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Author Topic: There is a conspiracy to all builders  (Read 25110 times)

Sr. Member

Posts: 481

Buy me some coffee
More rubbish
It was a fake-->here is the whole thread

I've read it to page 17 and not one attempted replication. Yes you're right the thread is a fake.
The total waste of time is you.
I'm out of here.
I thought this was a site of builders.

Electrostatic induction: Put a 1KV charge on 1 plate of a capacitor. What does the environment do to the 2nd  plate?

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4727

Buy me some coffee
I've read it to page 17 and not one attempted replication. Yes you're right the thread is a fake.
The total waste of time is you.
I'm out of here.
I thought this was a site of builders.

Well if you go and look at my youtube channel,you will see i am a builder.
If YOU are a builder,and you know that Romero's motor is a self runner,then why arnt you building it? C.C

Never let your schooling get in the way of your education.

Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3055
Quote from: Aking.21
Now for the good news.  It's payback time.


Bang up to date info about our puppet masters.

For those who may wish to download the program as an MP3.

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.

Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3948
What's a "builder"?

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
I'll bite on that one.

Based on the evidence to be found on most
technical forums a "builder" is a neophyte
experimenter who builds the various projects
under discussion which interest him in order
to learn.  The builds of projects are effectively
"training aids" which may motivate study in an
effort to acquire technical knowledge and
technical experience.  Most "builders" lack
technical education and require much assistance
as they work to build their projects and get them
to "work."

Not to be confused with an Experimenter who does
have the requisite knowledge and experience to
explore any project of interest independently,
creatively, and without assistance.  Experimenters
are able to make adjustments to the project and
are able to innovate modifications to enhance performance.

Experimenters git er dun.  ;) 8)
« Last Edit: 2015-06-05, 21:27:35 by muDped »

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
Group: Guest
Experimenters git er dun.

Well, I suppose.  I think most Experimenters deviate from the original specifications and end up with a pile of components that expectedly do not do what the template device does.

Builders on the other hand try to make something as close to the original specification as they can, since they don't know any better.  Most times though there is a key piece not specified which also leads to a dead end.

But all hope is not lost.  There is another category known as Researchers.  These guys are much like criminal investigators that seek to find the full specification.  Unfortunately Researchers are not automatically good Builders or Experimenters, but good ones have an uncanny ability to document the facts in a manner that even Builders can follow.   :)

And lastly there are Scientists.  I have no idea what these guys do, but most make good money doing it.   ;D
Group: Guest
to Aking.21

It was never established that Romerouk's device was fake,wattsup screamed hidden x wire,then everybody said its a fake.Romerouk
is the kind of person that does not unsolder wires he cuts them,in the video's you see,a lot of cut wires on the ground.
I like to simulate things in a hardware way and see if I can preform what I see in the video,fake wise.
I did and found it was very hard to duplicate fakery,Romerouk never said it was fake he said if you believe its fake then its fake,
 Romerouk showed up here one time,milehigh jumped on him and pressed him to admit he faked the video's,he said if you believe its fake then its fake,I was trying to get at the truth by shaming him,
until wattsup came in like a screaming banshee ,screaming
your a fraud,and  PhysicsProf added more problems by giving Romerouk sympathy,
this completely disrupted my finding out more information.People
 tried to replicate what was laid out by Romerouk including
Peterae here,along with some very good other replicators,super good replications,my assessment was

Romerouk left out some critical details on coil construction
he wanted to get attention,my theory is he was planning on giving the missing coil construction information
but got visited by someone  before that,don't know who,but I believe hes story.They told him its ours not yours ,so shut him up and took the coil assembly,
he has  kids and a wife,so
he folded like a lawn chair.The people  replicating hes device were not able to replicate it so concluded it was fake.Normally
I focus on only certain devices that are connected to the tpu,this device was a electromechanical device in my opinion for what its worth
it was an electromechanical tpu,it would be very limited in energy output,dangerous because of the rotation,not worth my time and energy.Most devices presented
 are fake,only the tpu and tariels device have a chance of being real,in the case of tariel none of the so called replications,will ever work
its total insanity.There does not exist sufficient information to attempt a replication that has a chance of working of either the tpu or tariels device yet,
neither is related to anything tesla did.The Romerouk saga is how not to present a free energy device to the world,never withhold information to build it.
There are few thieves and pirates in here not many,at overunity.com a lot,at rev green almost all are thieves and pirates,or the padded term,opportunists.
A lot of skeptics mock the theory the government is involved in grabbing up real free energy devices,I believe its possible but happens only in very rare cases
they have to know its real,or believe its real to act.
Sr. Member

Posts: 375
The Muller dynamo is one of multiple approaches to do magnetic field switching in triode way where power required for switching is far less than power being flipped from magnets.
There are also other examples in same field with E. Leedskalnin generator, Floyd Sweet VTA Unit and Wesley Gary's magnetic motor.

People like to call it as fakery when do not understand what exactly is happening and due ignorance everything is going to dust over and over again..

Group: Guest
Romerouk left out some critical details on coil construction

I think, Doug Konzen explained this missing piece...

You do not wrap the coil in a zig-zag fashion.  You start at one end, wrap to the other and then bring the wire straight back to the starting side and repeat.  The best way to do this is create a channel on the inside near the core, where you feed the wire back to the starting side.  It's a real pain to wind a coil this way but Konehead insists they work much better.  You also want to keep the coil as flat as you can--not a pancake, but much larger in diameter than thickness.
Sr. Member

Posts: 375
I think, Doug Konzen explained this missing piece...

You do not wrap the coil in a zig-zag fashion.  You start at one end, wrap to the other and then bring the wire straight back to the starting side and repeat.

That is coming from https://youtu.be/UFcd_QCLK5w?t=11m55s ... As I mentioned before everything is related to each other.
Group: Guest
Which should be no surprise.  You see schematics likes these all over the place:
« Last Edit: 2015-06-05, 23:28:42 by Matt Watts »
Sr. Member

Posts: 478
Yep, winding in one direction only and then wrap around in bobbin slit seems the good way. Somebody should use some tool to check how much stronger is the magnetic field then, anobody ?
Could this program be useful ? http://www.femm.info/wiki/HomePage

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
Excellent response Matt!

We all do what we are able with mixed skills
and very diverse results. :o

Experimenting is great fun. C.C

Creative innovation is even more fun. 8)

One day we will Git er dun for sure. ;D

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.

Sr. Member

Posts: 481

Buy me some coffee
« Last Edit: 2015-06-12, 15:15:54 by Aking.21 »

Electrostatic induction: Put a 1KV charge on 1 plate of a capacitor. What does the environment do to the 2nd  plate?
Sr. Member

Posts: 375
Sr. Member

Posts: 281
Good day all:

Didn't know where to post this video, so I put it here:


Sure looks convincing............. 

take care, peace
Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4051
I don't know what he's saying , but I Like Him.... :D
and Obviously he is making every attempt to show a sincere presentation
with no faking ,The one point where he attaches the next set of Bulbs [with an alligator clip]
and the lead arcs in a very odd way Like a Jacobs Ladder Arc [he says OY YOY YOY ]
seemed Odd ...

Thx for posting this.

Sr. Member

Posts: 375
Good day all:

Didn't know where to post this video, so I put it here:


Sure looks convincing.............  

take care, peace

The demo is with 4kW load in the swamp surrounded by forest in remote area of Latvia.
Ruslan tried his best to pull away any objections about faking.  And the whole story started with Kapanadze in 2004...
In additional videos of his are still persistent same explanations. Here is my previous comment in skype group chat about this stuff:


By explanation of Ruslan - the weldig power cable for ground + thick extension right to the end of Tesla coil make strong pulses which are going to inductor on grenade coil over capacitive load.
The goal is to make additional push on right moment for current movement (which likely causes acceleration of electrons movement).
The harmonics in Ruslan's case between Tesla coil and induction heater circuit is 1:100 (14kHz + 1.4MHz) and it is all about wave resonance (N. Tesla way)
Group: Guest
It's really a shame that Ruslan and Akula are perpetrating these hoaxes, and that good people with honest intentions are wasting their time with their attempts at "replications".

If you believe that they are real, then you have some explaining to do. The same people who will tell you that "free energy" and "overunity" devices are being suppressed seem to believe that these people Ruslan and Akula and Kapanadze are telling you the truth... so why aren't they being suppressed?

Why aren't they running their homes on their devices? Or, in Ruslan's case, why isn't he running his FM radio station using them? Why are all three of them still buying their electric power from the local electricity suppliers? Why hasn't someone been able to reproduce their performances, after all these years and all these videos and all the schematics that they and their cronies have published? (Except, of course.... yours truly, in a couple of cases.)

Why hasn't the Russian military come and taken over their projects, since such devices would have truly profound implications for warfare and weaponry? Mossad, CIA, etc? These "inventions", if true, would be by far the most significant military developments since the atom bomb. Yet Ruslan and Akula and Kapanadze are still out there making YT videos showing off their little toys.  Why is it that they have so many _different_ devices that "work" for them, but for nobody else?

I know why, and if you think about it for a little while, you will too. Don't be taken in by these hoaxers!
Sr. Member

Posts: 375
If you believe that they are real, then you have some explaining to do.

I will ask simple question - how many people tried to repeat experiment I linked several times to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qmirRN3O6Ko and similar? The effect shown there is the same effect working on Ruslan's/Akula/Kapanadze devices. Just amplified.
Without replicating effect on your bench it is just waste of time for everyone to discuss any of these devices...
Group: Guest
I will ask simple question - how many people tried to repeat experiment I linked several times to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qmirRN3O6Ko and similar? The effect shown there is the same effect working on Ruslan's/Akula/Kapanadze devices. Just amplified.
Without replicating effect on your bench it is just waste of time for everyone to discuss any of these devices...

Yes, I have had a similar or same effect using a battery like the guy in the video you linked to. But where is Ruslan's battery? In the trees maybe.

Ruslan's second video showing the same device on the bench, was for some reason made private shortly after publication. Anyone who saw it may have noticed how the green / yellow PVC tape was wrapped around the earth cable close to the box termination but was absent in the second video. The cable was likely re-terminated to look like one multi-stranded cable but on close inspection, I'm of the opinion that the cable had some inner insulated cores, which were utilised in the first video to carry power from a remote supply somewhere in the trees, using cleverly modified green / yellow screw termination blocks at each end of the cable. I believe a similar mult-core cable methodology was used by Akula in his self-running demo with that dodgy looking tubular earthing rod where the cable enters through a hole in its wall and without actually being terminated to the cable termination lug! Yet again, Like both Kapanadze and Akula, Ruslan fails to disconnect the earth cable whilst the device in a supposedly self-running video demo, to show clearly that it is in fact just one conductor. He is wasting his time trying to convince people doing this shoddy type of demo.
Group: Guest
I do not know what to expect Ruslan to disclose any information to replicate his device ....
keep talking so exasperated and makes everything look a big hoax.
he can not even shoot a video to clear things and everything is done so schizophrenic ....
maybe hoping to find an investor .... he still lives in a dream world.
Sr. Member

Posts: 375
Yes, I have had a similar or same effect using a battery like the guy in the video you linked to. But where is Ruslan's battery? In the trees maybe.

Ruslan's second video showing the same device on the bench, was for some reason made private shortly after publication. Anyone who saw it may have noticed how the green / yellow PVC tape was wrapped around the earth cable close to the box termination but was absent in the second video.
The cable used there is similar to http://www.grainger.com/product/CAROL-Cable-6X780?s_pp=false&picUrl=//static.grainger.com/rp/s/is/image/Grainger/2W282_AS01?$smthumb$
The insulator markings there are probably every 1 meter or so and is not important after devioce is tuned.
Also Ruslan insisted it is not fake and this was a reason why he fulfilled peoples wish to go into remote area in middle of forest for a demo. Spending tons of time and money is not for faking FE devices... Would be very stupid to spend it in such way.

1 thing to note about reason for welding cable as the ground - when you have Tesla coil running on 1.4MHz the skin effect is so large where even short tin cable could be like 1MOhm resistor in series to the ground.. And you want to have strongest current pulse as possible on top load capacitor.

P.S> Personally for me all that nonsense about faking in Ruslan's case is not helping with getting another working build done with people and due ignorant and unwilling to learn nature of our society it is near zero chance to succeed with this...
Group: Guest

with all the money and the time he spends in his Ruslan inventions it could also buy a plug instead tuck the wires into the socket one at a time?

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
Quote from: T-1000
P.S> Personally for me all that nonsense about faking in Ruslan's case is not helping with getting another working build done with people and due ignorant and unwilling to learn nature of our society it is near zero chance to succeed with this...

I suppose this is what makes the Experimenter somewhat
different from a "Builder."

Unless the principles which may account for any anomalous
energy manifestation are identified what is the point in
"building?"  What is it that the "builder" is looking for?

If the phenomenon were real it should be possible to exploit
it from several angles and with simplicity.  Why is it nearly
always made to seem as if it was "magic?"

Unfortunately, there are many, many very skillfully done videos
which purport to show "free energy" but are indeed fakes.

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
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