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Author Topic: The Flywheel ?  (Read 82939 times)
Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 704
Well Tommy is of the opinion it simply doesn't work .. and it certainly doesn’t by any standard physics or dogma , but surly we all know that!! it doesn't need any repetition, Tommy says it doesn’t work so that's it is it? many others say it does, who is liable to be right the guys who have built tested and run the things and demonstrated for no profit .. or a sceptic.? As you add or remove capacitance Graham I surmise you are shifting the motor phase angle. Which is how it should be. IMHO its probably the key to this machine running as advertised . I believe when this machine is running .. and looped that phase angle is approaching 90deg     since power = VI cos θ no real power is consumed, however radio transmission or Aetheric reception is available in this dimension.   Which of course is where the COP >1 must come from , You will recall Grumage I cited a case where the COP >1 was traced to a vibrating belt? In this case you have the reverse effect . Please consider Grumage building a variable capacitance switch box, I suggest a little research on the rotorverter would produce the right thing pretty much  like this machine  it also had to be run for zero real power and phase shifted  in order to make use of Aetheric power available only in this dimension. Here is a page at random with that capacitor bank shown Grumage … http://peswiki.com/index.php/OS:Rotoverter    although of course you need to perhaps read into the size a little more. As you probably recall Grum from your work at the power company when approaching resonance the voltage across the capacitance can be extremely high which is I believe why high voltage capacitors are being used in at least one example I posted . Unlike your work on power lines Grumage the last thing you want is the motor running at  anything like unity power factor,   (although you must to get up to speed obviously) you then require the motor to be running at resonance , and specifically series resonance you can get that either with variable capacitance , like the rotoverter, or by forcing a phase shift like Chas Campbell or some of the other systems have done by overloading the drive motor until its forced out of synchronous slip speed, In fact Graham if you still have PF measuring kit from your time on the Grid you could use it in reverse to tune for highest triplins and harmonics ... That's where you want to be IMHO . big circulating  current ,with no (real) power being used,  please don’t be discouraged by sceptics and nay sayers Grumage they have their job to do ! And a lot of them are paid hansom to do it ! The people who  don't believe in free energy COP>1 machines seen unable to leave the guys alone who actually build them ! The more of these outspoken unpleasant numpties you see on thread Grumage offering discouragement the closer you are to the truth of the matter … that’s my opinion anyway. What use is a nay sayer on an over unity forum anyway Grumage ? Its like having tits on a kipper or a chocolate tea pot I'm sure it works , So are you Grumage please carry on and please try to keep sharing  best wishes Duncan               '      
« Last Edit: 2014-07-13, 02:06:27 by Duncan »

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus
Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 704
In a nut shell Graham I believe you are trying to generate nothing but these http://www.transcat.com/PDF/PowerHarmonics.pdf  That is pure reactive power , It is not harmonics in fact .. Its overtones. But don't  bother getting tied up in the difference , this sequence of overtones goes on for ever and is what you wish to fashion from the Aether into real power rather like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvJAgrUBF4w&feature=kp  but at a molecular level and a transform that takes place in the flywheel obviously although it seems a very mechanical device I think the heart is electrical , and frequency , and precise series resonance … viewed like that all the other machines fit and you can see how they can work ,  the many fails are also explained because the resonance has to be precise ( like tuning to radio Luxembourg years ago Graham)..  still I know you and your friend have your own ideas of how and why this may work and you have spent a deal of money for the right to try the case  I simply for the moment offer an alternative view, I really just want to see a success story for you Graham  I'm not really that far away from you anyway, if it looks like plan B is the way it has to go perhaps I could  visit for a two or three man attack? .. everything you do mechanically has an electrical effect .. Its reflected, As Tesla said " you have to see the whole circuit " and not just the bit that's convenient for comprehension   again thanks again for posting and best wishes Duncan              
« Last Edit: 2014-07-13, 11:17:41 by Duncan »

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus
Group: Guest
Hi Duncan,

I have a few question:

Where are you going to make up the watts lost from the motor it's self? While this motor spins free with no load you have a lost from the start.

Where are you going to make up friction loss from pulley and belts? Clearly this is another add lost to input of power.

To get a self running system with out any extra output, you would need about 133% efficiency that turn out to be perpetual motion machine.

You would be best to spin a disk in space to get perpetual motion, but when you pull extra energy out of that disk it will slow down and stop unless you add more energy to it O0.

Just saying ;).

Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 704
The question is expected, puerile and typical .. where do you expect to get the extra energy from Tom Tom ? Primary school kids learn “energy cannot be made or destroyed only transformed from one form to another” very good , So where is it Tommy ?what's it been transformed into? That's obviously where we must get it from. The answer has been given many times “ Its all around us” we live in a sea of energy , your question then is meaningless, as all energy ultimately comes from the same source, power stations and the like have nothing at all to do with energy  only transformation, The alternative conversion of the huge amount of energy  freely available is the question you should be considering, but you either don't, or can't , that's  also typical, energy is not a substance Tom , you can't drop a handful of it on the floor with a thud, Its a concept made up of other things we don't fully understand (allegedly) like electricity and time for instance. Your very simple childish power in / power out/ efficiency is well understood but lacking dimension … and quite irrelevant and meaningless on forums dedicated to the research  of COP>1 machines.                   

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus
Group: Guest

I was driving home from work this evening and started thinking about Tesla and his fascination with impulses.  That led me to think about a simple hammer and nail.  If one had to press a nail into a piece of lumber, it would be nearly impossible without hydraulics or a large mechanical advantage.  With a simple weight accelerated and then brought to an abrupt halt via impact, a lot of force is imposed on a nail.  This got me thinking about my hammer drill that I used last season to bore some holes in old railroad ties.  Trying to drill without the hammer activated was nearly impossible, but when I flipped the switch, it bored through the lumber like a knife through butter.  And interestingly enough, the drill doesn't appear to consume any more power when activating the hammer.  So I thought about this some more in light of our discussion here.  Suppose you had a flywheel and instead of hardened spokes between the center axle and the outer weight, you had instead large spring steel laminates angled in such a way where it would be difficult to twist the shaft in one direction while holding the flywheel portion solid and easier in the other direction.  Now suppose you began rotation of this device set in common bearings from the axle with a hammer drill type device.  My thinking here is that the torsion imposed on the spring steel laminates would only be noticeable with high impacts from the axle.  These impacts would be absorbed by the spring steel and slowly released into the flywheel, accelerating it.  The big-picture I'm trying to convey here without actually working the numbers mathematically is that you only apply impulses to the axle, but the flywheel responds as though you are providing steady high torque to it.  Now obviously you can't utilize the power stored in the flywheel by attaching anything to the axle, but you could by wrapping a belt around the outside of it.

It's late and my brain is fading, but I wanted to get this thought out there before it vanishes.

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4727

Buy me some coffee
Your very simple childish power in / power out/ efficiency is well understood but lacking dimension … and quite irrelevant and meaningless on forums dedicated to the research  of COP>1 machines.                   

What a lot of bollock's.
P/in and P/out is everything to do with reserch regarding OU devices. How else do you intend on proving an OU device without P/in P/out measurements C.C

Still waiting Duncan,time to put your money where your mouth is.
Quote: The only credible instances of OU power, that can be solidly tracked, and repeatedly built, that actually work all lead to using vibration.
 There have been no such instances,but feel free to prove me wrong.

Please back up your claims before shooting others down for asking legitimate question's.

Never let your schooling get in the way of your education.

Group: Renaissance Man
Hero Member

Posts: 2782

Buy me a cigar
Dear Matt.

I found your musings interesting !!

However there might be a little flaw ?  Most impact drills that I have played with create a too and fro movement of the chuck not a rotary one so perhaps the jerky drive would not work that way. But food for thought non the less.  ;)

The picture I have attached, kindly provided by Duncan from an earlier post might just work with your hypothesis ??  The tyre on the wheel might just be deflecting and creating strange lumps ?? Particularly if it is being bumped by a solid pick up wheel as shown.

There are so many variables I think my Son and I will be kept pretty busy for quite some time !!  Perhaps it was fortuitous he has been laid off work !! Mysterious ways ??  ;)

Cheers Graham.

Nanny state ? Left at the gate !! :)
Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 704
Others are pointing out the relevance of vibration I really don't need to! Almost without exception people with far more experience than me conclude that COP >1 systems are open and not a closed circuit . It is not Over unity but simply using a force which is not taught and which we are not familiar with . That being the case its not measurable with usual instruments, (or engineer-able at the moment for that matter) because we do not have the units or dimension. Sceptics, nay Sayer's, and power in / power out merchants and folks trying to get onto a personnel level have only one ambition to disrupt and distract, If the machine self runs as the many examples shown do, then the quest is over as far as Grumage is concerned . If that happens its another matter as to if Graham shows it publicly, history has shown it takes a brave person to bring free energy of any sort into the open ! The role call of dead maimed threatened and silenced is long. I try to put forward the little I know and suspect, I also take it as read that other researchers do not object to what they have printed and left on the WWW may be repeated, with the ultimate idea of getting a viable system out. Others of course think there may be a profit to be made, or patents, intellectual property … and all the rest, blah blah … It doesn't work, still folks who specifically request I do not reveal ' their invention' I don't even though its against the grain. Still I wonder  how many ' my inventions ' is there going to have to be ? As for the sceptic team .. I don't intend wasting another sentence on opposition. IMHO That we have 'Tits on a kipper' is bad enough to waste time milking them for more vinegar is pointless 

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4727

Buy me some coffee
Others are pointing out the relevance of vibration I really don't need to! Almost without exception people with far more experience than me conclude that COP >1 systems are open and not a closed circuit . It is not Over unity but simply using a force which is not taught and which we are not familiar with . That being the case its not measurable with usual instruments, (or engineer-able at the moment for that matter) because we do not have the units or dimension. Sceptics, nay Sayer's, and power in / power out merchants and folks trying to get onto a personnel level have only one ambition to disrupt and distract, If the machine self runs as the many examples shown do, then the quest is over as far as Grumage is concerned . If that happens its another matter as to if Graham shows it publicly, history has shown it takes a brave person to bring free energy of any sort into the open ! The role call of dead maimed threatened and silenced is long. I try to put forward the little I know and suspect, I also take it as read that other researchers do not object to what they have printed and left on the WWW may be repeated, with the ultimate idea of getting a viable system out. Others of course think there may be a profit to be made, or patents, intellectual property … and all the rest, blah blah … It doesn't work, still folks who specifically request I do not reveal ' their invention' I don't even though its against the grain. Still I wonder  how many ' my inventions ' is there going to have to be ? As for the sceptic team .. I don't intend wasting another sentence on opposition. IMHO That we have 'Tits on a kipper' is bad enough to waste time milking them for more vinegar is pointless 
Im not here to distract,or disrupt,but i am skeptical of people that continue to make claims they dont and cant back up. Once again ,you have made that claim Duncan-quote:  If the machine self runs as the many examples shown do

I ask for only one such machine Duncan-just one of the many you say exist. You give me that,and i will build it at any cost to my self. Those here that know me,will know this to be true. So give me the chance to proove you right Duncan-show me just one self running machine,and i will start the build this weekend-and i am being sincere.

Never let your schooling get in the way of your education.
Group: Guest
Hi TinMan,

I Agree, and also have put my opinion on some of these lost cause build, yet some people make claim and can't back them up.

All you have to do is a little research, and you will find most of these project has something that stop it from becoming OU.

I'm also starting to see on this forum, crap poping up for people to duplicate something that won't work!  Even with basic mechaical building skills  we are not seeing through these lost cause.

The only reason I did the Chris Hunter Build is because of the Propane expansion rate, other then that the rest is just a waste of time and money!

Those who put up these stupid builds better back them up, and stop wasting our time. This is also called scammers >:-)!

How many times have OU forum push crap that did not work?

Makes me think the OU conspiracy is alive again!

Tom O0


Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 1961
With my interest in gyro's I suppose it was only a matter of time before I looked into this thread on flywheels.  I have just looked at Mr Frost's web page that started this all off and I have to say that the guy seems besotted with what he claims to be "horsepower per second".  Now maybe he really believes that is reality, but in my world (and that of any respectable physicist) horsepower is a rate of doing work and has dimensions of energy per second.  To claim horsepower per second as a usable unit we would have dimensions of energy per second squared.  I think that simple error on his part may account for his mistaken view that you can extract energy from a flywheel over a small time increment, pass that energy to another flywheel and end up with more stored energy than you originally put in.  Of course you can't do that.  What you can do over small time increments is transfer a quantity of energy, and that transfer rate (power), whether expressed in horsepower or watts, is very large simply because of the short time increment.  But the product of power times time increment is just the quantity of energy transferred.  And in the flywheel case that energy is lost from the first flywheel and gained by the second.  When you get your units muddled up you can fool yourself into thinking that you have got more energy than is real.

Group: Guest
Quite right Smudge and thank you for pointing that out because it wasn't obvious at first glance when reading Mr. Frost's web page.

To me, the only possibility that leaks through is the concept of a tempic field--something where time is a localized measurement instead of absolute.  If such a concept is viable (I don't presume it is, just theorizing), then we could manifest such attributes as time compression.  Taking this a step further, we would then be able to collect energy at one rate and utilize it at another, provided these two stages were at different spots within the tempic field.  Granted, this line of thinking is getting way out there into la la land, but it is able to account for phenomena that would otherwise remain a mystery.  In the context of a rotating flywheel, the only way I can apply something like a tempic field is to physically detach the axle from the circumference of the wheel, which makes this extremely difficult to visualize as any sort of mechanical assembly.  However at sub-atomic particle dimensions, this begins to appear more rational since the forces that hold such a particle in orbiting position aren't solid matter.

The problem with brainstorming is that I'm not really sure where I'm going with this other than to ask the question:

When we use equations having terms dv/dt,  dx/dt  or similar, are we absolutely certain dt in one equation is the same dt used in another?  Is it even slightly possible, increments of time are not fixed to our concept of seconds?  Could time actually have a gradient as would be represented by a field?

Group: Renaissance Man
Hero Member

Posts: 2782

Buy me a cigar
Dear Matt.

My goodness...... That was way over my head !!  :)  I like the way you think !!

To this Welsh country bumpkin with very simple mind....... Any object that is moving at a faster speed relative to the onlooker must surely be in a slightly different time frame ??

My friend who has been bugging me to build this device for a very long time, also feels that there is some sort of difference in time related to the successful operation.

Pardon the pun, "Time will tell" !!  :)

Cheers Grum.

Nanny state ? Left at the gate !! :)
Group: Guest
Pardon the pun, "Time will tell" !!  :)


Yes, eventually it will.

Do you suppose we just aren't thinking big enough?

Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052
looks familiar.........
Group: Guest
looks familiar.........

Not sure.  What I see is a motor running at very high RPM, geared down quite a bit through several stages, turning a large multi-pole generator.  I would have to imagine the torque on the motor is minimal, but the torque on the generator is quite a bit using the mechanical advantage.  With the heavy rotor in the generator and all the large pulleys, I'm guessing that is why you don't see any sort of surging.  The flywheels in this case are acting like huge capacitors damping the oscillation.

When Russ sent me the link to this video, it somewhat confirmed the suspicion I had talking to him about Sterling Allan's QMoGen links.  I had thought for quite a while that it isn't so much the small motor turning a larger generator, but instead a fast motor turning a slow generator.

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 1961

When we use equations having terms dv/dt,  dx/dt  or similar, are we absolutely certain dt in one equation is the same dt used in another?  Is it even slightly possible, increments of time are not fixed to our concept of seconds?  Could time actually have a gradient as would be represented by a field?

Well relativity tells us that time passes at a different rate for observers travelling at different speeds, and this has been demonstrated using atomic clocks.  One kept on the ground compared with one that had travelled at high speed for some time in an aircraft showed a time difference.  But you could claim that what we measure as time is what changes, i.e. our physical laws governing pendulums or atomic oscillators have features like mass, inertia, gravitation electric charge etc which change depending upon the space within which the measurements are made.  Then the Hubble constant is not about an expanding universe starting from the big bang but about distant space being different to our local space.  Personally I hold that view and real time is absolute, it doesn't change,

Group: Guest
Grumage, If I confused you, Smudge really got me.   ???

Well relativity tells us that time passes at a different rate for observers travelling at different speeds, and this has been demonstrated using atomic clocks.  One kept on the ground compared with one that had travelled at high speed for some time in an aircraft showed a time difference.  But you could claim that what we measure as time is what changes, i.e. our physical laws governing pendulums or atomic oscillators have features like mass, inertia, gravitation electric charge etc which change depending upon the space within which the measurements are made.  Then the Hubble constant is not about an expanding universe starting from the big bang but about distant space being different to our local space.  Personally I hold that view and real time is absolute, it doesn't change,


I'm not sure what to make of that.  I have real time is absolute on one hand and relativity on the other.

And looking at the Hubble Constant:

To me looks to be anything but constant.

This is the crux of my previous question.

When we integrate, are we not summing over infinitesimally small increments of time?  And isn't it assumed these increments are all exactly the same magnitude?  If they are not, what does that say about the accuracy of our equations and their application?

I bring this up because what I've been hunting for in all this energy research is a form of asymmetry that isn't apparently obvious, because the equations always compute the same absolute number going left to right, right to left, in to out, out to in, top to bottom, bottom to top.  What I'm proposing is that if time and the way we use it in our equations isn't absolute and authorative, it could change along a path of integration.  And, it could change differently depending upon which direction we integrate.  How?  Suppose time is actually dependent upon magnetic spin.  I do not know this to be true, I'm only curious to as it being a possibility.

If we had some unit that is universally recognized to be absolute and did our integration with that, I wonder if the asymmetry I'm looking for would show itself.  The only unit I can think of is angle and I have no idea how we could transform equations using time into equations using angle.  One cycle being 360 degrees or 2pi...   Maybe...  A cycle based domain?

This really reminds me of the Control Systems Engineering classes I took and the Z-Transforms, which worked, but I always felt there should be a better way.
Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 704
A very simple view I have hatched over the years but which never the less seems to fit many of the possible operating systems runs so … Maths being the language of science it has been very well plumbed by minds vastly superior to my humble lump and I presume most of the readers here , and yet some have seen unexpected unexplained COP>1 results . My suspicion then became the answers must lie outside the norms of accepted Mathematics where the experimenter can reach by adjustment and stealth but the mathematician cannot penetrate. I think here of the terms all Mathematicians bulk at and run for the woods namely , The infinite , The infinitesimal and Chaos our portrayed understanding of electricity is trigonometric, as we have no idea of the dimension of pi (which is why it only remains a theorem)  the whole concept is a shaky pack of cards anyway.
All of the machines seen to work involve open circuits in one form or another … be it in the form of a capacitor , battery , or rapidly oscillating switch , (and yes even a vibrating vee belt) The reason isn't hard to imagine a square wave type instant switch is what's required but of course as you have just  pointed out you enter a grey area … how can a voltage (or in fact anything) change from one state to another in zero time ? Perhaps It can't however we are asked in standard physics  to view current and voltage as the two components of electricity but with a phase displacement … It now becomes possible with an open circuit involved to introduce the voltage of one cycle to the current of another , As far as the circuit is concerned .. the left hand can't see what the right hand is doing.... depending how you might view this concept time itself is being challenged with perfect series resonance. To try and stretch that elastic further
The wheel could be viewed as an over driven pendulum and a pendulum very much the equivalent of a resonant circuit , In fact the formula are identical but of course the units differ, To draw the parallel we are told at points in the swing of a pendulum all Kinetic energy is changed to potential energy and visa versa … The same applies .. how can anything occur in zero time? And yet we have worked on the assumption that it is so for ever and ever our men, even though it must be wrong.
It is then my contention that the challenging state of forced tuned resonance is what Grumage seeks whilst I can see a way at it in electrical terms I have no doubt its got a mechanical equivalent just as parallel resonance has to the pendulum. If ….. you believe this

“Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another.”

― Albert Einstein

Then all the energy that is or ever was surrounds us, as some say .. we live in a sea of energy, It is then for us to convert it back to a useful form. I hazard a guess that the energy is in the form of disconnected chaos as grains of sand on the beach and must be converted back to a usable form, As Tesla was kind enough to tell us frequency is the key … particularly 3rd overtone 9th overtone cumulative on the 6th harmonic I presume .... 3,6,9
In those spinning wheels something very similar to this is probably occurring


The hearing of course is again  The impulse linear wave ( just consider how the ear works or a loud speaker ) The very wave we are told does not exist electrically and isn't taught , The resonances  above are also of course  linear impulse waves. Although they are shown as transverse waves.
« Last Edit: 2014-07-19, 11:39:44 by Duncan »

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus
Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052
 some interesting Flywheel /gyro work from a post here

Shared By Jason Verbelli  


Fran McCabe:
Wix.com Fran McCabe Home created by dolly1000 based on Global Ventures

McCabe Compilation (Read Vid Description)

A self contained 3 wheel vehicle. Its motion is caused by oscillating two 180 degree precessional segments gyroscopics that causes alternating arcuate vehicle motion. The 1.5 lb gyro wheel is spun by a 1/2 HP air motor. The gyro has its precession forced and timed by tuning the two 180 gyro segments into tuned arcuate motions--- being a wavy track vehicle motion.

A 4 spoke assembly that can rotate and traverse in its axial direction; in a cradle with air-driven, single gimbal 'gyro horizons' on the outer end of each spoke. Manual turning of the crank aligns the gyros to the gyro neutral equinox's. A resistance is induced during the alignments....possibly the mechanical demonstration of inertia? An additional physics feature is that the assembly sets up a self-induced frequency that results in selected sequencing of motorizations of the gyro horizons.

A directionally guided pendulum whose period can be controlled to motorize the gyro assembly as each end reversal occurs. These are two pneumatic aircraft gyro horizons rigidly attached to an air motor-driven wheel to provide powered precession that is the power source for motorization.

A 1/2 HP air motor-driven wheel; and an air gear motor for the powered precession turning of a 4' verticle spiral pivoting arm. The gyro assembly is centrally mounted on the 4' arm. This confuses natural and powered precession, but an upward (anti gravity?) spiral can only be caused by powered precession. Disconnecting the chain-powered precession drive then permits only natural precession. When the sliding weight on the 4' arm is moved in towards the center (not shown on the video) the 4' arm slows. This seems to go against "conservation of energy" physics.

1200 inch pounds of torque from 2.5 in lb. rated motor.

Two 6", 1.5 lb gyro wheels, air motor driven with air motor powered precession mounted on a crank arm. During 1/2 of the precessional rotation the major arm moves down, and up during the second 180 degrees (between two gyro neutral, parallel positions).
The output cranking torque is many multiples of the DC motor's rated torque.

A 2.5 in lb 12/24 V rated DC motor spinning a1.5 lb, 6" D. Gyro wheel can systemically output 31.5 in lb thru gyroscopic natural and powered precession.

Centripetal Force:

Eric Laithwaite on Gyroscopes:

Laithwaite on Gyroscopic Propulsion:

Sandy Kidd:

Gyro Says "No" to Newton:

Gyro Experiments Galore:

Self Rotation

The behavior of a single spinning wheel in gimbals is a well-documented subject; however, the interaction between multiple spinning wheels is less fully explored. Some researchers have hypothesized that spinning wheels could be mathematically modeled after electrical inductors, suggesting that the interaction between multiple spinning wheels might mirror that of multiple inductors in proximity with each other. The goal of the current set of experiments was to examine the interaction between two gimbaled spinning wheels with six degrees of freedom embedded in one scaffolding and observe their behavioral similarity to electrical inductors.

Working Together:



Inclined Planes:

Wheels and Axles:


Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 1961
Grumage, If I confused you, Smudge really got me.   ???

I'm not sure what to make of that.  I have real time is absolute on one hand and relativity on the other.


What I was trying to convey is that there is some absolute time frame governing the whole universe.  But we mere mortals have to use instruments to measure time, and these cannot capture that absolute reference.  What we measure as time differs according to our environment.  Atomic oscillators at far flung regions of space do not oscillate at the same frequency as those here, hence we observe a frequency shift of the light coming from those distant stars.  We have interpreted that frequency shift as a doppler shift due to movement away from us, leading to the big bang theory.  Perhaps that is the wrong interpretation.

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Posts: 704
Hi smudge you ponder the same thing Tommy does earlier … where do the extra watts come from? Or Rather energy (energy of course being Watts x Time) I have seen and built one or two machines that have shown COP>1 results and so have no difficulty in the belief department like most of us I have also sucked a lot of Lemons. The response of most readers is then understandably … give me the plans and schematic , I'll build it (regardless of cost blah blah) and verify the claim The honest truth is I can't replicate the systems myself with any guarantee of success It is engineering in an unknown domain. The three battery generating system is a very frustrating but typical example. As a stretching the elastic operation consider this there are Three areas where the language of science.. namely maths goes out of the window The infinite . Infinity and Chaos all three of those are involved to some degree in machines run at resonance. It also follows that at resonance the normal power in power out relationship could be expected to be out of kilter. A good time perhaps to remind folks that ( at least electrically) there are two distinct types of resonance Series and Parallel  . Parallel resonance most are familiar with, It forms the tuning part of a humble crystal set and is a kissing cousin to a pendulum. Although quite obvious I should point out that the 'electromagnetic wave' is portrayed in a different dimension to volts and Amps by using a J operator for the same reason it is also always drawn in isometric. What then of Series Resonance ? What wave might it broadcast or receive? What is its mechanical kissing cousin ? Here we enter the bailiwick of Tesla the wave he said existed and demonstrated with his wireless system and which tptb (the powers that be) took violent exception to, expunging all traces from the public gaze. The longitudinal wave and Its wireless counterpart are denied the right to exist ! The longitudinal wireless wave is no feeble thing like a radio wave, nor is it confined to the realms of energy. In the humble Chrystal set a  cats whisker or diode is used to 'demodulate' the signal  in these flywheel machines I am quite prepared to take a punt that the flywheel at electrical 'longitudinal resonance' is performing the same duty and converting the earths 'magnetic current' to energy. What the mechanical kissing cousin might be I'm not at all sure but again simply because of the lack of information (ergo suppression ) I would hazard a guess its the whip lash . thank you for your input smudge more food for thought                            

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 1961
Hi Duncan,
I spend my time looking into the corners of scientific theory trying to find something that has been overlooked.  My paper on Electromagnetic Inertia looks at the scalar magnetic potential of the Earth's magnetic field and its potential to allow negative inertial forces to be produced.  I wrote that thinking in terms of possible thrust motors, but now I think it could have wider implications in the field of OU machines.  I am in the process of updating that paper to include the possibility that it could explain the SM TPU and the Sweet VTA both of which involve magnetism in one form or another.  I haven't yet got the Hendershott generator into this but possibly the Hendershott free-running motor which I wasn't aware of until recently.
Group: Elite
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Posts: 3537
It's turtles all the way down

Your research into this area should be interesting.

"Secrecy, secret societies and secret groups have always been repugnant to a free and open society"......John F Kennedy

Group: Renaissance Man
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Posts: 2782

Buy me a cigar
Dear All.

A rather "Heath Robinson" attempt at the Harold Aspden effect !!  :)


Cheers Grum.

Nanny state ? Left at the gate !! :)
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