I don't want to deviate from this thread but I did experience this speed up and and amp drop about three years ago. Some of my terminology in this vid is wrong but the meters show what I'm talking about. http://youtu.be/ASbXw3RkAHA I was told at the time it was just the current draw masking the core and to move along.
What you demonstrate is what we find all over the net. Namely, the effect is associated with a coil of High inductance, and high resistance, the frequency of your setup is also higher, you also have only one coil, it matters little that the coil is bifilar.
I demonstrate that with low resistance, low inductance, at low frequency one can generate the same effect, the bifilar aspect is stripped from the individual coil and recombined between a coil pair. There is much more going on than folks are considering, and its not the job of one or two to spell it all out, you all have to put your thinking caps.
Thane never demonstrated the effect like I just showed you. If he did, I never saw that video. Thane postulates that the coil is behaving like a cap but, in order for it to do this you need high frequency, uh....no, we can make the coil act like a cap (and not just act like a cap, we can convert it into a cap with the proper understanding, such an understanding was patented) at any frequency we want, we just need to rid ourselves of a few firm beliefs which keep us from accomplishing what I am suggesting. It is not my intention to disrupt this threads direction, however, if its demonstrated that we are spinning our wheels as it were, and things are easier than we have been led to believe, then why continue along that path? To me it matters little if you see value in what I am suggesting or not, I'm sharing it and if you see its value you will act, otherwise, you will be left behind.
It's not that I don't see value in the present discussion, the problem is we know where this leads, and why it hasn't delivered anything of use, review the literature, review the works of those who traveled down this road before us, the list is long!