Thanks for the positive comments guy's.
A little more info for you all.
The HHO system. At the moment,we are injecting around 7LPM of HHO gas into the engine,which is running at a steddy 2300RPM. I am useing the dry cell that was made for me by Darrell-(darrellsrealm on youtube) ,and he also shipped it to me all at his own expence-->so a big thank you go's out to him.The HHO is injected useing the gas injector sent to me by Chet-at his own expence as well. So a big thanks to Chet also.The HHO cell is being driven via 1 of the phases of the 3 phase altinator with a circuit similar to what you saw in the video.
A little about the altinator mod's. The altinator is from a truck(thanks to my boss) that runs a 24 volt system,and is rated at 150 amp's. I have retained the diodes in the altinator,and also the voltage regulator-but only on two of the three phases. The P/out from the altinators third phase is now adjustable via a 24 volt PWM that powers the rotors electromagnet.This also allows me to adjust the pulse frequency going to the HHO cell-although we are limited due to the laminated steel stator of the altinator.The inductive kickback from the electromagnet on the rotor of the altinator when the PWM switches off for each part of the cycle,is sent back to the battery bank that runs the PWM. Believe it or not,the inductive kickback provides enough return power to the battery bank to run the PWM 100%. This is due to the residual magnetism and collapsing magnetic field of the stator coils around the rotor coil,and is what is giving us the 100%+ return to the battery(no OU sorry guys).
The engine. The engine is a 6.5HP chonda(chinese honda),and the alternator is direct coupled to the engine. The problem we were having with our fuel/catalyst/water mix was it kept peeling the pistons(same effect as detonation).No matter how much we retarded the timeing,we couldnt stop this peeling.We even went to the trouble of having 1 piston ceramic coated(at much expense),but it peeled the coating of as well after 5 hours of run time under load. After a 10 hour run today with the HHO injection,the piston looks brand new-not even any carbon black on it.The oil in the crank case also looks nice and clean-no water contamination to be seen.The timeing also seems to be best left at the factory setting. I believe this is due to the fact that we are still useing some gasoline as the fuel source,and is slowing the burn of the HHO.
The fuel mix. ATM we are useing 20% gasoline,10% catalyst,and 70% water-->with the addition of the 7LPM of HHO. The catalyst is to remain with me and my partner ATM,but the rest of the system is of course -open source.
Our test method ATM Our load is a string of incandecent party lights that places around a 600 watt load on the generator.We simply measure the voltage across the light string so as to maintain the same load throughout the testing.The engine is also goverened,so speed remains constant. We first run the unit on straight gasoline,and use a set volume of 200mL. We simply time each run,and record the result's.We then add the 700mL of water,and 100mL of catalyst to the gasoline,and run the test again,with the HHO as well of course.To achieve the 240 volts needed from the 24 volt altinator,we simply use a 24 v to 240 v inverter-->in this case,a UPS,so as we get a true sine wave output.
We are still working on getting the gasoline ratio down even further,but at this time it seems we have reached the limit with the materials and funds we have at hand.
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