The patent is talking about parallel conductors / wires, so this is in my mind something different as a coil.
Also it says somewhere in the PDF:
An open end (other than at the said capacitors ) acts as a mirror, and so the length of the two wires have to be not only equal, but must also be a multiple of a half wavelength,to get pure " bellies" and "nodes" and resonance, making maximum absorption of zero-point energy possible.
So taking your 1.8MHz which means a wavelength of 160m, which is realized with only 467 inches of wire = 12m. So we are talking here of a coil, right?
A multiple of half a wavelength of conductors / wires would be 1, or 1.5 or 2 etc. wavelengths = 160m, 240m, 320m etc.
My idea of this is that we need say resonance of 8.5MHz (as mentioned somewhere) which is a wave length of 35 meters. So then we need double wire lengths of 17.5m, 35m, 52.5m etc some distance away from each other to avoid creating a coil
Fig. 3b cylinder length 33cm = 330mm od 16.5cm = circumference of 51cm
1.1mm magnetwire = double winding = 2.2mm
leaving 2.2mm between these windings mean we have 4.4mm / winding.
On 330mm that is 75 windings, each with a length of 51 cm means a total length of 75 * 51 = 3825cm = 38m. 38m = wavelength 7.9MHz
By the way, we need it to be in resonance, so we would always see sine waves, even when we input square waves, right?
Regards Itsu