Indeed Lithium Sterate (Lithium Soap) is mentioned in the patent, the Acetone is purely to dissolve the Agent, it has to be metered and injected in very small quantities, so small the gain would be obvious, for instance, if you knew how much liquid was injected each time an injection nozzle was fired then the Lithium/Acetone mixture would be 1000th of the amount of gasoline to give 50 times the combusted power.  It can also be applied to oil burner's & i don't see why not Rocket Fuel's  Even with a 1000th volume for the mix Arie works on only 1% of this takes active part in Nuclear Fusion to create the 50 Times, one would need to be very careful with this patent just in case a refinement was stumbled upon, for instance if 100% of the mix was Fused then you would be looking at 5000 times the power. To stop damage Arie suggests the gasoline mix is greatly reduced because of the 50 times increase in power, so instead of 40 MPG you would be looking at 2000 MPG  The main problem i see is in metering such a small amount of atomized mix & gasoline. There is very little doubt in my mind Arie had this working, he hints at this and we already Know his Fusion experiments worked as described in the Lab and were independently verified.