Indeed and well worth pointing out Steve - because of Xee2's video upload date of June 28th 2011. Lidmotor's 'Penny' circuit, Lasersabers micro joule ringer, my garden lights and probably many others are variants of the same thing. A highly efficient simple circuit that dates back to the 1960's and, if configured correctly, has its own anomalies. However, with 2meg of resistance and a 0.1uF cap, that run time is as a flashing LED output, not continuous. Moving to a 0.01uF or 0.001uF, or decreasing the resistance to around 700 ohms and less will bring it to being a steady light to the eyes. I discovered it with the 'Penny' and had a discussion with Lidmotor about the seeming negative uA on occasions, displayed on digital multimeters. It's likely an error of the meters, but shows how little juice that simple circuit style needs. As an example, my 'Nephilim Penny' with 2 large pancake coils, has been running 24/7 since November 2011 on the same tub of water, same copper positive electrode and with just 3 replacements of the negative galvanized steel electrode. Nephilim Penny responds to local storms, altering its flash rate. These circuits also will run in sync with another readily..the strongest of a pair dictating the run frequency of the other. I have 2x Eprom powered oscillators on our kitchen window that do that (solar energy comes in through the Eprom chip window). 1 flashes a blue LED and is a little stronger than the one that flashes the white. Bring their coils about an inch from each other and both flash at the blue ones rate. If you replace Xee2's 10,000uF cap with 100uF, you'll strike that LED up into a flashing mode of about 2 or 3Hz just by holding a small piece of copper and galv steel in your hand. Funnily enough, that's what I tried on the SJR Looper this afternoon. It used 2mA to light the night light with the extra circuit, 1mA without. So, it ended up lossy so far. It didn't work with just hand held electrodes, but would have made quite the party trick if it had
« Last Edit: 2014-05-12, 07:38:56 by Slider2732 »
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