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2025-03-31, 23:36:25
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Author Topic: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator  (Read 383071 times)
Group: Elite
Hero Member

Posts: 3537
It's turtles all the way down

I think the patents "applications" could well be just to reinforce the scam, as a kind of false legitimacy.

This is quite true for a lot of scams, and should be a big red flag. Ideas don't have to work to be patented or pat applied for. A few come to mind.

The garden video where he buries a radiator. Could what I've drawn in the sketch be done and work ?

I had the same thoughts but figured he actually put the juice on his water pipe by insulating a section of it with pvc just below ground. Someone with binoculars from a window would throw the switch on and off as required e.g. during connection time or if someone got too close to the faucet and tried to touch it during the run.

Then there are the zealots who abuse anyone who suggests a "chance" of fakery. They make deception easier as well by discouraging discussion of possible faking methods.

Hopefully you won't find that kind of treatment here.

It is healthy skepticism to consider all angles, especially how it might be faked. I will start a thread for this so as not to derail the main threads.

Do post your thoughts there, as they are very welcome.

"Secrecy, secret societies and secret groups have always been repugnant to a free and open society"......John F Kennedy
Group: Tech Wizard
Hero Member

Posts: 1250
I am not so sure, in one of my experiments I needed to switch a relatively low voltage source of 40,000v now can anyone direct me to a mosfet that will switch 40,000v in the ns range?. You see they are non-existent as far as we are concerned however in the right context anyone can do this with a tuned circuit and quenched spark gap. I understand there are many who may think spark gaps are obsolete or archaic however it should be understood that there is no modern replacement for them at extreme voltage levels thus this notion that we are well beyond this kind of technology is false.

Hi allcanadian,

There is a German firm producing very high voltage power mosfets up to and beyond the 100 kV range, see one of their product lines here:
http://www.behlke.de/separations/separation_c3.htm   and here is the data sheet for a 90 kV fast (under 100 nsec rise and fall time) switch:
http://www.behlke.de/pdf/901-10-lc2.pdf    The home page is here: http://www.behlke.de/       


PS  I have no any connection to them, and there maybe other manufacturers in the world with similar products I am not aware of.
Hero Member

Posts: 805
Farmhand, yes good points about considering fakery. 

gyula,  nice MOSFET products!
Group: Guest
The question is: where the energy comes from? There is no significant electrical energy in ground, charges are not energy. Only an imbalance can create energy but energy is also needed to create the cause of imbalance (potential difference, varying magnetic field/induced electric field...) and the total energy is conserved. So none conventional explanation can account for the extra-energy.

If we consider that it's not a scam, and Occam's razor discarding the most extravagant ideas of exotic sources of energy, we are left with nuclear energy as the most likely source (not one else is strong enough for KW), like β decay in Cu or Fe isotopes, which is an idea already analyzed by William J. McFreey. According to him, β decay is obtained from a cyclotron-like process using NMR which requires frequency stabilizers like those we found in TK's patents.
Nevertheless there are flaws in McFreey's explanations. He considers that the ground connection is needed to avoid HV due to the accumulation of charges obtained from β decay. But β decay obeys the charge conservation: as many protons are created as electrons. And he is confusing the electron speed which is of order of mm/s in a conductor, and the electric wave (near the speed of light). His background idea is not bad but his analysis must be revised.
I read McFreey's articles several times and could not find there a claim that accumulation of charge is due to beta decay or that the reactions are charge non conservative. He only states that there may be charge accumulation due to transmutation reactions. These may include radiation of charged particles to the environment, which leads to charging (see for instance Proc. Roy. Soc. (London) A 88, 471 (1913)). In fact,  McFreey's analysis considers beta decay only as a means of initiating the transmutation reactions.
Also, the processes that McFreey describes have nothing to do with slow moving conduction electrons. The current in the disk material, as described in the articles, consists of fast moving charged particles, near the speed of light, capable of  exciting transmutation reactions. Thus, a claim that “he is confusing the electron speed which is of order of mm/s in a conductor, and the electric wave (near the speed of light)” is artificial. The alleged flaws are nonexistent. If anything, he simply avoids discussing certain nonessential details.

Full Member

Posts: 209

I'm not sure if anyone has seen this video, but apparently the TK devise has been replicated.  The video is in French so I don't know what the man is saying, but it looks promising so I thought I would post it.


Group: Administrator
Hero Member

Posts: 3975

Buy me some coffee
Thats quiet a device he has built, i have a feeling ex my be able to translate for us.

EDIT he has another video which i am not sure what he is saying but the words AVEC got my attention in the title
Group: Guest
Thats quiet a device he has built, i have a feeling ex my be able to translate for us.

A translation is above my mental force. The guy is a chatterbox saying that the brain is like a hard disk, that we are conditioned, that we have an individual connectivity from brain to brain, that we are better together than the ones against the others, that the women are more intelligent than men, that the woman is the future of the man (a remake of an old sentence from the poet Louis Aragon) and so on... piecemeal clichés, hastily trivialities, indisputable certitudes of the one who considers without doubts that he knows the truth and the solution for the paradise on earth. This guy is full of good feelings but the road to hell is paved with good intentions. He missed his vocation of preacher, this is really a detestable speech for lobotomized crowds in a hurry to happiness. I had a very bad moment while listening. Not a word about Kapanadze. Please Peterae, never again!  :)


Full Member

Posts: 209
Which video did you watch the one I posted or the one Peter posted?

Group: Administrator
Hero Member

Posts: 3975

Buy me some coffee
ex LOL, really sorry to torture you that way, dam i thought he had all the answers from watching the video  :'(

Nice house though  C.C
Group: Guest
Which video did you watch the one I posted or the one Peter posted?

I spoke of video from post #330.

I had already watched at the video from post #329 some months ago. I believed the guy was ironic and presented a provocation about Kapanadze's device, because at mn 5:20, it is stated: "any provocation is useful for the change. It is not aimed against the people animated and motivated by good intentions".

He says that the system needs 120-130W to produce near 2Kw. He want to put the system at the top of the Mont-Blanc mountain and to power it with a small battery for boiling water. Now we see that the lamps are not very bright and I'm not sure that there is more than 130 W out. His power measurement is not relevant: there is no measurement of the output power, and the input power is measured with an ordinary power-meter not protected against the high frequencies that are due to the spark gap and probably superpose backward to the mains.
His speech is not really technical, not objective, it is full of ecological ideology.


Full Member

Posts: 209
I did find his earth ground near the small pond to be interesting as TK's first device was grounded to a water pipe that I believe went to a well.  Anyway 130w input and no measurements, diagrams etc. does not leave much for one to do, but wait.

Group: Administrator
Hero Member

Posts: 3975

Buy me some coffee
I did find his earth ground near the small pond to be interesting as TK's first device was grounded to a water pipe
Ah well that explains the free energy source in TK and the pond, must be full of electric eels, DAM don't know why i did not think of that myself, now where's my fish keeping monthly gone to.

Thanks for the translation ex  O0
Group: Guest
I came across a technique to produce high power sharp pulses with simple means. An ordinary diode, for instance 1N5408, 1000v, 3A, can produce 6KW pulses with a time rise on the order of ns, from a 6W source. It is known as "Drift Step Recovery Diodes". See the attachment.
Possible that there is such an effect in the KP device. In any case it can be interesting for many experiments.


Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
Excellent technical resource ex!

What is particularly noteworthy about the
concept is its simplicity.  Things that work
well are usually quite simple.

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.

Group: Administrator
Hero Member

Posts: 3975

Buy me some coffee
Indeed this would be a god send for some of the stuff i want to try, is anyone able to design the front end blocking mono or can we use a ttl mono driving a fet driver.

EDIT Oh i already have one
Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 2148
There is a thread on ou.com with Wesley's wild fantasies and disinformation assigning surface waves and Schumann frequencies effects to the Kapanadze device.

SolarLab provided a very interesting link on Schumann's resonances, but Wesley, who is currently exercising arbitrary and systematic censorship against anything that shows his complete ignorance of the subject, has deleted his post and my answer (among many others).

I'll put them back here, they'll be more useful. The pdf at the link indicated makes an interesting point of Schumann's resonances, with quantified data, and it is understandable that they are in no way involved in the Kapanadze device (provided that it works).

Quote from: SolarLab
Read the papers man, that's why I posted them!
Don't just copy and paste what suites you...


9/11 !!

Exceptional paper, great study, SolarLab, thanks!

This is really the most comprehensive study I have seen on the subject, with many experimental results.

We see that attenuations at Schumann frequencies are considerable, e. g. more than 140 to 150 dB over distances of the order of 16,000 to 18,000 Km, although the attenuation per Mm is low (about 1 dB): indeed they are essentially standing waves, not progressive, so the attenuation is global when we establish them.

There are some causes of attenuation that I hadn't thought of, such as the resistivity of the air, which increases it even more, or the 11-year cycle of solar activity.

A simple way to find out is to test the mains frequencies of 50 and 60 Hz. In Europe, where the frequency is 50 Hz, the 60 Hz signal from America, generated by thousands of amperes travelling in thousands of kilometers of high-voltage lines powered by hundreds of KV, is barely above the background noise!
The idea that standing waves of an amplitude compatible with energy transmission can exist around the earth as in a copper waveguide with high Q factor, is simply ridiculous, and supported by no facts.

"Open your mind, but not like a trash bin"
Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052
I will remove this post if its off your point or purpose here

here is Viziv initial experiments ,I believe comments are from a principle in the project
6 Min mark also there are some very interesting thermionic tech highlights at 23.40 Mark


link from  here  http://www.energeticforum.com/renewable-energy/21105-nano-boxx-24-7-electric-power-using-only-ambient-heat.html

[NOTE ,I see Wesley posted at Link after I shared this at Stefans]

I might add Wesley is not a member here and cross pollinating to a venue which has no dog in this hunt ?

should he be a member here ?

although I too [almost everybody] feel claims with no "empirical support"
are just theories , but being that there is a 200 plus foot tower to transmit energy worldwide [goal] ....humming away in Texas as I type this  ??

I am definitely paying attention and very grateful that Wesley brought this to
the open source forums . [for clarity I do not consider energetic forum an open source forum  ]

Chet K
Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 2148
Hi Chet,

My main point was to say that Kapanadze's machine is in no way related to surface waves or Schumann's resonances, contrary to what Wesley said.
As many people here are interested in Kapanadze and follow what happens on ou.com, and that on ou.com everything that challenges Wesley's questionable theories is suppressed by his censorship, it seems to me interesting to share it here with evidence like this paper from SolarLab.

Now we can also make a small digression on surface waves and Schumann's resonances, outside Kapanadze's machine.
These waves are ordinary radio waves whose electric field is vertically polarized. It is known that a waveguide cannot pass signals whose half wavelength is greater than the size of its opening. The ionized layers at the highest point culminate at 800 km, but Schumann's wavelengths are more than 5000 km! Unlike Wesley's science fiction, what Schumann's resonances can transmit in the "tunel" between the earth's surface and the ionized layers is therefore only an evanescent wave, which explains its weakness.  We can think that part of the electric field escapes above 800 km of the ionized layers because they are not perfect reflectors, but then these layers constituting a conductive medium will weaken them.  There are also induced currents in the ground, which is not a perfect reflector either, so that in the end the attenuation is enormous. Add to that the impossibility of radiating these waves efficiently because it would require antennas more than 1000Km high. With the highest we could do, say 300 m, it would be like trying to transmit AM radio with a 25 cm antenna! And now we're only talking about radio signals. For energy over 18000Km, 99.9999999999999% would be lost en route (140-150 dB). It is understandable why there has never been any practical application.

About your video on Viziz, the new project of a Tesla tower will not have more success than Tesla had, I bet a case of champagne. At best, it could transmit energy thanks to the near (captive) field around the tower, over a small distance before it weakens very quickly, a few hundred meters if we talk about Kw, even if more efficient higher frequencies above that of Schumann are used (and imagine the reaction of environmentalists if we tell them that they will bathe in electromagnetic fields thousands of times higher than those of mobile phones...   :o ).
Tesla had in mind a longitudinal wave in which case one might think that the attenuation would not be the same. Unfortunately, no experiment has ever proven their existence. Everything I have seen on the subject (Van Vlaenderen, Zhakatayev, Meyl, Monstein) shows either wild interpretations of phenomena that can be explained very well by classical electromagnetism, or trivial experimental biases. I don't think there's a future in there. My own experiments with a 2 KHz signal transmission over 50 m only, has verified Maxwell electromagnetism and only a capacitive coupling between transmitter and receiver. I could be wrong and if so, I would be happy to pay my case of champagne to anyone who bets with me.  :)

"Open your mind, but not like a trash bin"
Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052
I'm in for a cheeseburger bet [I don't think house rules allow much more ,some
love to gamble [just another addiction ,like FE research]

.... :'(

so Cheeseburgers at your favorite Scottish hamburger joint in Paris
Mc Donalds 

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 1783
I'm in for a cheeseburger bet [I don't think house rules allow much more ,some
love to gamble [just another addiction ,like FE research]

.... :'(

so Cheeseburgers at your favorite Scottish hamburger joint in Paris
Mc Donalds
Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 2148
I'm in for a cheeseburger bet ...
Okay, but if I win, I lose also, because I'll have to drink my champagne to be able to swallow this thing, insult to the gastronomy.  ;)

Would John Steed have been so successful without champagne? Classier, isn't it?   :)

"Open your mind, but not like a trash bin"
Jr. Member

Posts: 77
Group: Tech Wizard
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Posts: 1250

I edited this post because the video link in the above post is working for me now.

Because we still do not know how the device shown in the video works, the question on any relationship between the patent and the video cannot be answered.  (assuming the device in the video is not faked).

« Last Edit: 2019-02-21, 10:55:07 by gyula »
Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 2148

Kapanadze would have no reason to keep his system secret for 12 years while it is protected by a patent, and to wait for his death without taking advantage of the billions that the invention could bring him. I'm more and more inclined to think it's a scam.

It is easy to transmit energy by induction from a coil or antenna, or through the ground wire, at a given frequency or by a broadband signal whose spread spectrum will be much more difficult to detect.

For example, a sinusoidal power P=1KW on a load R=50 ohm, requires a voltage V = √(P.R)=223v or 315 v peak.
If you spread the energy over 10 Mhz with a carrier every 50 Hz, the voltage is 0.15v peak, but always the same power! This would be detected as noise by a radio receiver. Since there is a spark gap, no one would be surprised. And most RMS voltmeters operate at only a few KHz maximum, so they would not give significant values either.

It's just an idea of a trick, but there are so many, and some are simpler. No competent person has yet been allowed to make complete and serious measurements at will.

"Open your mind, but not like a trash bin"
Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052
Sergh post number 21081

A story about the origins of kapanadze's  secret and ....?? [two grounds ??]
« Last Edit: 2019-04-22, 14:08:10 by Chet K »
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