterae »

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Just had a Russian guy respond to my whitenoise video on youtube he posted a link to a you tube video of his

He wants my approval, as i cant hear sound or understand his message in Russian it's a bit hard LOL
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Circular coils are often used as the primary windings in the coils of Tesla. Studies of field using Z-magnet show that such use is not accidental. In the disk coils at low frequencies (less than 50 Hz) field interaction at the edge. At frequencies higher than 50 Hz is shifted to the center. At a frequency of 80 Hz the whole plane circular coil represents a field of interaction in which the rotating Z-magnet.

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Thanks Ds
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I think he is showing the lower HZ reaction to the magnet - speaker effect - and not the hf effect you are showing

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By Using an endless toroidal coil as in my large coil, i can make the crackling appear with just one randomly driven channel, the crackling is loudest in the driven coil but can be heard all around the endless coil as well with the aid of a magnet, previously i have always needed a static pulsed channel and a varying phase channel.

If i use my whitenoise generator i cannot get the crackles but if i drive using a randomly phased delay chip that's driven from the whitenoise generator then they appear, so the bandwidth of the whitenoise gen is not high enough.

I imagine the reason i can get the crackles using one channel and an endless coil is there maybe residual pulses travelling around the endless coil for the random pulses to knock against.

The other interesting thing is that by widening the pulse width more energy goes into the system and the more crackling i get and the louder they are, the same can be said for turning up the power supply voltage.

The thing i don't yet understand is why the crackles appear all the way around the endless coil, i need to make a way of scoping them at 2 different points to see if there is a phase difference when they occur, if not then maybe they are longitudinal in nature.

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Here's 2 FFT shots of what happens periodically when a crackle happens.

One shot is across the spare drive coil on the opposite side of the endless toroidal coil to the drive coil.

Another shot scoped across the 4 turn horizontal coil.

By disconnecting or putting a break in the endless coil, the crackling stops in the endless coil itself, but i can still produce crackling in a single coil.
I expected the crackling to stop in the single coil when the endless coil was broken but this is not the case. Not yet sure why this is the case.

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Probably a very simple question

Here's a scope shot of noise picked up by my 2 scope probes when the crackling happens, the probes are not connected and are being held near my coil when the crackling happens, i have unclipped the earth leads on the probes and taken the clips of the nib's, so the probes are not physically connected to anything, so what does it mean when i have a large positive peak 'see the end of the trace' there is a couple of very positive pulses, so how can i have a positive pulse when all the others are not so positive, does this mean anything significant.

You can see the probes just resting against the coil each side

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It's not as complicated as it may seem...

It could mean you are hitting on the right combination once in a while.  :)


"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe." Frank Zappa

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Thanks for replying Darren

That would be brilliant news, because that now means i have a way of monitoring what the right way forward is. ;)

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Chan 1 is connected to an Avramenko plug
Chan 2 just near the coil

Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3948
You might be inducing charges into the insulation and surrounding air with the crackling occuring at discharge.

I suggest making a Faraday Cup and attempt to detect charged particles.


You may notice the resemblence to Tesla's Radiant Energy devices.

At such low votlages, though, anything occuring is probably in the wire, such as the space between the insualtion and the conductor.


Group: Elite Experimentalist
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Frequency equals matter...

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In my current build I get a static set of pulses from outside. There is no power applied to my setup but the positive and negative spikes appear then a ring down. I stated 'Static' because the scope can lock on to this signature and it doesn't waver. I have a vid I can post but did not at the time because I thought I wasn't credible. The PC, fluorescent lights, android phone, gold rings, incandescent lights all were on so I deemed it noisy and not submittable. The spikes are in the 650mv range. Now when pulsed I saw 7v spikes in league with this 'Noise'. I don't have a clean environment. A Faraday cage is a good idea though the spikes were very thin.

« Last Edit: 2011-02-17, 03:54:52 by giantkiller »


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Would you say this qualifies, again scope probe was laying not connected near a small coil bring phase driven from 2 fet stages.

The bizarre thing about this trace is that i couldn't trigger on it to save my life, i also now have my old scope handy as well, this also had a probe nearby and verified the same waveform.


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1 Channel of whitenoise mixed with random phased pulses does it all the time and the coil did have the crackling noises as well.

here's the coil and probes

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It's not as complicated as it may seem...

Yes, I think you are getting close. Seems a little more controlled now.

Back to the original tests with that single coil.  ;)


"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe." Frank Zappa

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It's not as complicated as it may seem...

It looks like you might be getting a similar effect there.


"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe." Frank Zappa

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So it's been there all the time LOL

This image is nothing more than a phase delayed pulse but after having adjusted the frequency up and scanning the phase to get more positive pulses, there were certainly more phase settings that also did the same and other frequency/pulse setting as well.

Frequency was 1.6407Mhz phase delayed @ 155nS

but in the video the whitenoise causes the crackling but also allows the effect to be more pronounced giving sharper positive pulses.

I am more convinced than ever that there is a sweet spot for more energy release, and the trick all along was finding a way to see it, looks like it was as simple as not connecting the probe  C.C

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Now i understand why the cpu's go crazy and the fet's blow from time to time, there's a large dc gradient in the space surrounding the coil, you can see in the video that a large positive pulse is normally followed by a length of oscillation, this is where the large pulse has triggered the fet to go into self oscillation/unstable mode, only when the space has returned to normal does the fet stop self oscillation, It remains stable until the condition is right to create an event again.

The effect has nothing to do with coil parameters, infact it is totaly possible for me to produce this effect with a short piece of wire.

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I have seen this many times myself, the trick is to zoom down on the timebase and see if the pulses are still positive, in the video they went from positive or negative pulses into ringing, whats happening here is that your scope is trying to show a pulse thats beyond it's current timebase setting, you get large offset pulses that seem to follow a sinewave pattern, but when you zoom down on the timebase they are no longer positive.

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In order to try and work out what's going on in my chaotic setup that causes the crackles, i thought i would place a 47Ohm resistor in series with the coil, then my flyback diode is placed across this LR, i can then connect my scope across the 47R resistor to monitor current flow within the coil, the video was taken with crackling present.

Some strange stuff here, during crackling the current seems to double periodically, could this be the result of random phase shifting, certainly may explain the crackling noise to be suddenly jolted with fast high current pulses, it looks like the crackling could be a result of mechanical slap after all.

The tricky thing here was to monitor using a probe not connected so i had to use the second scope, and this showed a strange long period of dc offset which seems to be resultant from connecting the laptop and scope across the resistor even though there is no physical connection what's so ever.

Yellow trace is across the 47R resistor 100V/div  I=380/47 = 8Amps no wonder the fet blows  C.C
The other scope red chan is a floating probe placed near the coil.

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