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Author Topic: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator  (Read 383073 times)
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« Last Edit: 2024-02-27, 17:20:37 by stivep »
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Posts: 193
Link do książki podałem. Nie działa  ?

Był gdzieś z tego nawet film ale dokładnie nie widać jak jest podłączone. Pokazują za to jakim cienkim przewodem idzie prąd. Jakiś 0,3mm o ile pamiętam.
Znajdę to dodam ale pewnie to też widziałeś.


Transfer czy to przewodem czy przez ziemie różni się tylko rezystancją. Pamiętasz jak Kapa (greenbox) zmienili uziemienie z rury z wodą na chłodnice i nagle z 5 żarówek zaświeciła się tylko 1. Po czym zmienili znowu uziemienie na rurę. To ewidentnie wskazuje na rezystancję. Prawdopodobnie rura z wodą była medium z wodą i kiedy chłodnica została podłączona rezystancja wzrosła. Cała sztuczka, że tak powiem. Dobrze, że wogóle zadziałało.
Tak to widzę.
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« Last Edit: 2024-02-27, 17:19:04 by stivep »

Group: Renaissance Man
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Buy me a cigar
Pa mor anghwrtais. Yr iaith gyffredin i holl ddefnyddwyr y fforwm hwn yw Saesneg. Os gwelwch yn dda gwrthodwch. Diolch yn fawr.

Iechyd da. Grum.

Nanny state ? Left at the gate !! :)
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« Last Edit: 2024-02-27, 17:17:15 by stivep »
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Posts: 479
Czyli wg was w eksperymencie na wyspie Tariel  miał gdzieś zainstalowany nadajnik energii ? A może rozwiązanie jest proste i istnieje globalny system transmitujący energię np dla zasilania UFO i Tariel znalazł metodę i częstotliwość do której  dostrajał urządzenia ? Bardziej jedna do mnie przemawia metoda odtwarzania błyskawicy która generuje prąd o wysokiej częstotliwości przy czym na wejściu mamy prąd z cewki Tesli o znikomym natężeniu a natężenie mamy ze źródła Ziemskiego tj. z uziemienia (lub masy metalu na poziomie ziemi).
Metodę opisałem w jednym z wątków na tym forum i polega na elektrostatycznej indukcji za pomocą cewki Tesli z częstotliwością rzędu Mhz , reszta w większości jest zgodna z patentem Tesli o radialnej elektryczności.
Sr. Member

Posts: 479
So, in your opinion, an energy transmitter was installed in the experiment on Tariel Island? Or maybe it's simple and there is a global system transmitting energy, e.g. for UFO chases and Tariel,  used method and frequency they used to tune it?

However method of reproducing the LIGHTNING  is more appealing to me, as it generates a current at a higher density, but at the input we have a current from the Tesla coil of a negligible intensity and the current is taken from the ground (or the mass of metal at the ground level).
I described the method in one of the topics on this forum and it consists of electrostatic induction of a fresh Tesla coil with a frequency of the order of MHz, the rest is quite consistent with the Tesla patent. The secret is UNIPOLAR PULSE so Tesla coil can charge coil-capacitor.
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« Last Edit: 2024-02-27, 17:16:11 by stivep »
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Posts: 4052
As mentioned above by global moderator Grumage ( post 378 )
Here it is an English forum .

Please observe that.

Chet K
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Posts: 193
Please do not block a narrow topic for everyone. If you want to deceive yourself instead of knowing what happened 20 years ago, at least respect people who open their eyes and are authorities like Wesley! There are no other people here who have done so much for the FE community. You can say a lot of bad things, but also a lot of good things. It depends on who wants to listen.

Sometimes it's easier to write in your own language because you can understand each other better. Anyone can translate it and I had to do it more than once.
This is not a problem, but sometimes you can deviate from the rules for a moment if it is something e.g. important.
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Posts: 193
Forest: get down to earth. Instead of wondering if it's true, start thinking the other way around and you'll get to what Stivep and I are writing about.
Were you there on the island? no further comment.

think about it calmly  ;)
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« Last Edit: 2024-02-27, 17:14:34 by stivep »

Posts: 10
I tried to find it and I succeeded (but I don't speak pl). There are three editions there


Group: Moderator
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Posts: 3670
This is not a problem, but sometimes you can deviate from the rules for a moment if it is something e.g. important.
It is not a problem for YOU.
The topic of your discussion was not important enough to break the forum rules.  I can excuse stivep because he has just responded to you in polish AFTER you had started it.  Don't do it again outside of PMs.

Group: Moderator
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Posts: 3670
With all do respect . what are your replications  Chet?
What is your substantial development as a builder?
In case you haven't noticed, Chet is an ambassador - not an FE engineer.
He connects people, not electronics components and offloads Peter from some of the non-technical problems that build-up here.  Enforcement of this forum's rules is part of it. This also means maximizing its technical and empirical content, even without generating such content himself.
Without his efforts this forum would be closer to overunity.com now ...or full of proselytizing white-bearded wizards.
Group: Restricted
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Posts: 102

« Last Edit: 2024-02-27, 17:13:17 by stivep »

Group: Moderator
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Posts: 3670
Read my  previous comment please.
I did.
You talents would be much better spent technically questioning the white-bearded wizards about the esoteric and pseudo-scientific nonsense they spew, instead of arguing with ambassadors and admins about forum protocols.
« Last Edit: 2023-12-10, 06:32:32 by verpies »
Group: Restricted
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Posts: 102
« Last Edit: 2024-02-27, 17:12:12 by stivep »
Group: Guest
   Your "claim", is that Tariel's device was picking up an input source from the other side of the lake. Which was supposed to confirm your believe in Zenneck waves. Instead of a device which taps the surrounding ambient and needs no other additional man made fuel, or additional wave transmission to obtain KW output. That is your unproven claim, which you bring here, now.

Full Member

Posts: 193
It is not a problem for YOU.
The topic of your discussion was not important enough to break the forum rules.  I can excuse stivep because he has just responded to you in polish AFTER you had started it.  Don't do it again outside of PMs.
Check out the first post I wrote. Reply #374

If you're going to talk about it.
It is in Polish and English.

Has anyone been harmed because of this? that's not a question  :o
« Last Edit: 2023-12-10, 10:22:04 by verpies »
Full Member

Posts: 193
I tried to find it and I succeeded (but I don't speak pl). There are three editions there


Thank you for Link.

Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 3670
If you're going to talk about it.
I am not going to discuss it with you, unless you post the results of your experiments demonstrating one-wire energy transfer at TK's power levels.

It is in Polish and English.
Has anyone been harmed because of this? that's not a question  :o
Yes, the order of this forum, flow of discourse and anyone who was reading that thread and not able to read polish.
Full Member

Posts: 193
I am not going to discuss it with you, unless you post the results of your experiments demonstrating one-wire energy transfer at TK's power levels.
Yes, the order of this forum, flow of discourse and anyone who was reading that thread and not able to read polish.

Everyone wants to get a ready-made device.
If I show you an energy transfer of 2kW, will you believe me? like Kapanadze? Think about what you want from me.

The point is to find out the truth and not deceive ourselves for 20 years, as Tariel Kapanadze did for us.

You have ample evidence that the device is merely a transmission of energy, nothing more. There is no evidence for FE of the Kapa device.

It's really very sad for me too.

The analysis of all possibilities and all available solutions comes down to this explanation. If you don't accept it, you need time for it, just like me and many other people who have understood it before. If it were otherwise, everyone would already have such a device on their desk or be at least 100% sure that it is a real device.

As I said. Many of you don't even want to think that all this was not what everyone thought. Kapanadze never said that his devices were FE, but that they were energy receivers (energy transfer). Why should we now blame Kapanadze for not listening to what he said in the greenbox film.


Group: Moderator
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Posts: 3670
If I show you an energy transfer of 2kW, will you believe me? like Kapanadze?
I already believe that one-wire energy transfer is possible and that you do not realize the logistics of doing it at the 2kW power level.

Sr. Member

Posts: 302
You everyone that angry because the perpetuum mobile doesn't come out.
doesn't work out  from nobody. and mine too.
But I so think if even I could have do anything interesting, it had used to evil here.
It's better doing nothing. ;)
« Last Edit: 2023-12-10, 17:31:28 by chief kolbacict »
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