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2025-03-28, 10:09:25
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Author Topic: Dark Matter? Why is it needed? A better understanding of gravity is needed.  (Read 24884 times)
Group: Guest
With the recent findings from BICEP2 (peer review still needed) I think we need to connect the dots.

First dot....
Pioneer Anomaly... The most recent and best sounding explanations of unexpected acceleration is/was thermal radiation propulsion from the on-board RTG with radiation being reflected off the back of the main dish pointed toward Earth.

Plausible, yes. Probable, not IMO.

Second dot....

Flyby Anomaly/Moon Orbital Acceleration Anomaly... (interesting stuff) All currently proposed causes are either so full of fluff they are not believable or don't account for the acceleration anomalies in both directions (acceleration & deceleration) or they don't consider that the anomaly doesn't always happen.

The answer is simple. The velocity varies as a result of the conservation of momentum coupled with variations of space-time (and contained matter) density when a gravity wave passes through the Earth system.
The methods being used now to measure gravity waves can't work because they and we are sitting on the best gravity wave detector available to us. All we need is a radio transmitter flying by us as the other end of the detector.

What does this have to do with the search for OU?

Some folks at NASA think they can distort space with a toroidal capacitor.
We used BICEP2 to to look at light (due to time and distance now the CMB). So, how did we get here before the light and now we look back on it?

Group: Guest
Too deep for everyone?


The jest is that academia is claiming that space-time can be flexed and that the speed of light in a vacuum (being based upon the distance traveled in space over time) varies with space-time density.
Further, many of the same folks now think that space-time can be flexed with an odd-ball capacitor shaped like a toroid.

Such a device would likely cause a great deal of motion of local charge (current measurable by placing a closed-jaw clamp amp-probe near the center of the toroid, TPU?? ) and a powerful radial magnetic field (perfect for inducing current into a single-turn collector).  

And one of my pet peeves.... the fools can't see that these 'anomalies' are trying to tell them how to measure the gravity waves that pass through us constantly - without spending billions on huge laser setups that span multiple country borders.

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
What does this have to do with OU?
Group: Guest
If academia now thinks they can warp space and time with a toroidal capacitor and vortex electrostatic fields why wouldn't that concept be applicable to a TPU?

The only way the ampprobe measurement in the video could show a current is if that current was axial to the TPU. With the clamp closed, there is no possible measurement of current unless it is going through the middle of that clamp.

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
If academia now thinks they can warp space and time with a toroidal capacitor and vortex electrostatic fields why wouldn't that concept be applicable to a TPU?

The only way the ampprobe measurement in the video could show a current is if that current was axial to the TPU. With the clamp closed, there is no possible measurement of current unless it is going through the middle of that clamp.

I'll have to look at the video again, as I can't recall which direction the clamp was placed.

What about a translating (rotating) radial force around the ring?  Wouldn't that appear to be a radial current?
Group: Guest
It may but I doubt it could cause a meter reading where held.

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
In this video at 9:13, Jack is waving a coil around, mostly parallel to the TPU ring, and you hear someone say that the field is mostly within the ring, but he does get a small reading of 1.7 millivolts.


In this video a clamp meter is used, and shows a reading of 1.23 amps at 6:10 - SM mentions this the unit's output is 800v.   


Why does he measure with the clamp held near the coils/wires rather than clamping it on the output?
Group: Guest
Why does he measure with the clamp held near the coils/wires rather than clamping it on the output?

I think it was the braggart in him.

The fact that such a high reading was possible, with the clamp closed and no conductor going through the middle, should indicate to anyone familiar with how these meters work how unique the TPU base functions were.

Short of the possibility electronic noise causing unstable meter displays there is no way these meters will show a stable reading unless current is actually flowing through the center of the closed jaws.

Now, guessing that he was actually measuring current (with no conductor) then he could convert current readings to collector output voltage.
Consider how a current transformer works. The more current flowing through the clamped conductor - the more voltage is output from the current transformer.

If I'm correct, the collector output a voltage because he found a way to invert the function of a magnetic field generated around a current carrying wire.

In other words, he created collector current by generating the magnetic field around the collector. This wouldn't be classic induction because rotation of that magnetic field around the wire would be needed (perhaps better put as - the field would be unipolar).

Just creating a mag field around a conductor won't generate current unless the field is changing - or spinning.

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
Or he found a way to induce a current without a changing/rotating magnetic field.   ;)

SM stated that there was indeed a rotating field, and that is was a necessary part of the device.

The inertial property of the devices, that feeling everyone felt when they picked it up, also implies some sort of rotation or translation.  Some transfer of torque, perhaps between the wheel-work of nature and the electrons in the collector.

You can see coil segments, arranged in a circle, in the Open-TPU's and they turn off when flipped.  The later models have a toroidal winding and can be flipped without any chnge in power. 

What force might affect the early units, and not be flipped with them? Gravity.

Group: Guest
Or he found a way to induce a current without a changing/rotating magnetic field.   ;)

SM stated that there was indeed a rotating field, and that is was a necessary part of the device.

The inertial property of the devices, that feeling everyone felt when they picked it up, also implies some sort of rotation or translation.  Some transfer of torque, perhaps between the wheel-work of nature and the electrons in the collector.

You can see coil segments, arranged in a circle, in the Open-TPU's and they turn off when flipped.  The later models have a toroidal winding and can be flipped without any chnge in power. 

What force might affect the early units, and not be flipped with them? Gravity.

With the exception that acceleration is an obvious part of the original flipping problem I don't see gravity as being a crucial part of the TPU function. If anything the gyroscopic like results would only be an indicator of what is really going on inside.

I've done a great deal of research trying to find a valid reason for early TPUs to have a preferred orientation to the Earth. While I don't have it all worked out here are some key points...

Free-falling magnets align their poles almost normal to the Earth's center. It has not been found how angle may change based upon North or South hemisphere or how latitude may effect results. My experiments indicate the magnet's North pole aligns upward in the northern hemisphere and the opposite somewhere south of the equator. Example: I had the opposite result in southern Brazil. Those were business trips with no spare time for personal experiments.

I suspect the above effect is due to the combined electron spin moments in the magnet or alignment of spin of other sorts which make a magnet a magnet.

A high speed gyroscope spinning around a horizontal axis falls faster during free-fall than the same with any other spin axis. There are quite a few research papers on this effect. The gyroscope maintains the axis orientation relative to the Earth during the fall (as does a free-falling gyroscope spinning with any other orientation). The difference between the gyroscope and the magnet is simply the magnetic field.

A vertical current (no conductor) would have a preference to be normal to the Earth's surface and uni-directional (re: lightning - no spin but intense magnetic field). If you could force lightning to reverse direction current would surely stop. Note: lightning is no longer considered to exist because clouds rub together.

I'm leaning toward the TPU as creating a controlled lightning strike.  :o

I have a lot more but it would require a dedicated thread. Since I would rather dig deeper and disprove myself as far as I can before being pulled into debates that thread won't be started very soon.

Group: Guest
Keeps your eyes on these guys:

I might add, they have recently added Russ Gries to their staff.  So if they can think it, now they can build it.
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