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Author Topic: Don Smith's Briefcase Replication  (Read 56802 times)

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Hi goto

Thankyou for your kind comments, This is a very interesting development thank you for sharing i will ask Poynt what he thinks about this device.

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Luc and others:

I have read these comments about neon sign transformers allegedly being Ou many times before and let me respond to this.

For starters, I know very little about neon sign transformers per se.  However, I know about transformers and I know that no matter how you cut it, a neon sign transformer is just a transformer.  This reminds me a bit about the crazy debate I had on OU about ultracapacitors vs. "normal" capacitors.

The two important facts are that a neon sign transformer is just a transformer, and all transformers are under unity devices.

For the image that Luc uploaded, the neon sign transformer spec says 72 watts in and 152 watts out.  (Input:  120 VAC, 06 amp, 60 Hz,  Output:  5.1 KV rms, 30 ma rms)

So this appears to be over unity but this is impossible so what's going on here?

Here is where critical thinking has to come into play and follow-up research has to be done.  I know that some people take these specs at face value and simply believe that neon sign transformers are over unity devices and they should get one on eBay and start playing with one.

(On a side note, these devices are probably the most dangerous things you could possibly play with and they could indeed kill you dead in a split second.  I strongly advise everybody to stay away from these devices.)

Again, I will repeat that I know "nothing" about neon sign transformers, I have never even read a spec for one.

I am going to make the assumption that these specs are industry-specific.  The specs mean something in the context of using the transformer in a neon sign application and are not to be literally used for a power-in vs. power-out calculation.

We know that a neon tube will do "burns" where the gas is ignited and becomes a plasma.  The plasma will sustain a fixed voltage drop for a varying amount of current during one full cycle of the mains input sine wave.  It is a completely non-linear load where conventional sine-wave style AC RMS output voltages and currents do not apply at all.

Therefore, the spec "30 ma rms" on the output side is most likely related to how amenable the neon sign transformer is to pulsing and sustaining a certain amount of rms current during plasma discharge "burn" cycles.  These burn cycles must have a "start burn" angle and an "end burn" angle (relative to the sine wave reference timing) that is dependent on the length, pressure, and gas you are using in your neon tube.  I don't know all the details and won't be looking them up.  I will assume that if you exceed the spec for the rms discharge current then the transformer will get dangerously hot.

The bottom line is that the specs for a neon transformer are telling you about it's capacity to generate high voltage and sustain a burn inside a neon tube.  These are industry-specific specs and you would have to do some real searching to understand all of the nuances.  For sure, the specs are useful for their intended audience, the people that make neon signs.

Anyway, that's my thought process in action.  I know ahead of time that it is absolutely impossible for a neon sign transformer to be an over unity device.  I see that the specs look strange and appear to be over unity, and I say to myself that these must be industry-specific specs that are useful for the neon sign industry, and they are not generic transformer specs at all.

At this point for me it is case-closed, I am not going to do the digging past this point.  I am satisfied that I am probably reasonably close in my assumptions.  I don't even know if the "Don Smith Briefcase" makes use of a neon sign transformer, I haven't read this thread.  The real moral to this posting is to not take things at face value when they go against what your common sense is telling you.

Group: Guest

High voltage low ma to start plasma.


Lower voltage higher ma to maintain the plasma.

The ratings are maximum voltage / maximum ma / but not at the same time
Group: Guest
These little beasts are all the same. The input Watts are lower than the output Watts.
How can this be?

The neon sign transformer's output is labeled for the wattage available within a single output pulse. I have one that has 10ga. wire on the output coil. I believe the output specs are something like 8kV @ 30 amps. If it could sustain that much contiguous power for any more than a single pulse you would all be cursing me for starting a black hole  ;)

Watt Hours or Joules is what most folks think when they see/say Watts. They aren't the same.

Beware of anything labeled in RMS Watts. That is like saying 'Military Intelligence'.

These things are not OU.
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Thank you all for your replies :)

I really didn't believe these Neon transformers would be OU but I found it interesting to see the specs and knew it would get some attention ;D

Here is the one I ended up buying: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&_rdc=1&item=110479988681&ru=http%3A%2F%2Fshop.ebay.com%3A80%2F%3F_from%3DR40%26_trksid%3Dm38%26_nkw%3D110479988681%26_fvi%3D1&viewitem=  I like this one since it uses 12vdc which would make it super easy to calculate power when I have it under test. If you add the numbers on this one it about 65 Watts in and 280 Watts out ;D... right

I'll do a power check on it when I get it in and post the real results. I was thinking of using some MOT secondaries to step it back down to a MOT primary using a ferrite core of course. It will be great to use the 200+ extra free Watts for my other projects ;D

Man, I like it when it's so easy ;)



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hi gotoluc
nice transformer and a fair price as well.

This OU rating is strange, there are 2 types of transformer, conventional which the ratings show way under unity and then the solid state type which calculate out at over unity. We know it wouldnt be this easy otherwise all SM would have done would be to use a NST to run the TPU  ;D

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Some of the 12vdc neon drivers will say for example (output : 15 ma) and some will say (output equivalent to 15 ma) , i think meaning they are running a much higher cycle 35.1k to be equivalent to a 15 ma magnetic transformer.




Actually for the DS demo this may be much better as it is 2kv native..  http://www.cpipower.com/neon_cat3_sub1.asp
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When it comes to PSU for smith device... I really would like to try this out with solid state self center tapped earth grounded NST. I have a feeling that NST solely is responsible for great energy input in the first place. Of course its all being apmlified further more via LC tank stages.

I dont think one can have 2 diode rectified NST without self grounding (oh well he states that himself also). Would it work?

Bertonee obviously used to be one of them. Oh welll. it is no more..out of business? There has got to be a reason why NST center grounding is not in "general use" or general production standard (anymore). Now one could easily run into few arguments how noone should earth-ground NST center tap due to lethal power level buildup. Another thing in his videos - when he describes his "commercial unit" we can clearly see a huge center tapped old fashion NST (as a  single power ampliifier/source?) and TRI-VAR caps.

If someone could locate self-grounded solid state NST would be more than awesome :) Or if a manufacturer would take a custom order?..

Regards Minde

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Hello Minde,

If you go solid state you will then be responsible to create the make/break rate with a rotary spark gap or a magnetic disrupter or both to get the frequency above 20khz.

You wont find anything magic at the 60hz /120hz dc a solid state nst will put out.

The nice thing about the electronic nst is it is already outputting 35.1k then all you have to do is feed it through a small spark gap.

He may have been measuring the inductance of the nst secondary and using it as a starting frequency for all his tanks  - as to make the energy flow through the system

In a working device I think the two coils talk back and forth and ring each other up with resonant harmonics to a point that a second spark gap ( not shown ) makes and dumps the harmonic overflow into the big cap bank for output.

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Another Test i am driving my primary with a signal generator (Sine) using a 0.2uf cap on primary and with 47nF on secondary, this video just shows how the tuning reacts to the primary being moved in and out of the secondary.


Group: Guest
Peterae, that is a really nice setup!

What value are the gray caps in your output bank?

I was once able to talk to someone who was present at one of the suitcase demonstrations in dallas and he commented that the suitcase device had a ground wire that needed to be connected before the device could be tuned. When asked about the ground wire don said the device would be weak and quickly overheat without it. There was also some question as to weather the suitcase device needed to be in the vertical position to function properly ( ie ground facing down )

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Hi Ds
each gray cap is 1uF @ 1700v, yes Don did say the earth is important, interesting to have it reaffirmed, i have been trying to work out how to get a good earth in my lab, i don't have access to outside, i have a concrete floor with wood laminate over the top so dont really want to punch through this, the pipes are not directly earthed, and i dont want to use the mains supply earth as there are computers back down the line.

I would be interested if one of you intelligent guys could tell me why i have 2 closeish resonant peaks, because with one i have current in phase with the primary and with the other i have voltage in phase with the primary (i think),now Don says that he uses one secondary coil for current (the untuned) and one coil for voltage.

Also interesting is the fact that the untuned secondary without the cap also peaks in amplitude with the primary and tuned secondary and i guess this is where the wire length relationship comes in between the primary length and secondary wire length.

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Hi Peterae, we had the same problem at a remote location and in a pinch decided to get a battery charger > battery > inverter to run the computers and scopes and used the buildings main ground to ground the device... The easier version is to get a big UPS and just unplug it when you are going to hit ground with something nasty..


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Haha i think i have just worked it out, quiet some distance away is a cellar where the mains box is situated, now this has a bricked floor, i could hammer a rod down and run about 50 feet of earth cable into the lab, i wonder if it would cause problems if it's within 10 feet of the mains earth.

It's quiet scary around here doing anything in the ground, it's a very old town, there have been wells found all over the place including under main supporting walls dating back to the 12th Century, the town i am in was a big smugglers hangout as we are near a major river, and i am sandwiched between a number of pubs, the rumor goes there's tunnels connecting them and these were used to house the illegal booze ect, no one has ever found them yet.
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What is the moisture content of the ground under the brick area? If its too dry you may need to drill a hole for a drip line.
The closer you get to an outside wall the better because the ground will be more moist from rainfall.
You can also drive three rods in a triangle and connect them.

You should be ok with proximity to mains ground

In my diagram there is actually no ground on the voltage or amperage coil.. but there is on the green coil

The suitcase voltage & amperage coil looks like it is all wound the same direction
Group: Guest
If you want to go safe way, you can try same approach as I did. I replaced capacitor bank with one 0.1uF 4000V cap and added in parallel 110V 7W light bulb(can you light it up?). Use the mains supply earth and if you afraid that you will hit your PC with something bad (unlikely), turn it off for first test.
Can you draw complete schema with load, power supply and ground you are using?
If you can make it work what spark arrestor you are using? I'm using spark gap, I can light the light bulb with it.

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Oops yes you are right about dons coils they are the same direction, thats my bad memory LOL

they are earthed in the middle anyway.

I am lucky the ground is very wet in the cellar even during the summer, it has been know to flood when the water table rises, they dont build properties like these anymore  ;D

Last year i pulled some rotten floor boards up to find wet clay under them, and these were 10 feet above the level the cellar is at, no wonder all the original floor is oak  ::)

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There are 2 resonant frequency peaks on my primary when i scan with a sig gen, one has the secondary in phase and the second higher frequency has the secondary out of phase by 180 Degrees.

I wanted to study these 2 frequency's with respect to moving the primary coil position inside the 2 secondary's.

I started with the primary as far in the seconday as possible , which in my build was about the middle of the top tuned secondary.
I proceeded to pull the primary out 0.5cm at a time and took data readings of the frequency of both in phase and out of phase values, i also noted the amplitude of the primary and secondary values pk-pk

Here's a chart with the values plotted.

The top 2 lines are the in phase and out of phase resonant frequencys.
The bottom 4 are amplitude readings for in phase primary and secondary and also out of phase primary and secondary Values.

It can be shown that the close coupling of 2 tuned coils tuned to the same frquency causes 2 resonant points on the primary coil, and as the coupling is lessened the position of each resonant peak comes closer until there is a point where both collide and a very small frequency change on the rpimary quickly causes the secondary to go from in phase to out of phase.

This is a known fact and is called Frequency Splitting.

Once the primary gets to half way through the bottom L2 the effect stops and there remains only one resonant point on the primary coil.

Just to confirm this i placed a third capacitor across my bottom L2, i used a 30nF Cap, my top L2 was using 47nF, the effect of doing this caused a new resonant peak to appear on the primary which was also out of phase, so i now had 3 peaks diverging when the primary coil position was  changed.

« Last Edit: 2010-02-23, 15:15:45 by Peterae »

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From some tests i have done by altering the inductance of the secondary and also the capacitance, it's not possible to move these resonant points so they collide to form one resonant point on the primary, so it is only possible by positioning the primary coupling or position relative to the secondary coil.
Group: Guest
Good work!

How about if the top edge of the bottom of the L2 has to be a critical distance from the bottom edge of the top half of the upper L2 coil, and it is not shown in its optimum position? You would need to be able o move the bottom half of the L2 to find out.

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I am not sure how important that is as you say, i guess it would need to be moved to find out.
I am still not sure if this double resonant peak is of use, if we were to try and tune the bottom L2 to this higher frequency it would only introduce a third resonant peak LOL.

There must be some thoery to this, i guess the Tesla guys also have this effect to deal with, so where do they tune i wonder, i must start having a look at some practical circuits, as this must exist in all matched tuned coil pairs.

I guess the next thing for me to try is ping the primary using my fast controller and do a fft plot and see where the energy is, i would expect to see it at both resonant peaks.
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When you test are you driving the primary to get a result - and then disconnect and drive the secondary to get a result - and then comparing the two restult?

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I am driving the primary only, and scoping the primary and secondary tuned coil.

By using the sig gen on the primary i can locate both peaks, the higher freq peak shows an out of phase wave on the secondary

And when i added a 30nf to the bottom L2 coil i could see 3 peaks on my primary
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Posts: 478
I think Don Smith briefcase device  is a pump like Kapanadze device.Difference : Kapanadze uses this pump in pull-push manner while Don is pulling electrons into capacitors and discharge them into dead state (no potential difference) reusing basically all the time but also adding a portion from ground.Kapanadze just sucks electrons from displacement current and let it return to ground which creates basically AC high frequency.
There is max current state at center tap of Don secondary and max voltage on each outer terminals.DC potential difference which is much higher then voltage rating of capacitor bank. It recharges capacitor bank in fast manner.Similiar device was constructed by Willis from Magnacoaster pulling electrons from dead battery (which here act as a big capacitor).
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hello , have you seen this document ?


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