I have posted this on EF, it speaks for itself. The only thing that needs to be worked out is how the 4th motor is in relation to the Pelton wheel inside the tank, as always it is the part we can not see  POST:- In the total unit there are 4 motors/generators, two of which are connected by a belt drive, one is a PMA driven by a pelton turbine wheel, and the other is an AC motor of which we do not know what it does!!!!! but seems to be connected to something inside the water tank at the bottom corner. First the two connected by a pully belt. The dark coloured one seems to be a DC motor and the silver one is a single phase motor driving a high pressure pump on the end (box on end), but the wiring box and run cap have been removed so as it can be wired 3 phase (wires coming out of motor). Because it is now 3phase and there is no three phase until the pelton PMA is running, it is started up by the 12v DC motor via the pully which is connected to where the fan used to be Now there is 3phase, and the now 3phase pressure pump is running on it's own, albeit a closed loop with the pelton PMA, which science says it can not be Now that DC motor is running from the second battery, the battery with the low amp wire, here we have to look at the different possible senarios:- 1. the motor continues running as a motor and supplimenting the 3phase motor (possibly why PMA and pump can be looped) 2. it has now become a generator and recharging the start battery 3. it is doing both the above depending on load controller (most probable) 4. it was only a start motor and after free running. The Pelton driven PMA stands for itself apart from water configuration along with motor (AC) 4. Now the fourth motor, an AC motor as you can see the cap shroud on the casing, and about all that is known about this motor. So what is this motor doing? work that one out, and if this is not a scam you have cracked it regards Mike END POST regards Mike
"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident." Arthur Schopenhauer, Philosopher, 1788-1860
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