When I'm working on such pulse generation it helps me to think of it in terms of forensic ballistics. When there is a need to obtain a bullet that shows only the markings of the weapon barrel, a round is fired into a very dense gelatin. Imagine the wavefront created by that bullet and the displacement as the round travels (CEMF). Also realize the effect the gelatin has upon the speed of the round. Now fire a second round, in the exact path of the first, immediately after the first. If the second round is fired while the gelatin is still expanded from the first, the speed of the second round is greater over the same distance. At some point, the second round will catch up to the first. At that point, calculate summation. From there, add a third or more. All basic principles displayed with strings of saturable core inductors or TL pulse circuits. Imagine the second round timed so it meets with the collapsing gelatin of the first round  I was attempting to have a DC output from summed waves so sending multiple pulses down the same direction only gave me the summation (sometimes multiple, repeated summation of the same pulses(cracking and popping), mostly - lots of blown FETs with no apparent heat. The DC output only came from sending multiple pulses to a common point from two or more separate points. With this, I could have the results of superpostion and a standing wave (the DC shift after the final massive superpostion -or- the long string of smaller wavelets after the big pulse). I look forward to your experiments because I'm constantly living out of a suitcase these days and your work delves into the real matter of this field with presentations I can relate to and understand. >>Edit A quick note before I start my day.... I'm pretty sure your monster peak is also the result of a generated pulse meeting with the reflected pulse of the previous pulse (superposition). So, you have the critical adjustment of the voltage AND phase difference. Your coils must be long enough to house more than one complete pulse.
« Last Edit: 2010-04-24, 15:03:54 by WaveWatcher »