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2025-03-31, 23:10:33
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Author Topic: Magnetic coupling and Leedskalnin's PMH revisited  (Read 35850 times)
Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 3030
For your consideration I include this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_2G28531sI&list=UUhgi4ns1UCxX1DI3m390g0A for me it begs the intriguing consideration of the permanent magnet  being used by whyme2B being replaced by an electromagnet and the possibility of the PM holder becoming a dynamic oscillating  generator of sorts.

Very interesting.  So I checked with a strong neo near my ferrite core - de-clamping did occur when I place the south pole where I expected a north pole (from the electromagnet).   (But not when I place the north pole at the same location.)

Now pls recall that I have been showing that I get declamping by apply a tiny voltage across my coil in the OPPOSITE direction from that which I obtained claiming.  This is ALREADY applying an electromagnet to get de-clamping. 
I show this in more than 1 vid, including the latest one (the reverse voltage was approx. -0.12V IIRC).

The other materials -- also yours, WW -- I'm very interested in also.  Will take a while to digest all that.
Hero Member

Posts: 704
Just to have a wild guess at what is happening now you have stated the action is not bi polar the coils being wound bi filer … or each coil in opposition as in the case of the full size PMH which I  built from the book . It could be expected that the magnetic fluxes would cancel ,we see that's not the case , It then begs the question  Is there a difference in the power of attraction and repulsion in regard of identical magnets on identical cores ? This video which I think I posted on another thread seems to indicate there is indeed a distinct advantage in favour of attraction https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W5q47JJJAww . This too was the conclusion of Leon Hatem, It might be a step to far .. but after what we consider normal electromagnetism has cancelled out might not the remainder (be it spiral or not) be causing the effect? Now you have discovered Prof a reduced applied reverse voltage and so of course proportional current can reverse the effect I'm now intrigued by the difference of proportions. Or to put it another way how many more windings would have to be on one leg to produce a totally neutral PMH ? I might hazard a guess Its pi/2 so involving the fabled linear wave as described by EPD & many others ?    The spiral effect has cropped up before regarding magnets in demonstrations like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TlDGU05-nvk  and this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DxeKL28lR28 along with this classic Chris Carson Dollard clip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lqMiZPO9TM    which would seem to concur with EL . Another member of the forum advised that the Lorentz force law could explain the effect, I remain far from convinced of that, The phasor at 90 deg seems omitted in the electrostatic example of that law as pointed out by Prof Eric Dollard and Prof P.T Pappas. Like most considering EL I think we are probing a mystery.although this next clip is not done with any kind of scientific rigour I like the approach, surly to manoeuvre from static to a dynamic state is the ambition and whilst this perhaps isn't quite there , the idea and the determination is   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJl0TO_aR6M&list=PLqCZEzxewY5L4V_AoJ2T0ykOV1LbO8Dvv there was as I recall quite a lot of work done on the so called 'Angus effect' by various people using PM holders. perhaps Prof sticking 'Angus effect' in the youtubes search bar might return some interesting results for you.like all of us Prof... so many interesting things to concider … so little time and money. kind regards Duncan PS I think this is the Angus in question https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnN1gsXYZUE PPS sorry wrong here' s Angus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j0rkKjlvvD8&index=33&list=PLwSLgr1kzhEBi0ww3dnyNAUldrmjKIMST
« Last Edit: 2014-07-20, 10:10:05 by Duncan »

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus
Group: Guest
Russ, I wish to ask your opinion on something.
You have worked on various approaches with a talent for experimentation and hard work - and alacrity!

My question:  after all you have observed, what approach do you see (right now) as the MOST LIKELY TO SUCCEED?  (in providing a new energy source for mankind)

I hope you don't mind my asking.
I ask the same question of others also -- we have lots of BUILDERS and quality observers on this forum IMO.

well i told you guys i would respond here after my Tesla tech adventure... hehe been a while but i remembered this post...

ok so my answer right now is what im working on,

i feel that Stan Meyer did have a working system and i feel its with in reach. been working hard on it and i feel it will come soon .so that's my answer... i think there are more but for me that's it.

understanding all ways energy flows is needed. sacred geometry is a key part. it tells us a story of our past.

Job 11:9
 "The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun."   

this is just one example to understand we are all understanding things that we already know.

This is why EGO has such a big problem as it dose. The Quote above makes all EGO go away. If there is noting new under the sun then there is nothing to be greedy about. Nothing to call "Yours" nothing to make you

any how just my 2 cents...

would solve a lot of problems if we all thought this way...

also i have a wonderful video to post here on this thread soon. your going to love it!


you don't have to be religious to here me out... just take it as it is...

"EGO = Edging God Out"

you can think of God as your inner being if you so want to. i Don't care... just here me out :)

Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 3030
Great to hear from you, Russ - and your work does sound exciting... looking forward to that video!   O0

This is why EGO has such a big problem as it dose. The Quote above makes all EGO go away. If there is noting new under the sun then there is nothing to be greedy about. Nothing to call "Yours" nothing to make you

any how just my 2 cents...

would solve a lot of problems if we all thought this way...

also i have a wonderful video to post here on this thread soon. your going to love it!


Totally agree with you, and look forward to that vid.

Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 3030
Great to hear from you, Russ - and your work is indeed exciting... looking forward to that video!   O0

Totally agree with you, and look forward to that vid.

Group: Guest

And I've taught physics for many years, first with the Univ of Idaho, then at BYU for over 21 years, and I'm still learning!

I hope you enjoy the videos. I got up real early and did the last one... To me, this is fun stuff!
Dear PhysicsProf,

Have you ever looked at some physics experiments for years and could not see?

The Milkovic 2-stage Pendulum built by Raymond Head in
is an example.

I looked at it many, many times years ago and even commented on it.  Now I see that it is actually bringing-in gravitational energy at the lifting of the weight.  It is a good example of Lead-out Energy device.  Overunity can be achieved via a large prototype such as that from Raymond Head.  Small prototypes with low Centrifugal/Centripetal force will NOT show overunity.

Details are in pages 146 onwards in:

I look forward to seeing your (always high quality) comments in there.
Group: Guest
ok... here you go... ENJOY!

“Oh Nuts!” Magnetic Lock... Your Going To Like This. Using The Principles Of Ed Leedskalnin PMH. Must Watch And Try

SAFETY FIRST!!!!! Extremely Dangerous Experiment, I hold no responsibility for your actions!!!!! DEAD SHORTING A BATTERY IS NOT GOOD!!!!!!!! BE CAREFUL!!!!


This is an extremely easy thing for anyone to play with and open there thoughts and ideas to the possibilities to this principal of the Perpetual motion holder.

I have my own theory’s and stuff but I’m open to others thoughts so please post your thoughts here on this Thread.

You can see the other work I have done on this principal here:


Group: Guest

You just learn how to make a permanent magnet, great job.

Maybe put it on a shaft and make a dc motor spin.


Group: Guest
hi tommy, you know i have respect for you...

But this is not a permanent magnet. If it was it would stick back together after i took it apart.   


This is deeper than that.

Group: Guest
Hi Russ,

I was not trying to be funny, I like the idea, just wondering if it can be converted into a dc motor.

If it sounded that I was making fun of your project, I'm sorry.

Would be interesting if it could spin a magnet field, just saying...

Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 3030
VERY interesting, Russ.

As you may know, I have also been working on magnetic clamping.
Now, you found with your probe that the B field was relatively strong BETWEEN the nuts when the system was clamped.  Hence, I think it is indeed magnetic clamping - and alignment of domains in the various pieces like a bunch of N-S magnets joined together, making finally a ring.  Except that these domains are not "permanent" magnets (during clamping it seems they are), but when the link is broken, the domains lose their orientation rather easily.

In one of my vids, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JkHyb01MfX8
I show the effect of adding permanent magnets to the ferrite U and I cores that I'm using.  MUCH smaller voltages are now needed for clamping.  These magnets are such that they are in the "same direction" as the B field which loops through the clamped U-I system.

I get clamping with only about 0.33 V on my 1000 uF cap.  Using 1/2 CV^2, I calculate the input energy required for clamping at approx 50 micro-joules !  I can de-clamp with a small REVERSE voltage through the bifilar-wound coil (about -0.13 V), so the current goes through the coil in the opposite direction from what caused the clamping.

I think that the reverse current is sufficient to disorient those magnetic domains in the ferrite so that the clamping ends.  Also, physically pulling the U and I cores apart evidently suffices to allow the magnetic domains to disorient (actually, there is often a small amount of residual magnetism after they are pulled apart, which a guy can feel when touching the U and I cores.)

We're dealing here with hysteresis IMO, and orientations of magnetic domains by the coil (electromagnet).

Interesting for sure!  I'll talk about energy more tomorrow...
Group: Guest
We're dealing here with hysteresis IMO, and orientations of magnetic domains by the coil (electromagnet).

I asked Ken Wheeler to comment on Russ' video and this is his reply:

Quote from: Ken Wheeler
Ive seen it before, to answer your video.

No, of course you should NOT detect really any mag field with your gaussmeter. If any at all, it would be next to nothing

The reason theyre being held together is dielectric (electrostatic) inertia.

The very same premise I explain in my book in DETAIL.

I've read his book and watched many of his videos--still having a bit of a hard time wrapping my head around his concept.  The main piece of his reply "dielectric inertia" seems like his term for magnetic domains and implies the matter at the atomic scale has rotation and this rotation has all aligned itself in such a way as to act like a glue, the spins feed off each other and will stay that way if not disturbed.  The best analogy I can come up with is that each atomic particle is acting like a little gear and all the gears are interlocking with bands of CW rotation and CCW rotation.  Apparently this is some form of stable state even though it isn't actually a true form of magnetism.  This would also imply dielectricity is the fuel for these little atomic engines.  And with the attribute of dielectricity being counter-spatial and centripetal in nature, would also explain what keeps an atom from flying apart.
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