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Author Topic: The Flywheel ?  (Read 82937 times)
Group: Guest
Hi Graham,

Looking very good, did you say your motor draws 300watts without a load?

By the way, I finished the ratchet engine.

Take a look at this efficient baby :o.


I love those flywheels, I have good use of them ;D

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 Grumage some  work done on a thesis by  Mark Percy  in Liverpool in the 1960s involved running various flywheels made of a variety of substances up to the speed of catastrophic destruction. The genesis for his research was the finding that exploding flywheels release far more energy than is applied running them up to speed, Mr Percy had the use of a ballistics testing chamber, whilst it might indicate something useful regarding your project a brief chat with Marks brother David informs me those flywheels can go off like a bomb. I'm sure no one on the thread wants to see any shredded  Grummage  (except of course the nay - Sayers  who don't want anyone doing anything) so take care .... Grum ... I was also wondering  about filling in the holes with lead ? ... I am not at all sure that it isn't the exact reverse of what is required, I really know the square root of F all about making flywheels but I was considering balancing tyres on cars (where they add weights around the rim) would those holes not have been put in that flywheel as rather a reverse of that operation ? that is subtracting weight from one side rather than adding it to the other, If that's the case adding lead would severely aggravate   .. in fact reverse and amplify the original out of balance (if you get my gist) ... just a thought my friend! here for your interest is a cap that seems to fit http://www.resonantfractals.org/Magnetism/Flywheel.htm Its expensive, time consuming and frustrating doing R&D Graham not to say dangerous if your working on something of real merit .. as I'm sure your well aware knowing some of the folks you have spoken to. so broadcasting your work is appreciated I hope you keep doing it as long as you may kind regards Duncan  O0    PS here's another variation on the theme you might find of interest  http://www.evert.de/eft722e.htm                                        
« Last Edit: 2014-07-06, 08:23:52 by Duncan »

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus
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Dear Tommy .. quite right  as a straight build and viewed like that of course it cant work .. however  there are endless things that can't work from the bee I cited earlier to the humming bird, but work they do! viewed in that light any one of these COP>1 devices can't and wont work the thing is some obviously do, its as simple as that ! The question then has to be asked what is missing ? well on this thread I have put some suggestions, Many people have tried to duplicate Chas Campbells machine there are few reported successes there can be many reasons for that a/ intimidation b/ It simply isn't tuned and so doesn't work c/the composition of the wheel , in fact as I think about it the permutations  are almost endless  in the first place I think Tom its safe to assume most reading here know what a flywheel normally does, are familiar with belt gearing and ratio's and all the usual simple tosh ...  I'm sure Grum is .. what's obviously being probed here is the extraordinary .. isn't it? Grumage has already said he has little faith in being able to turn this set up on and see COP>1 straight away  ... I would bet the farm and all the horses on that ! still its as good a starting point as any.
Graham will probably be sick as as a pig if after turning this on it doesn't work as expected first time ... but of course it won't .. there's still  a bit  missing looking at a lot of similar machines they all have reactive tuning or switching  of one sort or another , It is that x factor we seek ... or at least the engineering or science behind it.IMHO simplistic power in power out dogma is as much use as tits on a kipper here. however to loop the system ...now there's an ambition which others seem to have achieved by accident But to map the engineering and broadcast the results .. that would start to alter one or two things around a world that seems to be on the wrong path and becoming evermore hellish.  O0  PS love the machine your building and trying thanks for the vid  !

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus
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Addendum for your consideration  – Grum, digging about amongst the references at the end of the last article I linked to  regarding David Lowrance . It would seem David is energy sympathetic in some way .. anyway he writes this ..
A few years back a man named Chas Campbel, I believe, achieved overunity in a flywheel system. The overunity power was eventually tracked down to the loose vibrating belt drive on the main large flywheel. It set up a vibration on the heavy weigh of the rotating flywheel. This was then traced back to a large machine in China designed by old engineer, who had created a power amplifier for a large factory. The mains powered the motors, and the generators put out far more power to the whole factory. The unit was designed to set up a vibration in a similiar method, and the vibration was modulated onto the lage flywheel. 
The only credible instances of OU power, that can be solidly tracked, and repeatedly built, that actually work all lead to using vibration.
Confusion is where we try to make OU devices on the Em side. EM can be used to establish vibration and to even tune it using very fine voltage adjustments. But EM is found to work inversely, as an "entropy force" in out current technology, and also in nature. Lightening strikes and then fissles out, where atoms continue to vibrate forever.
Dave L

Which is of course in agreement with much you are hearing and learning else where .. It also would conform to my view of things as it stands  .. again regards Duncan

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus
Group: Guest
Hi Duncan,

Something can't be explain like why a bee fly. But a little research to find this:


This is what I know about anti gravity on bees. Bee don't fly but change gravity due to wings flapping. I watch bees change direction that is not due to thrust from the wings. It's something else.

I bet it has to do with electrostatic charge, it's a different type of energy not like ac or dc energy source.

Back to the flywheel, I seen the waste of power when you but power into a motor on free spin, total waste from the start.


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I suspect it is the type of power that is the other side of the see-saw here Tom , That also I suspect is what Prof Laithwaite hints at regarding a different dimension, In short Tom I  think that like the rotoverter at the heart of  this COP >1 effect is the use of reactive power , This being induced by any one of several methods such as loading the prime mover to create a phase shift, (slip) or using electronic switching, capacitors, or a pulsed load all of which would have the same effect. usual teaching dogma tells us reactive power is "a watt less component" so it might be however it certainly generates heat ... so perhaps its best thought of as ' an energy type as yet unknown'  If you then take the giant step of assuming reactive power , KVAR, can be transformed by a flywheel then all the other pieces and examples start to fit together like a jig saw. That your first stage might lose power becomes irrelevant because its from a different dimension ,It doesn't come from the grid at all,  you wont be able to measure it anyway. The motor is seeing volts and amps of course and large circulating currents as classic theory tells us but in effect zero peak envelope power w.r.t time.  To put this in simple terms a pendulum is as parallel  electrical resonance, however its very important to keep in mind there are two resonances- series and parallel, just as there are  transverse and linear waves. (its nature things come two by two) The mechanics then are arranged such that the prime mover is running series resonant with the supply (which could be the grid or the driven alternator if its looped) The windings of the prime mover being anti phase with the alternator making it parallel resonant ...  when these two vibrations are set correctly ???                       

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus

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Like me or hate me, i will be true to myself regardless. Sorry Chet,but i have to point out some untrue facts here.

Quote Duncan: A few years back a man named Chas Campbel, I believe, achieved overunity in a flywheel system. The overunity power was eventually tracked down to the loose vibrating belt drive on the main large flywheel.

Incorrect-Chas Campbell never had an OU machine at all.Nothing more than his misunderstanding's of start up currents?power,and stored energy within the systems flywheel's. There never was any testing what so ever done on Chas's machine that prooved it to be OU.

Quote Tom: Something can't be explain like why a bee fly.This is what I know about anti gravity on bees.

Incorrect. Scientists worked out some time ago,how bee's fly.
http://www.livescience.com/528-scientists-finally-figure-bees-fly.html  There are many more pages on the web that show this as fact.

Quote Duncan: The only credible instances of OU power, that can be solidly tracked, and repeatedly built, that actually work all lead to using vibration.

Could you please post just one of these OU machine's that we can replicate Duncan-just one ?

Quote Duncan: In short Tom I  think that like the rotoverter at the heart of  this COP >1 effect is the use of reactive power

Reactive power can only be produce from active or real  power,and the return is less than what it took to create it in the first place.Luc thought he was onto something,until i showed him where and what the hidden power was.I went as far as spending a good deal of hard earned cash on an actual setup as close to his as i could,and showed in that setup that it was the exciter windings that were creating the elusion of a no load reflection of reactive power.

If we are truely to get any where,we need to start looking at fact's,and not fairy tale's.Im not going to remain silent on my beliefs just because some may not like to hear the truth.I showed not so long ago how easy it is to build a fake device,and have many think it was something fantastic.Nothing more than incorrect value's marked on a cap,and the FE comunity went wild.But those that stood back ,and took a close look,new something was amiss.

I do believe in trying things for your self to get an accurate answer to question's. But first stand back and look at the system before spending hard earned cash.Here we take a less than 100% efficient motor,coupled up to a less than 100% efficient generator/altinator,throw in some more power losses like belt's and bearings,and expect to have excess power out the other end.Surley common sence tells you it just aint going to happen.

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Posts: 4052
Michael Frost says its Acceleration caused by a pulse or disruption...I believe Grum is trying several ideas here,First Harold Aspens Claims
and also the "pulse" or "Disturbed " input claim..

His math is on his website {posted in first post of this thread] under the heading "evidence"
I have not been able to access it [won't load for me].

I will be calling him in the next few days...

Group: Renaissance Man
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Posts: 2782

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Dear All.

We have now ground to a halt, due to the fact that the vibration we saw on the second video was being caused by the brand new alternator having a shaft run out of 0.1 mm !! I have today returned this item to the supplier and will have to wait until their repair dep't can assess it.

And I was worried about my 100 year old flywheel !!   :)  It seems our European buddies can't make things like they used to !!

Cheers Grum.

Nanny state ? Left at the gate !! :)
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I have just spent a lot of time writing a post ... I may post it yet .. in time , meanwhile from a different era, and these actually are quotes  grumage please .. "keep on  buggering on" and Tinman .. "nuts" .. (well 'nuts' wasn't really a verbal quote .. it was written) 

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus

Group: Elite Experimentalist
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Posts: 4727

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I have just spent a lot of time writing a post ... I may post it yet .. in time , meanwhile from a different era, and these actually are quotes  grumage please .. "keep on  buggering on" and Tinman .. "nuts" .. (well 'nuts' wasn't really a verbal quote .. it was written) 
Quote Dunan: The only credible instances of OU power, that can be solidly tracked, and repeatedly built, that actually work all lead to using vibration.
 And you call me nut's???

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Posts: 3537
It's turtles all the way down
If I were to consider working with a spinning mass, I would use a more direct approach e.g mounting a disc to a motor which would also be a generator (from it's back emf) Ratio transformation in the form of gearing or belts would not be used as these are lossy items and really don't buy you anything, the power in and power out minus losses is always the same. Gear ratio, pulley diameters etc = turns ratio of a transformer.

I would feed the spinnup DC motor / gen from a current source, in which case if I carefully regulate the current, the disc will reach a terminal speed due to air friction, bearing friction etc.

I could then try doing various experiments on the disc to see if there is any way to increase the final "leveled off" speed e.g electrostaticaly charging the disc and /or or pulsing the disc electromagnetically.

I might also put the apparatus in a vacuum chamber to eliminate air friction.

One could also try directing or redirecting ether flows either within the disc or impinging on it, such as an ether Pelton wheel might afford.

Since the current and therefore power input is held constant, any increase or decrease in the disc speed might show that we can affect it in some way.

Of course eddy current or other magnetic drag or induction effects would have to be properly accounted / discounted.

If one were to look for vibration effects altering speed, one should firstly study the work of John Keely and Alan Cresswell

Also a mention to McFreey who proposed a particle emission / reaction effect  in a band within disc itself , which would be a very futuristic motor or prime mover.

Just some thinking beyond the mundane flywheel energy storage device.

"Secrecy, secret societies and secret groups have always been repugnant to a free and open society"......John F Kennedy
Group: Guest
Hi All,

I was thinking of building this flywheel experiment, but I did a change to fit my build.

Inertia is the key to this system, like a toy car with a flywheel. You push the car forward and the flywheel acts as a store energy.

The reason it works is the flywheel is going much faster then the output of the wheels, this is how you must use the flywheel if anyone plans to go OU.

I would also add a one way clutch to the motor, this will allow the motor to stop while the generator is under load.

I Could build a smaller version with bicycle chain and gears to test this build...

Input please?

My design...

Tom O0
« Last Edit: 2014-07-08, 15:47:44 by Tommey Reed »
Group: Elite
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Posts: 3537
It's turtles all the way down
Tommey :

Inertia is the key to this system, like a toy car with a flywheel. You push the car forward and the flywheel acts as a store energy.

The reason it works is the flywheel is going much faster then the output of the wheels, this is how you must use the flywheel if anyone plans to go OU.
Input please?

But a toy car with a geared up flywheel only stores and then dissipates the energy put into it when it is extracted. You can get a higher peak power output, but it does not "create" steady state energy, nor can gearing up or down from a flywheel.

The flywheel will act as an simple energy storage device when operated within it's mechanical capabilities, but only meticulous experiment could prove this wrong and find an anomaly.

Not the direction I would go but best of luck.

Tom, you make nice drawings, what do you use?

"Secrecy, secret societies and secret groups have always been repugnant to a free and open society"......John F Kennedy
Group: Guest
Hi Ion,

I have cad and other software, but this was simple paint on windows...

I disagree, it's like the other picture is even close to inertia I don't think so.

Also my unit use a one way clutch on the motor and also my generator load is 1/2 that of the flywheel store energy.


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I like Flywheels.. :)

Kinetic Energy Recovery System.. KERS:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KERS

A kinetic energy recovery system (often known simply as KERS, or kers) is an automotive system for recovering a moving vehicle's kinetic energy under braking. The recovered energy is stored in a reservoir (for example a flywheel or high voltage batteries) for later use under acceleration. Examples include complex high end systems such as the Zytek, Flybrid, Torotrak and Xtrac used in Formula One racing and simple, easily manufactured and integrated differential based systems such as the Cambridge Passenger/Commercial Vehicle Kinetic Energy Recovery System (CPC-KERS).

Xtrac and Flybrid are both licensees of Torotrak's technologies, which employ a small and sophisticated ancillary gearbox incorporating a continuously variable transmission (CVT). The CPC-KERS is similar as it also forms part of the driveline assembly. However, the whole mechanism including the flywheel sits entirely in the vehicle’s hub (looking like a drum brake). In the CPC-KERS, a differential replaces the CVT and transfers torque between the flywheel, drive wheel and road wheel.

Gyroscopic exercise tool:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Powerball_%28toy%29

A gyroscopic exercise tool is a device used to exercise the wrist as part of physical therapy or in order to build palm, forearm and finger strength. It can also be used as a unique demonstration of some aspects of rotational dynamics. The device consists of a tennis ball-sized plastic or metal shell around a free-spinning mass, which is started with a short rip string. Once the gyroscope inside is going fast enough, a person holding the device can accelerate the spinning mass to high revolution rates by moving the wrist in a circular motion.

Someday I might combine those two..

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.
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well if your not keen on vibration swap the verbage for frequency .. which is what it causes electrically . And I dare say many could concur with that from Bed.ini to Tesla .. Do we know the engineering yet to reproduce the effect  each and every time? no of course not or Grumage would not be experimenting with it . He and his friend quite rightly have many idea's of their own to try before anyone Else's and a bent rotor shaft to put to rights. I also certainly didn't call you nuts ... I was quoting from an era
"Keep on buggering on" was Winston Churchills response to a succession of reverses at the beginning of WW2 ...
Nuts was the reply of General Anthony McAuliffe regarding the surrender 101st Airborne Division who were told to hold the town of Bastogne, at all costs despite being surrounded and heavily out numbered and gunned. So you think I'm wrong (and I may be) however I won't surrender my opininons or thoughts and my right to voice them to any nay sayer stuck in the purile power in power out dogma  ... including you period  

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus
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H1i All,

I made a mistake on the design, it's corrected now.


Group: Elite Experimentalist
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well if your not keen on vibration swap the verbage for frequency .. which is what it causes electrically . And I dare say many could concur with that from Bed.ini to Tesla .. Do we know the engineering yet to reproduce the effect  each and every time? no of course not or Grumage would not be experimenting with it . He and his friend quite rightly have many idea's of their own to try before anyone Else's and a bent rotor shaft to put to rights. I also certainly didn't call you nuts ... I was quoting from an era
"Keep on buggering on" was Winston Churchills response to a succession of reverses at the beginning of WW2 ...
Nuts was the reply of General Anthony McAuliffe regarding the surrender 101st Airborne Division who were told to hold the town of Bastogne, at all costs despite being surrounded and heavily out numbered and gunned. So you think I'm wrong (and I may be) however I won't surrender my opininons or thoughts and my right to voice them to any nay sayer stuck in the purile power in power out dogma  ... including you period  

Quote: I also didnt call you nut's...i was quoting from an era.

Sorry Duncan,my ESP must have been failing me at that moment when you said-tinman...nuts.

OK,well im a little lost here. Quote from above: I wont surrender my opinions or thought's
Quote from previous post:The only credible instances of OU power, that can be solidly tracked, and repeatedly built, that actually work all lead to using vibration.
-So are these your thought's and opinions,or are they credible instances of OU  that actually work,and can be repeatedly built?

I was being sincere when i asked you if you could please post just one of the credible devices,so as some of us here may replicate it,and see OU for our self's. In your very own word's Duncan,you have claimed that OU devices exist, can be solidly tracked,and repeatedly built. So im ready to build Duncan O0

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Group: Guest
Hi All,

One thing is clear, people just repeat builds that won't work no matter how you change the design.

Again, when you use a ac or any motor you have a waste as soon as you turn it on.

This would mean that you would needs 130% output just to get it to operate in a Over Unity state of self running, due to rpm's and drag.
This does not mean you get free energy, because you would need more then 130% efficiency to collect power from it.

Spin a top in space, and it will sin forever, put a load from the top and watch it stop.

The key to the flywheel is to not allow the generator load collide with the input power. In other words like a inverting input verse output of energy. 0n/0ff to off/on.

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This fellow writes some interesting comments



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Posts: 3537
It's turtles all the way down
My fascination with all things gyroscopic including flywheels started at an early age.

My experiments with gyro's fifty years ago (when I was 18) included two air driven gyro's salvaged from an autopilot box. These were mounted at the ends of a rotating aluminum channel. The gyro's were allowed to swivel in and out of their plane of rotation in a controlled manner.

The hope was to build a rotary to linear converter to replace all of the drive train in an automobile or an anti gravity craft, believing I could control the gyro's plane of rotation to corkscrew through space when operated in pairs. Despite a meticulous experiment, my logic was flawed and it didn't work.

Much later I acquired a large 25 pound gyro that ran in a vacuum via a built in 3 phase motor. It had a precisely balanced tungsten rotor, and could rev up to dangerous speeds.

We could rev this beast up, sit in a swivel chair with it on our lap, and by manipulating it, we could cause ourselves to rotate right or left on the chair.

The gyro was navy surplus, part of an assembly of four gyros that were synchronized to a master gyro on the ship, and I was told used to detect amount of bending or twisting of the vessel.

If anyone (Dumped?) has more info on these devices I would be grateful.

P.S. anyone wishing to experiment with gyros could use scrapped 10, 000 RPM hard drives. Most of the older types will spin up with only power applied. I remove all of the pickup heads and magnets, and stack extra discs in the spaces between discs for extra mass.

Bicycle tires filled with fine sand for extra mass are good and also self balancing. The sand is injected into the inner tube, then assembled and inflated normally. Just don't go too fast with these. In any gyro design, concentrate the mass at the outermost rim, that's where the velocity is highest and pound for pound gives the best gyro action.

Regards, ION
« Last Edit: 2014-07-11, 13:53:14 by ION »

"Secrecy, secret societies and secret groups have always been repugnant to a free and open society"......John F Kennedy

Group: Renaissance Man
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Posts: 2782

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Dear All.

I present a short video of our drive motor being connected to a run capacitor of twice the normal value.


Any suggestions as to what might be happening ??

Cheers Grum.

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Any suggestions as to what might be happening ??

It's behaving almost like the motor wants to run in reverse for just a split second on each cycle.  That being the case I can see why the motor would draw almost three times the power.

One thing is for sure, you have found a way to make the motor drive with an impulse.  Now you should probably watch the RPM difference with and without the flywheel attached.

You may have found something necessary to make this whole setup work.  Thanks much for keeping us in the know.
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