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Author Topic: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator  (Read 383080 times)
Hero Member

Posts: 805

thanks wings,  interesting website, I had to translate it using google.   Looks like I was correct,  they also mention the 50 Hz and how he achives it, but what they don't say is why that's important.   Their  "secret" sections  are mostly BS.   They don't know why this device works, so they speculate.


We don't need to mix any frequencies in the TK device actualy, we could just use a 555 timer chip and create the 50 Hz frequency directly and phase match it to the received signal from ground cable.    The reason this device works is because it extracts energy from that cable.

Group: Guest
So, EM, any non-man-made known sources/frequencies that we might apply this sort of 'effective aperature' technology to?


EDIT: Not sure if any had posted this link as of yet, but your talk of effective aperature and antenna size reminded me of this old Bill Beaty article I remember reading long ago EM, hehe http://amasci.com/tesla/tesceive.html

Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 571
Em and Tao,

Most of what you are talking about here I have already posted some time ago in the Tuneable Large Signal Reciever thread in my Bench.The link Tao just gave is already  there and a number of other good links.  You may want to do some reading at the sites you post at.

"Whatever our resources of primary energy may be in the future, we must, to be rational, obtain it without consumption of any material"  Nicola Tesla

"When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle."  Edmund Burke

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
Got my plate, 3-inch diameter plastic pipe to raise it up, caps, wire.  Need to dig out a spark gap and find my neon bulbs.  Still have to erect the pipe pile too.  I think I'll make a base for it, so I can move it around.

Wind and rain moving in today - cold out there.
Group: Guest
In contemplating all this EM, I now 'get' the reasoning for the potential use of magnetostrictive materials for their higher Qs for the reception circuit. I'm wondering though, how Kapanadze does it though, if you could elaborate/guess?
Group: Guest

don't get confused, what I posted is correct.  

Notice the frequencies we are dealing with  50 Hz, and 52 Hz.   When I multiply the two sinusoidal signals, of 50 Hz and 52Hz I get:

sin(2pi 50) * sin(2 pi 52) = 1/2 [ cos(2pi 50-52) - cos(2pi 50+52) ]  =  1/2[ cos(2pi 2) - cos( 2pi 102) ]

so I still get two signals, but they are now of different frequencies:   one is 2 Hz,  and the other 102 Hz,  which is what we see in bottom chart.

I hope that helps.  Just remember, multiplication shifts the frequencies, it gives the difference and the sum, but yes we still get two frequencies and they are sumed together, if that's what 's confusing you.

Now in the top chart,   the two signals are almost the same frequency, but not quite so they drift in phase and out of phase.  When they are in phase they add  (notice the magnitude is 2)  and when they are out of phase  (or 180 deg appart in phase)  the signals subtract and we get zero.    They come in phase and out of phase at the rate of 2 Hz, which is what we observe.  


Now it's clear, I agree.
This is interesting, because we see that multiplication or sum simply depends on which side we are looking at. If we see two frequencies, 2 and 102Hz as in the bottom picture, we see a real sum because we don't know how there are obtained, i.e. they can be obtained from the multiplication of 50 and 52 hz signals as in your case, or they can come for example from two frequency generators, each frequency 2 and 102 hz being simply added.
There is no possibility to distinguish between the two cases, and this is in perfect agreement with the trigonometric equation which says that sin(a) + sin(b) is the same as 2 * cos((a+b)/2) * sin((a-b)/2). I was looking at the first term (the sum 2 + 102 hz) and you, at the second one (50 x 52 hz), just a question of viewpoint. So I conclude that we must always give the involved frequencies when we are speaking of sum or multiplication.
(I'm familiar with the RF domain where there is a very big difference between the two frequencies that are multiplied (carrier and modulation), so I'm not accustomed with the product of near frequencies, and that is the reason why I took the option "sum" for the bottom view...).

Hero Member

Posts: 805
In contemplating all this EM, I now 'get' the reasoning for the potential use of magnetostrictive materials for their higher Qs for the reception circuit. I'm wondering though, how Kapanadze does it though, if you could elaborate/guess?

@tao, sorry just saw your post.      Well,  for the longest time I thought he was just demonstrating a resonant converter.  From the videos I saw him displaying a battery and inverter to feed his green box, and looking at his diagram from the patent it looked like it was just a step down transformer  (outside coil), so I kind of dismissed the importance of the single ground cable.    But then when I revisited his patent and realized he mentioned 50 Hz, it clicked for me.  

So, If magnetistrictive materials play a part they most likely are inside that coil, if not, no big deal.  He seems to describe in his patent a   "difference in magnetic fields" produced between the primary and secondary, and he filters this to get the pure 50 Hz.   So he is generating a beat frequency of 50 Hz, or a mixing product of 50 Hz, depending on the linearity of his coil/system.   If it's linear,  it generates a 50 Hz beat frequency,  if it's non-linear, he generates an actual 50 Hz frequency.

@ all,

check this out,   imagine we have a beat frequency of 50 Hz, with a frequency of 5000 hz.   If this type of signal is flowing through a coil, as the current flows at 5000 Hz through the coil, there is always a repulsion between the coil turns, and if the coil is flexible,  it can mechanicaly oscillate, and we can tune it to 50 Hz, or the beat frequency.   This is a way to use this 50 Hz beat frequency and let it resonat something, in this case, the coil mechanical resonance.    Now,   a coil that changes its shape alters it's inductance, and so we have a non-linear inductor.   We can use this to our advantage and build a parametric oscillator that operates off of this changing inductance.  And there you have it,  a non-magnetic way of implementing a low frequency resonator, through mechancial vibration.    

But what does this do for us?

What it does is simple,  if there are magnetic frequencies given off the power grid in your specific country that uses 50 Hz,  then this mechanicaly vibrating coil will also be pumped by these frequencies and begin to amplify and capture more energy out of the thin "air".     :D

@  tao,   you asked me to guess ...  ;D


PS,    In my office, I can get about 80 V   induced on a wire from the florescent lights, but not much usefull current.  However imagine I can drive current from an oscillator in sync with the 60 hz voltage waveform induced from the lights, now we are talking.    That's how energy capture works in a nut shell.  It's a type of regaging.     In many respects,   the Tariel Kapanadze extraction of energy should be more powerfull since the electric fields are stronger than magnetic fields, but he is tied to the ground which is a disadvantage if mobility is important.  

In summary:    TK is using a   monopole antenna,   and SM   a   magnetic loop antenna.    Two forms of implementation going after the same energy source!    I like the SM version so we can put in a vehicle, but for a house application, the TK device is not bad.
« Last Edit: 2011-12-20, 02:52:16 by EMdevices »
Group: Guest
What would any of you make of this circuit?

The input is on the left. Close the switch to induce the "open ended" bifi(series) then release.
Then close sw2 to capture.

Any thoughts?

T and G are said to be connected to a spark gap. Supposedly the series bifi builds in self oscillation, so the spark gap is a safety mechanism.  :o

Posted by Yfree at OU in the Kap thread.

Hero Member

Posts: 805
There is a phenomena that involves a Tesla coil and grounding, and I made a quick video for you to see. 

Group: Guest

I see two possible explanations of this "grounding" effect. Either your circuit is resonant and the hand changes the capacity of the circuit and detunes it, or the hand absorbs a part of the induced electrical field around the coil (or both).

Group: Elite
Hero Member

Posts: 3537
It's turtles all the way down
I'd be curious to know the power drain from the batteries. The Tesla coil looks like one from those small plasma globes.

Interesting to see the radiation illuminating the gas in the light, much as HAMs test their rigs output with neon tube RF "sniffers".

A comparison with cellphone power output would be interesting, as cellphones are everywhere claimed to be non-ionizing radiation.

Or is this just an excitation of the phosphor coating inside the glass tube of the lamp and no effect on the mercury vapor, as it takes a lot of power through the filaments to vaporize the mercury?

Does anyone have any experience with possible direct fluorescence of a phosphor due to RF excitation, without the need for the mercury vapor ultraviolet excitation. I believe we see this when people light fluorescent lamps with Tesla coils or under the high AC electrostatic field of overhead power lines.

Guess I need to do a few refresher experiments on this.

EDIT: I think I found the answer:

A fluorescent lamp tube is filled with a gas containing low pressure mercury vapor and argon, xenon, neon, or krypton. The pressure inside the lamp is around 0.3% of atmospheric pressure.[16] The inner surface of the bulb is coated with a fluorescent (and often slightly phosphorescent) coating made of varying blends of metallic and rare-earth phosphor salts. The bulb's electrodes are typically made of coiled tungsten and usually referred to as cathodes because of their prime function of emitting electrons. For this, they are coated with a mixture of barium, strontium and calcium oxides chosen to have a low thermionic emission temperature.

So no need to vaporize the mercury as there are initiator gasses that can be excited if the RF field is strong enough.

"Secrecy, secret societies and secret groups have always been repugnant to a free and open society"......John F Kennedy
Hero Member

Posts: 805

It's more likely the second option:  the hand seems to rob some of the electric field away from the coil.   The de-tuning is not an issue because this is not a fixed resonant system, and adjusts with the varying capacitance. 

Group: Guest
Pseudo Electricostatic field power transmission:
Pseudo Electrostatic output:

The rapidly varying ES field excites the gas inside the tube, which also usually contains a small amount of isotopes to stimulate the excitation. The agitated (excited) gas then in turn excites the powder on the glass (heat) which then emits light. No need to preheat (ionize) the tube using the 2 edge filaments nor the reaction ballast this way. There is a critical "on" moment while you near the neon tube to the exciting field when it suddenly turns "on".
Hero Member

Posts: 805
Here's a new invention from Tariel Kapanadze,  an invention that looks like a homopolar motor with 2 disks, which turns an alternator that powers some light bulbs.  The whole system is started by a 9 V battery and then runs in an apparent closed loop after he flips that switch on the front panel and pulls the battery away from the contacts.    


This guy just continues to amaze me!  

« Last Edit: 2012-02-21, 02:26:30 by EMdevices »

Group: Administrator
Hero Member

Posts: 3216
It's not as complicated as it may seem...

If only he would tell the world how he does it.  C.C

"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe." Frank Zappa
Hero Member

Posts: 805
Well, maybe he will patent this motor system like he has done with his other invention.  

This new invention seems to be of a different flavor then his earlier designs, because I do not see a ground wire and he has that TPU looking device at the end of the shaft that is controlled by the circuitry.   I thought this TPU was the stator armature that produces rotating fields which rotate the shaft, but I'm not too sure.    It's very possible the disks are actually the motor, a homopolar design, but a very interesting configuration with that wire in between them and no magnets that can be seen.  

Group: Administrator
Hero Member

Posts: 3216
It's not as complicated as it may seem...
I'm not 100% certain of course, but I'd say this is not a new invention of his, nor a new video. It looks ancient, perhaps from the late 80's to early 90's. It's only been "newly released" is my understanding.

Anyway, his patents don't show enough information to really know what is going on, and since there is no patent for this device at the moment, I'd say there won't be in the future either.

He should just tell the world how he does it.  O0

"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe." Frank Zappa
Hero Member

Posts: 805
Sure, I couldn't agree more, but I have a suspicion that this is going to turn out very similar to the TPU story.   

We have videos just like with the TPU, and we see lot's of people witness the device in those videos, lot's of tests and affirmations the device works, and even patents  (SM's patents have been suppressed of course)  but at the end of the day nobody can replicate it exactly and he won't tell.   (forget Wesley and his multinational team, I'm not sure what they replicated but it's not what TK has)  The only thing missing is the suppression, and that's coming soon enough if it works for real.   In a way, suppression is an indication the technology works, as odd as it may seem.   Of course we don't want that to happen.

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
Can someone post a picture of Kapanadze's homopolar-looking device?

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Hero Member

Posts: 3975

Buy me some coffee
Here you r G

Picture 12 he seems to start it with what looks like a pp3 battery 9V

Hero Member

Posts: 805
Let me ask some questions.

1 )  Do you guys see any brushes on those shafts?  Can it be that dark material around the shaft where he mounts the TPU?

2 ) Do you see any brushes touching the rim of those disks?  I don't so I'm thinking maybe the disks is just an empty spool used for it's inertia. 

3 ) The spool has that one layer of coil left on it, is that part of the design?

4 ) The TPU he attaches to the shaft has 4 wires, and the way it's taped up indicates the coils are wound to produce a rotating magnetic field and turn the shaft.  But can it also be an encoder for the shaft position?  Do you see any magnets on the shaft?

5 ) If the motive force comes from the TPU, then I think we should start to experiment with rotating magnetic fields, because that's also SM's secret.


Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
Thanks for the pictures.

I can't see the video.  Does the little toroidal device drive the shaft, which drives an alternator or generator?  Or, is that a motor that drives the shaft with the discs, making the little toroidal device a generator?

The discs may be just part of a pre-existing assembly and he left them on.
Hero Member

Posts: 805
G, the little device connected by a belt is indeed an alternator. In the video he takes the belt off and runs just the motor. 

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
Runs just the motor?  Are you referring to the toroid spinning the shaft?

What is the white stuff that looks like he spread corona dope (silicone caulk?) all over the place on the sides of the discs and box?

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
Oh... the discs are insulated on the outside surface (gooped with white stuff).

steel shaft, pillow-block bearings, hmmm

EM said there is a winding between the discs on the "spool".  Can you tell if it is open? Any connections to it? 

What is the winding direction in relation to the rotation direction?
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