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Author Topic: electrolysis with nano-pulse power supply  (Read 315860 times)
Group: Guest

Mike & Paul-R,

I know this post is off topic but so were yours!
Never mind.

I understand your point of view because, unfortunately, 99+% of the population of this planet thinks like you!
No offense but clearly, you guys don't understand my mindset, attitude and particularly my spiritual standing.

So let me 'brake it down' for you.

All those ideas which we all get originates from Source, the Great Intellect, Creator, God or whatever name you choose to use.

We are all ONE and thus, there is no such thing as “intellectual property”.
The population of this Planet (with few exceptions) is miserable because they have been programmed to believe the opposite.

I, for one, don't care about Patents and don't have much respect for people who take out patents either!

Oh, I know that statement will not make me very popular but hey, this is not a popularity contest!

I am NOT an inventor!
NEVER pretended to be!

Yes, I take ideas from multiple sources, including Patents!
If you think that is a contradiction, just think back for a moment or two on HOW you gained your present knowledge??
Didn't you learn virtually ALL of it from others??

Folks, get used to it.
We (the entire mankind) are standing on each other's shoulders, generation after generation!

Now I am going to point out something which ALL of you have missed.
First of all, I dare say that NONE of you reading this has taken the time to go through my entire
WFGP design!

Why do you think that is important?

Simply because if you had spent the time STUDYING it, you would have seen the utter simplicity of it all.

You would have seen standard, mundane, well-known, boring electronics put together!

All along, I have tried to “hammer” that in but no-one seem to listen!

Well then, anyone is welcome to run to the Patent office and try to patent those standard, mundane, well-known, boring electronics and they will be “laughed out of the office”!!

So HOW am I going to be “robbed”?

Perhaps I should ask, what is there to “rob”?

My INTENTION is to give it away!


Do you UNDERSTAND that?

To sum it up:
I don't play the games that the vast majority of the population plays.
What I do is NOT for monetary gain.

Nor is it just for my own use! (I am OK.)

In fact, I would find it a great honour if someone, somewhere, 'commercialise' some of the things I have put together!

So WHERE and WHAT is the problem??

All of you need to understand that the only way the general public can benefit from some of the
discoveries/inventions (like the Japanese team has published) is by large scale manufacturing!

THAT is for industry, NOT for me!

As the world 'economy' is run at present, there is nothing wrong with manufacturing and making profit.  THAT is reality today, as we know it.
Patents have their place also in that accepted reality.
If nothing else, they are recordings of ideas which you would NOT know about otherwise.

None of the above is new to those who have been reading my posts on various Forums over the years.

Finally, I like to add that I don't have to be here, or on any other forum.
I am here for ONE reason only.
I am HOPING that there are perhaps some who will listen to reason and then help others to achieve their energy independence!

Isn't that the goal of all these “free energy” Forums???

Les Banki
Sr. Member

Posts: 276
A well deserved round of applause for Les.
Too many keep their secrets, greed being one negative ends poorly...
Group: Guest
Thanks LES!

Wise and REAL social spoke!

Maybe you know the book "Souls of Distortion" at: http://www.soulsofdistortion.nl/index.html

Its a free book, and makes pretty clear why current democracy is not working, to many one-paper people so called secure / ignorant or frozen!?

Regards, Johan

Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 3024

Buy me a beer
Don't get me wrong Les, just that if someone does a lot of work on something and then someone else patents it so as no one can use it, that is a problem, that was my thoughts and nothing else. Once I have 100% sorted an invention then I will open source it for all, nothing more and nothing less, just takes a long time and money to get there, it's very dishartning if this is taken and claimed as theirs for their gain.


Mike 8)

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident."
Arthur Schopenhauer, Philosopher, 1788-1860

As a general rule, the most successful person in life is the person that has the best information.
Hero Member

Posts: 1582

So HOW am I going to be “robbed”?

Perhaps I should ask, what is there to “rob”?

My INTENTION is to give it away!


Do you UNDERSTAND that?


But I am not sure you understand the concept of doughnut patenting. My guess is that you are so wrapped up with yourself that you are not going to listen to people who may have been round the block rather more times than you have.

Group: Guest

But I am not sure you understand the concept of doughnut patenting. My guess is that you are so wrapped up with yourself that you are not going to listen to people who may have been round the block rather more times than you have.


This time, the MAIN reason for my response is to ALERT all readers here to be aware of WHAT is going on and WHY.

Since you just won't drop this issue, I am going to “rub it in”, for the last time!

First of all, I am NOT the slightest bit interested in ANY 'patenting concepts', "doughnut" or otherwise!!

Second, I am old enough to take care of myself without “advice” from a self-appointed 'Nanny'!

Further, I can clearly see your 'agenda' here.

You have nothing of value to contribute.
On the contrary, you needed some dumb excuse to disrupt and derail the topic being discussed here
with your diversion tactics.

Just like you tried over at 'overunity.com' where I posted the Dropbox links to my project Folders!
Because you could not find a better excuse, you accused me of “hijacking” that thread, the very thread where I have posted many times before! 
Pathetic performance!

For all to see, here is that “exchange”:

Re: Selfrunning HHO system with 400 Watts additional output
« Reply #468 on: June 21, 2014, 03:28:30 PM »

Quote from: Les Banki on June 21, 2014, 05:48:47 AM

Stefan Hartman, (the owner of this Forum) started this thread.

He presented (posted) the link to the video by Oliver & Valentin.


Yes, he did. - It is about the Anton cell.

Why have you hi-jacked it?

Start your own thread. Leave this to Anton researchers.


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 Les Banki
Jr. Member
Posts: 74
Re: Selfrunning HHO system with 400 Watts additional output
« Reply #469 on: June 22, 2014, 03:38:23 AM »


I have made it VERY CLEAR in my introductory post WHY I choose to post in this thread which has been DEAD for 2 1/2 years!

But it seems you have some problems READING and UNDERSTANDING....

You only want to ARGUE.

The Anton cell has been MENTIONED a couple of times but NOBODY has claimed that THIS thread is about the Anton cell!

In case you haven't discovered, there is a thread SPECIFICALLY for the Anton cell.

In any case, this is the LAST time I respond to your USELESS ravings!


Les Banki

You have also under-estimated my memory. ;D :)

For your information, I am familiar with patent laws and rules since the time I was assisting a friend with a patent application about 20 years ago.

The deliberate scare tactics started many, many years ago to try to prevent inventors publishing their ideas and results!

The simple fact remains that no-one can patent ANYTHING which has been previously published in any way prior to the application!

Nowadays, every web site (NO exceptions!) have a multitude of 'logs'!
Thus, it is dead simple to prove PRIOR PUBLICATION date!!
Once 'prior publication' is discovered, the application(s) will be instantly CANCELLED and if a patent has already been granted, it will immediately be made NULL and VOID!

In case you choose to still argue any of the above points, you are on your own and I dare say you are not very bright!

Les Banki
Hero Member

Posts: 1582
You hijacked the Anton cell thread on overunity.com. Starting your own is  easy enough. Why didn't you do that?

Find out what happens if others do some doughnut patenting (it may be called annulus rather than doughnut) before you find yourself unable to develop and expand your own inventions.
« Last Edit: 2014-08-21, 14:48:09 by Paul-R »

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055

Your extreme generosity is truly appreciated.

Your reasons make perfect sense.

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
Group: Guest

Thank you for introducing me to this thread.  The one at overunity.com has been "hijacked".  Hope that this one would be better moderated.

Attached is the "speculation" file.  The focus is in the "Electron Cloud" distribution.  Same element such as carbon can have different crystal structures (e.g. graphite and diamond) with totally different "Electron Clouds".  Ice crystals with different shapes have different "Electron Clouds".

Browns Gas, when store in jars, loses its implosion properties.  The speculation is that its "Electron Clouds" are different from the hydrogen and oxygen gases generated in noraml electrolysis.

Electric fields can definitely affect the "Electrion Clouds".  Short DC Pulses are likely to send energy to such "Electron Clouds" and may affect them in some ways.  

Continue your brilliant research.  I shall be contacting some influential people in China.  If things work out, we may have support.
« Last Edit: 2014-08-25, 21:12:19 by ltseung888 »
Group: Guest
Gave a dry-run on using water as fuel.

Took about 2 hours.

Added the following new slides to focus on Electron Cloud Energy.
Group: Guest
Hi !

I am new to this forum and therefore would like to indroduce a bit:

My name is Olaf and i do FE Research since 25 years now (with interruptions).
I build/measured/analysed: GEET,MEYL Skalarvaves, KAPANADZE, a lot MAGNET/Bedini Motors, etc.)
I am in contact with Les Banki and learned a lot from him - am building a 100ns pulse unit right now (this weekend)....

Today i just want to add a Document which may be of interest:
(short version may have been mentioned already but this one includes some numbers and details)

Cheers, Olaf
Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052
Welcome to the forum,looking forward to your contributions .

Very interesting and exciting research . O0

Group: Guest
Hero Member

Posts: 1582
Are we ahead or behind the times?

Who  knows? They don't quote current draw or LPM. I have asked for these.

(The Bob Boyce 101 plate system is said to  deliver 50lpm, with peak performance at 100lpm but I cannot find the current draw involved).
« Last Edit: 2014-08-24, 15:38:27 by Paul-R »
Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052
input measurements are hard to get sometimes

this guy isn't talking either


9000C.... knocks a photon from orbit....


I think we will be learning a lot more about Hydrogen Hydroxide in the coming months.......


« Last Edit: 2014-08-24, 20:03:32 by Chet K »

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4236

Hi all,

i am experimenting with a circuit to produce 1 nanosecond wide pulses (with 350 picoseconds rise time) using a 2n2369 transistor and a Lt1073 dc-dc chip.
The circuit used is found in the LT1073 datasheet on page 14.

First tests shows it produces 15ns wide pulses (rise time 4ns) of about 4V in 50 Ohm.

Looking closer to the circuit shows that the LT only provides the needed 90V bias voltage, so can be omitted.
But using a barebone circuit with only the 2n2369, 3 resistors and a trimmer cap using very short leads on a ground plane pcb does not improve the situation,  we still have 15ns wide pulses and not the promised 1ns with 350ps rise time.
Is the probe/scope the limiting factor here?

When using a breadboard shows the same data, but makes it more easily to swap transistors etc.
It shows that the only transistor producing these pulses in this circuit is the 2n2369, many others show nothing, see video for transistors used.

Any idea why this 2n2369 is so special in this case?
Any suggestions for an other (better) one?

Anyway, first video here:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGdBW2NLR1Y&feature=youtu.be

Next will be to change the fixed resistors (base 10K and emitter 56 Ohm) to variable potmeters and to add more capacitance across the collector.

Regards Itsu


Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055

You're experimenting with an interesting type of circuit.

It's an avalanche pulse generator and as you've noted,
only certain transistors work well in this circuit.

The collector voltage rises slowly as the collector capacitor
accumulates charge through the collector resistor.  Once
the voltage rises to the transistor breakdown potential the
transistor very quickly and very briefly goes into saturated
conduction to discharge the collector capacitor.  Once the
charge is dissipated the transistor turns off and the cycle
repeats.  It's a novel form of relaxation oscillator.

The collector capacitor which produces the pulse must be quite
small as avalanche mode can be very destructive to the transistor
if the discharge current is too great.

Nanosecond Avalanche Transistor Pulse Generator

Avalanche Pulse Generator

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4236


thanks for that, knowing the right naming (avalanche) released a wealth of information from the internet.

It seems the 1ns should be feasible.

Regards Itsu
Group: Guest

It seems the 1ns should be feasible.


Yes, it is more than feasible!

If you are interested in generating 1ns (or less) pulses, I have attached some files for you.

This method may not be as simple as the single avalanche transistor circuit you have tried but it is adjustable and is easier to control.
It will also work with MUCH cheaper ICs but with longer rise/fall times.

However, may I point out that for the application discussed in THIS thread, we don't want pulses less than 200ns wide, across the electrolysis cell.

Les Banki


Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4236

Before seeing muDped his comments i made some changes yesterday by changing the fixed 10K and 56 Ohm resistors to variable ones.
Also the capacitor was increased from 4pf via 16pF till finally about 80pF.

The change of the 10K base resistor to a 20K pot did not do much, only at the lower end (300 Ohm) a change to lower amplitude was seen.
The change of the 56 Ohm emitter resistor to a 500 Ohm pot was more noticeable as the amplitude of the pulse went up considerable.
The change of the 4pF cap to finally 80pF made the amplitude increase even more till 36V with a pulse width of 44ns.

Video here:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y1Wy4ef4EiI&feature=youtu.be

Regards Itsu

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4236

Yes, it is more than feasible!

If you are interested in generating 1ns (or less) pulses, I have attached some files for you.

This method may not be as simple as the single avalanche transistor circuit you have tried but it is adjustable and is easier to control.
It will also work with MUCH cheaper ICs but with longer rise/fall times. 

Thanks Les,  seems a nice chip to check out.

However, may I point out that for the application discussed in THIS thread, we don't want pulses less than 200ns wide, across the electrolysis cell.

Ok,  i got you,   i will move over/restart/continue to report my results in the DSRD pulse generator thread here:


Regards Itsu

Group: Guest

Ok,  i got you,   i will move over/restart/continue to report my results in the DSRD pulse generator thread here:


There is no need for you to 'move' anywhere!
Instead, why don't you 'try your hand' in creating the 200ns pulses we require for this application?
My proposed circuit already works.  All is needed is the addition of an "opening switch" which can create those 200ns pulses!

Les Banki
Group: Guest

Does this switch I built look like it might do the job we need?

I built two of them but still need to dust off my cell and figure out what to use as an inductor and power source.  My gut says to use rather high voltage and step down to about 8 volts while building current; still don't know if that is the right way to go and could use your input.



Hero Member

Posts: 1582
Group: Guest
I updated the "water as fuel" presentation with the following two new slides.  The presentation was given to academics from Australia and China.  It aroused their interest.
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