Hi guys, I went trough this tread and could not find a good start with a schematic. Is it possible the most acurate schematic can be posted with a brief summary where we think this all comes together?
A kind of a rap up after 10 years. Maybe we get some new ideas?
Your wish is my command!I enclose the patent minus the start up which Kapanadze said was variable. ie a 9-volt battery across the terminals and then a solenoid to remove the power input. Note: He said the arrangement between the L1 and L2 coil was special or words to that effect. Maybe that is where the secret is. "It's so simple that you'd laugh." Maybe moving the L2 coil to find a "sweet" spot is all that is required? Anyway, some scope shots with different arrangements might be useful. Also, remember that L2 has to be a whole multiple of L1 to get resonance. He talked about the spark gap which is used as a fail-safe device to safeguard against runaway. Please don't be mesmerized by the spark gap as Kapanadze said they had an electronic circuit doing the job but it kept blowing - hence the spark gap. In other words the spark gap is NOT where the secret is. It just distracts.
Electrostatic induction: Put a 1KV charge on 1 plate of a capacitor. What does the environment do to the 2nd plate?