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Author Topic: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator  (Read 383082 times)
Group: Guest
Sergh post number 21081

A story about the origins of kapanadze's  secret and ....?? [two grounds ??]

Here some more information from matri-x forum (translated).
Interesting, probably true, but no way to verify it.

Please note, that this is rather old story, Birom posted in December 2010 - January 2011

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Posts: 489

Buy me some coffee


I am trying to contact his friends to see if anyone knows the secret.

Electrostatic induction: Put a 1KV charge on 1 plate of a capacitor. What does the environment do to the 2nd  plate?
Group: Guest
    Tariels son, must know the secret. He's the guy with the mustash, in every video.
He was the guy that licked the ground cable line, in their last video. To show that it's not hot.
Check him out, as the most knowledgeable of Kapanadze self runners circuits and devices.
As he is still alive and well...

Group: Guest
There was a link on your thread that gave away the secret you seek but you deleted it, now all trace of it is gone.
Group: Guest
I recall reading some sort of excerpt from the garden demonstration that said that Tariel kept checking the gap because it does not work without the spark gap.  The plexi unit may only require a slow pulse rate.
is that right ?  ;)

is all the spark gap does is charge the cap till it arks across so it a switch and it changes the frequency.

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Posts: 479
Spark gap probably limit the charge in capacitor. Then we have two HV diodes or two HV transistors from old TV , working like diodes. The we have a fancy coil with working capacitive element inside. That's all folks  O0
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Posts: 4052
There was a link on your thread that gave away the secret you seek but you deleted it, now all trace of it is gone.
So you know some secret that you are ??
Huh ?
Is this a new FE hide and seek kiddy game
Or can anyone play …?


Sorry for interrupting, been trying to watch for issues here ( locked topic etc)
Please remove my post..
I see this is old Darkspeed topic not in a bench so no deleting

Group: Guest
So you know some secret that you are ??
Huh ?
Is this a new FE hide and seek kiddy game
Or can anyone play …?


Sorry for interrupting, been trying to watch for issues here ( locked topic etc)
Please remove my post..
I see this is old Darkspeed topic not in a bench so no deleting
that was weeks ago, I gave you the link over on 'Ruslan live' as soon as i did that he shut the
thread down. If you look on Amozon they are selling Don Lee Smiths book Richard Friedrich

Be Aware it is for Educational studies only !


« Last Edit: 2023-08-22, 09:35:20 by AlienGrey »
Group: Ambassador
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Posts: 4052
Going to try to help with above
Watch for message please
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The bananas sure look perfectly  ripe and ready to enjoy.

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Posts: 199
is that right ?  ;)

is all the spark gap does is charge the cap till it arks across so it a switch and it changes the frequency.

There is a suspicion that the Kapanadze coil with a copper inductor is a capacitor on coils that accumulates energy in the form of a magnetic field. For this, high voltage and a permanent magnet are used, which, with its field, creates conditions for the accumulation of the field in the form of additional charges from a high-voltage source and attracted charges from the air. A breakdown is an indicator that enough charges have accumulated in such a capacitor. A setting frequency of 50 hertz and 220 volts adds amplitude to this field, which helps to break through the discharge gap. Thus, all the accumulated energy in the form of a magnetic field is connected to the master one, and the current increases. And a breakdown with a frequency of 50 hertz is automatically synchronized with the field reset from such a coil-capacitor.
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Posts: 193
I've already analyzed this and it looks like the ground wire is inside the "ferrite" rings.
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The distance fits.
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 DELAMORTO: When the person puts the coil on the table in the video, you can see the coil tilting sharply to the left,
which suggests that there is a lot of mass in this place and it may be ferrite rings or permanent ring magnets.
Group: Guest
Interesting perhaps sets up a 90 deg vortex.

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Posts: 199
DELAMORTO: When the person puts the coil on the table in the video, you can see the coil tilting sharply to the left,
which suggests that there is a lot of mass in this place and it may be ferrite rings or permanent ring magnets.
About 10 years ago I conducted experiments with a permanent magnet and high voltage in the coil. What was surprising was that it was not possible to really break through the voltage arrester right away, but after a while... I didn’t attach any importance to it at the time, but I remembered it.

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Posts: 199
What else says about the magnet in its coil is the sound from the installation, especially when he disconnects it from the power supply, that same inertia appears... with sound.  ;)
Plus to the version - a magnetic field is a resonator with any electromagnetic oscillations! It will respond to any frequency, you can literally feel it with your hands, bring the magnet to a working transformer, vibrations and sound will appear in your hand!
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Posts: 193
What else says about the magnet in its coil is the sound from the installation, especially when he disconnects it from the power supply, that same inertia appears... with sound.  ;)
Plus to the version - a magnetic field is a resonator with any electromagnetic oscillations! It will respond to any frequency, you can literally feel it with your hands, bring the magnet to a working transformer, vibrations and sound will appear in your hand!

That's right. I even have an analysis of this beep if you're interested.

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Posts: 199
That's right. I even have an analysis of this beep if you're interested.
A comprehensive understanding will benefit the common cause.
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Posts: 193
Since no one has yet proven that Kapanadze's devices are self-sufficient, I came to the conclusion that everything he showed us in the videos was related to energy transfer.
Why ? Someone will ask, but what about the pressure device?
The answer is always the same and occurs in all Kapanadze devices known to us -> ground wire. Yes, even pressure equipment has a grounding wire!!! What for ? For what purpose ?
I know someone will soon write that it's for security, but that's nonsense.

Few of you have asked yourself why there is 24A on the ground wire? how to make electricity appear there? Have you done such tests? I did it and that's why I'm writing about it.

Kapanadze made the installation based on HF, as stated in the patent. Why didn't he sell any device? this is a question for people who think I'm wrong.
Because he couldn't! It would be revealed what he did. It was just about shows, nothing more. Life is very good then. Don Smith and Steven Mark did the same.
 Just read the biography. Don Smith also did shows for people.
If someone asked difficult questions, he immediately ended the presentation by accusing him of bad faith.
Steven Mark... oh where did the money go to the people he got it from? Of course, I know this from the Internet, but you probably don't know more.
What does it look like now? Kapanadze used single-wire HF transmission. Many such circuits are described in the author's book "Strebkov..". Available in PDF.
The book even shows how to send energy through water pipes and much more.

I know many of you don't want to hear this, but it's closest to the truth.

If you don't agree with it, write what you think is wrong. I will try to show you that what I wrote fits. Until recently, I didn't want to know it myself.

Akula, Ruslan... operated on the same principle.

An example diagram but this is only one of the variants.

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Posts: 479
Yes it was single wire transmission from Earth. Recreating the lightning.
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Posts: 193
Yes it was single wire transmission from Earth. Recreating the lightning.

You can also call it that. I think that the simplest form of this is an induction cooker, i.e. ZVS in this scheme.
An Avramenko fork was seen in the Kapanadze device, so this arrangement is also suitable for single-wire transmission.

I suggest you really think about how Kapanadze did it instead of wasting time and money on replicating it. I wasted several years on this and spent a lot of money.
As you can see, you don't need any Tesla coils even though it's all Tesla. Do you remember the documentary that showed the greenbox in the film...? Energy transmission according to Tesla and additionally showed bifilar pancake coils. You now have the entire device according to the diagram I posted here.

Ruslan is not lying because he does not say where this energy comes from. He repeats that it does not work without grounding. I guess now it's clear why it doesn't work.

Such solutions are different and even frequency modulation can be used. Therefore, high frequency and modulation at 50Hz shows a current of 24A on the clamp meter. You don't even have to do this, but Kapanadze wanted to make the trick harder to understand.
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« Last Edit: 2024-02-27, 17:23:00 by stivep »
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« Last Edit: 2024-02-27, 17:22:04 by stivep »
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Posts: 193
Strebkov D.S., Nekrasov A.I. - Resonant methods of transmission and application of electrical energy (6th edition) - 2018.pdf


Wesley: Kapa w/g mnie pracował od razu z 40kHz-200KHz. Sam nawet o tym wspomina. Widziałeś na pewno jak chłopaki z kuchenki indukcyjnej 2kW cewką pancake przenoszą prąd przewodami ok 0.4mm na odległość z 30m i zaświecają 2kW żarówek. Mało tego wsadzają to do miski z wodą i wchodzą nogami. Nic sie im nie dzieje. Teraz wystarczy zrobić to samo jednym przewodem. Może nawet tak jak pokazałem na rysunku wcześniej.
Pamiętasz, że w zawsze Kapa przewód uziemienia łączył z metalową konstrukcją lub wodną rurą. Jedyny przypadek to ten z chłodnicą ale ją też zalewał wodą, a to ten sam film gdzie jest też rura z wodą. Rezystancja pomiędzy nimi to pewnie <10 ohm. Inne urządzenia też w zasadzie były łączone do przygotowanego miejsca. Nawet kiedy tam byłeś była to konstrukcja ceowników, a to już w zasadzie oczywistość.

Wesley: According to me, Kapa worked straight from 40kHz-200KHz. He even mentions it himself. You must have seen how the guys using a 2kW induction cooker use a pancake coil to transmit current through wires of about 0.4mm over a distance of 30m and light 2kW light bulbs. What's more, they put it in a bowl of water and climb in with their feet. Nothing happens to them. Now you just need to do the same with one cable. Maybe even as I showed in the drawing earlier.
You remember that Kapa always connected the ground wire to a metal structure or water pipe. The only case is the one with the radiator, but he also filled it with water, and this is the same video where there is also a pipe with water. The resistance between them is probably <10 ohm. Other devices were also basically connected to the prepared place. Even when you were there, it was a C-section structure, and that's basically obvious.
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