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Author Topic: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator  (Read 383081 times)

Group: Tinkerer
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Does the coild between the discs rotate with the discs or is it static?

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In Picture 7 you will see that the disks go under the floor, the floor is thick enough to hide a motor and power source, maybe i am wrong Ive just noticed this and need to watch the vid again to see if this is clearer.

Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3948
Can you post the video as a file that I can download?

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Try downloading this software, it allows you to download youtube videos by giving it the youtube link


Here's the youtube link

Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3948
found this on http://www.magistrala.cz/freeenergy/2012/02/17/tariel-kapanadze-overunity-motor-01-free-energy/

This is the mechanical overunity motor of Tarieal Kapanadze Part 1. In the German translation it is said, that it also used gravitation. But I guess it just only uses the inertia of the 2 disc. It is said, that the 2 disc are of steel and brass or maybe each disc a double layer of steel and brass and that these disc are connected via a brass wire, that is isolated from the steel shaft. The toroidal transfromer, that is put onto the shaft seems to be the main motive power source and it is said in the broken Russian German translation that it uses just 8 Watts of power. I am still totally puzzled, how this motor should really work… I could only image that it uses some kind of eddy current effects on the shaft so there might be a rotational field inside the toroidal transformer that might generate eddy currents inside the shaft that will rotate the shaft… But I don´t understand how it is possible to generate such strong torque forces to rotate the axix with these 2 heavy discs and then still propell the car alternator and still power this at least 100 Watts lights with it and all only power started from a small 9 Volts battery. This movie is from a new release from a Russian movie from youtube user Realstrannik www.youtube.com As this movie was very long, I chopped it up in parts to make it easier to view. Many thanks to the Russian Realstrannik forum admin for posting this video. I post it here as a backup copy. Regards, Stefan.

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I smell a rat, there's at least a 2 inch hidden floor in that box, and it looks like one disc penetrates this slightly enough for a motor shaft to rubber up to the periphery of the large disk.

Looks like he has put a plaster covering so the disk could cut a gap just big enough to penetrate without leaving a noticeable gap to see down, this makes it less obvious to notice it.

Group: Elite Experimentalist
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Frequency equals matter...

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Yep. There is all the volume needed to put a rubber edge driver in there. A motor and battery encased in foam?

And way too much room below!

Sniff, sniff? I smell a rat.

Thou shalt not lie.

Group: Guest
watch all the parts before you guys start speculating.


This is the complete movie,there a water to fuel crap on it.
Listen to how laud it is when you say its got hidden things because of the foam,the first video maybe real
the other parts have a problem,in that the size of the housing could easily hide batteries,there is one part in which they hook up lights to what should be an input from the generator and it lights up a series of lights,hes point is a 9 volt battery can light a series of lights so its creating energy.It maybe that the device has a power limitation and he had to enhance it,the hidden batteries power the lights also prevent the generator from loading the system down,the device can operate closed loop
but is limited in power,or fake ,its show business.

Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3948
Is there anything int he video to indicate that the toroidal coil provides motive power or has any purpose in relation to the shaft and discs?  A nice pic on OU only shows 2 wires going to the toroid.

I also read a comment about the translation wherein they said that the inslation was for the noise.  Then why is insulation on the discs?  Are they vibrating from being out of balance/crooked?


Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3948
Maybe the shaft is kept magnetized by the coil on it, and the discs just provide a means to connect to it.  Current can pass from disc to coil and back out the other disc, and the coil can spin with the shaft.
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Posts: 805
The more I think about this the more I believe the two disks, or spool of wire, is not a homopolar motor, I mean where are the magnets, and the electrical contacts?

G,  here's a picture of the hub between the disks with the coil of wire.

« Last Edit: 2012-02-22, 02:50:15 by EMdevices »
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Posts: 805
In the second clip with the motor, TK disconnects the motor from the box and lights a bank of light bulbs directly from the box.   The obvious thing is that the energy is coming from the box, and that is the real invention --- the motor is just something extra.  

However, watching the first clip, it seems the motor is the prominent invention, because the box with electronics is very small and does not have coils in it like his patent describes, so it's not that invention at all.

This Tariel guy sure seems to be very productive, has a nice lab, and lots of people around to help.   I can't understand a word of what they are saying, but seeing all those people in suits makes me think that he must be attracting some official attention, which implies he has something note worthy.    

I would also agree with those who "smell a rat", in the sense that there is plenty of room to hide powerful batteries, but I trust that the people present already thought of those things and inspected the device.  After all, this is just a video and we have no idea what is being claimed.   Are we even sure he claims over unity?    The 9 V battery could be just for show, just to get the electronics going, but it's not the main power source, which is hidden inside the box.   Or maybe it is the starting energy that amplifies and then loops back, like it seems he is trying to demonstrate.

I wish somebody would do subtitles so we understand what is being said.


PS,  In the second picture we see the thick cable (aka  wire X, lol)  going down inside the platform that everything is mounted to, that implies the source of power could be located inside the frame, as in a bank of batteries.

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Posts: 805
Here's is yet another embodiment of his invention(s).    This video has the same "feel" to it as the Steven Mark demonstrations at his "mansion", on a glass table.  


It appears that Tariel Kapanadze is the equivalent of Nicola Tesla for the Georgians!  :o


PS,  His device is now so small in volume, that he can invoke the SM argument, " if this were a battery, it would be very large and very heavy ... "  LOL   :D

Wow,  the guy powers up 20 light bulbs, and if they are 100 W each,  that's 2000 watts of power!    O0

Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3948
I think the motor demonstration is to show that the "device" can provide motive power as well as electric current.

As far-fetched as it sounds, imagine that some sort of torque-carrying field is produced by the toroidal coil on the end of the shaft.  This field moves along the shaft and out the edges of the disc, causing them to rotate.  The coiled wire between the discs couples them so this torque-carrying field can go through both of them rather than out the first one and missing the second one.

The "motor" is now an aside, and the item of interest is the box driving the toroidal device, like you indicate above.

I don't think it is a fake and will continue to give TK the benefit of this doubt.  To use it to drive a motor, he would have to know that it has this torque-carrying (or inducing) property and how did he know this?

In summary, his driver for this device is probably the same as the green box in the garden device video.  Your last few pictures show a device like the coil shown in the garden.  In these, the torque-carrying field induces current in the outer coil.

I have always wondered if TK is actually discovering all of these things or being led by some friend that has been involved with this technology for many years.   The basic principles of a device are enough for some to develop from.

Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3948
Does the motor (two disc thing) rotate CCW as viewed from the end of the shaft with the toroidal device around it?

Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3948
No one else may agree, but here goes...

Spin Fields:


Read what Shpilman says about steel and remember the steel shaft and disc closest to the toroidal device:

Only zinc and steel can produce a delay in the propagation, becoming a source of a spin-field themselves.

And notice that the toroidal device appears to be nested into an aluminum holder:

The elements of attachement and cyliner-rotation (the engine) should be made of non-magnetic materials. The equipment should be placed at a distance of ten cylinder radii in a direction perpendicular to the cylinder axis in order to prevent interference. The attachment and equipment elements are not shown because they don’t affect the radiation in the case of the fulfillment of the above mentioned requirements . Nevertheless, it is recommended that the following materials be used: silver, cadmium, aluminium, wood, rubber glue.

TK - the Spin Doctor!

Group: Elite Experimentalist
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Posts: 1593
Frequency equals matter...

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This statement enables me to agree by fact not feeling. This effect can be noticed in other devices that we all know. A bedini configuration comes to mind. The measurement by elucidation implies people can talk about it but the listener can't understand because it doesn't show up by normal means.
When the rotation is stopped, the intensity of spin-field decreases to some constant value that can be retained for several weeks, i.e. the spin-field (and it’s influence) can remain even when the generator is turned off.
If a toroidal coil is dc pulsed (at the correct speed) with a diode in series the coil can not collapse thereby providing a bias with which to impinge against thereafter.

No one else may agree, but here goes...

Spin Fields:


Read what Shpilman says about steel and remember the steel shaft and disc closest to the toroidal device:

And notice that the toroidal device appears to be nested into an aluminum holder:

TK - the Spin Doctor!


Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3948
Does TK have to start the generator manually?
Group: Guest
Interesting report from mike140366 on ou.com:

"Ladies and Gentlemen,
I am the sponsor and visitor, that went to see TK's invention, on 2 occasions.
My first trip, with a physicist (bilingual in Georgian and English), was on the 5th to 8th May 2012.
We met TK, his son and twin brothers, who build these devises. TK builds the important parts.
I'm the guy in the blue shirt, holding the box. The plastic box weighed about 6-8 kilos and was shown to run a 2 kw fire (2 bar) for about 4 hours. I paid TK, via a friend of the physicist, 3000 USD. This payment was ongoing, as TK was in bad health. I also, via the friend, paid for TK's medical treatment. All was well and good. The devise seemed to work without wires attached (except the earth). I picked up the box, looked underneath, followed the braided earth lead outside to an earth spike (for grounding), touched it and checked it for hidden wires. We agreed to sponsor TK, to pay for and build a 10 kw 3 phase version, that could be tested, using multi-meters etc. In the meantime, I approached 2 government agencies and started visa applications and commercial negotiations.
The return trip, with an RF Electronics expert and a box of test equipment (list below), was arranged for 26 July until 02 August. I had a Confidentiality Agreement ready and a Technology Licence contract. I emailed these legals to TK's lawyer, beforehand. On day 2 of the trip, I met with TK's lawyer, made slight amends with him to the 2 documents, printed off and signed the Confidentiality Agreement. The Technology Licence was to be signed after the tests were carried out. I had done my part, as agreed. TK, at this point, stated that he was worried about our test procedures. I emailed his lawyer and stated "I have asked *** to test the machine, to clarify what goes into the box and what comes out of the box. This will not be invasive testing. These tests are to prove that there is no outside source of energy and that the energy output is of good quality. Each test will be approved by TK before we carry them out. We have rented electrical test equipment to do this: Neotronics Impact Gas Detector. Fluke 435 Power Analyser. Fluke 199 Scopemeter. Radiodetection CAT and Genny. Monitran VM110. Flir i60. Mechanical stethoscope. Basic clampmeter. All these machines have standard data logging, to save the results. We shall take the process of testing very slowly, confirming with TK at every stage. If we cannot test, we cannot get our government to invest in a manufacturing company, or sell the power to industry."
We then waited a further 2 days. In the evening of day five, TK's son came over and showed us a picture of the (supposed) 3 phase machine on his digital camera (a 2" x 1" photo). We said thank you but stated that testing must take place for this working arrangement to proceed. We asked for a full day of testing and we only had 1 day left. Nothing until 7pm of the last evening before we flew out. During the previous 5 days, we had promises from TK that all is well and we could test that day. Each day we saw nothing. At 7pm, we were invited by TK to see the box running. We asked if we could test. He said no. We politely declined his offer. He called us repeatedly over the next few hours, to try to get us to see his box. To us, as commercial people, this was just TK trying to reel us back in, as a big fish that is getting off the hook. The last contact, by email, from his lawyer, stating that they believed that this test equipment would find TK's secret. He also stated that we should risk some more money with TK, for a further 2 months. By the way, his lawyer amended the Technology Licence to state that I would pay him 1500 USD a month....
That said it all. We left Tbilisi at 3am the following morning and went to the airport. Who did we see there? TK's son, in the arrivals section. Probably waiting to receive a new party, to look at the machine that I had paid for.
Total spend on the project was about 20,000 USD.
I am a committed Christian. TK said that this was a gift from God. I prayed with the man. He rewards me with insults, saying that I was trying to steal his technology. TK, unfortunately, in my opinion, lives in fear. His trust is verbal only. He gets financial reward and runs away. When he was seriously ill, we paid for a doctor to see him and give him life saving medicine. This means nothing to him.


Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
The "secret" is very simple and you can't sell it without giving the secret away.   Funny, in an ironic way..
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
Total spend on the project was about 20,000 USD.
I am a committed Christian. TK said that this was a gift from God. I prayed with the man. He rewards me with insults, saying that I was trying to steal his technology. TK, unfortunately, in my opinion, lives in fear. His trust is verbal only. He gets financial reward and runs away. When he was seriously ill, we paid for a doctor to see him and give him life saving medicine. This means nothing to him."

That was an interesting report from mike140366 on ou.com however as an inventor I would probaly not trust mike as far as I could throw him. As well the "Commiited Christian" part is comical as if he has some divine right to morality and self-rightiousness.
I learned something about christians a very long time ago when I was shingling up on my roof one day and I could see the church two blocks away. A lady and her two young kids were having car trouble and she had her hood open along the side of the road and was frantically pacing back and forth, her car was about 100 feet from the church. Then one after another expensive looking cars ans SUV's drove right past her without so much as slowing down and pulled into the church, 60 or more vehicles on that Sunday morning I would guess. Personally I had seen quite enough of this BS so I was just getting off the roof to go help when a beat up old truck pulled up behind her and a young man got out to help her out, apparently he was not a commited christian preoccupied with saving his soul and going to church.

Now my best guess is that mike wasn't there to save anyone's soul , he was there to get stinking rich, and TK like many inventors has probably seen more than a few people who like get up on their soap box and speak of good intentions but at the end of the day would steal the technology and think nothing of leaving him penniless, such is the nature of the beast we call Man regardless of their religion.

To us, as commercial people, this was just TK trying to reel us back in, as a big fish that is getting off the hook.
Hmmm, so mike is a "commercial people", my guess is that he is a very well off professional person (money man) and one has to wonder where he got all this money. I bet he got it all from the goodness of his heart and the grace of god --- or --- cut throat business practices like so many are in this day and age. Oh mike what are we going to do with you and one has to wonder whom was trying to reel in whom.

As well there is the issue of all the equipment involved ----
We have rented electrical test equipment to do this: Neotronics Impact Gas Detector. Fluke 435 Power Analyser. Fluke 199 Scopemeter. Radiodetection CAT and Genny. Monitran VM110. Flir i60. Mechanical stethoscope. Basic clampmeter. All these machines have standard data logging, to save the results. We shall take the process of testing very slowly, confirming with TK at every stage. If we cannot test, we cannot get our government to invest in a manufacturing company, or sell the power to industry."
No offense but anyone who knows anything about electricity would know that if there is no input other than a simple ground strap then move the ground strap and the unit to ensure there is no trickery then rectify and measure the DC output to a resistive dummy load, you need two multimeters and a shunt.

As I said I don't think I would trust good old mike140366 on ou.com as far as I could throw him but that's just my opinion judging from what I have read.

« Last Edit: 2012-08-08, 16:46:11 by allcanadian »

Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman

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Isnt this similat to another nickname user MH used sometime ago.?
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You know I read that post by mike140366 on ou.com again and something just ain't right, do you get a sense of that?, because my intuition is generally 100% and there is just something about Mike that feels wrong. Here we have a person that gives the impression or implies that they are good and there to save the world and yet in the same breath seems completely obsessed with money.
Kind of like --- well I did this for him and I did that for him so TK should have given me everything I wanted when I wanted it so I could get stinking rich off his hard work and when he didn't they resented him for it.

I am a committed Christian. TK said that this was a gift from God. I prayed with the man. He rewards me with insults, saying that I was trying to steal his technology. TK, unfortunately, in my opinion, lives in fear. His trust is verbal only. He gets financial reward and runs away. When he was seriously ill, we paid for a doctor to see him and give him life saving medicine. This means nothing to him."

Now if Mike is such a good person, a committed Christian, then maybe he should just be happy that he could help TK who seems to be in a time of need and has medical issues. Here we have a person(TK) with a supposed technology that could help billions of people, could save millions of lives and good old mike can think of nothing other than the money which he implies was wasted by helping his fellow man. You see there is no "Giving" here, it is not present, there is only a person who gave with the expectation of recieving a reward one thousand fold greater --- that is not giving nor in the spirit of giving.

I'm going to take a wild guess and say mike has a little ego problem and was pushing to close the deal or grab the technology and run and TK wasn't buying his BS, that's my feeling.


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman

Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3948
I just read over the last few pages of the Kapanadze thread over at OU.  Interesting events of late.

As for the coment about 16Hz or 16kHz:
1. 16kHz sounds more plausible and to operate at this frequency, I expect a magnetic field around the pulsed coil, else you cannot pulse at this low rate and get the desired effect.
2. The pulse should be detectable near the device, especially with that spark gap

One of the posters that has seen the device personally, claimed that the spark gap is to limit the power.  I doubt that this is correct and may be a falsification from TK.  In the video of the device with the green box demonstrated in a garden, variation of the ground between a radiator and a water pipe varied the output.  Also, the gap does not appear to have a great deal of current arcing across it.  The spark gap would be a poor way to control power level.   Lastly, the use of the spark gap as a sharpening gap is consitent, both with the 16kHz repetition frequency and the production of the wave (aka: aether shock wave, RE Effect, etc, etc, etc)

Judging by the close proximity of the collector coil to the excited coil, the impulses may be only a couple of kv, also tha gaps are very close which supports this assumption.


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I am sure time will tell, there will be a lot of disgruntled people posting at some point if this is what is happening IMHO, i am surprised there's not more already, i mean if they are being flown in 1 plane after the other, there should already be a wash with fraud complaints if the above post was correct.
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