A bump of this topic. Because - After a lightning storm our car was dead today. Memories of the events from this thread made us again link a lightning bolt to the battery being flat. The car had been absolutely fine since that time and, only with close strikes from this storm has the problem recurred. But here's where things get strange, after having connected a 3A laptop power supply as charger. The method works great btw when connecting the power supply to the battery with suitable 5A clip leads, a tip to pass along. My wife turned on the lights and by doing so the clock illumination faded off. Well, fair enough, the charger had only just gone on to the battery. I hooked up a multimeter just to see what was on the battery, it having been at 2V or somewhere mad last year and, having disconnected the supply again. It showed 12.74V, well that was a bit odd, as it's basically correct. So I asked her to try the ignition. Not even a click, still dead. I then said i'd try an amperage measurement, puzzled by the 12.74V reading. She asked if that could kill the meter if it was over 10 amps and I replied yes, but it wouldn't be that high. Bit of logic huh Well...on merely touching the meter leads to the battery, there was a fully charged type of crack sound and a bit of the negative meter probe got burned off ! I asked her to try the lights, they now worked. I asked her to try the ignition again and the car started up first time !!!! What's going on ?
ʎɐqǝ from pɹɐoqʎǝʞ a ʎnq ɹǝʌǝu