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Author Topic: Controller No 4 - Dual Fet Driver - Looking for Explosions in Wires  (Read 61308 times)

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New Controller is now built to explore the Explosions in the wire experiment.

It has 2 fet's and drivers and uses 2 digital mono sub boards for phase and pulse width control.

« Last Edit: 2010-04-23, 15:00:31 by Peterae »

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OK Board has been powered up and all checks out well.

Connected a coil as before and looked for the unstable spots that i was getting previously and found that this controller is the most immune controller i have built so far, i needed a supply voltage as high as 80Volts to get the cpu to start crashing as before.
The delay setting was about 120nS so i manually set this using the dip switches and started winding the supply to the coil up in volts.
I placed a magnet near the coil to indicate if i was going to get close to producing the Explosions and reached a point where there were loud crackles coming from the coil and before i knew it my FET went short circuit but only the FET that was on at the time which was the delayed FET.

I was scoping at the time and i certainly didn't see any pulses that went over the voltage rating of the fet so not sure why it has gone short S-D and the fet was running cold at the time.

Next i will swap the fet over and check to see how it's gate reads, maybe next time i need to try a bulb in series to try and limit peak current.

« Last Edit: 2010-04-23, 15:00:51 by Peterae »

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OK Failure mode for the delayed FET is as follows

Gate-Source = 230 Ohms
Gate-Drain = 233 Ohm
Drain-Source = 3.9 Ohm

Anyone any ideas what would cause the above failure.

I personally believe it to be peak current, even though i am using a 1amp psu but the pulses are so narrow that i would image the reservoir cap could potentially deliver a lot more.

Group: Guest
Looks good!

You could put a choke between the power supply and the board and then a small filter cap on the board that will supply 1 amp

Sometimes back feeding HF into the power supply can cause them to loose their regulation and dump more than expected.

Only think i could think of off the top of my head..

What delay boards are you using?


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Hi Ds
Yeah i could indeed try the choke to see if it stops, but i am trying to encourage the crashing CPU because it means i get re-triggering of my FETS which brings on the Explosions in the wire, and because this controller is better at handling the EM or RF bursts i have to crank up the psu to the coils to 80V to get the re-trigger and at this voltage my fet died as soon as the re-triggering started.

The Digital Monostable is my own design and build.
Schematic here

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Place a small isolation transformer after each FET and before the bifilar coil.  This will reflect "it" back to the bifilar and you may get explosions at the iso-trans like I mentioned before.  ISo-trans need to be identical or compensate your delay to account for the difference.

Basically you reflect the ether back on itself at such a fast rate that it cavitates.  Much more too it but that is the starting point.  You crash two ether fields moving in opposite directions and at different velocities.  Ths is the only way that the delay bifilar effect can be achieved.  Without the ether, there can be no explosion - no RE.

moving the controller away from the bifilar will only save the FETs if the failure is cause by the effect.


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The explosions only occur with a single wire coil(Monofilar), so each fet is connected together to drive the low side of the coil, the coil has a flyback diode across it also

I can get the pulse with both monfilar or bifilar coils, in monfilar the pulse always appears first then i hit various retrigger timing points as i scan up in nS delay settings.

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The explosions only occur with a single wire coil(Monofilar), so each fet is connected together to drive the low side of the coil, the coil has a flyback diode across it also

I can get the pulse with both monfilar or bifilar coils, in monfilar the pulse always appears first then i hit various retrigger timing points as i scan up in nS delay settings.

do you get explosions driving the high side?

I would still try isolating the FET's from the coil through a transformer

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Hi G
Never tried driving High Side

This is the way i see things right now, a sharper brain should be able to refine it some.

The magnetic field that builds around a current carrying wire tends to resist changes in current(This happens on the first pulse)

but during the second pulse that follows shortly after, i can make the conductor sink enormous amounts of current without the normal restrictions or in other words without an induced back EMF to impede the speed at which the current can flow, hence on the 2nd pulse i can send a very fast magnetic pulse(Shockwave)

or Version2

The back EMF is helped by a collapsing new type of field that allows the back EMF to form much higher in amplitude and much faster than normal, this explains why the pulse is much higher in amplitude and much sharper in the pulse experiments i have done.
There seem to be multiple delay timings that create 2 distink effects, the first effect is always the pulse this shows in the form of a sharp pulse, then all the next delay timings show as bursts of EM that cause re triggering and crash the CPU in the controller or interrupt the chips.

Above i am talking about the pulse the pulse can be created using bifilar coils with each fet driving each coil in the bifilar, the pulse can also be created by connecting both fet's together and connecting to a monofilar.

The Explosion can only be created using the monofilar setup with both fet's driving the low side, the first delay setting during the delay sweep causes the pulse and then there are a few more delays further on that cause instability and retriggering, during this retriggering i sometimes get the explosions in the wire noise from the monfilar coil, so what ever is alowing the very fast creation of magnetic fields causes a condition where a collapsing pulse field intercepts another new expanding field, the consequences of this seem to be a snap of energy and an explosion inside the wire, by explosion i mean the sound this could be a mechanical slap of the individual multiple wire cores.

Here's the picture of the pulse to refresh what it looks like

« Last Edit: 2010-04-23, 22:13:19 by Peterae »
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The magnetic field that builds around a current carrying wire tends to resist changes in current(This happens on the first pulse)

but during the second pulse that follows shortly after, i can make the conductor sink enormous amounts of current without the normal restrictions or in other words without an induced back EMF to impede the speed at which the current can flow, hence on the 2nd pulse i can send a very fast magnetic pulse(Shockwave)

You have my 'yes' vote for this explanation.

fast creation of magnetic fields causes a condition where a collapsing pulse field intercepts another new expanding field, the consequences of this seem to be a snap of energy

Sounds like you are working into something like... http://assets.cambridge.org/052148/1791/sample/0521481791WSN01.pdf
(This is a little easier on my brain...http://yesserver.space.swri.edu/yes2006/tomr.html)

Fun stuff if you go that way. If so, the only way to stop blowing FETs is to use them (in slower capacity) to drive a TL. The TL needs to soak up the energy before it hits the FET. Then you need to figure where to put your scope probe. Somewhere not at the FET.

I have the feeling your scope isn't showing the real amplitude.


Place a very small compass against the coil. It should point parallel to the axis of the core. Then cause the explosions. The compass should start pointing perpendicular to the axis of the coil.
« Last Edit: 2010-04-23, 23:56:21 by WaveWatcher »

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Thanks Wave
It's great to know you are watching over my work.

You are totally correct about the scope probes, it's not just the speed of the scope either, as i have a 25Mhz and a 250Mhz and they both show about the same size pulse, there is a larger pulse using a x10 probe than using my x100 probe, and sometimes it's very apparent there clipping of the wave on top, also changing ranges on the scopes gives different amplitudes.

Some observed facts about the pulse.
Increasing the supply to the first non delayed fet alters the timing needed to get the pulse to appear.
Increasing the supply to the second delayed fet alters the amplitude of the pulse and will to a lessor degree alter it's timing slightly.
Also in this video it was interesting that the pulse alone crashed my scope, this was without re-triggering.

Using 2 coils the same dimensions wound at each end of a long perspex rod and driving each coil with each fet still creates the pulse even if the coils are over a foot apart at each end of the rod.

I have seen the pulse using an Avremenko plug, by connecting the diode common to a coil that has the pulse on, i am able to scope the pulse across each diode on the Avremenko plug

Using 3 delay channels i am able to create 2 pulses one after the other, but to achieve this i needed to use separate fets for each channel, using controller 3 which used 4 delay modules to try and recreate this but using only one fet stage being driven from all delay modules i did not see this, altering the timing on the 3rd channel altered the timing on the pulse being generated by the 2nd channel.

Using 3 saturable inductors in series with one of the bifilar coils and also in series with the flyback diode creates bigger pulses.

Group: Guest
When I'm working on such pulse generation it helps me to think of it in terms of forensic ballistics.

When there is a need to obtain a bullet that shows only the markings of the weapon barrel, a round is fired into a very dense gelatin.
Imagine the wavefront created by that bullet and the displacement as the round travels (CEMF). Also realize the effect the gelatin has upon the speed of the round.

Now fire a second round, in the exact path of the first, immediately after the first. If the second round is fired while the gelatin is still expanded from the first, the speed of the second round is greater over the same distance. At some point, the second round will catch up to the first. At that point, calculate summation.

From there, add a third or more. All basic principles displayed with strings of saturable core inductors or TL pulse circuits.

Imagine the second round timed so it meets with the collapsing gelatin of the first round  :o

I was attempting to have a DC output from summed waves so sending multiple pulses down the same direction only gave me the summation (sometimes multiple, repeated summation of the same pulses(cracking and popping), mostly - lots of blown FETs with no apparent heat.

The DC output only came from sending multiple pulses to a common point from two or more separate points. With this, I could have the results of superpostion and a standing wave (the DC shift after the final massive superpostion -or- the long string of smaller wavelets after the big pulse).

I look forward to your experiments because I'm constantly living out of a suitcase these days and your work delves into the real matter of this field with presentations I can relate to and understand.

A quick note before I start my day....

I'm pretty sure your monster peak is also the result of a generated pulse meeting with the reflected pulse of the previous pulse (superposition). So, you have the critical adjustment of the voltage AND phase difference. Your coils must be long enough to house more than one complete pulse.
« Last Edit: 2010-04-24, 15:03:54 by WaveWatcher »

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Cheers Wave

Work 1st banging a coil 2nd isn't that the way life goes, i am very lucky really being able to do this stuff at work during quiet periods.

The wire length can be very short or quiet long, i tried an experiment i wound a coil and found the pulse, i then proceeded to cut a couple of turns off at each test, each time locating the phase delay at which the pulse occurred and basically i was not able to predict the delay value at which it would show up, i could still get a pulse even with a foot of wire but the amplitude was getting less if i remember correctly

Another experiment i tried was to lay 1.5 meters or so of wire on the bench and set the phase to get the pulse, i then got a ferrite rod from an old LW aerial and started winding the loose wire onto it 1 turn at a time, and each time i put a turn on the ferrite again the timing of the phase altered, infact just moving the wire around also changed it, this was also apparent when i had the explosions, if i pushed really hard on the coil and wooden former i could deform the coil enough to change the timing at which the explosions occured, also moving the closeness of each turn altered it as well, from this effect i concluded that if SM used the explosion effect he would need to glue down each turn of the coil to stop even a mm movement otherwise he would have had to re cut his delay line to re tune.

I am not sure i know how to work out how fast a pulse travels in a piece of wire, it isn't the wavelength of the frequency for sure.

In the past i have pulsed a wire with 35khz at 32KV when i was doing Lifter experiments and could clearly see the pulses in subdued light which were from memory about 1cm apart and showed as corona discharges.
So from this i guess even 1khz i will have many pulses in a short wire.

One thing when i took the fundamental frequency above 460khz the explosions stopped, normally the master frequency makes no difference so i use either 10khz or 1khz and then adjust the delay for the second pulse.

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The wire length can be very short or quiet long, i tried an experiment i wound a coil and found the pulse, i then proceeded to cut a couple of turns off at each test, each time locating the phase delay at which the pulse occurred and basically i was not able to predict the delay value at which it would show up, i could still get a pulse even with a foot of wire but the amplitude was getting less if i remember correctly
Ah! Then yours has more to do with the rise time than the frequency or pulse width. In my experiments I determined similar results were do to the leading edge of the wave.

from this effect i concluded that if SM used the explosion effect he would need to glue down each turn of the coil to stop even a mm movement otherwise he would have had to re cut his delay line to re tune.
As I'm sure he did. The smallest TPU was covered in a resin. Both using the small toroid had (what I believe is ) Rob Roy Class I, Div. II sealant dripped over the small toroid, gluing caps down, holding loose wires in a fixed shape and position, holding the outer toroid to a support AND... Look at all that tape and heat-shrink. He didn't put that on to hide details. He had to prevent even the smallest movement.

I use sanded white tile grout. It is much cheaper and exactly the same thing except no epoxy base.  ;D
I am not sure i know how to work out how fast a pulse travels in a piece of wire, it isn't the wavelength of the frequency for sure.

VOP (Velocity of Propagation) depends on the wire, inductance and almost everything else. You move the wire or change the shape VOP can change. For a single conductor you can usually go with c x .85. Bifilar adding try .65. Bifilar opposing (cancel magnetic or 'bucking') try .95 or higher(some say 1.65).

One thing when i took the fundamental frequency above 460khz the explosions stopped, normally the master frequency makes no difference so i use either 10khz or 1khz and then adjust the delay for the second pulse.

Hmmm.... I never had any noise above 250kHz but my initiating pulse width was longer than yours. The wider the pulse the more results it will mask. Just so folks know I'm still quite crazy.... IMO, this interaction doesn't work above 250 because your pulse isn't interacting mainly with the mag field of the planet. ::)


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Hmmm.... I never had any noise above 250kHz but my initiating pulse width was longer than yours. The wider the pulse the more results it will mask. Just so folks know I'm still quite crazy.... IMO, this interaction doesn't work above 250 because your pulse isn't interacting mainly with the mag field of the planet. Roll Eyes

I will confirm this it's been a long time since i did that test.

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Ok i did the video.


Interestingly over 300Khz the first pulse sharpens and in fact only 1 channel is needed without a delayed pulse to get a sharp pulse.
If i carry on up in frequency i reach a frequency of about 4.25Mhz and then i start getting the re-triggering and white noise on the coil with a magnet nearby and this is using only one fet channel with no delayed pulse again.No sign of explosions but my cpu is in constant reset and the touch pad on my lap top stops working.

Pulse width is 32nS throughout the tests

Well those results have confused me.

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Here's a video of what happens above 250Khz, both fet channels are being driven by 0 delay phase so are in fact both on at the same time, so i am therefore only pulsing the coil once, but increasing the base frequency at which they are triggered.

So the way i see the pulse now.
Under 250khz the first pulse is normal, but the second pulse fools the coil into thinking it's being driven by a much higher base frequency, it's the second pulse that causes this effect, the same effect can be produced by driving with 1 pulse at much higher frequencies.

One advantage of using 2 sharp pulses to cause this effect is that because there are less pulses per time interval the net power being introduced into the system is a lot less.Instead of having 350,000 pulses in a wire per second, i can drive with 1000 pulses per second and have the same effect.

But then i suppose the question now is what parameters are changing within the coil above 250khz or below 250khz to cause this, and i think it's to do with energy saturation of the aether around the coil, but maybe a technical person maybe able to explain the effect using conventional theory.

Maybe if the Aether is pulsed below 250khz then it is able to create a more defined ripple pattern that can dissipate enough away from the coil to stop some sort of reflection from changing the way another set of pulses are seen.

« Last Edit: 2010-04-25, 13:31:33 by Peterae »

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speed of propagation is related to permittivity and permeability (see definition of speed of light)


In the equations describing electric and magnetic  fields and their propagation, three constants are normally used. One is the speed of light c, and the other two are the electric permittivity of free space ε0 and the magnetic permeability of free space, μ0.

alter either and SOP changes

you first pulse alters either

how does the speed of light change when these values change? 
Group: Guest
Now I need to question my experiences.

The major differences between your tests and mine:
1. your signals are under much better control and more narrow
2. my tests were on toroidal cores and formers

My first memory of this 250k change point was part of a wave propagation class in the late 70's. The basic idea was above 250 the mag/elec vectors were much as explained in the common literature. Below, the magnetic was more pronounced and effective than the electric for communication and electronic warfare. The lower you went the more pronounced the difference.
This has been verified over the years in my HAM hobby using below noise floor magnetic loop antennae.

One point of your presentation struck a chord for me.

In the attached capture, which of the first three pulses are the two pulses you are injecting?
If the middle pulse is not generated by your electronics the group of the first three are an example of the 'three-sisters' effect. This effect only appears when your massive pulse is being generated. Most folks don't see the single result pulse because it goes off the screen or is too fast to display.


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In the attached capture, which of the first three pulses are the two pulses you are injecting?
If the middle pulse is not generated by your electronics the group of the first three are an example of the 'three-sisters' effect. This effect only appears when your massive pulse is being generated. Most folks don't see the single result pulse because it goes off the screen or is too fast to display.

I hadn't even seen that DOH

Those first 3 ripples are the result of the first 32nS pulse and maybe the 2nd peak and 3rd peak of it are the result of some sort of ring-down
EDIT: the first pulse is the injected pulse the slightly lower pk ripples that follow it.

« Last Edit: 2010-04-25, 15:51:35 by Peterae »

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This is for the above 250khz test where i was running both fets in parallel

OK 2 fet's in parallel and just 1 fet does make a difference see below and effects the ripple after the pulse.

Group: Tinkerer
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So, if the first pulse alters the permittivity of space (or whatever medium) and then the second pulse is >C, it might charge a capacitor to a higher voltage than expected.  Like "voltage magnification".

We should be able to test this hypothesis relatively easily.  Oh yeah, we already did.

If we can figure out the necessary orientation for polarization to alter the permittivity for our pulse, we can alter it externally and then analyze the pusle to see if the previuous hypothesis may be correct.

In other words, the second pulse interacts with a field of altered space (increased permittivity or permeability via vacuum polarization? decreased speed of light...) which results in voltage magnification. Can this field be replaced with a static field? (we already know it can be)

by the way - permittivity is a scalar
« Last Edit: 2010-04-26, 16:43:51 by Grumpy »

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So guys, whats my next test.

I was hoping with this controller to track down the explosions, but from the tests i need 80+ volts on my coil to get retriggering and my fet died straight away, shall i try limiting the current or do you not feel it was excess current that caused the failure.
If it was a large dv/dt that killed the fet maybe i should try a fet with a higher volts rating.

Maybe to prove my theory with the white noise, i should build an amp and white noise generator and inject this into 1 coil of a bifilar and then inject sharp pulses in the other bifilat coil.

Do we know why the pulse appears with 1 pulse above 270khz but requires 1 pulse and then a delayed pulse below 270khz to get a sharp pulse.

Do i start trying to measure the power in the pulse verses power used to generate it.

I'm not very good with direction and go off track fast so any help would be much apreciated.

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Perhaps replacing the fets with 12ax7 triodes at this point would be interesting for comparison.

Steven said that zener diodes on the grids helped a lot to reduce crossover distortion
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Text only here so limited info. If you are using a bifilar put a zener as suggested and send the pulse directlyinto one and use a length of coax for a delay matching the gap between the pulses velocity factor for the coax used into the length calculation so there is a single pulse then a double pulse then another single seen by the coil.  A high voltage device will be neccessary for both switches.
I used irf 740 with 36 volts and they fry almost instantly. No heating at all dont forget what agent gates had as a problem his heated up so a compromise may be neccessary. I will soon be back so can see pics and video.
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